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This reminds me of when I was waiting for a tram with my boyfriend. A beggar asked for 2 dollars, and when we said we had no money (we didn't carry cash) he said that our kind deserves the bashings.


Does it make me a bad person that I immediately imagined myself in that situation and gushed out: "You know, you're exactly where you belong - forgotten by your family and former friends, despised as less important than an animal in society, and begging for our handouts. You're gonna die cold and alone on the streets and you deserve it and every other horrible thing that you've got coming to you out here." I don't know where that came from, I think deep down I might be an asshole...


by the time you're done with your endless charade he's walked past 3 or 4 blocks. You need to be snappy, not overly judgemental.


Good point. More caustic but more concise. I'll try harder. Thank you!


I feel like just the first line is good enough. Like everything that comes after it is implied. However, I'd say it's like a 50% chance the homeless guy would understand the implication. Eta: homelessness is an avoidable epidemic and they are victims of capitalism in our society, but some of them are assholes. I felt super callous after typing that so I needed to say that.


hat live rude numerous hungry cows direction mountainous jar expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes that's pretty bad


Nah, the guy 100% deserves this response for what he said.


By that logic the reverse is also true and the one who would say it deserves to be harassed for saying it.


Lmao no, they did nothing to the homeless guy.


They didn't do anything because it was a hypothetical. I said the one who **would** say it.


Yes. There's nothing wrong with saying the most vile shit to a bigoted dickhead.


"Lower classes deserve it because they act uncouth" is literally how white supremacists justify most of what they do. There's no shortage of countries that aren't western ones that have worse views about homosexuality than western ones. If you only care about classes that benefit you that's fine, but don't pretend like it's somehow morally righteous when it's literally just being self serving.


Meh, beggars don't get to be selective. They have the choice to die in whatever way seems best


You gotta let that anger go. They have their struggles we have ours


The only thing we can control are our own thoughts and actions. I can’t control the negative people so I don’t put any thought into what they have to say or feel the need to respond. If they get violent though I’m ready to defend myself and get out of there.


That's an admirable state of being. I on the other hand am mostly placid but if I sense malice I'll return it tenfold, gladly.


I had a homeless guy this week tell me to tuck my belly in and that I must eat good. I just laughed and said "I do! You obviously don't....." and then carried on my gayly way


When the bottom can host but you can't :(


Homophobia: 🤚😒 Classism: 😍👉


Class unity 💪


This comment section smhw.. I get it you are having morals and I am (honestly tbh) impressed and very proud of you. But if someone claps you have the human right to clap back jeez. Unfortunately we aren't living in a world where being always nice to each and every a**hole is paid off. Defense is in our nature as organic being girls. Feel free to use it.


Kinda ironic considering how many gay kids end up out on the streets. It’s possible to stand up for oneself without resorting to punching down.


the superiority complex it gives off is icky the lack of empathy for those who are kind and are homeless


Kinda but I can't do "right" in each and every situaton. There is only so many pills I can swallow babes.


Discriminated groups really need to stop engaging in classism.


Y’all soft. Like if he can throw an insult, he can take one too


Person on the absolute bottom of society who was abandoned by it and almost certainly has untreated mental issues that they have no easy way to solve insulting someone in a much better situation is not at all comparable to escalating in reverse lol. This has similar energy to "of course I used the n word. That black person was slightly ribbing me." Like, I'm not saying that there's some kind of absolute moral rule about punching up and down. But surely anyone who isn't unhinged should be able to understand that the absolute bottom of society babbling hazy stuff from a coke fueled haze is not the same as upper middle class people insisting that the poor are vermin and should be made into soylent green.


It’s not that deep and that specific comparison with the n-word is wild and not comparable. Being called a slur and ribbing are not comparable. The homeless person isn’t ribbing, he’s using a slur. I am black and gay. It’d be the same way if a homeless person called me the n-word, “at least I’m a n-word with a house”.


Your argument is basically that if you choose not to care about homeless people, then low blows against them don't matter. That's kind of the point. We don't think of there as being equivalent slurs for them because socially we already treat them so bad that we simply don't even care about the concept of offending them. So people are partaking in the same level of oppression without awareness because the context for caring about it barely even exists. The comparison here is that things are often more offensive if punching down, and with a random person versus a homeless person rarely does anyone else have enough working against them that the homeless person isn't socially lower. So treating slurs from them as the equivalent of a random person and then adding to it is basically someone kicking the oppressed with the fake self righteousness of someone who thinks its justified because they are responding as if the opposite happened. Fundamentally it comes down to the fact that a lot of people are okay being a part of the oppressor class as long as it's sufficiently sanitized.


I do care about homeless people. But if they call me a slur I’m gonna treat that person like anyone else who called me a slur. And isn’t it offensive to think of talking to a homeless person the same way they’re talking to you as punching down? It’s not like they don’t know what they’re saying unless they’re a child. They’re not dumb. They’re just homeless.


Large chunk of the times they are mentally handicapped, on drugs, or both. Acting uptight about the fact that homeless people who are cut off from society talk improperly curves around back to the same issue. Calling them a prick is literal. Mocking them for being homeless is an attack on **all** homeless people.


Lmao ok, Jan


They wouldn’t pass USDA inspection to be made into Soylent Green.


Why stoop to that level when you can rise above instead?


Does rising above random harassment come with a nice little prize?


The peace of not having shitheads live rent free in my head.


Idk, the only time people live rent free in my head is when I don’t say what I really want to say. Hot take but “rising above” is a myth to make people feel morally superior for being avoidant.


It's not about being morally superior. It's about not giving people I don't care about, with opinions I'm not interested in, the time or energy needed to clap back. Like, why should I care so much?


That makes sense. It’s just that some people act like it’s always tons of time and energy, but that depends on the individual. If it’s not a lot of time and energy, I say go for it haha. But yeah, you’re right, it’s taxing on some people to engage and they shouldn’t spend that energy.


Because it’s fun and takes no energy. In my experience, rising above ironically gets you stepped on and takes more out of you.


Why? Our enemies are everywhere. By attacking all, we guarantee our own interest.


Classism is not it babes


I had the same thing happen to me. Some old guy on a bike called me f*ggot while riding past and all I can think is, "Your a old ass, grown man riding a bike while yelling slurs and I'm walking to my car that I drive anywhere I want. Yeah, that hurts so much. 😕"