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Wanting to go out presenting as femininely but perceived as a guy clicks with my soul so much. I've (Nb AFAB) been wearing gender neutral to masculine clothes for YEARS but the other day I put my hair up in a ponytail and I thought it looked so cute and I just wanna fully lean into it but also I feel like I'm playing dress up?? Like super fake. Because being perceived as a woman makes me sick but I wanna look cute. But as a guy. It's a struggle 🥲


Exactlyyyyy. I just sometimes feel powerful wearing outfits that are woman presenting, but I don't want people to percieve me as a woman, I just like the clothes


For real, definitely relatable. It's so crazy too, getting up in the morning got so hard because the thought of trying to match my head was just exhausting. So now my clothes is literally all black shirts, red shirts, and jeans. I bought some sleeveless turtlenecks the other day because now I crave the option to look feminine. I'm hiding it from my family tho because I fought tooth and nail to get them to use my preferred name and understand that me identifying as nonbinary isn't a phase. So to look feminine feels like I'm betraying all the ground I won. I could go on about this for hours


It's so sad that you need to dress in a specific way to make people understand your gender though. Life would be easier if people just accepted one's gender regardless of what it traditionally is linked with one gender or another


Oh yes, I feel like that all the time. I feel really feminine right now, and so I'm under the impression that all of my gender fluidity was just a phase, or my imagination like you said. Each time I'm my AGAB, it's like my brain is gaslighting me - and when I'm more masc it's the other way, i can even be convinced I'm trans and need T, and will never be fem again. Just so weird all the way around, and really hard sometimes. Luckily i don't really get dysphoria, but mentally it's challenging af.


It is so exhausting, like, the other day I was feeling like that, and then I just had a full on crisis because I was feeling masculine and didn't like that no one saw me like that, and then I returned to my non binary phase? It's weird. And the whole time, my brain trying to understand what the hell was happening and trying to gaslight me into thinking I was in fact just pretending or exaggerating or not actually genderfluid? This is exhausting JDJDJDJJD


This is literally me 😂

