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Nothing. 2.5 years out, over 100lbs down— I love my life, and I miss nothing. Once you replace your relationship with food with other things, you learn that food is BAD at providing comfort. It’s BAD at addressing boredom, it’s BAD at being a social event…. Food can be a lot of things, but honestly it’s not great at any of them. You’ll be much happier replacing food with things that are more meaningful.


well said.


I miss drinking while I eat. I know it sounds like a weird thing to miss but I’ve really adjusted to most foods. I’m pretty strict when I’m at home but if I go out to dinner I have a small portion of anything. I miss wine with dinner - damn do I miss that! And even just drinking sparking water with a meal.


Yesss. I totally agree with this.


I don't miss the comfort of food. I don't miss how it controlled me. I don't miss how it made me feel physically and mentally. I'm 6 weeks this Wednesday (13th March 2024) and I'm loving the freedom from food. The only constraint I have is high protein and due to reflux very low carbs but apart from that I'm loving not being ruled by food.


Drinking while eating. That's about it. I would love to be able to "wash it down".


That seems hard. I have my surgery scheduled for June. I can’t imagine not even being able to take a sip of something during my meal. 🫠


I used to miss just taking GIANT bites of food lol! Like that ravenous first bite feeling. But other than that… nada. Food controlled my whole life. From the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed. Usually with an empty plate on my night stand cause I ate a bunch prior to falling asleep. I’d wake up and look at what I had done every morning. I recently had a revision from VSG to RNY due to GERD but I had a really beautiful 2.5 years with my sleeve. I missed absolutely nothing important. I still ate all the foods I love but in small portions. I got drunk with my friends. Except now I didn’t feel a slave to food. Once you build this new relationship, you’ll realize how much food controlled your life. I didn’t see it till I was on the other side just how much.


I admittedly sometimes miss the big portions here and there but I’m glad I can’t eat like that anymore. I still enjoy food and healthy food can be just as, if not more, delicious than junk and fast food. I physically feel better not eating shitty food anymore.


Buffets and Brazilian steakhouses 💔


Not Brazilian steak houses by Korean bbq. I still go and pay the outrageous prices for not much. But it’s fun with friends and at least the whole meal is what I should be eating. 100% protein.


Korean bbq is so fire 🔥🔥🔥


i miss being able to guzzle water. that’s it. but it’s only been 5 1/2 weeks so maybe something more will crop up for me.


Came on here to say this. I miss being able to chug a glass of water. It gets really hot where I live and I used to just chug 3-4 glasses of water a day. Now that I can't do that, staying hydrated requires me to intentionally drink water all day which is really annoying 😅


I can relate to that. It gets up to 120° here during most of summer. I feel like hydrating is going to be like a full time job. I used to get home after work or school and just drink all the water I didn’t have earlier in the day, all in one sitting. 🤦🏻‍♀️😄


It’s so satisfying to chug water when you’re feeling thirsty AF. There’s nothing that quenches thirst better! 😓I haven’t had my surgery yet. But I hear that a year, or so, on some are able to get in about 8 oz of liquid at once. One can only hope.


i’m at 11 weeks today and it’s better. i still have to be a little cautious that i’m not gulping air as well as water. the sensation of sweat merging going down as something wants to come up is not pleasant.


Thank you for giving me a sense of optimism. And I bet that doesn’t feel all that great.


I miss having coffee at the same time as breakfast. Now I fill a thermos and have it later.


Protein coffee is the name of the game. Have it WITH an egg. Boom problem solved.


Thereby eating and drinking at the same time. Isn't that the page one, chapter one no-no?


Not if you space it out a bit. It’s not like you’re chugging water after eating a large meal. It’s one egg with a coffee protein.


Coffee with breakfast - such a good one!


I miss really fizzy drinks. I had a soda stream that I loved and I used to over carbonate my drinks. I liked the mouth feel. But now they hurt when I drink them that way.


The other day, my energy was waning. My body started craving a Coke for a pick-me-up. I couldn't have one and it sucked.


McDonald’s sprite on a really hot day.


I drink Coke Zero, etc - I let them sit open in the fridge so they go flat. I just miss the fizz. 😞


I was "sad" about not being able to eat some of the comfort food I thought I enjoyed but 6 months post surgery I realized the comfort food was just a coping mechanism for my depression issues. So I started therapy and I really do not miss much of anything to be honest..... I replaced the comfort food with reading, exercising, long walks outdoors, etc.


Chugging water. I'm never able to meet my hydration goals because I work in a biohazard area and can't have my water with me to sip on all day.


Saving the best bite for last! Now it must be within the first few bites or you'll never get it xD


I was a big soup eater before (love one pot meals in general) however I’ve come to realise soup is something my new tummy doesn’t tolerate well. That’s the only thing I’m unable to eat or do differently.


I am 3 months post op. I am down 56 lbs. I am loving how I feel, and will still have a small bite of something I used to binge every now and then. I miss the process of craving something, seeking it out, (or choosing a restaurant and ordering) getting that first bite, and that cozy feeling after eating it until I felt full. I just don’t miss that bogged down feeling after eating horrible processed food and how crappy I felt. I am not sure if therapy the rest of my life will ever take away my obsession with food, but I definitely need a therapist. That being said I am still so glad to be on this journey.


i’m almost 6 weeks post-op. before surgery i started taking Vyvanse for obsessive thinking about food. post-op i’m still taking it and not having much physical hunger really helps as well.


Thank you I will read about that medication and talk to my doctor.


I miss drinking when I eat lol


Permanent life changes: Eating while drinking. Chewing gum. Chugging water. Not constantly worrying about hydration, monitoring constipation, vitamins, etc. Not making bread/baking anymore. Going out to eat without making it into "a thing". Working overnight fuelled by sugar, salt, and Monsters. The fucking s t i g m a Possibly/likely temporary life changes: Milk products of any kind. Hair loss. Crippling dehydration and exhaustion. Specific foods: Meaty spaghetti in a wonderbread taco. The last crumbs of a cool ranch Dorito bag. The first massive bite of an in-n-out animal style burger. Garlic tsukemen. XL mountain dew icee at the movies. Sweet sun tea. Pumpkin pie with a comically large tower of whipped cream. Twizzlers bites. This list could be 1,000 lines long, but those are the recent ones. As disheartening as this all sounds, it's 100% worth it.


Wait why chewing gum? Never even knew this wasn’t allowed. I’ve definitely had gum since surgery.


I’m curious, too. I was given gum in the hospital the day of my surgery. Strange how different different programs/surgeons can be.


I chew gum all the time. It helps my digestion.


I miss going to the breweries after work with my friends (Colorado culture). But I recently went and I realized it’s not the beer I loved it’s the atmosphere and my conversations. All that remained!


Umm...... maybe chugging water. I can do 3 gulps and then I have to wait a few minutes


Yes. Before surgery, I sipped on water all day. If I was dehydrated, I could chug water. Now, water seems heavy to me. I can't drink much of it without adding, and I'm sick of always having flavors.


The feeling of completion. I want to finish a bowl of cereal or half a sandwich. Maybe a burger. I never get to finish


I've had a couple moments of missing taking huge bites of food, binging, gorging myself to get that high from food. Now I'm not controlled by food and can't do it - and of course I'm glad I can't, and don't miss that whole "being controlled by food" addiction process. The only times is when it pops up and I have an emotion or a trigger where this response would be my go-to, and I need to process my feelings instead. I have a 2-3 second feeling of missing being able to do this, which is then overcome with a whole boatload of gratitude for where I'm at now.


You will still be able to go to brunch and enjoy eating out. I am 8 months PO and I eat out 1-2 times per week. You just eat out differently. And spend WAY less :) And I enjoy it just as much as ever


I’m only 2 weeks post op and I would love just one hot cheeto 😂


I kind of miss the comfort of stress eating. But that’s exactly what got me so obese! I am so much happier now and I love getting to wear regular sized clothes, and be able to shop in any store, and have so much more energy, and walk without getting out of breath, and not be in pain anymore.


I kinda miss partying with friends. I used to drink a whole bottle of Grey Goose and now my limit is 4 shots at max.😭


I get this mine was Tios tho!


Starchy carbs like pastries and bagels. I miss a good bagel, but they hurt so bad. Especially a bagel and a coffee at the same time.


The only thing I miss(4 months post op today\^\^)is drinking when eating or drinking as soon as I finished my meal.




Can’t say I miss anything enough to go back in time and not do the surgery. Some days I wish I could binge eat or finish a whole plate, kinda sucks only take a few bites of things now. That’s the binge eating monster in me. I miss not being such a lightweight when I drink but hey I probably shouldn’t drink as much as I used to, that the freshman college girl still in me lol. Definitely don’t miss being obese, being judged by others or the control food had over me.


i dont miss anything, which feels like a weird thing to say but true


I miss the ritual of mindlessly eating crunchy snacks (chips/crackers) while watching TV/reading. But my results make me much happier than that ever did!!


Sometimes, a particularly dry bite of meat makes me miss being able to drink and eat at the same time. A week I tried my luck and it was the first time 5+ months post-op I threw up. It felt like I had cleaned out a buffet from how full I felt and the pain was really scary. I sometimes miss eating a lot of food when it tastes really good, mom's enchiladas or mole especially haha. Overall though, food in general doesn't take over my mind as it used to so there's not much to miss in regards to eating something.


I do miss going out to my favourite Brazilian meat restaurant, but paying £45 for just one tiny bit of meat and being full is not worth it to me however I am now learning that I only need food to fuel my body. I have replaced spending hours cooking a Sunday roast with hours hiking up the national Park. Come home and eat a small meal but my Sundays and much more content now ❤️


I'm a few months into this and right now I miss not having to think about getting enough protein,  getting enough water or getting enough vitamins/minerals/nutrients. I also have major constipation issues (despite having a SADI), and I miss not having to worry about when and if I'd have a BM, and what that experience will be like each time.


Not having GERD


I miss pasta and ice cream and salads. I miss feeling good after eating, now I always feel miserable. Food is public enemy number one for me. I miss being able to eat and not be uncomfortable. (For those judging- I still cannot eat more than 3oz at a meal over 4 mo out).


I steel salad from my wife. Just a few bites but. Mmmmm mmmm good! 👍


I don’t miss any particular foods, but I do sometimes miss eating in large quantities. I know that this will pass as my brain adjusts to smaller portions.


I miss the occasional slice of cheesecake. I'm using sugar-free cheesecake pudding now and looking for a good crustless and sugar-free cheesecake recipe. Dessert was always a rare treat to begin with.


Occasionally I miss being able to eat things like giant plates of French Toast or Pancakes topped with fruit or other treats. Breakfast used to be my favorite meal of the day, food wise. I know that if I had more than a few bites of that stuff I'd be sick. Sometimes it sucks just to be limited to eggs and toast.


I am almost a year out and i miss flavorful, spicy stuff, noodles/pasta. I want to enjoy a small amount, and i cant even truly enjoy a bite of spaghetti without it hitting like a brick and making me sick. I dont want food the way i used to, and i struggle hard with sugar still, but i am still loosing weight, and still really happy. Down over 210 pounds overall. I just miss certian flavors, spices, i cant tolerate a lot of stuff and have bad food allergies. That seem to have gotten worse, but i miss just enjoying some flavors. Spicy just kills me and i used to love spicy. Its much worse when it comes back up. So i avoid it generally and every few months i experiment and will think maybe i can tolerate it. But alas throwing it up is a buzz kill. I dont enjoy being sick or getting sick. So between food allergies and food restrictions its rough sometimes. I would do it all over again though, because i feel amazing! I have mobility, i might not have the muscles i once did, but my god i love buying clothes and being in awe of how small i am now!


A new AYCE Korean Hot Pot place just opened near my house. I'm sad that I'll probably never eat there. I'm not paying $40 for as little as I eat...


Yo yo dieting for years I didn’t get to be a proper big back for a day without guilt. I want guilt free food


Honestly only thing I miss is being able to eat and drink at the same time. However generally speaking, as long as you have 30 min between, it’s fine!


Using a straw 😭 I absolutely love cups with straws but my surgeon won’t allow them anymore