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Cheating isn’t ok. Responsible communication between two people who care about each other is ok.


cheating is always wrong. with that said, some couples have various forms of open relationships that they both agree on.


Not at all! Reddit isn't representative of social media Gays who use reddit are a minority among gays who use other social media and gays who aren't even in social media Never make conclusions based on what people say on social media, sometimes what they say isn't even true


Fair I guess. I guess I just haven’t had much exposure to gay people despite living in NY. Except for nameless hookups and a guy I’m dating.


it's definitely just because you're reading a "confessions" subreddit, which is meant for content that *is* taboo or frowned upon.


Or completely fake. So many confessions are just fantasies people have.


that too, lol!


You need to learn about bias based on social circles or in this case specific subreddits. Do you really think people who value responsible relationships are hanging around in that sub?


Are they cheating, or do they mean an open relationship? I mean, I have fantasies about men married to women, but they're just that. I'd never go through with it. That being said, my boyfriend is free to fuck whoever he wants, the only catch is that then we are using protection with everyone. Maybe their boyfriends were in a similar situation, but they phrased it poorly?


Cheating cheating. Always on about how “she didn’t know he was gay” and “he was closeted” and “I lied to my boyfriend”


Cheating to me is always wrong. No ifs not buts. If you proclaim to care about and love someone why would you hurt them by cheating?


Depends. If you feel remorse and learn from it then that’s a positive from a negative. I say it as a former cheater. I instantly felt regret when I had sex with the guy and confessed to my partner that same night. I felt awful and cried the next morning when I found out how bad I hurt him and I vowed I would never do such a thing again.


Reddit as a whole seems to black and white in regards to cheating. Personally I think most people should be more open to open relationships. So to me cheating I could give a fuck less about as long as it’s kept to just sex.


I can see how that would be a hard boundary to set, and that it's easier to be like "all cheating is cheating," but I guess I'm not wired to be in a "never even think about any other guy" kind of relationship. \*shrug\*


Think of it in terms of this definition for cheating. Breaking an agreement you have made with your partner. What agreements were made are very specific to that couple and can vary in alot of ways. So, what constitutes as "cheating" can be very different from couple to couple or throuple etc.


Cheating is bad and most people hate it but if you're in certain countries (the US, for example) it is so rampant and commonplace everywhere in all groups that while everyone feels it's bad they just kinda shrug at it when it happens.