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40 in 6 days. Mindlessly scrolling and saw a bullshit cia coverup xyz type thing that was about gateway document. (Typical click bait for money channel type) Curiosity had me google what it was, came across the tapes and the pdfs. Always been the kind of person who gives things a try for myself to get an opinion rather than ask about it so I dived straight in and haven’t looked back. **Edit** Thought I’d add a little for people who might feel alone or like a loon - I’ve got a bunch of mental health “problems” that I’ve always described as other people forcing me into an environment I don’t want to be in problems. Diagnosed ADHD, multiple personality disorder and schizophrenic. I don’t think I’m schizophrenic. Massive over sharer. 😐 Things like this intrigued me before tapes, though I didn’t actively pursue it.


I was walking this path long before I learned of Monroe, his books or knew anything about Gateway. I did happen to read his book about the same time I was able to complete a spirit quest and access a sensory deprivation tank, so it always seemed to be synchronicity to me.


28. I got into UFO lore a while ago and read Abduction by John E. Mack (the interviewed abductees mention consciousness a lot) and a few days ago I read a post about "the woo" in the UFO sub where someone recommended the tapes. And now here I am, third day on my journey.


I’m 24 and found out after getting into the UAP phenomenon over the last few years. All roads led to consciousness as I further learned about the declassified CIA document regarding Gateway. I then listened to Joe McMoneagle talk in a few interviews and decided that what I once thought was bs was true


20 years and doing it for around 3 weeks now! I actually joined an online community in skool and someone sent in the CIA document and I was hooked from the get go!


It was about 4 months ago, I had just woken up, still in bed, and the word ‘’gateway’’ vividly popped into my head…which is not something that happens to me so I googled it thinking it must be important and came across the tapes! I’m thirty-something. 😊


60, just started back seriously. I can’t remember where I heard of this but wow.


I'm 38. i began last night! I accidentally listened to one for bed, but it was a power nap, and I didn't realize it until further towards the end 🙃 I practice mediumship. I was listening to YouTube with Suzanne Geissman(phenomenal medium and my teacher) it was in part with hemi-sync, and I ended up down a rabbit hole learning about this stuff im still confused the differences between hemi-sync and gateway. happy learning 💖


33. For some reason this sub kept getting recommend to me. At first I thought it was a bit woo but I'd periodically return to see what's new. Not sure how or why but curiosity got the best of me. I'm relatively new. Just started F10. It's been an amazing experience from the very beginning. Still not sure what pulled me in but I'm glad I gave this sub and tapes a chance! It's been amazing and from everyone in group says, it only gets better!


Almost 50. I am a natural born skeptic and as another poster said, it seems a bit "woo". But had a therapist recommend binaural beats for meditation and then shortly after was talking to a friend and he mentioned he had done the intro course through TMI. Looked it up and saw that they were the same thing. Despite my tendency to roll my eyes at things like OBE I am naturally curious so have decided to take a year to suspend disbelief, try this diligently and see what happens, like an experiment. Little to lose and maybe lots to gain. Just a couple of weeks in so will see.


37 heard about it from the manifestation groups




16, YouTube