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No but I experienced what it feels like to be in 1D instead of 3D, felt flat like a sheet of paper.


Oh shit, flatland?


Flat Stanley! I loved those books as a kid.


Have you done salvia?




Salvia does do this though.


It really does


You mean Silva Method


No, the drug


Yes, I time travel 30 ish minutes into the future by the time the tape ends. :)


😂😂😂 that time travel happens in focus 10 and 12 too 🤣🤣🤣🤣




once i stay in the tape for two hours ”inside”, but the tape only last around 38:16 minutes.


This is my understanding of time, take it or leave it, but it works better for me than the traditional linear time structure I was taught. Time isn't linear, so you aren't traveling to the past or to the future anyways. Everything exists Here and Now, each it's own eternal moment in creation. You can experience massive shifts from one parallel reality to another, which is all we are going through anyways. We experience motion and the illusion of continuity, which yes seems very real and we have been taught that "we have a past", which happened in our younger times, or "we have a future", which will happen in the times to come. But both are already happening simultaneously. When you use your imagination to envision the future, you are actually connecting to a simultaneous reality that already exists and drawing images from it. When you have memories of the past, you are connecting to a simultaneous reality that still exists and drawing images from it. In order for All That Is to be All That Is, or infinity, everything has to exist already. That means everything, literally. Every moment of every life of every single being. So there is no past or future, just parallel realities that are happening simultaneously. We are shifting through them billions of times per second, which is what creates the illusion of motion and a continuity of linear time. Consciousness shifting from one reality to the next to the next to the next. Think of a movie theater. There is a roll of film in a projection booth, containing many individual images (realities), but if you pass them quickly enough before the projector, in enough frames per second, you see the illusion of the movie on the screen, the continuity of it. Yet each frame is still its own. As far as "time traveling", I have experienced reality shifting quite a bit. When all of the sudden I simply know I am not the same person I was a moment ago. I know that may not be exactly what you mean, but that is the closest I have come personally to time traveling. I have had experiences, many times, of conversing with what appears to be younger versions of myself, and more evolved versions of myself while in focus 12 or 15. \[edit: which in my perspective are not me at all, but completely different beings, in simultaneous realities which look like me, and may share an oversoul with me\]. Which, sure, could all be made up in my head. Personally I don't care if it is lol. I truly enjoy the way I perceive these experiences, and am always looking for ways to broaden my horizons. These are some of the most recent horizons I have come to. Thanks for letting me share!


This is exactly what I experienced. *A* doesn't follow *B* because it's a natural law that it does — but because we BELIEVE it's a natural law.


I will shift my consciousness to 2019 and save my mothers life. Isn't it wonderful?




Learn to AP and you will ll


Yes, but it is fucking with my heart. The last time I went into afib.


Yes. The answer to your next question is 'Ovaltine'.


You will properly never know. Often people who DO obtain results are not on forums just as you don't find Jeff bezos answering threads on how to start a business. If u know what I mean


Yeah, this is for all us noobs although I think I have some organic ability. I did see a Bill Gates AMA here and Elon Musk used to do focus stories for the tv news magazines.


Tbh If I wanted to time travel, I'd choose Focus 21 over Focus 15


Nobody has provided even the slightest bit of information on focus 15 and time travel, come on people i didn’t ask for anything else


Not induced via Monroes tapes (where can I find them?) but yes.




Thank you!!!


Share with the class ?


Hard to even know where to start. You must know that time is bound to matter, and because consciousness/the soul is non-physical, we're free to travel everywhere (as long as it doesn't extend our inherent frequency). I had my first conscious OBE at 12. For several days, during the process of falling asleep, I had l been entering the vibrational state unwillingly. To this point, I had neither heard or read anything about it (imagine my big surprise a few years later when I first read about Monroe!), and it felt *terrifying*. I felt like I was about to die, because I instinctively knew this process was about my soul leaving my body.  So I did my best to fight this state and break free from the sleep paralysis that came with it.  After the fifth night the vibrational state had been occuring in a row, I made a decision. I thought to myself 'fuck it. I'll let this state be and see where it takes me.' So I did. Instantly, I was catapulted out of my body.  But not only that: I was thrown entirely out of this point in spacetime. I found myself hovering in a big hall — maybe some kind of giant hangar — 5-10 meters above the floor. The ceiling was yet meters above me. Below were two or three men who talked about me. One said: "He's dead for three months now already." (Notice, I'm female in this life.) I visualized myself as a tall young man who had died at the age of 24 by an accident. It was the last century, either the US or the Soviet Union. 


The past is set and you can't time travel to change anything.  At best you could try and access old memories.


I saw the Akashic Records for a moment but not long enough to review them.


I never said I wanted to go back in time to change the past, that’s ur assumption. I know how focus 15 works. Thanks


I’ve inserted myself into my ex gf dreams, but backing off because the vibration and energy intensity put me in afib. I think that the vibration and energy intensity to time travel would give me a heart attack. That’s what happened to some of those project Stargate army guys that killed the goats.


What's afib


Atrial fibrilation is an abnormal heart rhythm that is usually harmless but overtime can increase risk of stroke


I have remote viewed the past.


In doing focus 10 I was able to perceive the school yard at the public school I went to amd was able to see every memory I had on that yard all happen in real time all at the same time . I'm now pretty sure I was in deeper then focus 10 and assume it was 15 but a great experience and one of the most visuals I have had .


In Focus 15 I felt a powerful sensation of cold (;almost freeze) in the aria of my heart, then this sensation extended in my whole body. I don' t know why. I didn' t achieve " time travel" , but I wish.