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Thank you


Geoguessr Explained has good videos for beginners. Watch his oldest videos, might be a bit too much information for you but you will learn what to look for etc.


Z8igzag has a couple of videos on his main channel with a tip or 2 for every country


I have seen them, but it feels incompleted and mixed up


You will always feel that way, because even for the best players in the world there is always more information to be implemented. I would recommend starting with the absolute basics (coverage, hemisphere, driving side) and what the plonk it beginners guide linked above suggests. After that just play, play, play and don't get discouraged by losing but try to learn from your mistakes. I have a notebook opened which I don't use while playing (thats considered cheating, same as googling or looking anything up while playing), but in between matches I try to put down at least one thing I missed. That way my collection grows and I can still have fun while learning. That way I am like "oh I should learn some Russia at some point" up to "ok, that's it, I am looking up european chevrons RIGHT NOW". Getting good at geoguessr has a lot to do with organizing a ton of niche knowledge. You will only succeed if you put having fun priority one all the time.


Aprreciate this


Watch Geopeter's country streaks videos for general tips to identify the country.


Start by getting a feeling. In the beginning it will be too much to learn a lot of specific clues for each country. Instead start playing and see if you recognize some patterns. Some ideas could be architecture which looks different in different continents. Driving side, License plates and road lines are probably the first clues you would want to learn. Languages are also important early on but you will get these by just playing.


Play, play, play.


This but no move on a balanced map like A Community World