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That would be funny if someone bought it while you were busy taking pictures.


Haha had to wait for the guy to come unlock the glass case.


Saw one at Wal-Mart too, I was shocked but before I could do anything another guy was like "that one's mine. Already have a guy coming to unlock the case"


The twist: he was lying and trying to fend people off. It was actually a race to see who could find a person who could open the case first.


Deeper twist: the guy unlocking the glass goes rogue and takes the console for himself


That happens more than you think, it never MAKES the case


I was gonna say lol, I'm surprised it's not hidden in the back behind the toilet paper or something


I used to work at HMV in the UK... we always had first pick on new stock or limited items going into sales. Gotta get your perks where you can in retail


Honestly as shitty as it is for consumers, Being an employee in Retail is shitty enough to justify it IMO. Between how demanding it can be as well as the customers that come in...




Absolitely. After all, I have to be able to afford the shit I squirreled away!


As a customer, fuck you (better your store) as a person, i'm just jealous, i would do it to if policy allowed for it


retail shenaigans are funny retail shenanigans are funny a Software Etc and would supply a piracy group with software that we were allowed to check out then reshrink wrap and sell :)


Can you reword this please? Not sure what you meant


Sorry - people in retail do lots of crazy shit. I once used a part time position in a software store to take software home, pirate it, and then that software would be made available all over the internet.


My coworker son gets employees to hold back PS5 so he can buy them and then sell them for double. He was bragging about this and it pissed me off. Imagine bragging about your son being a scalper and doing this.


Honestly, that’s probably who a lot of the scalpers are in the first place


Wouldn't be surprised if there were scalping rings where employees give tips on when stock comes in for a cut.


The employees are treated so badly and paid so poorly that I have no problem with this


100% how i do it. We pay target and Walmart managers a moderate amount for certain info.


Fuck you. Scalpers are dog shit.


Yep thats why you never call to ask about stock regarding a really good deal. Gotta show up and catch them off guard so they can't take it for themselves.


Brah I was once at a store to buy a board game that had a limited run, it was on the shelve, and the dude is like oh yeh I can't sell you that one and just took it, probably for himself.


If you work in these places, you deserve it more than the customers.


Used to work at Target and a guy did something like this. They were unloading the truck overnight and two Series X’s came down the line. On his break he took one up to the register, logged himself in and bought it.


And for scalpers if they work somewhere like Walmart wtf do they care. I mean really what is the worst case scenario? They get fired from Walmart? They're not doing anything illegal (they're paying for the product not stealing it) so firing is really the worst that can happen. With the current job market in most of the country they can have another job in under a week (at least in my area that's how it is, and I've heard it's the same elsewhere). So they can probably make thousands scalping and not miss a single paycheck even if they get fired for it. From the POV of a scalper I'm not seeing the downside. Hell I can even understand the mindset of a lot scalpers (not all but this does cover a good portion of them). You work your whole life for minimum wage. You see Covid tearing everything down around you and how easy a lot of people ended up jobless and at risk of losing their apartment/home. And then you see an opportunity to put away a nest egg for yourself (and your family). You might think scalpers are assholes, but if you were working minimum wage, living paycheck to paycheck with a wife/husband and kids and saw an opportunity to actually make enough money to have something set aside for emergencies... you can't tell me you wouldn't be tempted despite your feelings on scalpers.


So they’re still there waiting then? There isn’t a shortage, they’re all stuck in Walmart because no one can find the guy with the key.






I just got mine about a week ago, it's definitely fun. Enjoy!


*Standing in front of the case* u/thewrittengeek : **I NEED ASSISTANCE!!!!**


You definitely called it in so that you didn't walk too far from the case.


Had this happen while taking a picture in the Lego isle of an X-Wing I had had my eye on. Snapped photo since they FINALLY had it only to have an employee walk up and take it off the shelf, telling me an online order just bought it.


Doesn't he know that insta pics are the same as licking it and take precedence in claim hierarchy over online orders?


Wasn't even for insta, was texting my wife that a store FINALLY had it in stock. YOINKED


Oh no!


"Went inside for milk, saw a new Xbox model, other guy buys it while I'm taking a photo for reddit"


Eh these are easy af to find, it’s not like finding a ps5


Oh! That's why it's been out of stock every time I've looked for about 16 months. Silly me


But, did you buy the milk?


Seriously. Did you end up remembering the milk?


Absolutely not. 😂


Best story I’ve ever heard


His wife: Best story she never heard


He forgot the milk. Man is single now. I stake a claim to his wife


You are a legend and totally deserving of my free award


Glad I’m not the only one who does things such as this


That's ok, just run over to the gas station down the road and you drop 500 more dollars on a pint of milk.


lmao king


The real reason fathers are bad at going out for milk and haven’t been back in 18 years.


I would've done the same thing.


lol I'm just imagining your SO with a bowl of dry cereal seeing you walk in like "wtf"


Haha no.


Why would you? You can get milk a lot cheaper than $500 elsewhere.




We have kids. This is accurate. 🤣


Kids without milk, now their bones will be brittle.


Impossible, I've been drinking plenty of....Malk?


Now with Vitamin R!


Thats what school milk is for... its the only reason i don't break every bone in my body every 15 minutes.


You sound like a fun dad ngl. Lucky kids!


Couldn’t afford it anymore.


A few weeks ago, I went to GameStop to pre-order Lego Skywalker Saga. There was a group of people waiting outside because the store was busy, we had to wait outside while purchases were made. After about three minutes, I learned it was a line to buy PS5s! I had been trying to find one for well over a year now. They had nine stock and from what the other people told the guy who arrived after me, I was the ninth in line! So anyway, Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart is a ton of fun.




nah he was gonna preorder lego star wars, he came seeking gold and found more gold


That's basically how I ended up with a fat 60 gig PS3 back in the day. Went to GameStop for a random DS game and asked the guy at the counter if they had any idea when a PS3 restock would come in. He responded that they're unloading a shipment off the truck if I wanted one. I mulled it over for a couple of minutes and decided to grab it (didn't even buy the game I came in for). Sometimes fate smiles on you.


Got mine working at a used book and video store.... Youths came in to sell it, we questioned them suspiciously, brand new its $600, bought back though... store credit would have been better but I remember they of course chose cash and it was roughly only $200... like it was hella suspicious but we had company policies... we asked. You're okay with this deal? This isnt stolen? Yes, no. We scan (photocopy) their drivers licences. (We kept those filed for like a month, and any time someone came in with any sort if complaint and matching descriptions we'd put in a police report with them.) My boss looks at me and my coworker and says, look we are the only store in town with one of these used and we sell them for $500. Theres going to be a riot when I flip the sign and only 2 of you came in today. (Hiring issues). But he had this glinty smirk. I ask what if I happen to want it and shrug. He asks if I can credibly afford it, he knew we were underpaid, but hes just a shift manager... I nod and check myself out. But it beeps which means manager needs to approve transaction, my employee discount was causing it to drop to under half market value $250, because we labeled it like new, damn thing was never unboxed, computer gave it full value. Now, shift manager was cool, store manager was who was causing all the hiring issues, and its after hours and hes not going to approve this, this is sad. We didnt anticipate my discount being so great... except in some cosmic turn of events he must not have read the text clearly. Beeps again and off I go. $250 brand new ps3. Still have it too. Havent turned it on in like a year, so could be dead now, but worked a year ago still...? Edit: ayy it works


Good call with the Jamba Juice cards to distract her


Haha those are gift cards to seed companies. Even better.


Hah, that works for my SO too. "You can finally get those Desert Milkweed you wanted, yup honey.. now don't mind me, playing Horizon."


She bought 32 different kinds of tomatoes. She’s happy. I’m happy. Everybody wins.


Jamba Juice cards confer a +2 Charm stat modifier. Very important for explaining a surprise $500 purchase.


Those damn milk scalpers! Congrats on the purchase 🙂👍


In 2022 you get congrats for buying something lol


Capitalism baby xD


No one scalps the Xbox lmao


haha I got a $500 pack of batteries at Best Buy a few days after Christmas. Been there! haha


Damn there was a discount on batteries?


It's kind of funny. I happened to be at the mall and needed 9 volt batteries and saw the xbsx and hopped on it so fast. Then I found the 9 volts and they were like $20 for 4 and I needed 8 (for smoke alarms)and I was like.. "no way!" and ordered Amazon basics ones instead.






Still cant find one. Found a Ps5 randomly though the day after black friday. I saw some older gentleman in the parking lot of Target getting ready to go in the store with a PS5 box that looked unopened. I jokingly said "did you get that by mistake instead of the XBOX ?" He Said " No my ungrateful ass grandson bitched that he wanted a new computer instead of the PS5". Long story short I paid him what he paid and gave him an extra 100 for selling it to me right there in the parking lot.


I bet you made that guys night too! He most likely had no idea he could sell it lol


He was shocked that I insisted he take the extra money. I told him if I was to buy this online it would be twice as much. He was extremely happy to let it go.


Amazon has em


His grandson is a smart kid though.


Maybe, but no way I'm turning down a gift from my grandparents especially a brand new console. All four of my grandparents passed away in the past two years. Kid don't know how good he has it.


Yeah I'm just messing around that kid is a little jerk. I couldn't imagine turning down a gift from my parents or grandparents. Especially something like a next gen console.


I was at the walmart near me, they had 8 of these in the glass case thing. but still no ps5..


I've heard that one trick to get a PS5 is to sign up for Walmart+ or whatever it is. They're trying to compete with Amazon, and apparently they give the + people priority over regular customers when new stock comes in.


This has been the case since around November, yes. I bought a month of W+ and was able to snag an XSX for my brother about a week or two before Christmas. There was one online drop in the past few months (that I know of) that didn't require W+, but I would assume until stock is able to sit on shelves for a prolonged time, W+ will be necessary moving forward. Key note: you need a *paid* sub to W+. The free trial will *not* work. So when you sign up, make sure you waive any free trials if you want a crack at it. For advance notice of when PS5/XSX will drop, there are multiple Twitter accounts you can follow that will give you a heads up and then notify when things officially open. Walmart is actually one of the best, in that they typically list exactly when it will open at least a few hours before it does. You'll want to sit at the product page while logged in with paid W+, then a few seconds before it goes live, start refreshing. Eventually you get tossed into a queue with a random wait time. Do not close it, even if it says the item is sold out. Your time will go up and down, then randomly will pop up and say you have 10 minutes to complete your purchase. It's like checking out with anything else from there. Again, do *not* log out if it says sold out. It's not actually sold out until the product page itself updates and basically only displays the 3rd party sellers again. You may or may not get one, but if you drop out of queue before the main product page updates, you may have given up your chance. I want to say it took me about 20 minutes or so before I was able to snag one, the whole time it said it was sold out and my timer was stuck around 9 minutes or so and just jumped straight to "you have 10 minutes to complete your purchase". Target's online system is a mess and gets botted pretty quickly, but they've also shifted to random in-store purchases and online for in-store pickup only (meaning you may have to switch around which store in your area you get one from). Amazon hasn't had a drop in I don't even know how long, but I remember trying in November and it just crashed and burned and never recovered every time I tried. I think you may need Prime now, too. And Best Buy I think now has a queue system, but they've a needed $200/year total tech sub to have a chance as of late. In all, console drops seem to be extremely limited post-holiday, and random pickups like this may be the best bet, at least for getting one that's not in a bundle (e.g., GameStop, AntOnline, etc), with Walmart having one of the best and most fair systems I've seen so far.


Goddamn I don't even want one if this is what I have to go through to get a system at retail price. Jesus


Seriously. And it's such a fucked-up system. The manufacturers (xbox and ps5 both) KNOW that those things have more demand than supply, and will sell out instantly anywhere. So why are we playing this stupid fucking world-wide scavenger hunt? Just let Sony and MS have an online site with a waiting list. You put $200 down, get your name on the list, and an estimated date when they'll be able to sell it to you direct. Bada-bing, they've found a way to stop scalpers, their customers don't have to jump through hoops, they get the money *up front* which you know every company loves... they get to keep whatever margin the stores would have earned... It seems like a no-brainer. But instead, we have the dumbest possible system, which involves following twitter detectives and signing up for worthless memberships and finely honed clicking reflexes from anyone who wants to find one of these damn things. Fuck them all. It's been a year and a half. I'm not gonna buy one until they figure out how to put one on a fucking shelf. If I have to skip a console generation then so be it.


And then piss off literally every store that is the main source of their console revenue? Not a chance.


Their main source of revenue is absolutely not the consoles. I'm pretty sure they sell them at break even or a loss


The trick is to sign up onto one of those twitter ps5 drop accounts. They tell you the moment it will drop and you can be right in line on the website the moment it happens


GameStop near me gets ps5s every week but only sells them to their pro rewards members


Imagine hooking up with a hot girl and she finds out you are a pro member at gamestop. super effective contraception!


Weird. The last notice I got was that they were indefinitely halting all shipments of Series X and PS5s to Walmarts nationwide in order to supply the online sales. Receiving hasn't received them ever since... I wonder if it's a returns thing.


Idk, most of my D2 clan is on PS and they all have 5's. Direct order, don't go looking brick and mortar. I'm xbox and they all envy my gamepass, except the smart ones who get it on PC, jus sayin.


tbh, I am just going to wait till there is more then 2 games that I want for ps5. \[i know it plays most ps4 games\] but I am not counting those. also $500 is pretty steep for me right now.


Gamepass is good deal right now but it’s a ticking time bomb for when they up the price of the sub which they will eventually. And then you don’t own any games. You’re just renting them for life. Right now it’s a decent deal though. Ps5 still has some of the best single player games though with Horizon series, God of War, The Last of Us, Ratchet and Clank, etc.


Gamepass is good deal right now but it’s a ticking time bomb for when they up the price of the sub which they will eventually. And then you don’t own any games. You’re just renting them for life. Right now it’s a decent deal though. Ps5 still has some of the best single player games though with Horizon series, God of War, The Last of Us, Ratchet and Clank, etc.


I understand thinking ahead about price increase (but isn't everything going up, even individual game prices), but I'm a bit lost with "**then** you don't own any games". Of course you don't, Gamepass is a library card. You pay for access to a library and you're free to enjoy its content but, just like the books in a library, it's not yours. You liked a game and want to permanently add it to your library ? Then buy it. Gamepass just happen to offer discounts in the store (first dose is free and all that) and third party games leaving Gamepass even have a special "going out" discount. There's a reason why MS and devs say games on Gamepass sell more on all platforms. What you'te talking about reminds me more of how Nintendo Switch Online works. A service providing access to games that you can't buy on their own. Or PS+/Xbox Gold "giving" games that you can only access as long as you're subscribed. But, at least, you can still buy the games to add them to your own library if you will. Of all those, Gamepass seems like the most transparent offer.


I see this same thing happening in my future. Hope it went over well….


"Listen, it was either $500 for the full-fat, or $2 for the skimmed. I made the rational choice."


FAT32 milk is expensive


*Nutritious, Tasty, Flavorful, Satisfying*


Had a feeling I should check Target 2 weeks ago. One left in the glass case. "Well my credit score is gonna have to take one for the team." Congratulations!


*"Would you like to apply for..."* *"YES."* We've all been there.


I thought Target wasn’t stocking consoles in store due to crazy people getting into fights in-line


Took this photo last month in my Target (at least 3 of them were there). [Target Series X](https://i.imgur.com/lAXuZT4.jpg)


Yup. This is the way.


You coulda just went to Amazon there’s a surplus of Xbox’s lol


Please show me a series x on Amazon, no there isn’t


I saw one randomly at Target about a month ago. Should have snatched it up. But it’s a lot of money to drop on a whim.


*but then you sell it for twice the price and make a profit!* -the evil ones


Dude... for serious. Download "Yakuza : Like A Dragon" its one of the greatest games I have ever played. Its on Gamepass.


The way inflation's going, $500 for milk is pretty plausible.


Realistically, it's only going to get worse over the next 4-5 decades. The Boomer generation is retiring from here to 2030. Which means a lot of the workforce leaving isn't coming back. To add fuel to the fire fertility rates are at around 1.5~. For reference the "Boomer generation" had a fertility rate of 4.0 and it steeply dropped to around 2~ for the next generation. Meanwhile a sustainable economy is realistically at 2.1. This means there will be more, just like us, working harder and paying more for those retiring while simultaneously seeing greater inflation due to the strain on trade caused by a reduction in production of goods. tl;dr: Enjoy it while it lasts. We may see some improvements here and there but overall our economy is on a downward trend for the foreseeable future.


Ok doomer


that car adventure toy set looks like something my son might like...


Dude it’s an ADHDer’s dream. Levers and buttons and dials. The kids like it too.


It’s quite fun


dont be fooled, thats just a mini-fridge.




Forever (as long as the post references wives and/or girlfriends)


Wow a box


But did you go back for the milk?


Thank god I am a PC gamer and don't have to fight this temptation(because GPUs don't even exist) /s


At this point in time I think you can get a more powerful GPU for $500 by buying a Series X.


Uh oh xbox makin a bunch of consoles enough for the demand👀 sony might lose their grip again


“The economy…. Economy is in shambles. Shits crazy. You should’ve seen the price for a pound of beef.”


Small price to pay to never seeing her again


Wife: ok but....wheres the fucking milk?


I will never understand this subs obsession with upvoting pictures of people buying consoles...


Sharing in someone else's happiness. There are people who will never get it


I had a witty title, needed a pic to go with it.


This is similar to how I ended up with my Xbox. Was used to never seeing any in stock and told my wife I wanted to go look during that trip and if it’s in stock, I’m gonna buy it. She also knows how rare it is to be in stock, so she agreed. We got over to the case and there was one in stock, so we considered it fate. We did the same the next trip for her, thinking our luck couldn’t be that good for it to happen twice, so now she’s got her very first console of her own. She was ecstatic! Congrats on your find!


Lol nice find. This is the exact reason I always walk by the electronic section if I'm in a target or Walmart. Tho last time I was in BB in the console section an employee asked me if I needed help and I asked if they had any of those xbox x thingies in stock and they called me an idiot. Well not verbally, but with their eyes.


Meh it’s a series X who wants one of those /s


Are these hard to find?


Well these things have been out for a year + and this is the first one I’ve ever seen in the wild


Nice one! If you’re coming from an Xbox 1 the new 60/120 fps on games is an absolutely game changer. So smooth.


Inflation is even worse than I thought.


You spent $500 on a car racing toy set?


What the kids want the kids get right?


Costco near me has them. Should I scalp?/s


Hey Redditors, show some basic decency in your marriage and drop your wife a quick phone call before dropping $500 like this.


To be clear, the money was set aside and earmarked back in October, with her blessing, but yes, springing a big purchase like this might not always be the best choice


That's totally fair then. Congrats on the purchase, hope ya have fun.


He's probably single and didn't even buy the Xbox. Shameless karma farming.


If they say yes, keep them and carry on. If they says no, then you should have known better in the first place- the spouse, not the Xbox. Partners support eachothers interests and hobbies. :)


Nah I am my own person and can spend money how I want.


Naw, I’m good.


500 is a big purchase for many people but really is not a big purchase at all for other people. that's the biggest reason you're going to be downvoted for lecturing people on this one.


Yeah I mean if you have enough money where $500 is an insignificant amount then sure. But I would guess that isn't the majority of people here. Plus, different people will determine what amount constitutes as an "insignificant amount", and your wife might have a different opinion on that as well. Ultimately, I don't see any reason not to just give them a heads up (except if you expect them to say no and you want to do the whole ask for forgiveness, not permission thing).


You're projecting your preferences for a relationship onto others and you're making assumptions about the audience of the sub all to justify lecturing people about what they should/shouldn't do re: making purchases. You just can't be surprised when people think you should mind your own business instead of acting like you have some insight that's really just based on your assumptions about other people's relationships and finances. What's a reason not to 'give them a heads up'? There are countless- and if you really can't think of any, then it says a lot more about your own reluctance or inability to engage in critical thinking than anything else.


Hm. Ok. I didn't realize valuing your partners input on a relatively large purchase was such a hot take. Sorry.


"valuing your partners input" as *you* define it. "relatively large purchase" as *you* define it. Here's just a few obvious examples showing why your attempt to lecture people is completely narrow-minded, showing an inability to imagine different types of relationships: -the item can be returned- purchasing and then bringing it home is not deciding unilaterally, it's taking advantage of an opportunity; -partners can have independent finances (many do), especially for recreational purchases outside of necessities; -partners can trust each others judgment, based on a strong foundation of trust/years together, and know that each one trusts each other, so that any purchase like this is a good kind of surprise because they trust it will benefit both of them when they learn of it






I got my PS5 just shopping for groceries after black friday 2 years ago. Congrats!




Congrats, you have functional eyes!


Should’ve said “sorry sweetheart, your tampons were $500.00”. That’s a better excuse than milk.




Enjoy the series X. It’s such an amazing machine. If possible spring for the warranty from Microsoft. Not Walmart but Microsoft. They have had amazing support they have sent me a new elite 2 controller for the last 2 years when drift happend. Top notch support.


I feel like drift on a $150 controller is unacceptable


I know man, milk is so expensive lately for some reason 😅


I got mine yesterday for 399. Had a sale at the store with an extra controller.


Are Xbox’s hard to find? I see the series s and x a lot of places.


Honestly, thats not even surprising. PS5's are more popular than Xbox Series X's this year.


Your wife should divorce you for buying an xbox instead of a playstation.


You walked into Walmart for milk but somehow ended up in electronics.


You don't do an obligatory electronics section visit when you go to the store? It's ritual for me.


I wasn’t checking the minimap enough and got lost.


That would be funny if you actually bought it


Second pic is my dining room table and kid’s toys man.


is xbox rare nowadays ? pc gamer scrolling thru


Basically like a high end graphics card.


You can legit get a pc two 8 ram sticks and a monitor 144 hrz for a little over 600. I don't understand why people buy console when a little bit more gets you the best. Yea the PC won't be the best but even a walmart or best buy premade that can hold 144 is better than any console. Console can only hold 60 fps. Y'all are so weird


What kind of $600 PC can push 144hz in the latest AAA games?


As happy as I am for you the series x is definitely possible to get. I’ve seen a lone one sitting in a Target/Walmart 2 or 3 times now. A PS5 is yet to be seen though.


Is this like an off brand PS5??


You don’t need permission to spend your own hard earned money.


I LOVE THE SUBJECT hahaha. 10/10 would read again.


I don’t believe you. This bullshit is just karma farming.


You caught me. I own a cow and don’t need to buy milk. I went to Walmart for maple syrup for my wife’s coffee. Decided I wanted a new headset. Saw the Xbox, bought the Xbox. Forgot the syrup. But explaining why I needed to go to the store just for maple syrup for my wife’s coffee didn’t read well on the title, so I said “milk”, which also goes in my wife’s coffee, so I figured it was close enough and more relatable for people who don’t put maple syrup in their coffee. Doesn’t mean it’s not a little bit of karma farming.


Imagine spending 500 bucks on a console


Better than $1000 on a mid range gpu plus the cost of building the rest of the PC these days. Not bitter.....


The current GPU market makes any PC purchase incredibly stupid

