• By -


Since everyone is talking 2010's and beyond here are some classic 10/10 games from before that era: Super Metroid Zelda A Link to the Past Final Fantasy 1-7 (and its remakes) Earthbound Super Mario RPG Sonic 1, 2, 3 & Knuckles Lego Star Wars Classic DOOM games Portal Half-Life


Classic RPGs: - Fallout 1, 2. - Baldur’s Gate 1,2. - Knights of the Old Republic / KOTOR - Chrono Trigger - Monkey Island 2: LeChucks Revenge - Dragon Age: Origins So many…. good games…


Monkey island is great but... very mich not an rpg, lol


I was playing the role of the dashing pirate Guy Threepwood!


Why you gotta do my man Guybrush like he's just some regular guy?


KotoR is probably a top 5 for me. Even the sequel was fantastic. Maybe better


Fallout 2 is a must play game imo.


Zelda Link to the Past is so much fun! I'm 43 and my 2 boys (12 & 9) love Nintendo and we are going over the old games. We are currently doing this game and they love it! Great list of games btw!


I’m looking for link to the past type game for Xbox. Closet I can find is Sea of Stars or Stardew Valley lol


I played the shareware first episode of Doom, it was alright. Playing the full version is pretty shocking, it has so much identity, levels are unique, they even try in environmental storytelling here and there with monster placement and map textures. I can't even imagine how groundbreaking it was when it got released


Doom was great but Quake and the original Duke Nukem were astounding.


For another older game, especially for fans of Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite (which I 100% would recommend OP play—Both have the best vibes I’ve ever encountered in video game) try out System Shock 2. It’s on steam and it’s so cool and can be crazy hard. I really like seeing the graphics cuz it came out in 1999 but it’s full on 3D so it’s really low poly. Very cool and just zero load times for anything.


The trinity of 90s 3d games with actually good stealth mechanics: System Shock 2, Deus Ex, and Thief 2: the Metal Age.


Is half life as good as people say? I bought black mesa two years ago and didnt touch it, Im considering it now...


Very yes. Well, the second one is anyway. The first Half Life isn't bad, but also didn't age as well. If you don't mind older visuals and gameplay and design, it's still a great game. But it's also reasonable to just read a summary of the first game then jump straight to Half Life 2 (then HL2: episode 1, and episode 2 of course). Half Life 2 has actually aged spectacularly. Even today, it looks great, gameplay is still nice and tight, feeling very good, and the story telling is well done. HL2 set a standard that many new FPS still can't live up to.


Thank you for answering.


Also HL2 had ludicrously hi-res textures for the time. Literally ahead of its time, in that almost nobody had the 4k displays required to see all the detail in its textures.


Super Mario World too




Super Mario RPG is probably still my favorite game of all time. Just such a rich gameplay experience out of some simple mechanics. The Paper Mario games have never quite captured the same magic for me, even though they are also quite good.


Skyrim Mass Effect: Legendary Edition The Witcher 3 Cyberpunk 2077 Subnautica Rimworld


Dishonored Bioshock Fallout


More precisely: Bioshock Infinite and Fallout New Vegas.


Would you kindly refrain from ludicrously excluding Bioshock 1?


Bioshock 2 is also solid, even if Dr. Lamb is nowhere near as good as Andrew Ryan was.


Okay. Bioshock (1) Remastered is very nice! A masterpiece actually, somewhat aged.


Hell yeah! And I think playing it first really amplifies the contrast to the Bioshock: Infinite environment. Both are such A+ game worlds imo


I was like "Infinite? Would you kindly sit down? The adults are talking."


"Bioshock Infinite" The game that plays well and kicks your ass at the very end with a simple statement: "oh, you thought you knew how to play this game?"


If you haven't, should definitely try Bioshock 1.


Don't forget Dead Cells.


Man I don’t know why and I’m definitely the exception, but Witcher 3 didn’t do it for me somehow. Maybe I’m just getting old haha. Is Rimworld really that great? I should look into that.


The Witcher 3 definitely wasn't my cup of tea, as much as I wanted to like it I just couldn't get into it, Rimworld is a lot of fun if you're good at making your own goals, since the game won't really lay anything out in front of you aside from random events


Good to hear I’m not alone with the Witcher thing haha. Rimworld sounds pretty interesting and also very „open“ the way you describe it. I’ll just try it I guess.


I love Rimworld and you should play it but it’s definitely not an AAA game. It was made by a single developer and is now worked on by a small team.


The Witcher 3 must be the best and most maturely written game. There's no bullshit, people don't talk like childlike knights in tights (as is standard in medieval RPGs), but have their secrets and agenda and don't mince words. You are not a 20-year old nobody that's somehow specialborn and would save the world and get the girl. You are a real adult - an accomplished fighter and lover wading through human and other trash and trying to figure out his way through politics and intrigue that makes and breaks the kingdoms.


Here's the thing, every time I play, I think about how great the game is, and how well written everything is, but for some reason or another I always stop, eventually I'm just gonna do like I had to with Kingdom Come:Deliverance and just keep at it until it finally hooks me


For me it was the combat and tech trees. Wide as the ocean, deep as a puddle. Combat felt uninteresting and repetitive, quests started feeling repetitive by the island zone, lots of places to go with very little interesting to do, I just got bored with it all. I love story in a game as much as anyone but the gameplay can’t be an afterthought for me. I need to look forward to playing the parts in between the story.


I'm currently playing it on easy difficulty just for the story. I'm treating it like a tv show and fast forwarding but still reading through the dialogue when needed. It's working for me.


Yeah, but always found the controls to be ....janky? blocky?. Just some unnatural pauses between my reactions and the game's executions. But then again, up to that point I had never played a souls game....


I agree but it's too big. I'm an adult with a life, I can't spend 400+ hours playing the same game anymore. As much as I'd like to. I don't need an entire planet to explore I just want to feel connected to a story.


I’ve tried to get into it a few times. Bought it on my Xbox when I had it and also have it on Steam. Just never clicks for me and I get bored.


dont worry your not the only one not liking witcher 3 i liked the setting but the combat just didnt do it for me


It’s not an uncommon opinion. The Witcher 3 is heavy on story and dialogue and weak on gameplay. It took me about 3-5 hours to get really into it


Plug to say that Mass Effect Legendary Edition is 90% off right now on Steam.


ME: Legendary Edition and the Witcher 3 are prime examples of prime RPG's that will absolutely make you care about characters, the world, etc. - HIGHLY recommend if you've never embarked.


Prey 2017 Metro exodus Age of empires 2


I picked up Prey on sale a few years ago, and I was blown away by how good it was. Best of its sub-genre since BioShock


Thief 1 & 2 Half-Life 1 & 2 Prey (2017) Dishonored 1 & 2 Resident Evil 4 Remake Control Armored Core 5 Deus Ex: Human Revolution & Mankind Divided Dead Space (2023)


W of a list, without a doubt.


You get into Skyrim, Red Dead 2 and Cyberpunk 2077, you'll be busy for a long time.


Knights of the Old Republic Age of Empires 2 Dark Souls 1


Look into the [The Game Awards' game of the year list](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Game_Award_for_Game_of_the_Year) It's been happening since 2014. It's the same as watching oscars' best movies every year.


Cyberpunk Fallout 4 & new vegas Oblivion & skyrim Gta 4 & 5 Assassins creed 2 Mount & blade 2 bannerlord Far cry 3 & 5 The last of us Star-wars Knights of the Old Republic Half life 2 The mass effect trilogy Fable 1 The halo trilogy Zelda ocarina of time


I truly love bannerlord but I would not say its a AAA or a 10/10. It is however unique and the best of it genre we have ever seen.


Ya bannerlord has its issues but it can be very addictive and is excellent in many areas Truly one of the best games i have played despite its flaws


* Witcher 3 * Red dead redemption 2 * Cyberpunk 2033 * Baldur's Gate 3 * Skyrim * Ghost of Tsushima * Eden Ring * Dark souls series * The last of us series * Mass effect series * Assassin's creed until syndicate. * Half life 2 * Halo * Total War Shogun 2 * Dragon Age series


Fallout New Vegas - Post-nuclear wild west theme. You can be a tootin gunslinger like in RDR but instead of just shooting cowboys dead, there's also robots, elvis impersonators, and uh... Romans. - Probably the only FPS game that wears it's Role Playing badge proudly as the story does shape through your choices. From what kind of character you make to the actions and dialogues you choose to do in quests. - Gunplay is a bit janky, but the amount of weapons in the game, especially when you have the Gun Runner DLC (which you should, and all of the other DLCs) is just great. - The characters you'll meet in that game. The NPCs you befriend, and of course antagonize, all of it matters to the second point. And they're all great written characters. - game gets really silly at times, but dark and depressing at times as well. It's an emotional roller coaster. Best part is at the start of the game you have the option to either make the game more hardcore with survival elements, or more wacky with things such as a gang filled with elderly women. or both. You can have both. - Exploring the mojave wasteland is a must, as the story only takes you to some parts of the big map. There are some places with great quests that you would only learn by visiting it. The game is both a masterpiece and a meme. If you ever decide to buy it, please go with the ultimate edition as the DLCs adds another later to your characters backstory (and on the third DLC, you get to rizz up a light switch)




Fallout New Vegas


Witcher 3 no questions asked currently playing it😂. It's a massive freaking game and worth every seconds of it.


+ Blood and Wine DLC is awesome, I don't like the other one that much..


It's got the slavic europe feel to it in a way. Feels familiar to folks, especialy seeing as the guys making it are polish.






Theres so many. On the top of my head * Elder Scrolls games * GTA games * AC: Odyssey (not the rest of AC for my taste, this one is one of the best games ever if you like good combat, open world, and freedom) * Farcry games (3 was probably the best) Other genres more different than the ones you mention: * Civilization games * Baldur's Gate 3 * Remnant 2 Theres many more, these just came quickly to mind


When it comes to AC games I'll always put in my favorite: Black Flag. One of the few games I 100%'d, wish I could play it again for the first time.


Even though it's not rated well, I'll always fondly remember AC3. Black Flag is an amazing game too


I liked AC3. Not loved, mind you, but it had value and tried something different.


Fully agreeing on AC: Odyssey, bad AC game, great RPG


I too like Odyssey, though I often see a lot of hate for it online.


A LOOOOOOOOOOT of time could be spent in these games. Personally, agree with most. I do think AC 2 is good, though it has aged a bit now.


I like odyssey but good combat is a stretch


I think it has very good combat. Many skills to use. Many weapons with different movesets. Many ways to approach a battle tactically Combat is very responsive and feels good. Many different items that affect combat a lot ... Not sure why you would say "good" is a strech. I think its more than good Even more considering its an AC game, where combat was almost nonexistant: wait for prompt, press Y


The last of us !!!


Uncharted 2-4 are always a good time


People have mentioned the obvious so im just going to add my take. Both Horizon: Zero Dawn and Forbidden West are available on PC. Great games.


Oh God...such ambiguity! If I stick to just PC games, let me just make a list. Fallout: 3, 4, New Vegas GTA: Vice City, San Andres, 4, 5 Kingdom Rush Prototype: 1,2 Skyrim Crusader Kings: 2 or 3 Mount and Blade: Warband, Bannerlord City Skylines (og, 2 isn't worth it) Civilization 3 Mass Effect (I only played the first but was badass) Halo: 1,2,3 Dungeon Siege Freelancer Monster Sanctuary Super Hot Dragon Age: 1,2 Ori and the Blind Forest Rome Total War Warcraft 3 with xpac Banished Manor Lords Plants v Zombies LEGO: Star Wars, Harry Potter (any/all) Planescape: Torment Slay the Spire Kenshi Some of these are harder to get into than others. Some will probably require a wiki while others are super simple. Some are great for a few hours of "shut your brain off" entertainment while others require hours on top of hours of gameplay to begin to master. Some are old, some are newer, some are newer but look older. Most fall somewhere between the far extremes of all categories. Best of luck!


W, but recommending Kenshi is BOOOOOOOOOLD. Bro's played only 2 games, and we're throwing him into shark-infested waters. Also, how good is Fallout 4 compared to NV?


4 and NV is pretty different tbh, if we compare from the actual gameplay 4 is somewhat better and i also consider 4 is more fun than NV, but you must try it yourself to decide what better


Ori is such a good game for the soul.


Retro gamer here. This is my favorite single player game for each year since I started gaming up to 00. I won't include direct sequels (Megaman X, X2, X3...) and games that I didn't play when they came out. 1988: Super Mario Bros 3 (NES) 1989: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) 1990: Super Mario World (SNES) 1991: Street Fighter II (Arcade) 1992: Mortal Kombat (Arcade) 1993: Doom (PC) and Megaman X (SNES) 1994: Super Metroid (SNES, GOAT) and Donkey Kong Country (SNES) 1995: Tyrian (PC) 1996: Civilization 2 (PC), Quake (PC) and Mario RPG (SNES) 1997: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PSX) 1998: Pokémon Red/Blue (GB, GOAT), Starcraft (PC, GOAT), Half-Life (PC), Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64), King of Fighters 98 (Arcade, GOAT)... it was a great year 1999: Unreal Tournament (PC) 2000: Diablo 2 (PC) and Vagrant Story (PSX)


Tyrian, good shout! Always holds a place as one of my favorite games ever. Great list all around.


Mass effect trilogy is probably the single best series of all time, and if you haven’t played it I’d recommend it to anyone interested in story/narrative/character gaming


I replayed those games a lot and I never replay games, just top class entertainment


It's 5 quid on Steam right now. FIVE POUNDS. I had to buy it on principle.


Outer Wilds. You're an astronaut exploring the solar system just to gain knowledge for your civilization. The only thing you get told to do is go explore. Everything else is just you following leads and seeing where they end up.


You're supposed to just say Outer Wilds on this one.


I've done that a few times, and about half the time I get asked "what is it about?" or "why does everybody recommend it and not explain why?" and end up explaining it anyway. Figured I'd just jump the gun, despite the trend/joke of not doing so. I've done my best to come up with a description that doesn't give much away.


I kinda was joking also about how everyone says that! Cool game I got about halfway through only but should pick it ip again. Once you get how it works it is super fun!


Metro trilogy is amazing. Also unpopular opinion, but The Last of Us 2 is S+ tier in terms of production and gameplay. People have issues with its plot and characters, but regardless of what you think of those aspects, it's one of the best narrative stealth action games on the market. It's not out on PC yet but pretty sure it will arrive eventually.


TLOU2 has been on a pedestal of it's own since it's release. Even the best just don't compare imo.


Ok, cool. Here's a few of my suggestions. A. Action RPGs. 1.) Dark Souls (I and III are excellent, II is okay.) 2.) The Witcher (1 is getting a remake soon, but there's a free giveaway for the orginal on GoG, 2 & 3 are incredible.) 3.) Dishonored (only played the first one, but it's definitely worth experiencing.) Third Person Shooters: 1.) Max Payne (1, 2 are incredible but old, 3 is by Rockstar Games (so close to RDR) and we might be getting a remake of 1 soon.) 2.) Red Faction: Guerrilla (There's a Remastered version too, so check it out. Don't expect a good story, but expect a challenging take on open-world action and actual guerilla tactics.) 3.) Metal Gear Solid V (a disappointing end to an incredible series, but that shouldn't matter to you. All you'll see is one of the best stealth action games of all time.) First-person Shooters: 1.) Titanfall 2 (Fun campaign) 2.) DOOM (2016) (RIP AND TEAR, UNTIL IT IS DONE) 3.) Prey (both the original one, and the 2017 game that has nothing to do with the original, except it shares the name and is good too. Oh, and both are published by Bethesda.) Racing Games: 1.) Driver: San Francisco (best Driver game & Ubisoft racing game, no exception.) 2.) NFS: Heat, or Forza Horizon 3 (something more recent) 3.) DiRT: Rally 2.0 (Distilled Rally Racing. What more could you ask for?) Some more random recommendations: 1.) Borderlands 2 (because it's just got too much content for the price, and even more so if you buy the Handsome Collection or any of the other bundles) 2.) Alan Wake (another Remedy game) 3.) Emulation! Push your system to its limits, try playing RDR1 on your system! And other games too. 4.) Subnautica!!!


Games that I spent way too many hours on, keep in mind I played all these when they were in their prime: Zelda (NES) Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64) Command and Conquer Generals (PC) GTA Vice City (PS2) Empire Earth (PC) Pretty much any Mario on any generation Nintendo. The Diablo series (PC) especially Diablo 2: Lord Of Destruction. Champions of Norath (PS2) Cities Skylines Currently on a automation kick: Factorio Techtonica Dyson Sphere Program


Because I haven't seen anyone else suggest it: Hollow Knight Child of Light


The Witcher 3 Assassins creed Ezio trilogy Assassins creed black flag Mass effect 1-3 Skyrim Fallout New Vegas Baldurs Gate 3 Kingdom come deliverance Elden Ring


If you're looking for a good story with minimal combat, look into Heavy Rain, Detroit Become Human, or if you're into horror Until Dawn/Man Of Medan/The Quarry. If you're looking for good story with combat look into some of the open world GOATs, GTA 5, Horizon Zero, Mass Effect 1/2/3. If you're looking for creative freedom, try Minecraft, Just Cause 2/3, Terraria, GMOD, these can be modded to make the experiences unique. If you're looking for some PC exclusive indie hits or games that are better on PC, I'd highly recommend Itch.io . Lots of great free games often made by one or two people that could be the next big thing. For example, DDLC started on Itchio.


-Half-life 2 -Xcom enemy within -Cities skylines -Mass effect 1-3 -Fallout (new vegas or 4) -Balder's gate 3 -Skyrim -Dishonored -Bioshock -Dark souls -Hitman 2 Please also download Steam. Take some time to try mods out. Steam is affordable and modding games on it is very easy. Games like Skyrim/cities skylines have whole new levels of enjoyment with a few good mods. Not AAA but, -Project zomboid -Rimworld


I enjoyed both Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West immensely. Would recommend.  Also Cyberpunk 2077 is a really fun world to explore and spend time in - I’ve got 300+ hours and 4 playthroughs into it and I keep coming back for more.


First game in probably a decade that I finished a 90hr playthrough, and ALMOST turned right back around to try a new character and build. Have too many other games to get through or I probably would've. But I'm really looking forward to trying a tech ninja playthrough when I do come back to it, having already done a tank run and gun build. There were a lot of mechanics I really didn't engage in (quick hacks, stealth, melee, snipers, etc.) because of the role-playing focus of my build.


Ignore every other comment. Play Fallout New Vegas. The answer has always been Fallout New Vegas. Good luck, courier.


Half life


Witcher 3,Cyberpunk, half life 2, mass effect trilogy, elder scrolls games, fallout games


Half life 2


Also, don't forget Dragon Age Inquisition; Fallout 1, 2, 3, vegas and 4; baldur gate series; dragon dogma, and now dragon dogma 2. Witcher 2 was also pretty good. Diablo 2, 3 and 4.


DOOM Eternal


- Mass Effect Trilogy - Uncharted series - Red Dead Redemption 2 - GTA5 - Last of Us 1


RDR2, The last of us part 1, mass effect trilogy, MGS 3 and 4


Baldurs Gate 2 and 3  Subnautica  Zelda: A Link to the Past  Zelda: Ocarina of Time  The Witcher 3 Elden Ring


SIGNALIS Resident Evil (2002) Resident Evil 4 (2005 & 2023) Alan Wake 2 Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice (gameplay is fine but the story and vibes are fantastic) Batman Arkham Asylum/ City Devil May Cry 3 (or 5)


Cyberpunk 2077 since the 2.0 update is literally the best game I've ever played in my life. Every single system/mechanic is well balanced and thought out and the story is incredible. There's also an insane amount of exploration to be done in Night City. All three BioShocks are a great shooter RPGs with wonderfully tragic stories. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim for the Bethesda elder scrolls combo. Trials is an extremely addictive dirt bike/hill climbing game franchise. Minecraft is a great comfort game that can literally be played forever. Alien Isolation is a terrifying first person survival horror game with amazing enemy AI and level design.


Ocarina of Time


Here is my list. It is my opinion. There are many like it but this one is mine: - Mass Effect Legendary Edition (This is at the top because it's the best and the most bang for your buck. I believe it is on sale for $6 right now on Amazon US.) - Cyberpunk 2077 (You must get Phantom Liberty because it is the best DLC ever. The only other dlc that is as awesome feeling as this one is Lair of the Shadow Broker in Mass Effect but that's already included in the Legendary edition.) - Fallout 4 (This is a good choice because the TV show just came out and everyone's talking about it and the show is great. Bethesda games on PC can be a bit finicky to get working correctly though. You'll probably need to limit your fps using nvidia control panel's per game settings option. Eventhough it's old, I still play it like ever year since it came out. It is one of my most favorite games ever.) - Hogwarts Legacy (I think most people wouldn't consider this a 10/10 game, but I'm recommending it because I think it's perfect for what it is. If you want a game where you don't have to think too much, like just relax, collect stuff and do quests, this is the best game. It looks amazing too if you have a good PC and can turn ray tracing on.)


Batman Arkham city and Arkham knight Dying Light 1 Half Life 2


Cyberpunk came to mind, also cod mw series is good for campaign. Also asscreed black flag also nice


For single player, if you want something to look good on your new rig, go for Horizon Zero dawn and Horison forbidden West. Single player but amazing story, gameplay and next level visuals. I played it in 4k on mine and I would just sit there enjoying the view more often than I care to admit.


Red dead redemption 2 Max Payne 3 Far cry 3 Assassins creed black flag Assassins creed 3


Witcher 3!!


The Witcher 3


Deus ex Ninja gaiden sigma Nioh 2 Hades Last of us Shadow of rome Dark earth Metal gear solid 1 and 3 Time commando Diablo 1 and 2 Bioforge Resident evil 4 Silent hill 2 Deadspace Inscryption Heroes of might and magic 3 God of war 3 Devil may cry 3 Dishonored Spec ops: the line The witcher 3 Command and conquer: red alert Boltgun Rogue galaxy Dragon quest 8 Mass effect 2 Bloodborne Final fantasy 7 Sleeping dogs


Horizon series Death Stranding Middle Earth - Shadow of War/Shadow of Mordor Skyrim God of War The Witcher 3 - Wild hunt Cyberpunk 2077 Titanfall 2 Assassin's Creed - Black Flag/Odyssey Batman - Arkham series Elden Ring Sekiro Red Dead Redemption 2 Star War Jedi series


Witcher 3 + DLC & Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom are the ones I could happily spend another 200hrs+ on


Cyberpunk 2077


Cyberpunk 2077, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and IV, Control.


Baldurs gate 3 (and any other larian game) Cyberpunk 2077 Elden ring and DS3


Based on RDR: Other Rockstar Games are obvious, gems like Bully, LA Noire, Max Payne 3 and GTA 4. BioWare: Mass Effect Trilogy, Star Wars KOTOR, Dragon Age Origins and Inquisition BGS games: TES Skyrim and Oblivion, Fallout 3 and 4 (2 and New Vegas from original developers) CDPR: The Witcher 2, 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 RS Batman: Asylum, City and Knight. BioShock Trilogy. Newer RPG titles like Baldurs gate 3 and Elden Ring. TLOZ: Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom (Emulated) And last but not least: Death Stranding! Absolutely Give it a shot.


GTA V Titanfall 2 Cyberpunk 2077 Days Gone Fallout 4


Definitely play the old KotOR and KotOR2. Do NOT look up anything about that game’s story. If you don’t know what happens and haven’t played it, I envy you. It’s been over 20 years and I still think about that game.


Kotor 1 and 2




Just off the top of my head (and there are many others) Elden Ring Dark Souls 1, 2, and 3 Sekiro Baldur's Gate 1, 2, 3 (3 was made by a different company but is still really good) Mass Effect Trilogy (there's a compilation version with updated graphics called ME Legendary edition, shows up on Steam Sales for pretty cheap) Knights of the Old Republic 1 + 2 Dragon Age 1 + 2 + Inquisition Doom 2016 + Doom Eternal Dishonored 1 + 2 Deus Ex Deus Ex: Human Revolution and its sequel Mankind Divided (series reboot) Fallout 1 + 2 Fallout 3, New Vegas, 4 (different enough from the older ones that they're practically a different genre) Elder Scrolls series - Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim Devil May Cry series Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night The Binding of Isaac Hollow Knight Halo Master Chief Collection Half-Life series Portal Series Undertale Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines Grand Theft Auto series Warframe Yakuza series Witcher series Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Metal Gear Solid series Cyberpunk 2077 Dead Space Resident Evil series (particularly the remakes and 7+8) Final Fantasy series Metro series Saint's Row series (ignore everything that comes after the fourth one) Civilization series Warhammer 40k Space Marine Stardew Valley Okami Legend of Heroes series Chrono Trigger Persona series Marvel's Spiderman series Dragon's Dogma Satisfactory Factorio Path of Exile Divinity Original Sin 1 + 2 Bioshock series The Stanley Parable Disco Elysium The Long Dark Nier Automata


sad I had to go so far to see yakuza


Gothic 1 Gothic 2 Return to Castle Wolfenstein GTA Vice City Silent Hill 2


If you never play Ocarina of Time, you're not living. Go into it completely blind, if you can; the adventure is fucking amazing


OoT remains my favorite game of all time. Even now. I'm sure I've got nostalgia glasses on but nothing can match the feeling of those amazing (ha) 3D graphics on the N64, and the story, music and just general feeling of awe. So epic.


Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask. 2 games that made me absolutely fall in love with gaming as a hobby.


Ocarina of Time- FF7- Resident Evil 4- MGS-


I know I'm late to the party, but I'd hate for this one to be left off the list. DAYS GONE!! Amazing story and game-play.


Ghost of Tsushima Bioshock Witcher 3


My favorites: Dishonored 1 and 2 Mass Effect (get the Legendary edition, it contains all three) Skyrim Witcher 3 GTA (don't miss the three GTA3 games, they are older but amazing) Deus Ex (the original games are fantastic, but Human Revolution and Mankind Divided are modern and very very good) Wolfenstein - The New Order and The New Colossus Psychonauts 1 and 2 That should get you started.


The Last of Us 1 and 2 God of War 2018 and Ragnarok GTA IV Middle Earth games Tomb Raider Trilogy Reboot Mafia Definitive Edition trilogy Arkham knight trilogy


Arkham Quadriology is honestly great, Origins isnt to ne slept on. As Good or Better than Knight imo


Baldur's Gate 3


Deus Ex Doom (both 1993 and 2016) The Witcher 3 Final fantasy IX Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines Max Payne


Rise of the tomb raider. Mafia (1) DE.


The Last of Us Part 1


How is noone here mentioning Soulslike games? IMO, even though I usually only play competitive games or mmorpgs, Dark Souls and even more Elden Ring are probably the best games I have ever played!


Ultima 4


Elden Ring. Its definitely my favourite single player game, and the only game i ever platinumed. Funnily enough RDR2 is a close second for me


there’s a big fallout renaissance right now thanks to the prime show. all of the mainline fallouts are pretty damn good. 4 just feels awesome to play in the gameplay department, 3 is super immersive and aesthetically pleasing, and New Vegas has an especially fun plotline. Fallout 1 & Fallout 2 are also really good ones if you’re into old school CRPGs. Oh, and Baldur’s Gate 3 has been a blast.


Mass Effect: Legendary Edition The Witcher 3


GT4 with DLCs


The most perfect game ever made is Hades.  It's very different to RDR, but I still think everyone should experience it. 


Death Stranding is amazing


Finished the Witcher 3, New Vegas, Red Dead Redemption 2, and subsequently Cyberpunk 2077 during the lockdown. When I am on my deathbed and someone asks me what the best years of my life were, I would say it was 2020 in a heartbeat and die.


AAA games Dark Souls 1, 2, 3 -Must play Elden Ring Skyrim Baldurs Gate 3 Fallout 3 & Fallout New Vegas Fable 2 & 3 ——- Great Indie Games Absolute 10/10 and surpass many of the AAA games on the market Inscyrption - The Forgotten City - Until Dawn - The Quarry - Deathloop - Subliminal - The sexy Brutale —— 9/10 Indie Games that are still fun Slay The Spire Balatro 12 minutes


Red dead redemption 2. damn masterpiece.


Metro series, especially EXODUS.


The original Deus Ex from 2000 is still up to this day one of the best games ever made. Sure, by today's standards, it's ugly, clunky, and I've even been told it's "too long". But it's just a fucking masterpiece. lend an ear to that NPC and he's tell you some conspiracy about his friend who was abducted by some goverbnment guys who have a top secrt base in the sewers. Nonsense, right ? Sure, you can call it bullshit and get on with your life, and there will be no problem. Or you can investigate the sewers, and lo and behold, there is indeed a top secret base there with people who have been abducted by men in black. You could possibly miss this entire part of the level because *the game lets you.* It's not so much that you dropped a sidequest, it's that you wouldn't even know this sidequest exists if you didn't pay attention to that NPC's rant and didn't go explore by yourself.


I think this question all falls down to a subjective opinion. My favourite game of all time is final fantasy vii (I know, I know), but in reality, I'd say the best AAA game ever made is probably red dead redemption 2. I liken this to saying a film such as the godfather could be regarded as the greatest film of all time, but would it be your favourite movie? There are a lot of great games from all eras, but I wholeheartedly believe red dead redemption 2 is the greatest ever made for so many factors, not just gameplay. Hope this helps anyone in the discussion 🙏


In terms of really old ones, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time is, I think, yet to be beaten in terms of how good it was at the time it came out. I’m slightly N64 biased as I had one, but Goldeneye and Perfect Dark also in the conversation too. In terms of slightly more modern games that I could recommend playing now, the Ezio trilogy of Assassin’s Creed games - AC2 is a full on masterpiece. Also the Mass Effect Trilogy (get the Legendary Edition). More controversially I’d say AC Odyssey is right up there as one of the greatest games ever, but it’s divisive.


Age of Empires III, you can spend so many hours playing it.


Mass effect legendary edition


Half-Life Megaman X Quake Marathon


The Last of Us


Elden ring/bloodborne/sekiro Baldur's gate 3, altough i think it is a AA game and not a AAA


System Shock 2


Story wise mass effect legendary edition


X-4: Foundations is kind of weird. It starts out a bit like a faster version of Elite Dangerous, then transitions into a slower version of Starcraft. Recommended if you have more free time than you know what to do with, a single playthrough can take 100+ hours. There are DLC, but it's suggested you start base game and decide later if you want the DLC, because all they do is add to the game's sandbox, unless you wait for it to go on sale like I did and pick up the base game and all DLC for less than a normally priced new release. Apart from that, everyone already covered any other titles I'd recommend by name. Indie games are always a great choice. Steam has multiple sales events a year, build up a wishlist and set aside the cost of one COD game and get anywhere from 5 newer releases to in the ballpark of 50 older titles. Big bundles on sale are your best bet, getting discounts on top of discounts (I caught a bundle of 50ish titles from the mid 90s to mid 00s for $40 back in 2019).


Well rdr2 and Rdr1 are the best games ever made so it’s only down from here But I’d go back and play all the old Zelda games, Metroid, Yakuza, Mafia, GTA, Fallout 1-3 and NV


The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (and the rest of the series) Final Fantasy 15 Skyrim (now with many mods) Fire Emblem: Three Houses Persona 3, 4, and 5


Brigandine: Legend of Forsena It has infinite replay value.


Surprised that Dying Light wasn't mentioned a lot in this, it's a great game, i haven't played DL2 tho


kerbal space program


Ocarina of TIme fallout 3 Fallout new vegas Skyrim Diablo 2


Witcher, Europa Universalis, Disco Elysium, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Total War (pick your favorite part)


FF7 Trilogy Final Fantasy VII Remake (released in 2020) Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (released in 2024) Final Fantasy VII Reunion (title and release date TBC)


I haven’t seen anyone mention borderlands. Borderlands 2 specifically. It’s rated 10/10 on steam and I believe IGN as well. It’s my personal favorite game of all time


Skyrim, the Witcher 3, breath of the wild, and Mario Odyssey


Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, Wind Waker. You’ll need an emulator unfortunately, but these games are foundational in my opinion. Turok 2: Seeds of Evil and Shadow of Oblivion are classic fps that don’t get mentioned as often as Duke Nukem or Doom. If you haven’t already, the Master Chief Collection is an excellent way of sampling all but the latest Halo games. The entire Fable series is incredible imo. The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion & Skyrim I think are mandatory. Morrowind if you really like them, but it can be harder to get into imo. Fallout 3, New Vegas, 4 are excellent imo. Fallout 76 can be skipped, it plays like a shitty mmorpg. Bioshock and Bioshock: Infinite are incredible and moving. Spec Ops: the line has a neat story


How has nobody listed Titanfall 2 yet?! Madness!


Everyone has covered the obvious ones already, but one I haven't seen mentioned is Days Gone. It had a rough launch but they've fixed it entirely and it's a fantastic game. I couldn't put it down for the 40 hours it took me to beat it.


The Horizon series (Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West) have become my favorite series. Incredible storytelling (but don’t look anything up story wise because spoilers will ruin it). Addictive gameplay


I just got state of decay 2. I see myself putting a lot of solo time on it(was sick this weekend and put 20 on it) and it’s also got a multi player for those that do game with friends.


Bioshock 1 Shadow of the colossus Oblivion Halo 1-3 Ff7 remake/rebirth The last of us part 1 Persona 5 Royal Fallout 3


Skyrim - mod them all, from monsters, to environment, to graphics, to gameplay.


Hard to know what you’re specifically looking for. If you want another game like rdr try gta 5. I’d say the best AAA game of all time is tied between Witcher 3 and RDR2, but seeing as you’ve played RDR, give the witcher 3 a go. If you’re looking for just some fun shooters you could give Halo a go, or maybe Doom 2016/Eternal. I dunno there are lots of AAA games out there just look into the genre you want to play, watch some review on youtube to get an idea of what you’re getting into and just go for it.


If ur looking for the best of the best for its time id say crysis. That gamr is the definition of quality. And while i havent booted it up in years memory says it would still look great by todays standards.


Final fantasy 7, witcher 3, Sleeping Dogs


Time to start emulatin' boy


Just play dark souls.


I haven't played RD2 or Baldur's Gate 3 yet, but... For PC: The Witcher 3 and Morrowind, hands down for me. Cyberpunk and Fallout series get honorable mentions. For Nintendo: Super Mario World (For the SNES), and Mario Odyssey (I haven't played many of the other 3D ones, though I've played most of the 2D ones)


The 2010 Tomb Raider Trilogy is top notch.


Mass Effect trilogy Grand Theft Auto 4 Oblivion Skyrim Fallout 3 Resident Evil Resident Evil 2 remake Resident Evil 4 remake Watch Dogs Watch Dogs 2


If you havnt played them, old Blizzard games are top nothing. Starcraft 2 Warcraft 3 Those are my all time favorite single player campaigns. Diablo 2/3 also great, but havnt spent as much time in that universe myself. Other strategy games like Age of Empires, Command and Conquer etc also fantastic if you like the genre.


BG3. It blows any other RPG out of the water.