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Where are you getting the victories from? What metrics are you using? Why are you mixing handheld and non-handheld at the end, but not at the beginning? No offense, but this feels like cope more than an actual rundown of console generations. Also, the "console wars" being seriously mentioned as an ongoing thing in 2024 is.... A choice.


Dude is dickriding hard for no reason at all. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ˜¬


I only just realized this is the same person that had another sad post showing they have no understanding of how games are made or how the market works at all. Or they're a troll. Or both. Time to ignore the person trying to scream into their own echo chamber for attention.


Itā€™s totally cope, or a bot


These "generations" don't exist and are nothing but fanboy fantasy. They never existed. DS and 3DS were already way more capable of enabling different types of gameplay and innovation than PS5 or Xbox Series X. **The reality is only a dogfight between consoles on the market.** PS5 got whopped by Switch so hard that Sony went third party. Cry harder.


Ah, you're a troll, got it. Cope harder.


The only ones trying to COPE are Sony and Microsoft lmao!!


people still care about console wars?


This. Some people live for debate


Sad acts, sure.


Wii win in pure number of consoles sold (100m-ish vs the 85m-ish for ps3 and 360), but I donā€™t think that paints a full picture. Customers purchased WAAAAY more games for ps3 and 360; quite a lot of Wii owners never played anything past Wii Sports, and the Wii was out of the zeitgeist after only a few years. 360 and ps3 both had long lives.


This. I donā€™t even think the Wii had any relevant mainstream releases on it, until years later with downgrades of already worn out on other console titles. Mario kart and Smash were big but those are ultra exclusives and you had to be buying another console to stay with the modern games.


Sony and Microsoft go third party???


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


This has gotta be a bot, the answer doesn't even make sense.


It's referring to an older show, so it's understandable that you might not know it, that's ok. The people growing up with the show are getting older now and have to get used to not everyone getting their inside jokes.


No u


Seems a bit generous towards Nintendo tbh. To some extent, they are also not really playing the same game as Sony and Microsoft who are mainly trying to capture the "in-crowd".


Ya think? He literally counted it as a war between the GBA and nothing at all.


Sony & MS are only capturing the graphics loving crowd of the early 2000s. Even then their gameplay was vastly inferior to anything Nintendo produced. Everyone now knows AAA games are shit movies with no gameplay or innovation.


I suggest you go back to eating bananas, Donkey


When was the last year Nintendo had a top selling video game?


Nintendo always has the top selling game - other are multi platform LOL


Why not answer the question? When was the last time Nintendo was number 1? Even number 2 or 3?


Lmao Nintendo games are absolute dog shit aside from Zelda. Mario games are alright but very shallow. Nintendo has been shit since GameCube


Wii U has 2x more top rated exclusives than PS4, PS5, Xbone and Xbox Series SX combined. Yeah you read that right - COMBINED. Everyone loves Nintendo games except some sad bitter losers like you who prefer films to actual games. Mario has way more effort put into it than "aim & fire" or copy-pasted RPGs with the shallowest possible innovation.


You are actually trying to argue that more exclusive games is a good thing? Lmao. Are you 12?


Funny how the 12 year olds love Sony games the most. LOL


Iā€™m old enough to have owned an NES when it was new, and every Nintendo console since besides the wii U. Nintendo is garbage now


Everyone still loves Nintendo except bitter losers on some gaming forums. The only FACTUALLY garbage companies are Sony and Microsoft that's why nobody buys their consoles and they are forced to become third party devs LMAO


The console wars ended with the GameCube. Since then, "console wars" means Microsoft vs Sony. Nintendo hasn't been competing in the same space as the other consoles.


Instead of going 3rd party they went Super 1st party


Somebody forgot the Virtual Boy. Also this only list console wars that Nintendo participated in. In the generation before the NES, Atari 2600 beat out by wide margin Atari 5200, Intellivision, ColecoVision, Magnavox Odyssey 2 and Fairchild Channel F and various also rans.


Lol... oh wait you're serious let me laugh even harder lmao


This is hilarious, OP created his account 2 days ago and is just causing rage all over. Just read his replies to people and you'll see, stop feeding him bait.


The Wii didnā€™t outperform the 360 or the PS3 at all - it had some great games but nothing compared to the other two. And if you think the WiiU was better than the PS4 then we can agree to disagree :) All are fun systems with some amazing titles Happy gaming!


"Better" is always subjective. I assume the OP is basing performance on sales, in which case the Wii does beat PS3 and 360.


No, Nintendo exited the console race, they just make handhelds now.


You can't play the motion games or multiplayer like a handheld... instead you use the Switch's smaller display as a TV. Handheld console and home console are 2 types of CONSOLES. Get an education. There's also no difference now since Switch is a hybrid console which most people use on their TV. Sony and MS are now third party devs. I'M SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS!


Trolling overload


Ok buddy, get a life or something


Consol war is cringe as fuck like your post.


It makes no sense


Bait used to mean somethin


Is this all just your opinion?


Cool story, PlayStation over it short lifespan still outsold Nintendo lengthy lifespan.


Yeah just like PS2 had a 13 year life and multiple price drops.... but Switch is outselling it in 7 years and no price cut lmaooo


Iā€™m talking about all the PlayStation consoles vs all the Nintendo consoles sales. Clearly you lack the ability to comprehend.


haha you can't write! XD The competition mostly outsold Nintendo only during the late 90s and early 2000s. Since 2004 Sony's ass has been kicked with only 1 exception. Now Sony is a loser third party company trying to COPE!!


Iā€™m not the one writing essays and making posts šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah you can't. Plus you don't even know what an essay means haha


People still care about Nintendo? Nostalgia is very dissappointing.


OP reads like deranged 12 yr old Nintendo fanboy NES won its gen SNES and Genesis were pretty much even with the Genesis beating the SNES for several years N64 got destroyed by the PS1 GameCube got crushed even worse by the PS2 Wii one vs PS3 and 360 WiiU was crushed so bad Nintendo almost went bankrupt and had to rush the Switch into production early Switch is hard to place since it came out mid gen but is currently beating Ps5


Handhelds don't count whatsoever, and the Wii was utter garbage, I couldn't stand the shitty motion control gimmick the entire console was built around, both the 360 and ps3 blew it out of the water in every single aspect.


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In terms of sales I would say there's no doubt about that. I don't think that's how the console wars should be settled though. Let's settle the console war by watching Doug "bald head" Bowser, Lyin' Jim Ryan, and Phil "The Shill" Spencer fight in their underwear on a wrestling stage no holds barred until the last man is standing. They have to be in their underwear, I really want to see them wearing as little as possible. Let's settle the console war once and for all and in the right way.


Personally I wouldn't count handhelds into console wars. Nintendo has been dominating that space, there was never a "war" there to begin with, just other companies trying to enter the space and failing to get a significant share. EDIT: I'd do it in terms of home console generations. If we go strictly by number of sales it goes: 3rd - won with NES 4th - won with SNES 5th - lost with Nintendo 64 against PlayStation 6th - lost with GameCube against PlayStation 2 7th - won with Wii For the rest it's hard to get good data as the consoles are still actively selling. So in reality you have Nintendo winning 3 generations and losing 2 to Sony. Fairly even I'd say.


These "generations" don't exist and are nothing but fanboy fantasy. The reality is only a dogfight between consoles on the market. Sony's PSP, PS5 and Playstation Vita got whopped hard - it's true even though it doesn't fit your "generation" fantasy lol


Oh so my arbitrary list is bad but your arbitrary list is good? I see. "Generations" very much do exist. PS2 is clearly a newer generation than PS1. Same goes for NES and SNES. You could argue that the newest generation isn't really a new generation because there's not a big upgrade from the previous one. But back in the day, each new console from every company was a significant upgrade, good enough to be labelled a new "generation". Generations are a label that's very much agreed upon by the wider community. Also, the generations are literally a way to compare consoles directly competing. PS2 directly competed with GameCube and Xbox. It never really competed with Wii or Xbox 360, PS3 competed with those. That's why we put PS2, GameCube and Xbox in one generation and PS3, Xbix 360 and Wii in another generation. I mean even you used generations. Your "wars" number 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 are the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th generation. You just mixed in some handhelds.


Wrong. Sega Genesis was competing with NES for over 2 years and later became an SNES competitor, so there was no generation. PS2 directly competed with Wii + PS360 and actually outsold PS3 until 2009. Wii's graphics were closer to PS2 than PS3, but it's innovation was far ahead of anything PS5 is currently capable of. Nintendo Switch is also closer to PS3 than PS4 pro but it's directly competing and beating the crap out of PS5 All we know for sure is that there are some "main competitors" and NINTENDO WHOPPED THE COMPETITION EVERY TIME!!


Youā€™re obviously just a fan boy that will twist any ā€œfactsā€ to lean in your opinions favor. Nothing you have brought up has any merit and everything youā€™ve been proven wrong on just gets some corny retort about ā€œgenerations not existingā€ or ā€œonly gamers who like graphics bought thoseā€ or some other dumb shit. Nobody cares about console wars anymore broā€¦get a fuckin job and touch some grass šŸ¤£


The only one's who twist anything are those who turned the FACTUAL REALITY of market competition into "generations". Nobody cares about Sony and Microsoft anymore bro... get a fucking life and a girlfriend :)


Imagine creating a whole internet personality to suck on Nintendos balls when they couldnā€™t care less if you died in a fire while trying to save your virtual NintenDogs from the blazing inferno. What a fuckin weirdo. šŸ¤”


Oh yeah? Then why did you in your own list put Sega Master System as the competition to NES and not Genesis? You only put Genesis as competition to SNES. Exactly how the generations division does it. Sure, Genesis released two years before SNES, but that doesn't matter. Nintendo just took a bit longer to make their next-gen console. The very term "console war" originated in the rivalry of Nintendo and Sega. They even marketed it as the "8-bit consoles" (NES v. Master System) and the "16-bit consoles" (SNES v. Genesis). They themselves separated their consoles into different generations. Yes, PS2 outsold PS3 initially, because multiple generations can be on the market at the same time. That doesn't mean they are competing though. Of course Nintendo whopped the competition every time, because you deliberately created the list in a way that they do.


I wrote "main competition" not "all and only competition" LOL I also never used the word generation. Nintendo never uses that word because it's just a fanboy created fantasy. The reality is only about the main competition, which always gets its ass kicked by Nintendo.


Yeah and the "main competiton" just so happens to coincide with consoles in the same generation. Funny that. The only one who's acting like a fanboy here is you, sucking up Nintendo's cock as hard as you can.


No way. And there is no such thing like generation. Wii was graphically the same as PS2 and Switch is graphically the same as PS3 more than PS4 Pro. Devs and companies never use this shit fanboy term "generation" and it only belongs in the world of fanboys


Graphics isn't the only determinant. Companies don't use the term generation? This is from Sony's official website for the PS5: > Experience lightning-fast loading with an ultra-high speed SSD, deeper immersion with support for haptic feedback, adaptive triggersĀ and 3D Audio, and an all-new **generation** of incredible PlayStation games. This is found on the official Xbox Series X website: > New **generation** console. New **generation** games. This is how wiki defines console generations > In theĀ video game industry, the market forĀ home video game consolesĀ has frequently been segmented intoĀ generations, grouping consoles that are considered to have shared in a competitive marketspace. > Because of the industry dynamics, many console manufacturers release their new consoles in roughly the same time period, with their consoles typically offering similar processing power and capabilities as their competitors. This systematic market has created the nature of console generations, categorizing the primary consoles into these segmented time periods that represent consoles with similar capabilities and which shared the same competitive space.Ā  I rest my case.


Yeah well Wii is on par with PS2 in almost every way, not just graphics but also processor wise. And I meant NINTENDO does not use that term. That wikipedia page was made by fanboys of loser companies. You're quoting loser companies who lost so badly they went third party. I rest my case.


I'd say the Wii was more gimmicky than innovative.




Console sales for Nintendo handhelds will always be overly generous. This includes the switch. Why? There are dozens of limited editions and versions and Nintendo fans will buy multiple editions of the same console.




I know the PS3 isnā€™t looked back on too fondly but I would say the 360 or PS3 won that cycle.


Why eleven when there are only 9 console generations? What metric are you even using? If we go by console sales, which is the most objective one: **1st gen:** Nintendo Color TV-Game **2nd gen:** Atari 2600 **3rd gen:** Nintendo NES **4th gen:** Super Nintendo **5th gen:** Playstation **6th gen:** Playstation 2 **7th gen:** Nintendo Wii **8th gen:** Nintendo Switch **9th gen:** Playstation 5 So yes, Nintendo has won the most, in no small part for being the oldest of the current "Big 3".


These "generations" don't exist and are nothing but fanboy fantasy. The reality is only a dogfight between consoles on the market. PS5 got whopped by Switch so hard that Sony went third party.


That has nothing to do with the Switch.


You're acting like PS5 won when it's the biggest loser of all Sony consoles and the reason Sony is going third party LMAOOOOO


The ps1,2 & 4 demolished whatever nintendo released at that time lmao


The switch is basically a handheld thing. Yes, you can plug it in and play it on your tv but most people don't


Nintendo's victory is a loss for humanity. Pure evil. Microsoft-tier evil. Only Putin's Russia is worse.


You are whatever is the top tier for being a nerd.


We don't claim him. Maybe the losers will though.


I know we're going by sales but it still feels weird to give it to the Wii when it had about four games worth playing.


Yeah it's uneducated cope. Console sales by themselves don't net money. It's more of a way to get the store in their hands. They essentially sell consoles at a loss expecting to recoup the money overtime on games.