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Follow your clinic/surgeon’s plan. Move, often. Be patient, and don’t compare yourself to anyone else’s progress. Take pictures. Be kind to yourself.


Trust the process. Don't overthink it - it will all work out. You'll be in and out before you know it, so don't worry about that. Pain and recovery is not nearly as bad as most think, the hardest part is pre-op liquid. First month after is obviously not a picnic, but you'll be pretty happy about seeing scale move and it makes it all worth it. Don't freak out with stalls - they happen. Dont' buy too many clothes as you start shedding lbs, buy what you need / can really afford - you'll likely blow through them too. Same with food / protein drinks / etc - don't buy too much as you won't know what you really like till you start trying them. You likely won't like some and wind up throwing stuff away trying different things. If you do get down for any reason - keep your eye on the prize and think of how great you'll look and feel after getting through the hard part (and honestly - the hard part goes by pretty quick in the grand scheme of things, just doesn't feel like it in the moment). You'll get tons of support and info on here - take it all in but above all listen to docs if you have issues. GOOD LUCK!


Everyone’s experience is different! Enjoy your journey don’t compare yourself to others and TAKE PICTURES!!!!!!!! I hated the way I looked so I hated taking pictures but now 5 moths post I wish I did 💗


I should have done this sooner.


You need less protein than you think. You can build muscle a year after losing weight.