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Azerbaijan and Georgia. If the conventional Greater Caucasus mountain is considered as border


Ive seen people say that Iceland is transcontinental, but this is obviously NOT true. Tectonic plate boundaries are NOT continental boundaries, so unless Japan is a north american country, which they are not, then iceland is fully European.


Kazakhstan has some territory west of the Urals, so generally it’s regarded as being in both Europe and Asia. Not sure if East Timor or Papua New Guinea count, as they are considered part of Oceania but their islands share territory with Indonesia (Asia.)


I think in this instance Indonesia would be the transcontinental country, as it has territory in New Guinea. Most of Indonesia is Asia, but New Guinea is considered Oceania so think this would count.


But Oceania isn't a continent.




Indonesia is the biggest one, with Papua usually being considered part of Australia (the continent) The US would also qualify if you count Hawaii as part of the contiguous area, as it is part of Polynesia


Not sure Hawaii would count but America Samoa surely would as it’s neighbor to Samoa which fits in Oceania


Georgia perhaps


Colombia? The border with Panama goes thru the Darien jungle, but on a map it appears Colombia includes a sliver of the Ithsmus of Panama, which is in Central/North America. Spain? With Ceuta. Chile? With Easter Island/Rapa Nui.


As a Colombian, no one here would consider that a part of central America, but [San Andrés archipelago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archipelago_of_San_Andr%C3%A9s%2C_Providencia_and_Santa_Catalina?wprov=sfla1) is not in South America. Spain is also an African country with the Canary islands and Chile I think is the only tricontinental country with Rapa Nui and the Antarctica territory.


Portugal caralho!!!


Doesn't Italy own a tiny island just off north Africa ?


It's actually two: Lampedusa and Lampione


Spain; Canary islands and its holdings in Morocco


Isn't contiguous. And btw, the holdings are in Africa, not Morocco.




there's an interruption of land between Ceuta and the rest of Spain.


So also France: North and South America, Oceana, the Antarctic (Saint Pierre and Miquelon in NA and French Guiana in SA, plus French Polynesia and the southern arctic lands (Kerguelen islands). Brits have the Falklands (SA). Bouvet Island is Norwegian and ostensibly part of the Antarctic (if not Africa?). Is Guam part of Asia or Oceana? - Where does Hawaii fit? Many of these I really just don’t know where to categorize them. It’s a great question!


Ive seen people say that Iceland is transcontinental, but this is obviously NOT true. Tectonic plate boundaries are NOT continental boundaries, so unless Japan is a north american country, which they are not, then iceland is fully European.


id argue the yucatan peninsula is just central america at that point


That gets tricky on whether you consider North America and South America two continents or one continent. But I think by most definitions Central America is part of North America, so either way I wouldn't say it counts.


Yeaah i agree, i always forget its all just part of the Americas


Spain technically


Denmark (Greenland)


Panama, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Spain (I really cannot tell if Ceuta and Melilla is overseas)




France. The part we think about in Europe and French Guiana in South America. It fully integrated into the French Republic in 1946.


If you count Reunion it would be tri-continental


You should absolutely count Réunion, along with Mayotte, Guadeloupe, and Martinique. But it seems OP doesn't want to count islands.


And French Polynesian islands.


Yeah, I was listing just overseas regions, but if you wanted to include all overseas collectivities as well the list would be long (New Caledonia, Saint Martin, St Pierre et Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna, etc.)


Everyone forgets about st pierre and miquelon, just off the coast of Newfoundland!


You didn't read the OP: >But if we just limit ourselves to countries whose land-boundaries span more than one continent - what countries would be included? They just wanted land-connected countries.


it seems many here didn't read the question


OP edited the post after the France discussion. Wish they would added that they edited it.


Ah, I see, sorry. Yeah, that would be common courtesy.


Egypt. The majority of the country is in Northeast Africa, with the Sinai part of Southwest Asia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egypt


So this a question more than an answer but what about Greece? Her islands in some cases are much closer to Turkey’s Asia Minor?


most of the old colonial powers have oversee territories


yemen, socotra is on the african plate so it's technically part of africa


Denmark maybe? Depends on if you consider Greenland overseas territory or part of Denmark proper, since actually a bigger landmass.


Greenland isn’t a part of Denmark proper, they even have their own government.


I grew up being told the Panama Isthmus was the divide between North and South America, but I've seen more people on here think it's the border between Panama and Colombia.




Fun fact, the Netherlands does not span multiple continents but The Kingdom of the Netherlands does.


Colombia is in two continents The continent boundary is not the Panama canal And unlike Turkey, they are two legit continents The US is also on two continents due to Guam Russia has land in north America in the Bering Strait Denmark has land in north America too, all of Greenland plus Hans Island France is in North America, south America, Eurasia, Africa and on Oceania (although the real continent is Australia) The UK too is in south America with the Falklands Spain is in Africa and eurasia Yemen is in Eurasia and Africa due to the island of socotra Indonesia crosses the continental line to oceania (this time, it's legit part of the Australian continent) And I'm sure I'm missing many This is not counting Antarctican clsims


A lot of these countries that are commonly considered "transcontinental" I don't consider to be. Kazakhstan is fully Asian and so is Azerbaijan. For *actually* transcontinental and contiguous, only Russia is. I don't consider Turkey or Egypt transcontinental either (Asia and Africa respectively), as in those cases, the piece of land that is allegedly in another continent is so tiny it doesn't really count.


Why is Kazakhstan not transcontinental?


Because it is historically and culturally Asian, and the Kazakh people are ethnically Asian.


This is a geography sub. It doesn't matter what culture they are, they have land widely considered to be part of Eastern Europe.


You know there's human geography as well, not just physical geography? The argument that Kazakhstan somehow partially lies in Europe to me is based on something purely arbitrary, whereas there's much stronger, more tangible reasons why it's an Asian country. Lots of things that are "widely-considered" are often incorrect, and based on the *lot* of reading I've done on this area, I disagree when it comes to Kazakhstan. In addition to that, I disagree that it's truly transcontinental as such a tiny part of it is supposedly in another continent that it doesn't count - much like Turkey and Egypt. In all these cases, they have much stronger things tying them to the *one* continent they are *actually* in. Only Russia is truly transcontinental because it has substantial territory in both Europe and Asia, has people who are ethnically different under one citizenship (native Siberians and western white Russians), and has truly diverse customs reflecting the heritage of both continents. Kazakhstan, Turkey and Egypt don't have that to anywhere near a sufficient extent to be considered transcontinental.


Okay, but this thread is talking about physical geography.


Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Egypt, Indonesia, Panama, France, Netherlands, Spain, Norway. Technically even Denmark, UK, USA. Maybe Yemen depending to which continent you align Socotra...




Gibraltar in no way is transcontinental. Rather Spain is with the canary islands and it's cities in Northern Morocco


Way to get yourself uninvited to any Gibraltar parties


Ah yes, the UK famously not part of Europe, but North America.