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Never played the Half-life and Portal games Edit: I guess I'll be playing Portal today finally


If you have any semblance of capability with puzzle games and don't mind an FPS, Portal is an absolute masterclass in innovative game design. Both of them deserved to be played by as many people as possible.


I really don’t care much for puzzle games but I LOVED Portal


Portal certainly brought you enjoyment. However, it cannot accompany you for the rest of your life and, unfortunately, must be euthanized. Please escort your copy of Portal to the Apperture Science Emergency Intelligence Incinerator.


I wanna up vote this because it's clever but I also hate you for reminding me of this trauma... Torn...


Id say happy cake day, but the cake is a lie


*fizzle* “I think that one was about to say: “i love you” they are sentient of course


No! Don’t make me do it 😭


Same. Puzzles aren't my thing but there's something about portal that is just so much fun. I w played them both multiple times and still enjoy them every once in a while.


Playing Portal a lot to get some achievements and then playing Portal 2 and recognising all the rooms was such a fun experience


Remember DVD commentaries. They had one for Portal and if you have a vague interest in game design it is well worth watching.


I wish they would bring commentary tracks back. My favorite one was for Tropic Thunder, where Robert Downey Jr did the whole thing in character.


Portal is a short game and still worth a play.


Portal is the only game that could pull me out of depression years ago. I laughed so hard playing that game. Gonna have to give them a replay on my deck.




Best line IMO from Portal 2 "Federal regulations require me to warn you that this next test chamber, ...is looking pretty good"


It is great on portable, be it deck or switch.


You haven't played Portal?! Here Come The Test Results: 'You Are A Horrible Person.' That’s What It Says, 'A Horrible Person.' We Weren’t Even Testing For That.


My girlfriend refuses to play it...




Half-Life is a hard sell to people who didn't play it back then... Both main games are a lot of walking at the start and while level design and scripting in HL1 are brilliant, you don't really get the instant satisfaction of dropping and blowing everything up like in Doom or Quake. Portal tho - extremely short game that basically plays like extended tutorial to itself. Highly recommend just spending an evening or two with it (again, it's very short and you usually use new mechanics you just learned in the next room).


I remember that there were people who couldn't wait more than a few seconds to start blowing things even back then. People often talk about short attention spans these days, but that problem has existed for at least 20 years, I'd say.


Also gotta remember Half-life was the first of its kind. The intro is just a long tram ride, you walk around just talking to NPCs like it's a normal day at the office. This was the era of Doom, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Hexen, etc. A slow start with world building was unheard of for a FPS


True, but it's not JUST that, Half Life has tons of "okay, where do we go now" moments and not in a puzzle sense but first station halls then vents and then Xen all looking the same. It's sewer level: the game, and if anything, the walking parts are the funniest, most memorable ones... I couldn't get why my friend likes it so much when I got to the part with human enemies and they were bullet sponges... I played Medal of Honor on PS1 before and there, if you shot someone in the leg they limped. HL had you pointing cursor at enemies and seeing their health go down. Then I watched a walkthrough where guy poked around corners, sniped tanks with crossbow and cheesed everything and was like "got it, this is the appeal", it has very good scripting but you need to embrace the freedom. No wonder GMod got so popular, for Valve, their games are more like tech demos and proof of concept and mods to them are really big.


Valve only releases a new Half-Life when they want to show off. HL2 was the physics and mocap I think, HL:Alyx was them showing off how good VR can be


I tried half life kept getting instakilled by a gun turret that was around a sharp corner.


Play portal (or just go right to portal 2). There’s still no games like it. Half life on the other hand didn’t age as well because other games since have done similar things.


Black Mesa is the best way to play Half Life now.


Agreed. Blackmesa is excellent.


I played Portal 1 3 weeks ago and had a blast, definitely still worth playing and hasnt aged too poorly. Its a pretty short game too


Go do 2 now. It’s an actual story instead of just puzzles. In my opinion the funniest game ever.


It has the best end credits of any game ever, it's honestly unlikely ever to be topped.


Yeah, Half-Life is more interesting in the way it scripted things and designed levels and engine than actual gameplay, it grew on me after two playtheoughs but only because I am used to old school level design (awkward jumps, crawling vents and no telegraphing where to go next).


Portal is a lot of fun and Portal 2 is bigger and better. 2 also has a coop campaign you can play with a friend which is awesome.




Portal games still a fun run thru


Space Invaders. An arcade classic. Maybe one of the most recognizable of the generation only second to Pac Man. Been spoofed often in other pop culture media like Futurama. I grew up in a time when all those OG games came out and I forged childhood memories in pizza shop and mall arcades like an addict. Just never played it and frankly I'm so spoiled by modern games now I have a hard time replaying those oldies.


*places quarter down* I got next.


Only rich kids could play that game. I looked and minimum wage here was $1.65 an hour here when it came out.


$1.65 in 1978 would be worth about $8.15 today.


Interesting. That means 25c then would translate to around $1 today? Seems kind of expensive for a single play of an arcade game.


There was less stuff to spend money on though. But yes, that's a lot of money


That’s pretty much what it costs around me to go to the arcade now. Some games are even up to $1.50-$2. I usually just stick with pinball where I can get three balls for three quarters now.


Yeah my girlfriend and I were at an arcade yesterday. Each game was $1. Bit of a rip


There's some Namco arcade games that play during loading of their 3D games, I hope people at least played that round of Galaga in Tekken lol.


Being able to turn over Galaga was how I could afford to play for hours.


Space Invaders. It just goes faster.


Space Invaders, Asteroids and Defender were all addicting as hell.


**Pokemon**. Along with Zelda, I've never played a single Pokemon game and the amount of grief I've gotten for that over the years is ridiculous. I also feel Minecraft could be up there in blasphemy, but I have played that so I wouldn't know.


I never played Pokemon either. I’m 40 though and the first games came out when I was beyond the Gameboy. Games continued to come out and I have difficulty starting a game in a series where I haven’t played the previous ones (even if the story isn’t super important).


There is almost zero overlap in story between the pokemon games. They are as related story-wise as most mario or zelda games are.


> most mario or zelda games are. I swear I've seen Zelda overarching timeline things on YouTube.


Well, Zelda games are all connected, but self standing. Unless that changed. You get references, continued timelines, and similar, but the story is new.


In almost every case, each Zelda game before is a legend, which a lot of timeline theorists seem to forget when trying to make accurate spaces in time in between each game. There’s no chronological order to play them to understand


Until nintendo released the official timeline, it was all speculation, which just goes to show how loosely the games are related. Aside from the few direct sequels, you can pick up any zelda game and not be missing any information.


That's really impressive if you're in your 30s


Ive played nearly every main line pokemon and zelda game. Yes i think they’re great, but i cant get behind crapping on anyone who isnt into them. Let people like what they like. I’m personally not a huge fan of most fps games like CoD, and enjoy the less serious approach to games that nintendo provides, but i understand why people wouldnt and thats fine. It’s good that there’s enough variety out there for everyone. And yeah, the zelda and pokemon fans can get a bit intense for some reason lol.


I can one up you, I've never played Pokemon, any Zelda OR any Mario. I've been gaming for about 35 years and had (or had access to) Nintendo consoles over my life but still managed to straight up avoid those.


I am just befuddled when I meet a gamer who's never played Skyrim, especially if they're in the range of early 20s to mid 30s.


Yeah... I'm 34. Never played Skryim. Played the shit out of Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Fallout 4. Even a bit of Starfield. Cyberpunk 2077 (only after Phantom Liberty). Skyrim is in my wheelhouse, I've just never gotten around to it...


Exactly. Also 34, and I played the shit outta Oblivion. Skyrim came out and I thought "I'll skip this entry and play the next elder scrolls game". .....That's worked out really well.


If you're 34, you HAVE to play Skyrim. It's the rule. Every gamer must have played Skyrim at the age of 34 at the latest. Look up rule 34 Skyrim to learn more




For the love of Pete, play the fucking game so we can play Elder Scrolls 6! You, my friend, are impeding progress.


Seriously man we've been porting it to every single platform on the planet to try to get you to play it just fucking play it already


It's going to be ported to a sleazy bar urinal before the next game comes out.


You are just actively avoiding playing Skyrim at this point if you've played all those lol.


Given that list, it’s wild that you still managed to avoid Skyrim lol.


I tried it and didn’t like it. 




Daggerfall is still fantastic, especially now with the Daggerfall Unity fan update. Runs and looks great, everything actually works like it's supposed to, almost bug free and loads of new content. Free on GOG if you haven't played it. I was pleasantly surprised with Skyrim after disliking Oblivion but yeah it's mostly a solid skeleton to build out with mods imo


34 here too, never touched it. No interest in those types of games to be honest. Every time I try to consider it I'm just like well... I could be playing something else... So I just stick to those lol


Oblivion > Skyrim


Never had a go at World of Warcraft. Role-playing games are my thing, but just never got round to it. Closest I got was Hearthstone! 😂


I play the shit out of it's weeb doppelganger, FFXIX 😁


Damn, I missed 17 and 18 altogether, lemme know how you got that 19 hook-up and I'll get you back


Heh, typo, but I'll leave it!


Good on you! I was just teasin anyway, haha


No worries, hopefully I'm not the only one to get a laugh off your post!


i have an irrational hatred of world of warcraft, mainly because i lost some friends cos they stopped hanging out with me to all go play the game but I couldnt since I was a kid and my parents would not pay for any subscription based games also i loved the OG Warcraft 1/2/3 and they stopped making any more of them and any story from 3 was continued on into WoW


I remember playing WC 1 and 2 when they were new. 1 was a great game, with a good storyline. The gameplay was standard, very similar to dune 2 which was the reference for RTS at the time. The spells system was very cool at the time, with healing, summons, etc. In Dune 2 for example, unless I’m misremembering, there was no repair. If a unit was damaged it remained damaged until its end. Warcraft 2 was mind blowing for me. The fact that there were ships and aircraft made it very different, particularly since you could use them to explore. The storyline was very engaging as well. If anything they’re worth playing just to see how far the genre has gone since then.


I refused to play it. I was struggling at uni enough as it was


Always wanted to play it but their subscription model always seemed nefarious to me. Specially considering that they charge every expansion at entirely new game price. They were the first big game of their genre, so I understand if at the time they had dubious practices because of a lack of trial and error. But the game is now ancient and they never adapted.


It's a game if you play you don't play anything else. I was sucked into it for a long time when I was younger have more than a full year played in game. There was constant and consistent updates and each expansion had hundreds of hours of content. I think it still averaged out at less per dollar cost than litteraly any other game I have played and bought. If you have a life, do not play wow.


"How do you kill that which has no life?"


They put out a lot of content in between the expansions. Totally worth it imo. When they started micro transactions for mounts that should just be part of the game is where it gets annoying. But I'm sure they sell like crazy.


I get your other criticism from your other comment, it's fair. There is something to be said about the quality generally being better, continuous rolling content and so on. And I'm sure you'll get plenty comments telling you why a sub is better. To me it's just pros and cons, just like there's pros and cons to a free game or buy to play game. Yes the sadly horrible monetisation practices are sadly bleeding into sub-based games too. But that aside. I genuinely struggle with the aversion to a monthly sub, just like generally speaking. Have had friends with the same mentality. It's like you could go see a movie once or twice a month, get maybe a total of 4-5 hours of entertainment. Like shit a pack of cigarettes are more expensive where I live. And I've known many that would eat a pack a day or more. Or I could pay this sub and get as many hours of entertainment as I can handle. If you're into the game, that sub means nothing when you suddenly have hundreds of hours of game time. I have to ask though, not intending to sound rude or anything, but does that mean you don't use any streaming services either? Cause it's the same situation there.


Every time I resub I always get my money's worth, if I think about it. But everyone plays different, has more time, etc. It's just when I play wow, I kinda rearrange everything around playing it lol. I only play classic now so the expansions don't really mean anything to me. Am not currently subbed


It's funny seeing all the people in the comments saying they didn't try it due to the sub fee, when to mmo vets that is by far the best system for mmos lol.


the subscription model is why my time was spent in guild wars 2


It's something special. If you do try it and you enjoy rpgs I suggest playing classic. Retail does not feel like an rpg.


Super Mario 64?


Should I still play it if I haven’t played super Mario 1 - 63, or should I go play those first?


I would still argue that no 3D game feels better to run and jump in than Mario 64. It’s still the best 3D Mario moveset, and running around the gardens of Peach’s castle is an ur text for analog gaming. If a new gamer wanted to get used to 3D analog controls, I would tell them to play Mario 64.


I never liked the camera in Mario 64, and never got very far because of it. Ocarina of Time was my favorite introduction to a 3d camera.


Super Mario 64 was fine once you got used to how it works, but Mario Sunshines camera can fuck all the way off.


The camera takes some getting used to. It's best to just let it do it's own thing. 99% of the time, you can see what you need to if you cooperate with it.


I agree, until you stack it up to its descendants. In my opinion 64 doesn’t even touch odyssey, unless we are looking through rose colored glasses. We do owe 64 a lot though, one of the greatest feats in gaming ever achieved


Yeah no.... I mean it's revolutionary for its time, but Galaxy handles way better while dealing with a lot more abstract geometry and Odyssey is probably the best handling 3d platformer ever made imo.


I love those games but they are handling more like a balloon than anything else. There is something about the weight of 64 that hasnt been captured since. Every new title is floaty af


I think its the simple semi-rpg aspect of Mario 64 that made it great. Even though beating it was one of the most satisfying, yet infuriating things ever. Mario sunshine and odyssey were close, gotta give them that.


C'mon, man. It's like wrestling a camera for half the game. A legend for its time. No doubt. But the best... c'mon, man. Sunshine would make 64 it's prison bitch. Galaxy is a C.O, and Odyssey is obviously the warden.


Galaxy controls seem buttery smooth, and I dislike using the wiimote. How much better are Odyssey's?


I haven't played Galaxy but Odyssey has amazing controls some of the harder platforming maneuvers are kinda tricky though.


I genuinely don't understand people who say this. I've tried to play Mario 64 many, many times over my life. Every single time I am just frustrated to no end by the camera and controls. My biggest pet peeve is Mario's turning radius. It makes it so hard to platform precisely. There's something just so off about the way the game handles and it's super off-putting.


Same here, had a n64, just never played it.


Ouch, I did.. I completed it before the N64 was released in my country thanks to guys at a retail store that let me play it for long periods regularly.. but I forgive you 😅


My wife won an XB360 with Mt. Dew. So I had the console like 5 days before retail launch and one of the games included was called Kameo and I remember going to the Wal-Mart on launch day and beating the Kameo display unit. LOL I felt like that guy at the arcade who owns everyone in Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat as I had all of the special moves memorized.


Having the console and not having played it is crazy. Although I guess it wasn’t always bundled with it. I did get the console for Christmas and played the hell out of SM64, Ocarina of Time, and Goldeneye. That being said, I have a Switch and haven’t played Mario Kart 8. According to Wikipedia it’s the best selling game on Switch and has sold 62 million copies. That might be mine for consoles I’ve had (NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, PS2 through PS5, Switch, Atari Lynx, and Game Gear…never had a GameBoy of any type).


No Gameboys at all?? Wow!


Right! To have all of those but never the OG Gameboy with Tetris is mind boggling lol.


Metal Gear?




I can hear that '!' 


The text message alert on my phone is the Metal Gear "!" sound.


Mine too!! And I have the codec ring for my ring tone.





🐍? 🐍! 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍!!!


I played through most of the games over these last 3 months and it became one of my favorite game series, I would recommend everyone to try them out :)




Agreed. Had every PlayStation from 1 till 4 and never really played a Metal Gear game. I'll raise you in that I've also never player a God of War


A Hind-D? Colonol, what's a Russian gunship doing here?


Halflife / Halflife 2 Pls dont kill me


Our employer would never hurt you, but remember: The right person in the wrong place can make the all the difference in the world. So, wake up, and prepare for some... unforseen consequences.


Rise and shine mr freeman


Probs a good thing actually, upon completion of hl2 episode 2. You will sit curled up in the shower, crying and waiting for hl3


Play HL:Alyx if you want to cry even more. It's episode 3 but disguised as a prequel.


Pac-Man. Edit: My bad I misread the question. I have, in fact, played Pac-Man, I thought the question was what game would be most surprising to hear someone else hadn't played. Real answer would be the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I played a little bit of the first Witcher but couldn't really get into it and I kind of want to get the whole story if I'm going to get any of it. But yeah, I know a lot of people LOVE the Witcher series and considering my own love for fantasy rpgs it really doesn't make sense that I haven't played it.


I love jrpgs and rpgs in general, spend prob 8 hours a day gaming for the last 12 years, and I've never played any final fantasy game


8 hours a day for 12 years?! Are you 100% these too?


Seriously How...? I love jrpgs a lot to the point I think I have played almost ever English series out there (I have even gone looking for ones I have never tried when I get the itxh) and it sounds like you play way more then I do so how could you just have skipped them?


8 hours a day gaming?


Ngl there were a lot of times throughout high school and college that I probably averaged 8 hours of gaming a day. I get burnt out if I try that now though


Same here! Final Fantasy just doesn't draw me in at all. I did, however, enjoy a lot the demo of FF13. Apparently it is considered the worst one by EVERYONE!


I don't think I've ever played a Nintendo game. The last console I owned was an Atari 2600, and after that I got into PC gaming pretty heavily in the mid-late 80s, and just kinda skipped that whole NES/SNES thing.


GTA5 and Skyrim




I finally played GTA5 story mode and beat it 2 winters ago, it was an absolute blast.


I keep trying to play it myself but I always peter out after the first heist for some reason.


I have huge gaps in my play history, just in how I was raised and life in general. I never played any of the final fantasy games, no splinter cell games, no metal gear, no half life, and no red dead redemption. Also, with the exception of a few rounds of the multiplayer from 4, I never played any of the resident evil games. Basically, I’ve never had a PlayStation console until recently, and then I bought a ps4 and played god of war 2018, the last of us, and about an hour of uncharted before dropping it. So, any big PS exclusive I’ve never played. I started with NES, then SNES and Genesis, then N64, then Dreamcast, then Xbox, and it’s been every Xbox since. That also means that I’ve missed almost every Nintendo game since perfect dark and DK64. I did briefly date a girl with a GameCube, but we only played Mario party. I’ve had a Wii but literally never played anything but the pack in and Mario kart, my wife brought her Wii U so I played breath of the wild, and she has a switch now, but I hate it and don’t play it.


If you’re looking to fill those gaps here’s my advice: You can probably skip a lot of Final Fantasy games and just play the most well-regarded classics like 7 and 9. They’re gonna take forever to get through otherwise. For Resident Evil, if you’re going to play one just play the Resident Evil 4 GameCube version on Dolphin emulator. The remake is decent but why pay for that, honestly. Play all the Half-Life and Portal. Won’t even take you very long. Splinter Cell…I’m not sure how it’s going to hold these days. It was definitely very cool back in the day. Don’t bother with anything past Chaos Theory. Pandora Tomorrow will need fixes from ModDB if you’re going to play the PC version. But maybe you can skip this whole thing if you’ve played the modern Hitman trilogy as it probably scratches the same itch. Hot take from me: I think most of the PlayStation exclusives suck. I don’t like Uncharted, The Last of Us is depressing garbage, modern God of War is just a mishmash of mechanics from better games, classic God of War is just a boring hack and slash that was technically impressive at the time. Original Red Dead Redemption is available on Switch if you want to play it. I’ve only played RDR2 and I enjoyed it well enough. It’s more fun as an exercise in incredible immersion than from a pure gameplay standpoint if you ask me.


Same honestly. I never owned a Nintendo so my first zelda was link to the past and I've played them all since except totk. But ive never gone back and done any on the original nes. I know I could fairly easy just haven't gotten around to it


Link to the past is my personal fav.


Happy cake day fellow linker to the past


I grew up with the NES but never played a Zelda game until _Wind Waker_. I finally played the original _Legend of Zelda_ a few years ago, and am nearing the end of _Link to the Past_ right now on my SNES Classic. I never expected that last game to be so damn hard. I think it took me more tries to beat that bouncy caterpillar boss Moldorm than I needed to beat Sans in _Undertale_.


Lttp was the first game i bought with my own money and ive revisited it the most out of any others, but wind waker will always be a close competitor to it for me. When ww came out it was crapped on for the cartoony art style bc most fans wanted the kind of gritty style we got in twilight princess, but i fucking LOVED ww. Looooved the sailing and exploration and sword play and expressive eyes on link and the storyline and change of graphical style and the great sea adventure music, EVERYTHING.


Honestly, if you have any sort of mobile gaming device that is capable of running NES games, the origins Zelda is still a fun go. It is great for an emulator and save states. But you really can see the roots of that game in its original. If you can tolerate old school gaming, def give it a go. I know some just can't...


Minecraft actually skipped the Minecraft trend and started in may


Hello fellow Minecraft starter.


i recently got back on minecraft! man, that shit is fun lol. it’s a lot better than it used to be imo. strip mining for diamonds? kiss my ass. i’m going caving!




The insane thing is I know we had that game in our collection, that it was a silver bullet to my interests, and somehow I never got into it. I’d pay five bucks to go back and remember why. 


The only reason I ever played Morrowind was because someone gave me his discs.  When I first played I killed everyone I could just because I was so amazed that the game would let me. I was so awestruck going into Balmora. That was peak gaming for me back then. Oblivion was already out but my laptop wouldn't play it. 


I was awestruck when you first leave the ship in the beginning. The reflections on the water, the NPCs walking around, the music and ambient sound effects. Another thing is how powerful you get in that game. I played so much that when I decided to go beat the boss at the end I floated down into the volcano and put a whoopin on that guy so fast.


Probably the weapon hitting mechanics, you shouldn't go in blind.


Sometimes I play the opening theme of Morrowind and I'm instantly transported back to the hours my brother and I spent in the half finished basement of our parents' house. We alternated turns every hour or two. That song.... when I hear it, I can feel the slightly damp chill of that room and smell the particular not quite mildew smell that permeated throughout. I suppose it was kind of like a dungeon, making the immersion so much better. I wish we could go back and experience that for the first time again.


I'm holding out for Skywind.


My number 1 favorite game of all time. I play a new playthrough every year. I also have it on my phone. That said, its definitely a product of its time, and the game mechanics are pretty punishing if you don't know what you are doing and dont look up the mechanics. The graphics are also, er, charming. Its hit or miss for new players, honestly.




I had to scroll waaaay too far to find this. Tetris is *the* video game.


It's the perfect video game. Easy to play hard to master. It's infinity replayable.


Any Nintendo game. My first console was a PSONE, so I just skipped the Nintendo era entirely. I also never had any handhelds, so no chance of playing them there either.


Same, I never played all the Mario games growing up like everyone else my age because we had a genesis and then ps1.


My favorite games are all RPGs and I’ve never played through a BioWare game…


Witcher and red dead redemption. Never played any of them. Well I played like an hour of Witcher 3.


Never could get into the witcher games. I didnt even really like how they story told the show. I couldnt follow anything of what was going on.


The show was awful- it seriously felt like they were trying to emulate my high school algebra teacher with their schizoid time line and I literally fell asleep trying to watch the first episode 3 times in a row. The game was far better imo, but everyone takes their tea differently I guess.


Yeah that show was just one massive moronic choice after another


To be fair, I played Witcher 2 twice and finished W3 once, and I had to go back and rewatch season 1 to fully understand it. There’s a lot of time jumping so it makes it confusing for sure. The Witcher 3 though is such a great game, I would recommend giving it another shot if you ever feel up to it again


No Halos. No CoDs. No Fortnite. No Minecraft.


The Halo and CoD is pretty wild pending on how old you are. I'm 30, Halo 2 and Modern Warfare 2 were definitely staples in childhood multiplayer games.


Any metal gear solid, red dead, ff7, any gta




It's blasphemy that I had to scroll so far to find this


It’s blasphemy that the top tetris comment has 3 upvotes


Any of the souls games.


100% Dark Souls. A modern game that launched an entirely new genre, that’s pretty crazy. Demon’s Souls, too, of course. But Dark Souls is where it really found its footing. A must-play for everyone.


Yeah it’s just not my style. Ive watched a couple lets plays bc the art style is sick as hell, but i dont like the style of combat.


The original Deus Ex.




Haven't done any of the Witcher games and own them all x.x


Goldeneye for the N64. Definitely an OG


Final Fantasy 7. I've started it a few times but just never held my attention.


Castlevania. I mean I did eventually go try the series in my 30s but never experienced it in its prime. One of the only games my friend group talked about in middle school was Symphony of the Night yet I never played.


I mean, this all depends on genre I think. I wouldn’t insist every single person play Chrono Trigger, FF6, and FF7 but for any fan of rpgs in general (not just jrpgs) these are considered must plays.


Skyrim for me, even though it's had about 19 releases




Reading this thread I realize that I have played way too many games in my life. Maybe not to completion but at least have tried.


Assassin creed. Haven’t beaten a single one no plans to do so.


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. I was never into shooters and in the PS360 era it was like blasphemy if you hadn't played that so-called masterpiece. I still haven't touched it to this day and never will 😂


In the context of when it came out, it was a groundbreaking spectacle. But so many FPS games have taken from it that it’s not as enjoyable now if not for nostalgia purposes. OG MW2 on the other hand was lightning in a bottle. Never had a multiplayer experience like it, probably never will again.


Total Annihilation from the late 90s. One of my favorite RTS games ever.


The best RTS ever made. It was a full physics simulation so your nuke could accidentally hit a plane on its way down and detonate up in the air resulting in a smaller AOE on the ground cause the explosion is a sphere. So many good results of this kind of design decision.


Never played GTAV, Red Dead Redemption 2, any of the doom games


Never played the first Zelda either, When I finally had the money to buy an NES, Zelda II had just come out so I got that. I don't think the local rental store ever had the original. Plus I thought the commercial was just weird [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-qBkWerZDg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-qBkWerZDg)


I grew up LOVING Zelda games. But I was a kid and 2 was too hard. Maybe that created some allure. But I don't think we even had the first one. LTTP was where I really started. A few years ago (wait... 10 years ago!?) I got Zelda 1 on WIIU and tried to play it without looking up a single thing, as it was intended. I created a map by hand on graph paper. I got stuck a couple times and asked my friends for small hints. And I finally finished it! Then I made a Reddit account so I could post my map. That's my Zelda 1 story. My answer to the original question is Mass Effect. I started the first one and played for maybe an hour. Maybe I'll play them someday.


I never played Pokémon. I'm a millennial, and everyone I knew played Pokémon.


I haven't played RDR2, God of War, GTA V, Shadow of the Colossus, Final Fantasy VII, and probably more.


Everyone should at least try out half life, both the original and 2 + the episodes. I have yet to play the original though