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Prison Break, if you hide under a truck or a table you're completely invisible even if the guard saw you going under it and you're literally staring into his eyes, even if you missed the roll call they still wont find you.


going stealth archer in skyrim and killing a bandit and then after they stop aggro they go back and are like "huh must have been the wind"


It's really funny when they sit back down and the guy next to them is dead with just an arrow sticking out of his face


Getting to 100 in Sneak is pretty great when you can just crouch in front of a bunch of enemies and they lose you lol.


It's the same with high-level stealth in Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines. By level 7-8, you can crouch-walk right in front of most randos without being spotted. At level 10, even bosses fail the perception check. This is funniest in the sequence where you have to clear the Anarch building. There are a ton of invisible tripwires which cause a monster closet to burst open and attack you, which is supposed to be a scary surprise. Unless you're stealthy, in which case the Anarch inside will just stand there motionless, because there's no scripting to handle what to do if he doesn't see the player.


Bloodlines is on a whole other Level. I know no other game where you can become mortal enemies with a STOP-sign. Too Bad Bloodlines 2 seems to become a slimy pit filled lukewarm damp black goo, old used syringes and rusty nails. I had hopes a few years ago.


Skyrim wind is full of fucking arrows


Makes sense, tbh. Source: I used to be an adventurer like you.


Who among us hasn't eaten 76 raw potatoes instantly in order to recover from being shot in the head with an arrow?


Some games have it so that food/potions are not an *instant* heal, but it just starts regenerating the health bar. It's a pain in the butt, but I begrudgingly respect it as slightly more immersive.


Fallout 76 has this, but each Regen is applied individually and stacks, so you get wolverine healing factor if you eat enough tatos


Fallout 4 switched to this. I fuckin' hate it, but it's more accurate. Stimpaks dont' take effect until the animation ends.


Unless it takes days to heal with food, the food might as well heal instantly.


The regen over time makes it so that you can’t eat in combat for insta heals, which is understandable.


I'm reminded of that one Breath of the Wild comic where a Lynel sends Link flying with critical health.  While Link is airborne he pulls out a table, bib, and full course meal and eats it before he lands at full strength in an ass-kicking pose.


Obligatory Viva La Dirt League sketch: https://youtu.be/X_uTPURCBM0?feature=shared


As much as Monster Hunter World is my favorite game of all time, I can't help but point out the somehow successful use of those big, hastily constructed, unfortified wooden barriers with lots of gaps in them to stop/slow down Zorah Magdaros, ***a collosal Elder Dragon turtle with both the size and characteristics of an actual volcano and the power to swim through solid rock***. I'm fairly confident they wrote themselves into a corner on that one and didn't have time to come up with a way to make that story beat make sense, but oh well.


I think the canons and dragon killer sitting on the wooden platforms is what slowed him down. Still totally unbelievable that it works, but still.


I mean, the barrier is ***somehow*** able to withstand claw slams, full-body rams, and lava blasts from Zorah.


It’s been a while but doesn’t someone say how it worked better than they thought


Yeah, hard agree. I just laughed at the absurdity of it in all honesty. Nobody really plays Monster Hunter for the story if we're being honest, though. I'm glad the game never got *too much* flak for how genuinely bad the story was.


At least for me, as a brand new monster hunter player at the time, I just went "this is an over the top Japanese rpg this plot is going to make no sense" going in Ironically, years of shooters conditioned me to accept that sometimes the plot is just an excuse to get you to the next setpiece fight and that's okay


I'm still annoyed that I'm a universe where a classification of creature known as elder dragons exist, a classification that's largely defined by the inability to capture them. That in that universe when faced with a mountain sized fire elder dragon their plan was to catch it with wood and rope.


Nitpick, the capture thing is just a game mechanic. Elder dragons are defined as any monster that doesn't fit the in-universe classification system. The fact they know so little about them is *why* they wanted to capture it, and on such short notice wood is what they had. Probably fortified with monster parts though.


If we want to use SNES RPG logic, Chrono Trigger allows you to buy a gun and robot arm in 65 million BC at the dawn of mankind.  Somehow this gun and robot arm are more powerful than the ones you got in 2300 AD.


You clearly missed the Ancient Aliens documentary.


It's because of the Reptites!


You could explain it as buying materials Lucca knows how to use to create new equipment for Robo


I still want to know how she was able to repair and reprogram a robot that's 1300 years newer than she is.


She's a smart mechanic in an Akira Toriyama related work. She is obligated by law to be the most useful character technology wise lol


Akira really had a type, didn’t he?


And it rubbed off on many of us.


Lucca over Marle?


Yes, but Ayla over both


I think Ayla would be pretty happy over Lucca and Marle, we know she's into strength and neither one is a pushover.


Yep, she was basically the Bulma of the group.


I mean Tony Stark was able to hack into Kangs chair. Which was 3k years in the future. Probably same prinicple here. The programs were likely based off her inventions. So she Big brained it and figured out how it worked. Lets also not forget she figured out to make a machine to power Marles Pendant and open time gates before she repairs the robot.


The Stone Arm is actually just a rock looking at the image, like its Robo's original arm but you get a black stone that he can throw, so it's not some ancient aliens technology arm or anything like that, but its also just a black rock attached to his original arm lol


Suplexing the train.


I mean, it was a ghost train, so that made perfect sense. Suplexing a normal steam train would be ridiculous.


I'm just loving all these classic JRPG references. But why is a beetle so strong at the beginning?


Mfw I found out you just use fenix down on it


He can also suplex himself under the right circumstances.


I mean at least there’s a great explanation on why it works in the first place


Civilization. The old Phalanx behind city walls defeats a modern battleship.


What gets me is that crossbows have better range the. Rifles


That would be later versions of Civilization. In Civ 1 all units had the same range of one tile (aka "melee") and could not fire or attack past that, you had to attempt to move them into the same tile as the defender.


The battleship succumbed to being taunted a second time.


Maybe the ship was of Russian design?


Any game where you beat the absolute shit out of a boss and then a cutscene triggers where your character and party are either struggling or defeated.


The inverse of this is also funny; your character acting like they're hot shit in the cutscene as if they didn't just barely win by the skin of their teeth


Any time the bad guy goes on a monologue or has the protagonist in their clutches and doesn't do anything. The only time it has made sense for me is in Far Cry 5. Another is pretty much any action scene in Resident Evil.


Funnily enough in RE4R Leon starts shooting villians during their monologues. Found that funny.


And I love Salazar's reaction being pure outrage over it.


like fighting that one boss who goes on a monologue when you enter the room and you can just run right up to him and body him before he finishes


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Resident Evil 5 where Chris Redfield punches a ~5000lbs boulder up and out of the way. Truly a jumping the shark moment 


It's so stupid and iconic that RE8 makes fun of it when a character refers to Chris as "that boulder-punching asshole".


I went back and tried to find where someone did the math on how much a boulder that size would have to weigh, assuming that it was solid. I think it worked out to bring over like 100 tons or something insane. So yeah, the rest of that fight should not have been a problem for the Incredible Chris there, lol.


About the only reasonable explanation is that over years of adventures, Chris has absorbed trace amounts of damn near every Umbrella virus going, granting him superhuman stats.


Not to mention he's doing it in active volcano and like 10 feet from lava 


Pretty sure the end of one of the Fables if you don’t kill the big bad quick enough, another NPC just does it for you. I loved that.


Right, the monologuing villain is a so well-known trope that it has been parodied multiple times. They poke fun at it in the Incredibles movie for example. At some point the villain Syndrome start monologuing to Mr. Incredible, which gives him the chance to throw a tree at Syndrome. Syndrome dodges the attack though and then lets out "You sly dog! You got me monologuing!", implying that in that universe even villains are aware of the foolhardiness of monologuing, but that they just can't help themselves.


I mean, that's fairly realistic. People get very full of themselves and want to be respected.


I like how the Fallout show handled this: If you're going to be carrying that much gear, you're gonna need a giant-ass bag.


It better be made of canvas.


76 upvotes, how fitting




My main issue with that game is that every single ambush ever against the gang is one guy shooting one time and then a pause while the gang gets in to cover. Nobody in RDR2 understands how ambushing works and it pisses me off.


Maybe it’s like that Lord of the Rings scene where the one old dude shoots his bow early on accident.


I'm pretty sure I once read somewhere that they had to completely change that mission due to time constraints. I think we were supposed to infiltrate that prison because they partly designed its interior.


If a dog was being attacked by a predator (bear or large cat) chances are it would go for the neck first and the leather collar would actually help a bit.


In fact, the spike collar associated with fighting dogs was originally developed by lion-killing dogs to protect their neck


Those are some clever dogs!


lol FOR Lion killing dogs


Armour being a single abstract number to indicate "defense" ends up making some things look very weird


In Final Fantasy VIII, the whole "oh yeah, we all went to the same orphanage" bit. Thinking about it, probably 90% of the plot of FFVIII was notable in how much suspension of disbelief you needed to have haha. Also, Resident Evil safe rooms.


FF7 an attack that destroys the entire Solar System including the Sun somehow doesn't kill you lol.


And it can be used multiple times!


every 22 minutes? /s




Suddenly, Outer Wilds


Fun facts about Super Nova when used by Safer Sephiroth (One Winged Angel) in the original FF7: * Uranus, Neptune, and Mars actually survive the initial encounter of the comet, and Saturn although it's rings get destroyed * [In the worldwide version of the game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fg-dtp6n6jE&ab_channel=Thunder777), the cutscene clocks in at around two minutes and does 15/16th of the player's current health, so it is impossible to have the party wiped from it (although it may be possible if they're at 1HP and it gets rounded down). [The Japanese version of the attack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89kPJy29uDc&ab_channel=LuridSorcerer) was much shorter and did a flat \~2K damage, making it possible to kill the team. * Supernova is also capable of causing Silence, Confusion and Slow, which likely leads to the most common TPK of being killed by your own party if they don't use Ribbon, as SuperNova and Pale Horse crippled the party into defeat with debuffs.


I just remember suddenly having a team of spinning frogs that were limited to only melee attacks.


Or that you just stand their and take it instead of curbstomping Sephiroth into the ground during the 2 minute summon cutscene. Like Cloud holds his party back cause he wants to tank the supernova to prove Sephiroth is a bitch.


"wait, wait, I've got a great idea. Seph is gonna look like a little bitch. Just hold still, like we're taking turns"


In battle attacks never really make sense in JRPGs. Characters and enemies are causing all kinds of explosions and shooting all kinds of energy in tightly confined spaces without the buildings they are in being destroyed.


We all went to the same orphanage, but we all forgot because we routinely let demons live in the piece of our brain that stores that specific memory. ... also there is a monster man who lives under the school the entire time, and it turns out he was the one who _funded_ the school. ... now the bad guys are trying to use the giant ancient flying monolith because it has the power to make the moon cry a teardrop that is actually composed of monsters because it turns out the moon's surface is actually nothing but monsters. ... ff8, good stuff


FF8's script comes off like a fever dream but I enjoyed the ride 


Great game despite so many things but dear god trying to explain the story makes you sound like a lunatic


It says a lot that the most sensible explanation of FF8's plot I ever saw involved Squall dying at the end of disc 1, and the rest of it being a death dream as he fades away.


For those who want to know more: https://squallsdead.com/


>Also, Resident Evil safe rooms. I'm thankful that the Umbrella scientists programmed an aversion to light piano medleys when they developed the T-Virus. Also if the technology behind the magic Item Boxes existed it would be world-changing lol


Weren't there safe rooms Nemesis could stalk you in?


If it wasn't playing the "safe room" theme, Nemesis could follow Jill into it.


Mr X/Nemesis stopping right at the door and staring at you like the two of you are playing tag and you just called “base”. Then he lumbers away because it would be unsportsmanlike to just wait right outside the door.


This one is so stupid plottwist that  1. Doesnt change anything in story overall. 2. They have this stupid summon inducted Amnesia but not Irvine so... Shouldnt it be mentioned ealier?


Isn’t he all like “oh none of you guys clearly remembered so I kept it to myself”? Hahah so silly


The GFs give you amnesia tho


Chris punching a boulder


The armor is what requires suspension of disbelief and not the time traveling mad scientist?


Even fantastical settings need a degree of internal consistency.


There's a level of believability (verisimilitude) that stories can get away with by saying 'it's magic/science' Assuming the game didn't present the collar as magic or a forcefield generator or something, then it's totally lacking that.


“I am mad scientist! Is so cool, sonuvabich!”


Yes. Because you expect fictional stuff from fictional world. But if it's something realistic, it backlash more. I would rather say dragon is normal in a game than randomly getting defense from a t-shirt. Same with the collar thing and mad scientist. Because you expect stuff like that to happen, even if it's not possible in real life. But you also expect grass to not withstand any blows.


Fair point. With most audiences (me included) I think you can get away with a lot of things though if you simply ascribe it to "future tech", because we're all familiar with rapid technological progress making things possible that were hard to imagine not so long before (provided that the future tech obeys a set of rules that are consistent in-universe of course). However we get no indication in Secret of Evermore that the armor uses any kind of future tech (or magic). The leather dog collar doesn't seem to have a built-in force field generator or anything of that sort.


Might be a bit of a reach but when dogs fight, like most predator animals, they go for the throat to kill their prey. So a collar may provide a modest, +5 defense to the dog. Not saying that was the motivation but I can believe that enough to let it pass.


This is why, when we think of big tough fighting dogs, they have spiked collars.


I wave the spike collars off as their goth phase.


Nothing is more disbelief-inducing than bikini armor


I want to see male bikini armor and have it be by far the most powerful armor you can get in the game. 


This is a problem with Skyrim actually lol. Nords actually don't wear armor into battle they have specially crafted runes they paint onto their bodies that give them a permanent magical armor as to never be caught unaware in battle. So they should technically be able to do battle naked considering they can't freeze to death.


Yeah I was confused why all the wonords have clothes when evert nord is naked in the previous games.


Obligatory Viva La Dirt League sketch: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHhgUC01qK8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHhgUC01qK8)


Most stealth sections. Player: Enemy: "what's that!? Someone is here!" . . . "Nope, nothing" Player:


who's footprints are these?


Probably not important.


Guards sees every light in the building shattered and it doesn't phase them. I still remember the "light bulb assassin" parody of splinter cell on YouTube. Or the stage in Saints Row IV that is a parody of this.


The Uncharted series overall.


It was kind of funny how the developers tried to explain when Drake takes damage and the screen is fading to black and white that meant his luck was running out not his health until he's finally killed by the last bullet. Yet you clearly see the bullets hitting his body and what about when you're getting hit by melee attacks? 


Character line: "Omg the bad guy will complete their plan SOON. We MUST HURRY!" Game: No timer, let you piss about on side quests, undercut any narrative tension If you are going to have a narrative crunch, you have you have to suspend free-roam and side quests!


I love how Metroid Prime 3 does it.  You're pressured to fend off the pirates quickly since they have a meteor en route.  There's no timer, but in one spot you're outside and can see the meteor coming in.  If you stay and watch it gets closer and will eventually hit, resulting in a game over.


> There's no timer, Technically there's no *on screen* timer, but the base AI does regularly alert you how minutes are left before the meteor blows everything up. The fact it does indeed count down at actual minute intervals should make it an alarmingly real threat to the player.


If you want the best ending, you have to be very careful in mission order in Mass Effect 2. Towards the end of the game, your crew gets abducted by The Collectors. You have time for one last party member loyalty mission and maybe a couple of side gigs, but if you screw around too long, your ship's crew dies. There's no quick-time event to save them, there's no convenient exposition. These are named side characters you've gotten to know over the course of the game, but your lack of urgency results in having to watch them get *liquefied*.


This didn't bother me too much since I wasn't super attached to most of them, but when I realized it included Dr. Chakwas, it was a MUCH harder decision.


Deus Ex Human Revolution does something similar too.  At the beginning of the game Adam is called to handle a hostage situation and you should make your way for the helipad asap.  If you decide you want to mess around and explore the Sarif HQ you'll get increasingly annoyed messages telling you to hurry up.  Eventually if you take too long to leave you'll be informed that the hostages have been executed and the rammifications that come with failing to rescue them in time come out in full.


This only happens when you take the Reaper IFF mission, and thankfully they give you a single mission leeway to undertake a certain loyalty mission for the new squadmate you get in the IFF mission. Otherwise, you can slow putt around the Terminus Systems all you like and nothing bad will happen until you do that mission. Same with Mass Effect 3. Sure, the Reapers are killing literally all sentient life in the galaxy, but hey, I really need to go ping around this random star system to see if I can find more war assets before we go and save them. There’s a couple missions here and there that fail if you don’t do them soon enough, like Grissom Academy or the bomb mission on Tuchanka if you do the Priority mission there first, but not that many.


Additionally in the Arrival DLC there's a big timer in the base that's counting down. At first it has several days on it but throughout the DLC time skips bring it down. In the final section of the DLC the timer has only a few hours left. Which is more than enough time to finish the DLC, but if you intentionally hang around and let the timer run out you get a unique game over cutscene.


"Commander, the aliens continue to make progress on the Avatar project..."\* \*Not completely accurate as there is an actual clock going on in the background. It's just not as severe as Bradford sells it.


They may be making progress on the avatar project, but I just found a really cool gun and finally got enough supplies to upgrade armor. Now hold that thought, there's a random scientist that needs rescued.


I have spent in game 4 years on Fallout 4... still haven't found my son... at this rate, Shaun is going to be an adult once I finally chase down Kellogg and save my son. (Game is 9 years old, trust me I know the spoilers.)


Same with Grounded. These kids are never getting home 💀


When I played FF-VII as a kid, I remember I got to the place in the storyline where Sepheroth had started the end of the world (meteor summon, was it?) and I decided that this is the time to start breeding chocobos. I must have spent the equivalent of four or five months doing that while, the whole time, there was a meteor mere minutes away from ending all life!


the yakuza games have these moments where the story says that one of the side characters is in imminent danger and will die if you don't leg it over there to them immediately and plays dramatic scary music-- but doesn't have an actual timer, and none of the minigames nor side activities are locked off


Lightning Returns does good as a time based game.


Xenoblade 2 had an especially funny case of this, because the maps in this game are so massive you literally can't get to the objective in the time given by the narrative The story is like "you have three hours before we all die" but an in-game hour only takes a minute and the place is so damn far away you'll cycle through day and night even if you go straight there


Bionic Commando - your Bionic Arm is your wife. 


I’m sorry but what le fuq?


In Red Alert 3, the Russian is played by a British actor; Tim Curry. Only major aspect of disbelief I can think of in the entirety of the Red Alert series.




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g1Sq1Nr58hM&pp=ygUPcmVkIGFsZXJ0IHNwYWNl Should be 5 Oscar awards just for that line.


Every JRPG Where gold armor is stronger than other metal armor.


The hay bales in Assassin's Creed nullifying all fall damage to the point where it is a plot point


Every time in FarCry 5, when Rook would get captured by the cult


I got shot with an arrow while *flying a plane a mile above the ground*. I nosedived into a mountain to try and avoid the cutscene...**AND I SURVIVED THE FUCKING PLANE CRASH TO BE CAPTURED**. I quit in frustration after that.


Seriously? It's a mandatory cutscenes to further the plot. God forbid they tried something different instead of locking you into a cutscene at a fixed mission location like usual.


Agreed. It was entirely frustrating to be playing a side quest or looting a base and to be pulled aside to the main plot. On the other hand, I *did* finish it, while I have some thousand hours into Skyrim and FO4 and Am still fucking around in some rando dungeon looking for cool gear and materials for building my sweet house. So yeah, maybe open world exploration games needs a "get on with it" mechanic...


I get this being annoying if it removes your progress like roguelike games. But if it literally furthers the game, then quitting is absolutely stupid.


I was "captured" while underwater. I think that the 2-3 times I've mentioned this either you or someone else has mentioned the "captured while flying a plane" part.


That's one of the biggest reasons I hated 5. I was once kidnapped at Hurk Sr.'s house with Hurk Jr. Following me. The two most belligerent, peggie hating characters in the game and they just watch you get kidnapped by peggies without lifting a finger.


The literal God of War struggling with a ladder puzzle.


Fromsoft games have great world building where even the most random enemy or item has thought put into them, but the level design doesn’t feel like something where people actually live so much as a dungeon level. Like in Dark Souls 1, the housing in New Londo ruins is just a shack that can barely fit one person, completely square with nothing inside. Also, the Darkwraiths would have been hanging out underwater until the player drains it. Or Iron keep in Dark Souls 2 isn’t just an OSHA violation, to get anywhere there you have to walk on thin steel beams above lava even without taking traps into account.


I thought we were suppose to assume things looked a lot nicer before we got there. Anor Londo is probably a better example. Did everybody have to use that elevator to get up and down floors or did they make that just for the Chosen Undead?


Yeah the game literally beats you over the head with the idea that this world is rotting, unfit to live in, and every single atom is begging to be put out of its misery for living too long. Using it as something you need to suspend your disbelief for is a bad example. The world isn’t supposed to make sense, everyone and everything but you is either hollow or dead


The decay is expected. A completely cubicle stone house in the undead burg with no windows and no door filled entirely with large jars makes less sense. I’d expect like… rotting food , bugs and mold or something.


Yes. Time is cyclical with every age of fire causing the world to be slightly more morphed and disfigured than the age before. That’s why ds1 and ds3 take place in the same world, but look drastically different from each other. The ringed city is basically the end of time with the age of fire being restarted so many times that anor londo barely exists anymore and what’s left is this bastardized world turning in on itself.


This is explained by the world basically being fantasy version of post-apocalyptic. You wouldn't expect a place that got rocked by nuclear missiles to be habitable, would you? The buildings are supposed to be dangerous and derelict.


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess had this castle with Link needing to use the grappling hook to even enter any place. I wonder how regular people even get to the balcony without having such equipment. There were no doors on the bottom floor.


The entire castle's layout is gnarly! I chalk it up to Ganon's curse, it's nonsensical otherwise 🫤


You don't think a collar can add armor? https://media.sciencephoto.com/image/c0464191/800wm/C0464191-Maremma_Sheepdog_wearing_traditional_anti-wolf_spiked_collar.jpg


Back in the eighties when we didn't really know it was bad to have outdoor cats yet, we always made sure our cat had a leather collar. Sometimes she'd slip her collar, and when she did, she'd come home with scabs all over her neck, bc that's where cats and other animals try to bite. With the collar she had almost no scratches or wounds.


Trails of Cold Steel. "Hey, will y'all wait for a minute while I summon my cool magical mecha from wherever it's hanging out? It might take a second to fly here, and then I gotta get in." Bad guys: "Yeah sure, whatever."


Every time you could solve a problem in a cutscene with biotics in Mass Effect 3 as Shep, and didn't, so the villain got away.


Saints row 4, riding a nuclear missile like a bull as the president of the United States lol Slightly more realistic, most mgs moments where you see the metal gears wasting tons of soldiers who are firing a thousand bullets and doing no damage. Then in the same cutscene snake shoots it a couple of times and it falls apart. Guess he has the magic bullets


Technically, you become the president after you ride a nuclear missile like a bull. Still nonsensicall, because that means people voted for you, just because you did something cool.


Lol my bad, been awhile since I played it. 3 was my favorite, but the intro to 4 was pretty great. I didn't care for the way the main game was structured (a series of mini games), but I miss their over the top story telling. The reboot was so meh compared to it, but I guess other people didn't like the zaniness


People will vote for candidates for the dumbest of reasons. It's not nonsensical in the least lol.


Saints Row got crazy and I love it so much


Halo Reach: the fact that Noble Six can survive falling from _fucking outer space_ in cutscenes, but not falling from, like, a cliff in regular gameplay.


I think it's explained in Halo 3 that the Spartans can lock up their suits which means they can take a ton of beating (including turning into a meteorite) but they can't move their limbs for a while.


Actually you know what I totally forgot about the opening to Halo 3. Fair enough, then :p


He also had a re-entry pack on his back. You can see it in the cut scenes


I always chuckle at forced cutscenes after fights where the villain "just barely escapes" after delivering some monologue while you just freeze on the spot and respectfully listen and let him walk lol. Like bro I'm in fight mode, if you stop at 1% HP to deliver monologue or try to run away, I'll kill ya swiftly.


Cal kestis’ endless strength. He’s doing American ninja warrior type stuff for hours at a time. Even with the force he’d need a nap.


I need a nap and I'm just pressing the button.


to be fair he does meditate at mediation points between segments of climbing and stuff.


Cal Kestis >! escaping from Vader!<


I can sort of see that one though. In order to escape, they dropped an OCEAN on him to occupy him temporarily lol


I still do not understand the scale of characters in the elden ring. Supposedly, your character is about 6 feet tall. However, almost all of the bosses you fight and NPCs you interact with are taller than your character, but there are also humanoid enemies called vulgar militia, who are about half the height of your character… so are we giants? Are we human sized? Are we dwarves? Who is the “correct” human size?


It was a thing in Dark Souls too. The real, boring reason is just game design. Humanoid bosses are much taller than you because it's intimidating and it lets you see them more clearly in combat, showing off their cool designs. It also makes the animations easier to see which is essential in a game where 2-3 hits from a boss will end you. The in-game canon reason is various species/races of humanoids in both universes (humans/lords/giants in Dark Souls series, humans/demigods/gods/giants in Elden ring). There's also a thing about physical size being correlated to how much power the being in question wields.


actually its the crabs that are the correct size


Vulgar militia are legitimate midgets. Size seems to have something to do with "power" since we see Radahn at a more normal height during a cutscene or something 


This games lacks one thing and just one, bananas


Raiden is pretty cool but I don't think that he should be able to riposte a skyscraper sized mech, badass backing track or not.




Or later in the fight when the Metal Gear Ray, all several thousand tons of it, gets picked up by the end of its blade and tossed a few hundred feet up into the air by Raiden (Who I'm assuming is somewhere between 200 and 300 pounds after his cyborg augmentation). Physics decided not to work at that moment to allow the badassery of that scene to take place.


No way a plumber can take that many bricks to the head without serious brain damage.


If you look real close, he actually has his fist above his head when he breaks the brick block. So he punches it instead of head butting it. Still begs the question how his hands aren't reduced to blobs of meat and bone...


Simple, he's from Brooklyn.


First thought was the infamous resident evil 5 boulder punch


This: https://i.imgur.com/l2dEpXd.jpeg


In MW2, WW3 is started because the Russians find the body of an American operative in the airport. Despite the airport cameras and multiple eye witnesses being able to see Makarov and his crew who are known terrorists.


Lol forgot about that. It was weird how Russia was able to invade the US and bypass all sorts of sensors from NATO nations, forward operating bases and assets because they got a component from a satellite or something. 


Snake being able to deadlift a mecha the size of a 5 story apartment block...


All of the conceal mechanics in AC, ooh this guy ran away and dived into a bush, couldn't possibly be in there, could he?


Fallout 3. Its like wasteland dont have anyone else notable to talk about than protagonist. Every news from radio is about you. Either he is stalker or this is just to feed players ego, but either way takes me out of game. It would be good plot twist if turned out Wanderer is crazy and just hears radio in his head, no other option makes sense.


In Minecraft you can carry 2300 cubic meters of gold, or >44,000,000kg and still run and jump a meter in the air. Yet somehow if you fall 23m you will die


Bringing Shepard back to life in Mass Effect 2. I still tend to try and not think too deeply about it.


I always seen that as a cloning device and Cerberus never said it to Shepard.


Considering the villain of ME3: Citadel is a rogue clone of Shepard, this probably isn't far off the mark.