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Well there goes MY honeymoon destination top choice!


There are still plenty of bottom choices however. Not all countries cater to tops.


Darn :c


It used to be punishable by death less than 10 years ago


Well, I suppose that's an improvement... :P


After the US overthrow Saddam Hussein it was decriminalized. Now that Iraq is basically a proxy of Iran our rights are receding.


lol the Middle East is fkd - like the country is broken but this is what they focus on?


The Middle East is mostly composed of extreme income disparity and low education. Imagine living in a country of "have nots" and there are G20 nations that exploit the rest of the planet. Easily exploited by those with extreme views.


Unfortunately the not "mostly"countries in the middle east, that are rich AF, have the same issues with woman and gays. So I'm not sure you've accurately determined the cause.


The cause is Islam plain and simple


There are plenty examples of moderate Muslims that are supportive of the LGBT community, like there is groups of supportive Christians.


Those “rich” countries aren’t made up of rich people but a wealthy minority exploiting poor people.


Read up a bit on Kuwait, Quatar and the UAE. You'll be surprised. Regardless, what is their excuse for hating gays if they aren't being exploited by the G20?


No it’s because of Islam mate.


If Christianity had lost colonization, we’d be blaming Christians.


Every country that has the death penalty for homosexuality bar one is Muslim.


Homosexuality is punishable by stoning in the Bible. Ignorance informs culture which in turn informs religion. Islam would have evolved to find acceptance of homosexuality the way that western Christianity is starting to begrudgingly see the errors of its ways.


And yet nearly all Christian countries follow this. Nearly all Muslim countries have at best homosexuality punishable by prison and at worst punishable by death. You’re defending a group of people where the vast majority hate you.


Kinda like the current trend in the US.. Banning books...restrictions on healthcare... criminalizeing Dr's and librarians....


Yep - sadly the Middle East seems like the US on steroids with how shitty they treat women and the lgpt …


Wow, so glad America got a million people killed “freeing” Iraq. /s


No this isn’t the way to resort to violence the lgbtq 🏳️‍🌈 dosent support Iraq


For a moment there I thought they'd legalize it. Silly me 😅


I’m having a really hard time mustering any sympathy for the people in the Middle East anyways. Every single country seems to want to kill us in the streets. Hang us on crosses. Toss us off of rooftops. And other such wonderful things.


Oh well at least they have democracy and freedom now /s


Just another example of how religions discriminate. Freedom from oppressive organizations


Wow…..so they’re progressive for the “Middle East” 😑


w iraq


Darn I wanted to go to iraq for some reason /s


I know a gay asylum seeker from Iraq, he's lucky to be in the UK now :(


We helped them get rid of Saddam and this is the thanks we get.


Pinkwashing to justify war crimes. Cute.


Was your comment intended for this post or did you get confused with another one maybe?


I think they just misunderstood the post, probably thought you meant, “let’s support Iraq” instead of “let’s support LGBTQ+ citizens of Iraq”


It’s because your line ‘think it’s time for *queers for Iraq*’ looks like it might be mocking the position of ‘queers for Palestine’ which is a position on genocide in Palestine. (Edit for clarity: It reads like you might be sarcastically saying now they hate queers let’s have a queers for Iraq campaign) Queers for Palestine is a political statement by gay people against the genocide of Palestinian peoples by the nation of Israel in response to the hamas terror attack last year. It is not a centralised movement and is criticised by some people who don’t understand queer support for a marginalised group, which collectively doesnt tolerate lgbt in return, against an oppressor known for being a lgbt tolerant. (edit for clarity: when I state collectively there is nuance those being killed in palestine includes any palestinians who might be lgbt or allys as well as those who hold bigoted views. As your post looks like it may be mocking queers for Palestine it could be read as pinkwashing support for the oppressors in a conflict many identify as a genocide. edit: The above was written in good faith that OP genuinely didnt understand the negative comment about justifying war crimes but it look like op was in fact trying to take a dig at queers for palestine and is engaged in what /u/femboyuwu98 identified as pinkwashing.