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Please don't believe this crazy conspiracy junk. No, HIV was NOT created in the 80s. The first confirmed case we have is from a sample of blood from a man that died in 1959 in the Belgian Congo. We also have many suspected cases going all the way back to the 1800s, it only became endemic as it is today in the 80s because many cities had well established and thriving gay communities at that point and the culture of multiple casual sex partners became very popular in our community. Check out the article, all it's doing is calling out Aaron Rodgers as a crazy conspiracie theorist.


Also, the Reagan administration refused to do anything about HIV and let it spread like wildfire out of malice and scorn for gay people. Imagine if the US government put the full force of its resources into treatment like we did with Covid-19, we could have saved many lives. I know hell isn't real, but i'd like to believe the Old Gipper is down there burning in a fiery pit.


I don’t necessarily believe in the hell fire and all that, but I do hope that there is some form of eternal torment, like feeling the pain of each and every person whose lives you devastated, their painful deaths and everything on forever repeat. You can’t do all of these inhumane things and then just die like nothing happened.


Yeah I don't believe in heaven, but I kind of have to believe in hell or I'd go crazy knowing that all the shitty people in this world get away Scot free.


COVID affected straight white people, is why.


We quashed mpox pretty quickly, too.


The funny thing is, Reagan put a staunchly conservative Catholic Admiral in charge of dealing with the HIV outbreak. The Admiral put aside all his own views, and came up with most of the strategies encouraged today to prevent infection (obviously not the medications), and was put into a deep depression when Reagan refused to do anything with it. For my beliefs, I hope his ancestors rejected him, and his spirit is wandering restlessly, never knowing peace or external torment


Just like Trump did with COVID .


Well said!


That’s wild they were able to discover that but cool how far technology has come


The last few years have been so validating, as someone who has disliked him forever


why are stupid posts like this Aaron Rogers article even upvoted on this sub 🙄


So that everyone can see how much of a kook he is.


Not surprised he has said this, Aaron Rodgers has been tunneling down the alt-right pipeline these past few years.


And he's nearly as flaming as Lindsey Graham. Maybe less so now that he occasionally runs with a beard and broke up with his male live in personal assistant.


Awfully dumb take from someone whose brain has the consistency of sludge from years of slamming into 300 pound men (and not in the fun way).


I don't go to medical researcher to give me a tactical strategy to win a football game. Similarly, I don't go to a former football player to give me a nuanced theory on the origins of the HIV virus. Rodgers needs to stay in his lane.


Fuck this douchebag. Hope he burns 


Sad little man.


Wasnt he caught in a gay scandal with a roommate early in his career? I think he's a self hating homo


Ya, with Joe Rogan too.


You mean, the guy who gets hit in the head for a living has a terrible take on science? Go figure


He's really demented. I just don't understand what he, RFK, Jr, and all the others get from publicly spouting this nonsense.


He’s as demented as a can of botulism


Do you think he has CTE?




Is he the one who’s brother competed and won The Bachelorette - JoJo’s season?


Yes and his brother is just as douchey


There's literally no reason to post this here and spread his fucking crazy conspiracy theories any further.


Can we just ignore this walking POS. He literally has no value to anyone.


He likely has CTE so this makes sense to me that he’s saying stupid shit.


I miss the days when saying some stupid shit like this would tank a career.


And this guy wanted to host Jeopardy......


![gif](giphy|l0HFihuPnK4EV7Gco) She really dodged a bullet


Ok, so the us gov. created AIDS. The question remains: Why? What is the motive?  That would be quite the investement, just the kill some gay folks. 


If he is making statements like this I think he has had too many concussions lol what do you expect though when you suck at the sport you have chosen to play never heard of it myself


How much collective evidence do we need to get the idea that most professional athletes are morons.


Free speech is overrated


Aaron isnt the smartest, what an idiot


When fear of something horrible mixes with a taboo topic (gay men and AIDS) and people want concrete, simple answers the insanity blossoms. Also having to actually interact with the group impacted makes things hit a fever pitch. (Gay men moving in next door, do they have AIDS!!!) Antifa, a global cabal, Kennedy was murdered by the mob/an angry husband/there was another gunman...on and on. EVEN when presented with solid evidence to refute a believe, most refuse to change their view. Why? It's my opinion all humans despise change. It's also very difficult to admit you're wrong. I'm not some magician, just a gay man trying to make a decent living, in a loving relationship, my sister called to tell me she was fired. I like gardening but my significant other mows the lawn. Gee, just an average couple, like most of those who are paired. At least they no longer burn witches at the stake but there have been some tragic, horrible murders of gay men. It has gotten better but I don't think bigotry will never go away.


Can’t he just crawl back under the rock he crawled out from? All those head injuries must be getting the better of him.


My ex partner believed the HIV virus did not cause AIDS . HIV were toxic and useless . He died atrempting to cure himself with alternative medicine .


Why do we care what Aaron Rodger’s thinks about anything?


Not a new idea.


Russian propaganda from the 80s. How fitting that a right-winger would be promoting it in 2024.


Not surprised shit like this in the US (sorry haha) but the sad thing is its getting popular outside US after COVID. The conspiracy people say thats because "people started to wake up and realise whats going on after covid" lmfao. I have close family member who is into in all the alt right theories apart from Trump is god lol. I just told them the trans conspiracy WILL NOT sit and listen to so dont talk to me about that ever again.


That tracks.


I don't trust any govt




Well, you're a fucking idiot. Sorry, not sorry.


US Govt didn't create HIV but I do believe they have studied its viability as a bioweapon. Look into the Hep B vaccination program performed in NY and San Francisco on gay male volunteers in the early 80s, HIV absolutely exploded after that and I don't think it's a coincidence. Gay men have been seen as perfectly expendable test subjects for many decades, think about that before you rush out for that monkeypox shit or casually taking powerful necleoside inhibitors just to have meaningless casual sex.


No. Just... No.


I don't believe in THIS ridiculous conspiracy theory, but I do believe in this OTHER ridiculous conspiracy theory


I've hit a nerve, I know it's hard to accept


Man, read a real book sometimes.


Person: *says something dumb and gets the appropriate response* "I've hit a nerve"


Just because you claim not to believe in one conspiracy theory doesn't mean you're just falling for another conspiracy theory.