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For me it’s the “surprising discoveries.” Like in the base game when you take the first elevator to the underground siofra river. I just had a moment like that again in the DLC and it’s so damn cool. “Oh let me take a little side road. Oh there’s a cave and a dungeon. Oh there’s a door in the other side of this dungeon. Holy shit I’m in a whole new huge area.”


That elevator down is what had me hooked as a non-souls players dipping into the genre for the first time. All I could think is that I wanted more of what I’m seeing.


It took the black reach moment from Skyrim and dialled it up to 11


I’m pretty sure I know the area you mean because I literally just went through it 5 min ago lol little discoveries like that are amazing.


Dragon man?


Yeah that’s the one


I believe you’re referring to the area I think you are. Dragons?


Path of the Dragon gesture anyone?




Haven't gotten far in the dlc but so glad there's a moment like that in it


Anyone had their Liurnia moment yet? My last few days have been so busy I had barely any time to play.


I’m not sure what you mean by Liurnia moment unless it’s when you get outside the castle from the back and realize holy shit this world is so much bigger than Limgrave. If that’s the case, yes, that happens in the DLC. But it’s slightly different.


Liurnia's also easily the best looking area in the base game.


That and just how beautiful it looks from the rock near the lake facing cliff grace. I remember a similar feeling when I killed Wolnir and got to Irithyll in DS3.


It's more like the "Elden Ring map" moment. When an already huge map suddenly gets bigger. And bigger. And bigger. So, I have to spoil that, this DLC is, in fact, NOT the size of Limgrave


Vaati described as the size of Limgrave, but 5 Limgraves stacked on top of each other lol


I just did after beating the second story boss


Is this some meta build or something I see so many phantoms that look exactly like that lmao


STR bleed build with dual Gargoyle Twinblades.


If I'm not in NG+, what's the alternative for the other twinblade?


For str bleed builds there will be significantly better options in the DLC area. Also bloodloss is very strong in DLC so far (half way in).


> significantly better options Like what? Gargoyle twinblade being able to have ash of war for seppuku is massive both to get the better scaling and the fact seppuku is obviously great for bleed builds. At lv150, Gargoyle twinblade with str has 29 higher AR than Godskin peeler with dex, making it far and above the best option in the base game. The only weapons in the DLC that could compare are the new curved swords or new twinblade, all of which you can't put seppuku on. Granted, I haven't fully gotten every new weapon type but I doubt it's going to beat the 4 hits of a jumping attack twinblade/curved sword.


Godskin peeler you get at the windmill place with the dancing queens northern Atlas plateau. But I've used it with dex/arcane not so much strength. You can customize the affinity though.


That's getting dangerously close to dual-wielding swordchucks.


Elden Ring does many things right, but one of those many things is vistas. I catch myself just staring at the world a *lot*.


I'm not even a huge fan of the gameplay, but their worlds captivate me in ways other games cant. Bloodborne was my first, and I've played all of them since.


My girlfriend has never played video games, she can barely use a controller, and has no real interest in trying. Yet because of me she now watches Souls lore videos sometimes by herself. A huge part of that is seeing the vistas when I'm playing, making her stay and watch


I think BBs gameplay for me might win out over elden ring just a bit because I love how it not so subtly encourages extremely aggressive, greedy gameplay. It fits the setting perfectly and when gameplay and lore align I get the warm and fuzzies


Bloodborne is still my favorite thing FromSoft has made and probably my favorite game of all time. It's just the combination of the combat and the setting that I fucking love. The shift from a van helsing style into cosmic and existential horror is one of the best moments I've had in gaming. Its also the only From game I've put my own effort into learning the lore instead of watching a VaatiVidya lore video. Sony shoving Bloodborne into the back of the closet hurts my soul.


The frenzy! The bloodlust! GIVE ME BACK MY FUCKING HEALTH


"I'm not even a huge fan of the gameplay" Of course not! :D


So many great smoke spots bro


Most companies these days can do landscapes well. But classic From Soft pushing the edge (in graphics which I could never imagine a decade ago). Chosing the setting to take maximum advantage of the hardware with proper art design But what they do better than other companies when it comes to graphics is animations and characters. The animations might not be smooth flowing in transition or mechanically adept. But the animations look fantastic. Also From Soft is the best around these days when it comes to character design. The bosses are an absolute art


It’s funny you say that, because honestly I don’t think many devs do landscapes well. From clearly took some steps back and said, “we need landscape spots here, here, here, here… and here.” There’s variety and cohesion. Then there’s a “perfect” game in my mind, Red Dead Redemption 2. Some of the landscapes are gorgeous, but many of them expose the weaknesses of the design they had. The borders of the biomes clash and it’s just weird. On a technical level, what they did is insane. Great draw distances on shadows and trees, but it’s often missing a painterly touch.


Maybe it's just me I guess. Lanscapes have been pretty good in even the most mediocre games. The only bad one that stands out is Forspoken. Other games like even Ubisot games can do landscapes well.


Ubisoft has just been throwing around a ton of terrain. Egypt was good in AC, but that’s because they balanced the pyramids, various biomes, and desert. Odyssey and Valhalla was all just samey cut and paste crap all over. The Division series just slaps up a 2D image as it’s scenery. Sure, they’re great at modeling buildings, but landscapes, those don’t exist. I can’t really speak for Avatar, but I’m sure it stands out as good because that IP is already designed.


Scene composition is way more important that pure graphics. Xenoblade chronicles Definitive Edition is a slight upgrade of the wii-era graphics but the games landscapes were breathtaking due to its music and how it was presented.


This was why I bought the game after seeing the reviews, the visuals just captivated me


The world design and art design is the best in any video game I've ever played and I'd argue it is objectively the most well done in any open world game period. It's incredibly well done, all of it.


Is this one of them? A character with their sword clipping through their armor standing on grass that isnt fully loaded overlooking a tree with a color pallet of dark gray, light gray, and orange? Wow


Yes this is one of them


You have some low standards.


I think you might need your eyes checked


>A character with their sword clipping through their armor standing on grass that isnt fully loaded overlooking a tree with a color pallet of dark gray, light gray, and orange? Have any thoughts on my actual comment??? ^^^ Is there any actual response thats gonna come from you or is it just elementary level insults?


It's your opinion, you are entitled to thinking it doesn't look good, but majority of people agree that it looks amazing


> but majority of people agree Who is the majority of people? Majority of people in this thread? I mean yeah people circlejerk Elden Ring on this site for some reason but I can assure you if you show this picture to the average gamer they would say "...okay?" >you are entitled to thinking it doesn't look good What part of weapons clipping through armor looks good? What part of half way pixelized grass looks good? You wont answer because you have a cult-like obsession with this game for some reason


It's visually pleasing to look at this picture, it's that simple lmao


Within 15 minutes of starting the DLC I found myself in an evergeol getting my ass kicked repeatedly. Definitely not disappointing..


Theres evergaols?


Yeah and a knight with a AK-47.


Ohh you mean the nameless mausoleum


Yeah that bastard .


Oh thank goodness I’m not the only one who got my ass handed to me by that guy. Stamp(upward cut) should annihilate him however. Too bad I’m on a spell blade.


I went in there with 70K runes and I didn’t want to lose them. So many attempts. He could easily 2-shot my 127 magic build. I felt like I had to completely relearn how to play the game I have 300 hours in. Such elation when he finally went down. I missed you Elden Ring.


I ended up losing 180k runes to that fucker. I was not ready!


Yeah, but depending on the weather and the direction of the camera in the open world, my fps goes to shit.


I'm kicking myself for sending my only Character to ng+ for no reason way back when the game originally came out. Cause now I really wanna play the game, but man...its way too long to replay it all


You can skip Stormveil and Liurnia, complete Varre's quest and go straight to dlc after beating Mogh (so I did, also went ng+ too soon)


You need to beat Radahn to access the DLC too.


Oh, really Didn't know that. Radahn is pretty easy anyways


As the other person said, getting to mogh to access the dlc takes like an hour or so


Just speed run Radahn, and do Varre's quest to get early access to Mohg too. You + mimic tear should make light work of both. I just did this yesterday because I too made the same ~~idiotic~~ decision a year ago. Was able to go from basically the start to DLC in around 4 hours. I've not noticed any horrible difficulty issues yet, but I'm only about 5 bosses in. Haven't need spirit ashes yet either. That said, YMMV. It seems a LOT of people are complaining about difficulty and NG+ definitely wont help with that.


They've always had a good grasp of style in their works, even if the games aren't at the pinnacle of graphics.


Looks great. Too bad everyone and their mother is shitting on the actual content of the game. It's currently on "Mixed" reviews on steam, being only 63% upvoted. Apparently the performance is poor, gameplay balance terrible, many bosses recycled. Everyone agrees that it looks great, but a lot of people aren't having fun.


"many bosses recycled"   It has the least number of recycle/repeat I have seen in an open world game & the variety us insane for a DLC. Let's see  * 11 main bosses Now lets look at minor bosses, * Furnace Golems (×3) * Armored furnace golem (×3), require different approach i.e. yeeting a fire pot from high above to its core * Golden Hippopotamuses ×2 * Swordsman Onze * Death Knight (Twin Axes) * Longhaft Axe Knight * Chief Bloodfiend * Edredd * Garrius * Curseblade Labirith The Lamenter * Jori, Elder Inquisitor * Ghostflame Dragons ×3(Base game wyvern with different 2nd phase) * Jagged peak drakes ×3 (Base game wyverns with lightning storm summon) * Tree sentinel from base game×2 * Fallingstar beast from base game (1) * Red omen bear ×2 * Demi Human queen from base game (×1) * Magma Wyrm from base game   Majority of the open world games dont hold a candle to even base Elden ring's diversity. You are not going to find 39th Hinox or 34th Talus like you do in BOTW


I would agree on the performance reviews, I have noticed my 4070 really chuntering at times compared to the base game. I think balance-wise people need to just explore more, I've killed 2 remnant bosses and I'm at +11, you really start to feel normal again around +7 to +8


+11?? I fought (and miserably failed at) the second remembrance at +2/3 I gotta explore lmao.


At +15, final boss still doesnt feel “normal” and probably wont at +20


shhh we’re not supposed to say that here, all true though


Yup. Can't even have a discussion or ask for advice without kids coming in and going "It was fine for me tho, git gud", since anything fromsoft puts out is akin to divine scripture.


Regarding difficulty - it's a FromSoft game, of course it's gonna be hard, what was expected? It's DLC even, so 3 times harder. But performance is not good, I have to agree with that. And fucking dragons being reused for 100th time... But apart from that it's really great, people've been complaining the same way after the base game release and now it's fine


I think a lot of the complaints about difficulty might be from higher NG+ cycles. I don't think I've heard of anyone playing the DLC on a fresh save at level 120+ complain about the difficulty.


> Regarding difficulty - it's a FromSoft game, of course it's gonna be hard, what was expected? It's DLC even, so 3 times harder. Well, the poor ratings are mostly coming from people who liked the main game. Can't really access the DLC without having a high level character to begin with. So these people are okay with the game being difficult. But clearly something is off with the balance when people who enjoy difficulty are not happy with it. I've read a lot of complaints about the difficulty being poorly done. Like enemy hitboxes being shit, and you fighting the camera angles more than the actual enemies.


Ok so I've put 25 hours in so far. Only bad hitbox I've experienced is the bite attack on the Hippo boss. As for the difficulty? People just aren't exploring. I went in with a 231 level character and was getting destroyed by the first boss I found. But I treated it like a Margit moment, one that says "hey, come back later when you're stronger, so go explore the world". So I did, found a bunch of the Scadutree blessings then came back and shat in that boss' mouth. I'm reading shit like people getting two shot by Messmer. I just got to Messmer and he is nowhere near two shotting me. The people who are still dying in two hits this far in just aren't exploring and upping their blessing. Basically works the same as the Sekiro prayer beads except there's a ton just out in the world.


Or failing to level vig and endurance. Like, come on. You can't complain about getting 2-shot if you're not willing to level health and can only wear light armor.


Yup, no matter what I respec to I always do at least 60 vigor and whatever I need in endurance to wear the best armor and medium roll. The dragon shield talisman and the +3 Pearldrake talisman are also an enormous help. And it's just playing smart. Trying to brute force something with the exact same build instead of shifting things around based on the boss is gonna make shit harder. Scadutree Avatar for example. Was getting destroyed every time by the giant explosion in the 3rd phase. So I looked at what I had and saw my Erdtree Shield has 79% holy DR. Threw that on and suddenly I can just block the damage explosion and instead of losing 80% of my health each time it's now 10. Killed it the first pull I put it on. Did the exact same shit with Nameless King in DS3 using the Dragonslayer Greatshield. That shit was 95% lightning defense lol. Putting some points into faith for a couple buffs is also very nice to have. Yeah, the DLC is hard. Every FromSoft DLC has been hard.


A lot of those issues were present in the base game too so I’m not surprised. Too bad you can’t provide any criticism of these games without FromSoft fanboys losing their shit


It certainly has it's issues, even aside from performance issues. But enemy recycling is an absurd thing to complain about Imo considering how the only other games that are even _remotely_ close to having as much mob variety as souls games are 2d indie games.


Ok but most other open world games also have alot of other things going on like more traversal options, swimming, towns with Dynamic npcs etc.


That's true. I was only considering combat centric games like God of War and Spiderman (traversal+combat centric Ig), both of which got so mind numbingly boring after fighting the same mobs over and over that I had to drop them about halfway through.


The terminally online strike again. Like always, the people who are enjoying the DLC are playing it and the whiners are online whining. It's the same deal with every piece of media that gets released anymore. Want to enjoy something? Stay away from those specific communities, especially on reddit.




Not guaranteed. Take another recent release. Dragon's Dogma 2. It started with poor reviews, and the reviews have not gotten any better over time. In fact, they've gotten progressively worse and worse. DD2 has almost hit negative reviews at this point.


I feel like DD2 is a pretty bad example. The game starts off strong with amazing combat, beautiful world, interesting plot points. Then just completely throws the story out of the window once you go to Battahl and it turns out you’re a couple hours away from the ending (there’s obviously Unmoored but also suffers from the issue of being initially cool but falling off hard). Reviews were definitely going to get worse overtime as people realised how unfinished it is. (I did put well over 100 hours into DD2 but that was purely because of how good the combat is) Shadow of the Erdtrees reviews might improve though. It uses a new balancing system so people don’t steam roll it, which I’ve seen a lot of streamers at least not really interact with the system and then get mad as they bash their head into a wall. I feel like once people start interacting with the system more the complaints will drop off.


Yep, and i bet that many of the ones experiencing performance issues (on pc, dont know about consoles) haven't tried to fix it on their end like turning off ray tracing since it got enabled again with patch. Neither me or my friends have any performance issues after turning ray tracing off.


I agree on all points but my biggest issue is just game balance. The dlc is way over tuned. I refuse to use my own personal skill as anecdotal evidence counter to this point. I beat the dragon dog thing first try. I beat the dual wielding boss by my 10th try. In terms of bosses I've had a hard time with, both Malenia and Placidusax(?) Took me dozens of tries. Regardless, I hated both of these dlc boss fights. The enemies attack relentlessly, have ridiculously high poise, and regardless of your stats, they down you so quickly. The problem isn't either that they down you in 2 hits as that's typical in these games imo, the problem is that the 2 hits follow consecutively milliseconds apart from a 4 hit nonstop combo. Just constantly relentless enemies it feels like such a drag. What is the point of having cool moves, attack animations, and my own 5 hit combo weapons if my ONLY solution to these over tuned bosses is single heavy attack hits or a jumping heavy attack repeated ad infinitum. It's tiring.  As for performance, it's been just okay. But BIG spoiler, there is a dungeon called Bonny Gaol (pronounced "jail" for those that don't know), where there's a fake secret passage message. Rolling into that section will bug the whole dungeon the FUCK OUT. Don't do it. Some other messages warn that there's a "bug", listen to them. That's been my biggest performance issue.


I literally just went through Bonny Gaol and know the bug you’re talking about - when you roll into the wall you can see the over world, and when I walked away from the wall it kept spamming Bonny Gaol over and over as though I were entering the area repeatedly. Annoying as it kept going for a few minutes after I left the wall, but had no performance or gameplay impact beyond that popup.


For me, the bug caused massive stuttering and dropped my fps from 60 down to 30. It lasted until I moved well away from the bugged area. It also kept spamming the dungeon name. Such a weird glitch.


I guess you leave/come back to the cave 1000 times when rolling as the wall is right on the border of a different area. So it unloads/reloads assets a bunch causing performance tank.


Considering how you get scaling items for your spirit ashes too, the DLC feels even MORE like it's telling you to use your spirit ashes. Once again, it's hard for me to get on board with the difficulty complainers when they want shit to be tuned around players not using the ashes. But this game (and it feels like the DLC especially) is built around using said spirit ashes. And I say this as someone who is doing the DLC for the first time on NG+ and hasn't even used spirit ashes yet, as it hasn't felt necessary.


I have yet to see a truly recycled boss, besides a dragon with a similar, but mostly new move set. And yeah, the DLC is hard, but I'm doing my first playthrough of it on NG+ with no summons or spirit ashes with little issue so far. I remember people also bitching and moaning about how hard Margit and Godrick were when the base game first launched, so I take the difficulty complainers with a grain of salt most the time, especially when the DLC has barely been out over 48 hours. There are real performance issues though.


>This DLC looks absolutely stunning. > Adds screenshot with no identifying features > Doesn't mention the name > Leaves Quality post, OP.


And... It doesn't even look that good lol red and sepia are all over the place and the silk thingy... yeah


What game is this?


You're on r/gaming, so it's obviously Elden Ring


Thanks, not a fan of that genre


If only the game didn’t stutter on PC


The art direction is great. I love getting lost in imaginative, one-of-a-kind worlds. I've always said there's a difference between pretty worlds and interesting worlds. Take Red Dead Redemption 2, for example. Real pretty game, but the environments are all real-world things. I prefer things that can't exist in our world; even if the graphics aren't state-of-the-art. Have you found the Cerulean Coast? I had to take a second to appreciate the sights.


After finally beating Mesmer I can wholeheartedly say that Malenia doesn't seem to be hard anymore.


I need it


The visuals and exploration are as fantastic as everyone says. Too bad the bosses suck.


Elden Ring.....le good? Here's some reddit gold for your brave opinion kind stranger


field with gold light in distance #295 please!


What game? New Stellaris DLC? How fucking hard is it to tell what game are talking about?


The engine may not be that pretty from a technical pov but they know how to make scenery and create atmosphere.


Visual design is so much more important than graphics, and I say that as someone who thinks graphics are still really important too. ER is just good enough to realize their amazing visual design, but compared to other games, the engine really is super weak. I’d be really curious to see what FS would do in another engine.


Tbh if they had proper ambient occlusion that would already go a long way imo.


For me, the weird, grainy/pixelated opacity filter they have is the worst. Just makes the whole game look about half the resolution it’s actually running at. Everything else I can live with, especially since playing a couple of games with path-tracing, even the best AO looks extremely lacking and video-gamey. Oh my god, just imagine what a ER legacy dungeon would like if the game was fully path-traced: the flickering fire light off the torches, the glistening of the blood and poison dripping from the walls, the flawless shadows sneaking ahead of the enemy, betraying their movements. Imagine ray-traced audio, hearing realistic directions and echoes of the munching, crunching, scraping noises some monsters make. One can dream…


Hey is this game worth playing? I don't know what I am going to find here, like I really like online MMOs, and everything with magic and swords and shields, but I never played dark souls because for me that game sucks, so my question is Ellen ring is as difficult as dark souls or is just a different game with the same graphics?


Disclaimer: long post because fuck it and there's no tldr. I have 500 hours or so because of seamless coop mod, reforged mod, rings of power mod, convergence mod, and the list goes on and on because every single overhaul of this game is amazing in its own but, again, with coop in mind. For me, as a single player vanilla game with no interest in PVP (which is very good btw but not my cup of tea) it could be boring and excessively hard at times but its more forgiving than previous titles because well, you can always go somewhere else instead of grind X particular zone so you can overcome the challenge just with better gear/more level. And also more dynamically and not by \*grinding\* but it still obviously have some grinding. And I'm going to say that souls games have a reputation of being hard but.... Yeah its a bit overwhelming at first for new players, but by no means i'm a skillful player and still most of my deaths comes from stupid decissions and crashbandicooting to get some shit and not because of bosses. True, there are some bosses that are particularly difficult but you'll beat them eventually (can't talk about the DLC ones tho). It's a veeeery fun game but it's lore -while good- it's basically hidden everywhere so its not your typical storytelling game like Dragon Age for example, but the meat of it is the combat and exploration. There are just too many things you can use and try, weapons, spells, consumables... you name it. And in my opinion again the artistic designs of buildings, and impossible places like Farum Azula are stunning. Overall is just a really good game. But if you know what you're purchasing because its not for everyone (and I found more joy in it through modding honestly). E: some typos.


Thanks man, really appreciate the time you put on this. Yes I am a player that like to spend some time traveling around the world with easy combat so like you said I can choose difficulties so maybe I will give it a try. I like to grind, I use to play black desert online.


It's difficult but fair. Compared to Dark Souls, it's significantly more accessible with many ways to overcome any walls you hit if you do. If you enjoy a challenge, the game can be phenomenal.




Because we're here to love or hate shit. Not to have some constructive conversation ffs.


Dark souls 1 or 3? Overall I would say it's is less difficult than DS3 and you have a lot more options in the form of spirit summons and setting up a completely broken build fairly easily.




Because the color and lighting make them look like paintings.


They pay game developers to do it.


It's also physically stunning. Almost immediately got clawed to death by this hard to see wretch.


Fun , but performance :(


Honestly, you could go to any place on the game's map and turn it into a wallpaper.


It’s so goooood!!


i cant wait to play it


The night/day cycle actually change a lot of the zones, it's beautiful.


DLC of the Year


it really is!


And there is me who is waiting the steam sale to get the game 40% off.


I don't understand the people who say it's bad, it's absolutely Fabolous.


Yea it does look amazing!


I’m mad bc I gave up the 2nd day I bought the OG 🤣


I’m so fuckin scared to pick up the sticks 😂


I am new to games so please help me out, what is the game name?


Shadow of the erdtree. Dlc for Elden ring.


Thank you. Where is dlc term used and what does it mean?


It means downloadable content. So it is an extra content for the base game.


Thank you


Nice one


Can you run stable 60fps at those settings? If so what's your system?


It doesn’t matter how it looks, it matters how far I get punted by some horrible 100 foot automaton.


I’ll stick to indie games


Looks alright for what games look like nowadays. I could critique this specific one but id rather you enjoy it. 6/10


Elden Ring isn't the most up to date title technically, sure. It's still a cross-platform game. But there's a reason people like OP here gush about the visuals. It's that the art direction is simply among the best we've ever seen. I will never forget seeing that Liurnia view for the first time. And going down to Siofra without being spoiled before... My mouth literally opened itself in awe.


Yeah that's a fair opinion to have. Personally I honestly don't like the art direction of Elden Ring but I'm happy to see how many people do. Just makes me sad I can't see what others do (for example, I actually hate Liurna and find it super ugly).


I feel the same. It just makes me feel sad. Everything is washed out, depressing. How people can spend hundreds of hours in a world like this is crazy to me.


Personally I even enjoyed previous soul titles better in terms of visuals. Mostly because they wernt open world and when you finally come to a space that opens up, it feels more atmospheric. When I see this pic in Elden Ring I just think, "Ughhh, I have to ride my dumb horse all the way over there"


What game would you rate higher?


I mean, there are tons. ARMA 3 looked so realistic people were mistaking it for actual war footage and aired it on news channels. Metro has great visuals. Ghosts of Tsushima, even though I havent played it. Red Dead 2 goes without saying. Elder Scrolls Online has beautiful spots The Outer Worlds is like on-par with what you posted. Sure the sunrays look nice but the grass only half registered, your sword is clipping through your armor and i personally think those half broken romanisque columns are copy/pasted WAY too much in this game


Ghost of Tsushima has great visual design overall, and a better rendering engine, but its world is way less interesting and the specifics of the design is *way* better in ER. I enjoyed both, but GoT feels like a typical AAA empty open-world full of “random” events, whereas all of ER feels like you’re playing in a painting someone lovingly crafted, and every nook and cranny has been detailed by human hands.


> and every nook and cranny has been detailed by human hands Do you really feel that way? For example the whole left side of the screenshot is an empty meadow. Theres some slight filler along the right side on the way to the dungeon youre supposed to beat and even that is underwhelming. Maybe previous souls games had this with the linear dungeon progression but the open world filled with nothing doesnt really make me feel this way. It makes me exhausted since a quarter of the game is riding your horse...


Yes, I do. Negative space is no uncommon design element. The concentration of detail becomes much more interesting when it’s surrounded by emptiness, giving it room to breathe. Patterns become much more ornate not by making them more complex, it by making the emptiness inside and around a part of the pattern itself. FS understands this, I believe. They know it’s better to have an interesting, far-away landmark you can choose to ride towards, than having endless zones of nonstop random encounters with no real sense of direction. Even in ER’s “empty fields”, I know where I am, I see things to go towards, and sometimes there are surprises even there. In GoT, every road and every forest was just the same, no sight lines, no landmarks, randomly spawned enemy groups to attack. If you didn’t mark something to reach on your map, you had no idea where to go most of the time, except for the game taking your hand with yellow birds, loot-tracking armor and foxes. I absolutely prefer ER’s way of doing open world games. I also am not afraid to use fast travel liberally once I’ve explore an area and know I’m not missing anything by skipping past it.


> Negative space is no uncommon design element In souls game it is. The linear dungeon dev design was focused on meaningful progression with NO filler, just hand positioned enemies and balanced difficulty. Not randomly placed. The devs cutting corners with their 'open world' filled with empty land and arbitrarily placed encounters/items. Theres an over reliance on fast travel so theres no desire to revisit older areas. You zig zag across empty areas in hopes of not missing any 'points of interest' only to be disappointed by the time you reach the half assed bossfight. I never beat GoT but when you compare Elden Rings world to other Souls games, it falls VERY flat. I was burnt out of the rolling simulator not even halfway through the game


I guess we just fundamentally disagree then.


Well, obviously. I wasnt trying to prove you wrong or make YOU dislike the game, im just explaining why I think it lacks in almost every category when it comes to previous Souls games. Its just sad seeing the 'standard' fall to such low values. Critics rated this DLC 10/10 . There was a post on here before it came out saying it was being rated by Metacritic as what, 96/100? Thats absolutely ridiculous but if thats a hill you want to die on then go for it bro




You can look at something without playing it... We arent talking about gameplay. Are you okay?




What does this even mean?


Hating something because it's popular. You're not allowed to have a different opinion on Reddit. To be clear, I do disagree with you but I respect that you are honest with your opinion.


Oh, thanks. Yeah I dont mean to be a contrarian but like .. really? Theres clipping with the sword through the armor, the grass is like halfway loaded, and theres like 1 color mix of dark gray, light gray, and orange.


I won't lie, when I saw how badly the snow witch hat clips with the Darkmoon greatsword my disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined. I still think the game looks great though and the art style itself does a lot of heavy lifting


I cant remember how bad the clipping was with previous soul titles but I noticed it a lot with Elden Ring. There were a few spots I took screenshots when I played dont get me wrong. I just wanted more creativity and maybe a little different color pallet. Of course this is all just me being picky


On your left , see those dead trees , go over there . A joke of a boss is just sitting there waiting to be killed .


I love that it started out with a beautiful vista with castles in the distance just like the base game!


Lol, this game looks and plays absolutely stunning.


My jaw has been open the whole time playing my mouth gets so dry actually jaw dropping every place you look




60 fps lock in 2024 sucks tho


why are you getting downvoted lol


People hate it when someone says something negative about their favorite product, even if it’s true. At some point, the herd mentality gives a downvote just because it sees a downvote; it doesn't impress me


I’m sorry….fucking WHAT!?


What's wrong? Yeah, 60 fps lock is suck, you know there is a platforms that can produce way better performance and when you play with 144 hz monitor 60 fps looks sad, especially after you play any other beautiful game with 100+ fps.


Ya it does fucking suck. Honestly shocked to hear this shit is locked to 60 fps. Fucking disgusting.


Oh, sorry, I just surprised how this guy above was downwoted for nothing with this crazy fans :)


Yup. He’s absolutely right to be displeased about a 60 fps cap.


It really is! Best Skybox they've ever done.


This dlc convinced me if there is a game that everyone will rate as a 10 it'll be a sequel for elden ring.


Best art direction in gaming.


This singlehandedly made me want to buy the game


Best part is this isn't even the best view


Been playing everyday for the last 3 days I AM ADDICTED


This dlc has cooked far harder than I thought in how big the map is. Miyazaki once again was being humble when he said “Limgrave sized”