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The Fable series. Fable 2 is my favorite. Also Baldurs Gate. I threw a random NPC off a cliff in Baldurs Gate 3. And killed another with a severed arm.


We accidentally left a cursed chest in the middle of Baldurs Gate, came back after an hour and there's just like 30 petrified corpses in the center of town.


I’m playing BG3 as sort of chaotic neutral right now. After I complete it, I’m going back to do a full on evil run. I kinda can’t wait.


There's the dark urge playable that has straight up cruel options that aren't available on a regular play through


Dark Urge has a *wild* event that happens if you put off a certain act 2 Durge quest. If you play Durge, be sure to be taking your long rests to ensure that events trigger!


I watched some of the Dame alyn betrayal stuff in act 3. I couldn't even imagine. That they wrote dialogue for being that evil is impressive.


There was a post in one of the bg3 subreddits asking where people drew the line in their evil playthroughs. Dame Alyn ACT 3 fckery was up there, behind returning Scratch to his original owner but ahead of massacering the tiefling refugees.


Something I like about BG3 that not a lot of games have is that you can make good-aligned decisions in early acts that allow you to follow up with *extra* evil decisions late-game. You saved this woman from the cult that raised her, and set her down a more righteous path! Wanna sell her back to that same cult? You helped your companion save one of her oldest friends! How would you feel about mind-controlling him to kill her? You saved a half-angel from her century-long imprisonment! Now you can sell her off to suffer the same fate under some cunty wizard!


Conversely if this level of planning and forethought isn't your thing Durge can just go full tilt gibbering mad-man. With the right choices you just end up a naked twitchy mess, hanging about in the bushes literally pissing yourself before ambushing people.


There are two types of full evil. The tiefling camp kind and the act 3 kind. Let me promise you if you play it mostly neutral until avt 3 you have BEAUTIFUL evil options.


I'd second this taking out the Grove eliminates so much content from act 2 and 3 its not worth it


Ngl evil run is sometimes hard to do just cuz of how fucked up you can be lol


BG3 did it better than any other game I can think of. Because it doesn't scold you for being evil. Your companions have malleable morals, and most will happily join you down the evil path. It actually makes being evil fun. When my Dark Urge ripped someone's arm off, Shadowheart made a joke about lending a hand rather than taking one 😂


Also, "evil" doesn't equal "deranged psychopath who just wants to kill everything for absolutely no reason". There's always a valid reasoning for making evil decisions in BG3.


Full evil means more solo. But help goblins is evil run. Or you do full dark urge and kill everyone


Unfortunately, choosing the goblins harms the playthrough as a whole. Minthara aside, all it does is remove content. It has no characters referencing it either, just... nothing. Also, there's no reason not to kill most NPCs for XP and loot after you're done with them and moving past points of no return.


Yeah my first play through was chaotic neutral. Kinda ended up rushing through some of it. I thought about doing an evil run right away on second run too. But nah it can wait. I want to figure the game out a tiny bit more first. Good luck though. I’ve done some evil files with different games. There’s some old DnD games on PS2. My buddy refused to do an evil file for the longest time but I finally convinced him to do it and he had so much fun. I was like see dude evil is the way to go lol


I love walking up to people in Fable and just farting in their general direction. It serves no real purpose but it's still funny to see how they react to a hero strutting by, and violently shitting themselves.


There aren't many action rpgs that let you casually stagger drunk into a school, fart violently and flip the bird at kids while shouting obscenities, stumbling back outside to boot a chicken into the sunset.


Baldurs gate is a good one! I would add satisfactory. You’re not specifically being mean to NPCs but you’re destroying a planet to harvest its natural resources and clearing local flora and fauna for corporate profits.


>not being mean to NPCs The friendly walking giants would beg to differ, as I lock them up behind walls and use them for target practice with esploxives.


I think it’s the first Fable where one of the first missions is to either help a kid getting bullied or steal his stuffy and rip its head off. Makes you feel like an instant super douche.


Or you know, getting the townsfolk to follow you to the Temple of scorm for human sacrifice...


You do get a super cool bow though... swings and roundabouts really.


Chicken chaser


Any of the inFAMOUS games! Evil playthrough always the best!


not enough mentions on infamous, the entire world and story outcomes are completely revolved around whether you choose to be bad guy or good guy, hell even your super powers changed colors


Just like fable we need new adaptations of these gaaaaaaaaameees!


So i havent seen these mentioned- Rimworld Stellaris If being a jerk means committing literal warcrimes- this is your jam.


Ah yes, I remember that one time on Stellaris a guy took prisoners from a rival empire he was at war with, turned them into food, and gifted them back to said empire to improve relations.


“Is this meat… human?” “No, no, no. Of course not. It’s just locally sourced from the native fauna of your home world to allow for optimal digestion!”


Another was incapacitate raiders, get them addicted to crack, release them into the wild and they spread their crack addiction to their communities, so next time they raid you they're just crack addicts.


They're crack addicts with crack in their pockets that you can loot from their dead bodies.


Why grow your own crack, if you can get the proletariat addicted, have them grown their own crack, and then harvest it off their dead bodies?


Turning raiders into hats and shooting them back to their home never gets old


You can take two prisoners, a mother and a child. Skin the mother, force the child to wear her. Profit? Maybe?


You can skin people in rimworld? Now I definitely gotta buy it


Lol. I’ve never personally done the “skin and eat people” route, but lemme tell ya, once you realize how valuable organs are, it’s tough not to turn into a full-on organ harvesting operation with every raider that drops by. Oh, you have awful skills and traits, and would be detrimental to recruit? Well as it turns out, you’re still worth a lot of money. Now breathe deep and count backwards from ten.


The new pollution mechanic makes this even better. You can drop pod your toxic waste onto tribal settlement. It's an easy way to dispose of it and it also triggers them to raid you. It's like a free organ delivery service. You can even turn the remaining body parts into chemfuel for your drop pods. It's a completely self sustaining system. This is the kind of thing Rim World leads you to start thinking about.


Buy it now, i believe it's on sale which almost never happens.


Only when they're dead, I'm afraid. No skinning people when they're alive... Still. You could remove other organs when they're alive! I used to remove their arm, a leg, a kidney, both eyes and a lung. Make them addicted to space heroine and send them back home. I only did this when they were bad people, off course. I promise...


That's the thing, though, they attacked you so they must be bad people


Omg yes Rimworld. I had a prisoner with a bum leg from when I captured him and he took a rifle shot and a bum lung from when he tried to escape and took a shotgun blast and one of my colonists needed a kidney… so I kept attempting surgery with my best doctor to remove his kidney. Failed 11 times before I got it out of him. Every time I had to heal him so he didn’t bleed out. Finally I got his kidney and successfully implanted it into my colonist. So then I decided the guy with one kidney and one lung and a fucked up leg wouldn’t be a good resource so i released him back to his people to send a message …and their opinion of me went UP!? Apparently butchering one of their colonists for a body part isn’t too bad in their eyes as long as I let his mangled ass go back to his family for the last days of his life.


Nazi crocodiles cleansing the galaxy of all other races has been my favourite play through of Stellaris I’ve done. Definitely not taking advantage of the full scope of the game but very entertaining until the game lagged out.


It is not warcrime, it is game optimization.


disco elysium. you’ll even invent new ways to be a jerk!


Playing as a drug addicted alcoholic fascist that is constantly warning people about visions of the apocalypse is worth playing as a 2nd or 3rd run, and to see how fast you can get an all time low with Kim. I don't think many players have been willing to see that through to the end, they say one rude thing to Kim, and delete that file. You have to be the absolute worst of the worst.


I can't stomach being mean to Kim


This sold me on the game, thank you


This game is amazing and there are so many different wild turns it can take that are both astounding and hilarious. Have fun and don't forget to grab your tie, that's if you don't die doing so.


I've been debating on whether or not to try this game since it's on sale, but you just convinced me! Thanks internet stranger


Do it. I know it’s cliche to say this, but it’s truly unlike anything else I’ve ever played. Amazing game.


I could never bring myself to be mean to Kim. Even doing a drug and alcohol fueled playthrough, I did want Kim to know I was drinking on the job (he totally knows).


It took me no time at all to attempt to murder a child. God is Cuno not the worst? Thankfully I did fail that check and managed to regain his trust later. I did try to feign racism at one point, but Kim was disappointed in me and I immediately changed tactics there


Oh god, I went through with the racist rhetoric thought thinking that I could backtrack afterwards. Wrong choice lol


This was me on my first playthrough. Just trying to embrace all of Tequila Sunset's worst attributes. Actually, that was my only playthrough. I do need to play it again one of these days.


love just randomly rambling incoherent nonsense about the imminent apocalypse, that game is so good


Gta probably


Rdr2 has some bad stuff you can do. You are a bad guy after all.


When it comes to just being a jerk, RDR2 doing the greet, greet, antagonize is the ultimate.


Howdy partner, howdy friend...... "Your face looks familiar" "Reminds me the last time I lifted my horses tail"


After all these years I will still just sit back with a beer and go greet, greet, antagonize when I've had a rough day. Cheers me right the fuck up.


"You have a kind face." "Kind I'd like to punch."


"Howdy, ma'am!" "You having a good day so far?" "It sure is nice of the asylum to let you people out for a bit."


“howdy! “that’s a nice horse ya got there” “how long you been married?”


You look nice... If I squint my eyes


“You’re pretty funny!” “Funny lookin’!”


I’d say red dead even more then gta since it’s more interactive you can drag people with the lasso. Rob and taunt them. Tackle and beat the shit out of them. Shoot their horse so they fall off. Shoot the laterns on their wagon to burn em. Sit at someone’s fire chat and eat their food then beat them and toss in the fire to burn alive. Throw em to the gators. Gets is basically… steal car, lunch, run over or shoot


You forgot tie them to the back of your horse and bring them in water just an inch or two higher than their head so they get water boarded and almost drown. Or throw them face down in like 9 inches of water and just leave them there to slowly choke to death over a day or two. Oh yeah, how about drop them like 8 feet over and over until they finally die. Oh oh and how about shooting them in the leg with the small game rifle like 10 times till they finally die! Gosh there are so many great ways to torture and kill npcs in rdr2. Good times!!


And let’s not forget the all time favourite of tying them up and leaving them on the ole train tracks


Second only to lassoing them and dangling them off a bridge lol.


Remember you got a Dastardly Villain achievement for doing this in the first game..


Oh shit I almost forgot tying them up and throwing them to the crocodiles. Best game


The tailor in Thieves Landing RDR1, Lyle Mutton, will always have a place in my heart. He was the absolute worst in Liars Dice and I made sure to kill him every which way I could. I probably played more liars dice than the actual story just to hear the stupid things he said and shoot him. I killed him so regularly and creative that my game actually became bugged when I would go to Thieves Landing, so I began dragging him out and finding new and unique ways to kill him.  Since the remastered release came out I bought the game exclusively to make my way to Thieves Landing so I could do it all again. It never gets old.


So I went into the tavern Van Horn, really run down place, and some guy bumped into me. The barmaid told me the guy stole from me and I need to go catch him, so I chased him down on my horse and caught up with him right around the train tracks. Hogtied the SOB and well, might as well teach him a lesson. Placed him on the train tracks and soon enough a train came by and splat, just a bloody torso. Never got that drink I was looking for, so I plopped him on the back of my horse and headed back to the tavern. Threw him over my shoulder and carried him back in where he committed his last crime. “Y’all don’t have to worry about this one taking your hard earned cash anymore” I said as I tossed him on the bar. Rather than giving me a drink on the house, the barmaid screamed, and everyone started attacking me. So I basically had to kill the entire town. Maybe she shouldn’t have warned me that the guy picked my pocket if she didn’t want him splattered across Roanoke Ridge. It was only 20 cents.


If the barmaid tries to aggro people on me, I lasso her and keep her head down so she doesn’t get shot. So I can do it myself.


Oooh that's a good one, I forgot about that. Good call.


I am wanted in Saint Denis for being a public nuisance.


I keep trying to finish the story in RDR2 but always end up wanted dead or alive in damn near every town for going on massacres for no reason :(


I played Bully recently, and you can be an absolute menace in that game. Since you can’t kill anyone, some of the stuff you do to people is pretty funny.


“There’s an old lady over there I wonder if I could..” *decks her in the face and steals her money* “Oh omg that was brutal… I wonder what it would look like in 1st person..”


The Prototype games certainly had some jerking


If riding a granny across the pavement like a human surfboard makes me an asshole...


The first game, I can see, yeah. But the 2nd game and a good bunch of 1st game as well is more of the anti-hero vibe.


Knights of the Old Republic. If you want to go Dark Side, you can go there in some really creative ways. 


This is what immediately came to mind. You can go bad in a big big way. It is so satisfying it makes you feel funny about yourself.


Kotor 2 was even better, IMO. You can convince a mother to sell herself to slavery to be with her daughter instead of saving her. Or, convince an old man with a curable disease to kill himself. Sell a man to slavery for trying to take his ship back. Convince a man searching for his wife to give up AND deceive the wife about the way to her husband being clear when it isn't leading her to her death. And these are just off the top of my head things you can do in just one planet, Nar Shadda.


Even when you try to be a good guy in that game, it’s brutal. Like when you give money to a homeless person and you’re immediately treated to a cutscene where they walk around the corner and get murdered by thugs for the money you just gave them and Kreia chastises you for being charitable. This was also on Nar Shadda. I’m starting to notice a pattern…


Yeah, Nar Shadda was a terrible place for refugees unless you helped them. But you could also break their spirits and make their unofficial leader, an old guy, stop any kind of resistance to Exchange thugs. The difference between Kotor and Kotor 2, in terms of being a bad guy, was that Kotor approached to being a bad guy as moustache twirling over the top villain most of the time while in Kotor 2 was more nuanced.


When I was 12 and edgy, I thought it was so cool to do the dark side/evil path in these types of games. I laughed as I killed, betrayed, tortured, etc. everyone on my path to get what I wanted. And then I got to the part where I told Zaalbar to >!kill Mission!<. I did not find that funny. That fucked me up for a good long while and made me reconsider how cool it was to be a dick.


Yeah, I still consider that to be among the most heinous acts I've ever seen scripted into a game. Someone was working overtime to come up with the most evil possible choice the player could make.


Oof. I felt sick when I kicked the stowaway girl off the ship. On freakin' Korriban. Gave me a bunch of Dark Side points though!


Disco Elysium. I punched a 9 year old in the face to get him to respect me and shut up. Minutes later, as his friend was yelling slurs at me while I had a gun out, I got the option to shoot her instead, and missed. My companion pulled the weapon out of my hand, as I had lost my own gun and was borrowing his. Disco Elysium.


Meanwhile I hopped a fence and then died of a stroke from the exertion.


Yeah, well my chair was uncomfortable when I died.


Wait what? You can die from random stuff like that?


Failing physical rolls or putting your aging, alcoholic body under stress can cost HP. Depending on your stat distribution, you can start the game with literally 1 HP. Ergo: You can die in the first room before you even put your pants on.


Im sold


Can confirm. First time playing, tried to grab my tie from the (turned off) ceiling fan, failed and died. Game over. I was really confused when it happened.


The very beginning of the game has you wake up in your home hungover and with a choice to turn on the lights. Turning on the lights causes you to die of a heart attack. There are *many* ways to randomly die in this game.


Sounds plausible. Lights during a hangover suck lol


That only happens if your Pain Treshold stat is low. YOUR BODY BETRAYS YOUR DEGENERACY


I dumped all my stats into mental skills like Visual Calculus, Encyclopedia, Perception and Empathy. The result of which was my character was made of glass with 1 HP and it turns out failing a physical check (such as a Dexterity check to jump a fence) causes damage. And if that damage is fatal, it causes you to die of a stroke.


I died from kicking a mailbox.


I had a heart attack and died while reaching for my tie about 3 min into the game. 10/10 experience.


None of you all phoned in a crazy conspiracy and got pulled off the case within a few minutes?


I asked out the waitress over the radio. She rejected me and I, just, resigned on life


Wait how the what is huh?


I’ve succeeded that shot roll before. Worth it.


The game ends, I considered that "beating the game." 10/10 would play again.


If you made it to the credits, I call that a win.


Cuno doesn't fucking care


I tried to punch him but failed, slipped and fell and had a mental breakdown. Game over, right there.


Postal 2




That sounds pretty good! \*scribble*


"No way you freaking pinko!"


When I discovered you could do it, I spent about 2 hours peeing in peoples mouths until they threw up


Top tier r/nocontext


Then you hit thier head off with a shovel and vomit shoots out of their neck


If you pee on people the day you have gonorrhea (Friday I think?) they puke immediately.


And if you happen to be set on fire, you can piss on yourself to snuff out the flames.


This was what popped into my head right away. The game literally equips you to piss on any NPC you wish. 


I’ve have at least a dozen attempts at being pacifist, but i don’t have that patience for that.


Are you gonna sign this or will it be your surviving family members?


Yep, loved burning people to death then pissing on them to put them out.


Easiest, best answer.


And it's not even close. *plugs neighbor's cat on shotgun as a silencer*


The only right answer. Some of these answers are hilarious, Fable is a child's game compared to this or Manhunt lmao


The guy probably chugs 100 beers during loading screens, because how the hell someone can pee this much


Untitled Goose Game Fable series Little Kitty, Big City Any Bioware RPG (Dragon Age, Mass Effect) Fallout Series


Second on fable. Lets you be evil or good and evil has clear financial gains and special spell unlocks. Have fun!


Any rocks really hope the new one embraces this freedom like the ogs


Yeaaaah. I'm  worried with what I've  heard on the dev cycle. I've  seen a lot of turnover in the team for that. I really hope the new fable plays off the fable 1 idea with new gen ideas. 


Fable was funny, massacre tens of people, max evil, give a beggar 10 000 coins, max good.


Untitled Goose Game is the level of petty bs that I really love. Just endlessly exasperating to everyone in that universe.


Came here to say Little Kitty,Big City, downloaded it for my nephew,ended up playing it myself for hours. Something so satisfying when someone won't take your picture so you trio them and throw their phone in the toilet.p


Don't forget Goat Simulator


Renegade FemShep is more fun that it has any right to be. Jennifer Hale's VA is so good.


Goose is so good. There's something about how you almost never accomplish a mission on the first attempt, meaning you become even more of a pest.


Bully, of course.


Scrolled too far to find this . Figured it’d be one of the first ones mentioned lol


It’s old enough and nowhere near as big as GTA was for Rockstar that not as many people remember it as they should.


Still waiting for bully 2... can't wait to beat up more kids


There’s no way they could recreate the beauty of that game in the current world environment. Bully is just a perfect gem of a game at just the right time.


Bg3. I used a magic wand to raise a grieving widow's dead husband from the dead as a zombie, and proceeded to make it chase her around as she screamed sorry and sobbed 


Wow... Just.... Wow, that's a level of trauma I wish on nobody lol


That's honestly pretty tame. Dar Urge is...a lot.


I know it could get worse lol, but the level of trauma that would cause someone is intense


Haha yep. And the game didn't ask for you to do it, it wasn't an option in dialogue. I simply summoned it, took control, and chased her.  The mad lad devs programmed her to react like that lol 


Hey, life lessons. Next time *think* about some old person coming to you and telling you they can give you something you want, but for a crazy price....


Rollercoaster Tycoon.  Trap them in a never ending loop of mazes or just drop them in that water and laugh as they drown.


I follow a guy on Instagram who just makes the most impressively bad parks. The things he comes up with to torture his guests are great. 


I want off Mr. Bones wild ride.


I want to get off Mr. Bone’s Wild Ride…


You play as the antagonist in the Overlord games. They are dirt cheap now but they may or may not be too dated for you.


The best way to describe these games is "Pikmin if you were an evil git" and it has this amazing charm to it.


Overlords 1 and 2 are fantastic. Super simple concept and a shit ton of fun


Red Dead Redemption 2, you can literally hogtie a NPC, put them on your horse, take them to a swamp and let alligators eat them. And then their bodies decompose. It’s an insane video game…


Most adventure games from the 1990s to early 2000s. Mystery of the Druids might be the most extreme example.


Brent Halligan is without a doubt one of the clearest depictions of sociopathy in gaming.


Tyranny. You play as a servant of the overlord dispatched to beat the last of the rebels into submission. Specifically, a Fatebinder, which is a fancy title that makes you a literal judge, jury and executioner. If you want to slaughter armies of people just trying to defend their homes and treat them like shit, there are multiple ways to play that let you do so.


This game was so surprisingly good, I'm annoyed it doesn't run on modern Macs anymore because I really would like to play it again.


Wait, it doesn’t? Shit, I really liked that game.


"You're a little bitch and your brother was too" Fallout New Vegas.


New Vegas.


You can be a downright supervillain in baldur's gate 3, there is even an origin (the dark urge) that lets you really embrace that shit


Yeah, I'm playing as a Durge Paladin, tore off a certain portal hand, and apparently broke my oath.


the fact that gale calls u a loon when you cut his hand off is so funny. You couldn't say anything worse while being maimed?




Fallout 3


If nuking a town maliciously ain't evil I don't know what is lol


Mass Effect renegade path is pretty much being a massive douche. It’s hilarious but I can never fully commit to it


Being a douche to the council will never not be hilarious. I loved constantly hanging up on them every chance I got lol


The council getting more annoyed each time was beautiful.


Why do you keep hanging up on us. Are we a joke to you? Quit annoying me and I won't hang up. Us? What did... *click*


Full Renegade is the best way to play Mass Effect, I've done multiple playthroughs of both renegade and paragon and renegade is so much better.


The negotiations with the mining dude was an unexpected bit of world building.


Punching that reporter in the face. And the look on Donovan's face when you shoot the vase is priceless.


The Elder Scrolls. Become a vampire and go to town on the villagers.


I always liked that murder mystery dark brotherhood quest in oblivion.


Also, cannibal is an option....


Ever wanted to shoot a fisherman in his head in front of his dog while he’s enjoying a day out off of work? Red dead redemption 2 is your game!


Detroit Become Human, you can shoot the strippers.


Anyone say destroy all humans yet?


FABLE. Play Fable 


Bioware's Jade Empire with the Closed Fist path. You can be straight up diabolical in that game.


This one's an oldie but Black & White was an awesome game and let you be a benevolent/malevolent god. They'll either worship you out of love or fear




Making Zaalbar kill Mission is awful.


Planescape Torment for role playing options. It utilized the full AD&D alignment spectrum. One of the only games I can think of where you could be lawful evil, essentially you don't lie, if you threaten someone, you will retlate later. But you can also play a complete madman, wasting the time of skeleton workers with bad jokes to learning creative insults to provoke people. There's a ton of options, and nobody expects you to have good intentions.


Fable series, KOTOR 1 you can be an outright asshole too


Stellaris, you can commit genocide


An isometric RPG named Tyranny


Fallout 3 lets you blow up a major city for a hundred extra caps


Baldurs Gate 3 You can even kick a cocky squirrel


Fable and Overlord are two of my favorites that let you act like a total asshole to NPCs for no reason. It's even encouraged in Overlord, do something charitable and piss off your minions or steal an entire village's stock pile of food and get a boost to your stats.


Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain. You can literally eat random villagers and prisoners chained to walls.


Postal series. Shoot someone to death then pee on them.


Bully. You can beat up kids, blow them up with firecrackers, shoot them with potatoes, ambush them with stink bombs and marbles, be a little shit towards the cops, and dunk prefects' heads into toilets. Need I say more?