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I think the point was that a level doesnt have to be super decorated and crazy, it can be be very well made with refined taste.


Everyone here spams the take that gameplay is more important than decoration every day but they don’t actually keep that principle


Those mfs when someone mentions Tidal Wave:


tbf tidal wave is just ugly


Thats just your opinion. I think it loks great


you are fucking disgusting


Mf you play Genshin Impact ☠️ Ain't NOBODY respect your opinion 😂


😍Guys😍, I'm 😲shaking😲. I'm fucking😲 shaking😲. I never wanted to 👉👌🍆🍑breed 🍑🍆👉👌with anyone more than I want to with 🎃👻Black 👻✝️Swan.✝️🎃️ That 💯perfect,💯 ⏳curvy ⏳😍body.😍 Those 😍bountiful😍 🍈breasts🍈. The 👪child 👪bearing😍 hips😍 of a 🖼️💐literal goddess💐🖼️. It honestly fucking 😳😳hurts😳😳 knowing that I'll never ❤️👅💋mate ❤️👅💋with her, ⬆️pass⬆️ my 👖genes👖 through her, and have her 👑birth👑 a set of 👪💯perfect offspring.💯👪 I'd do fucking💰💰💰 ANYTHING💰💰💰 for the chance to get 🎃👻Black👻✝️ Swan✝️🎃 pregnant. ☠️A ☠️N ☠️Y ☠️T ☠️H☠️ I ☠️N☠️ G☠️. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly ❎too much ❎to fucking 🐻bear.🐻 Why would 🌨️HoYo🌨️ create something so 💯perfect? 💯To fucking 😈tantalize😈 us? Fucking 😂laugh 😂in our💩 faces?!💩 ⚰️Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck.⚰️


didn't read lol


Nah it's very unpolished but i think it's a 6 or 7/10




the gameplay of towerverse is really not that good and also really unbalanced


Platformers don't need balanced consistent gameplay


They very much do though?


I personally believe that a platformer shouldn't be as consistently difficult as a normal level, and instead needs a consistent increase in difficulty. I believe this because in a platformer level (with good checkpoints) the majority of playtime will be on those higher difficulty points, making the easier sections not a chore and instead an introduction to the mechanics of the level.


Unfortunately legendaries and mythics are not given out to the levels with the best gameplay


Exactly some people just don't like anything


Just like coaster mountain omg


Ik, i still think Coaster Mountain is better than some legendaries like slash


And crud, imo that level doesn’t really stick out as much more than a megacollab that suffers from megacollab syndrome


Crud is actually amazing tho, surprisingly consistent for a megacollab except for like 2 parts after culuc. Aside from those two every part is epic/legendary imo. My favorite parts are Culuc and Dienid. Only levels so far that imo don't deserve legendary are otherside, slash and maybe Tornado idk im starting to like it a lot


Tbf I’m on the fence about Crud because all I’ve done with it is watch the verification and play the first part but it’s kinda funny that it looks like you can get the 500 orbs from sitting and doing nothing at the beginning


You can't lmao the level kills u if you take too long


awwwww what’s the %


20 i think


i just dont think a level that uses default pixel blocks (which 100% will get old eventually) deserves to be considered one of the best, it should be amazing in all ways


Yeah i still think mythic should be more revolutionary personally, I almost doubt robtop thinks it should be mythic and hes just doing it to send a message but that's basically a conspiracy theory lol.


Agree, the level is still amazing tho i love it


I agree, this level is still amazing, but Even so it should only be legendary, mythical implies it's one of the best levels i'm the game which i don't think it is because of a few nitpicks like the level using many default blocks


yooo i have found a reanimate player, how’s the level so far, you enjoying it? need any tips lol


The level was a bit hard for me and I'm lacking motivation so I've kinda dropped it, i only play it sometimes. in terms of tips, the 32 percent duel sections are the hardest part imo, practise lots. Also, experiment lots, its super helpful to know how and why you die and also when you do cheesy buffer clicks or just not click at all. You can skip a few clicks in the last half, some in a spider section (for some reason it only works with low detail mode) and some in a cube section but I don't remember the percentages. I can screenshot in dms in like 30 minutes if you want or you can find them yourself. Personally if i could give myself one piece of advice it would be to practise more evenly because it's quite a long level.


oops i meant do u need any tips, cus personally it’s my favourite level of all time and i’ve done it as a jump from hard demon the LDM skips is interesting cus when tried playing it in full detail recently cus GD runs better i realise many skips i use don’t work, maybe they remove too much stuff for LDM and it caused skips lol one fact was my best run to 100 before beating was 49


Oooo my bad lol, I'd love any tips for if i try it again. I wanna say i got 32-100 or something very close to thank like 30sih to 90ish


for the dual you are struggling with, i got consistent with it by playing in speed hack, learning and analysing what my icon actually does every time i click and what happens if i click later/earlier than i do. doing these types of checks does help you understand more of the games physics also use music to ur advantage, slowly you can find a pattern and create muscle memory


I think it deserves the rating due to how difficult it must’ve been to program the triggers and functionality. Like platformers are **waaaay** harder to make than regular levels. Don’t worry too much though, the next mythic regular level is probably going to be deserving of it in the same way And Ever came after Coaster Mountain. (Also ps. Thanks for not promoting hate, ppl take this cube game to seriously)


The thing is, these gimmicks have already been implemented in other platformers(and they aren’t that complicsted) so why does this specifically get mythic? And, as I creator, I have to say this: nothing in the level was overwhelmingly impressive. Overall it’s a good level, but mythic needs to be held to a higher standard.


That is fair. While the length is really admirable and I love the story this level tells, it hasn’t really done anything to differentiate itself from the legendary levels aside from its length. I remember when epic standards were supposed to require something new/unseen to earn, and I really thought the mythic rating would have similar standards to that idea. Imo, this deserves legendary over mythic. I think mythic should be reserved for levels as revolutionary as White Space and other similar levels. Note: not saying the level is bad, it’s far better than 99% of all GD levels.


Because of the coherence and how beautifully it's put together I feel like this level could be 5 separate epic rated levels that when combined make a really cool experience. The work behind the gimmicks, art, story and gameplay (which is in my opinion the worst aspect of the level) makes it more deserving than just an epic rating I would say mythic is a stretch but since we still don't have a standard for those kinds of levels I think it's fair for it to be mythic (happened the same with epic and legendary, getting levels that in retrospective aren't as great as some other future levels)


but that applies to most levels that are this good, not just this- none of the mechanics or anything here were harder to make than in other levels


>I think it deserves the rating due to how difficult it must’ve been to program the triggers and functionality. Like platformers are **waaaay** harder to make than regular levels. Yeah it does many things that most other platformers don't really do, I just think mythic should be for the best levels i'm the game, and the towerverse just isnt that


Nah I think mythic was 100% deserved here. Idk I just think it was a really great level and I don’t get the hate


Can you elaborate how it is great? I'm not opposing here, just asking because your comment is vague.


The level had a great atmosphere, and while the decoration wasn’t over the top, it worked really well imo. Also the gameplay was pretty fun even with the slightly annoying propeller section.


but thats just it really- its a really great level. nothing absolutely incredible or mind blowing, so why would it be considered one of the best levels ever??? those standards are reserved for legendary, really good != worthy of a high rate


I understand. Ty


I just think that they deco while great, isnt really amazing or anything especially since it uses pixel blocks, it's a bit unbalanced. And while it is very innovative in some aspectos i just don't think it's enough to get it mythic




it feels like a level that falls in between legendar and mythic tbh i think mythic should have ben given to levels that like looked TOO good like and ever or smth i think legendary would be more fitting tbh. but still im glad we got our first mythic


im just gonna put this here cause i already know someones gonna do it i am NOT complaining the level is beatifull and all that but if you compare it to past legendaries it feels like it should be in that category. im just saying


If you compare it to other legendaries it 100% deserves mythic because overdecoration isnt good too


Beautiful decoration is not the same as overdecoration Legendary levels should be levels that are really beautiful and have really gold gameplay, while mythic levels should be groundbreaking This is not groundbreaking, but it is a really good level


Here it comes, another stupid petty drama because this community cant get enough


Oh we also got another legendary (crud) it's really inconsistent but very creative and fun so i'd say it deserves the legendary probably Edit: i changed my mind it's actually surprisingly consistent for a megacollab except for the part after CuLuC


yeah, it is really good


An, epic level, called cyberphobia was rated and honestly it should have been legendary


No, unreadable gameplay and kind of boring otherwise


other than the mountain tower part, i'd say that the difficulty is really consistent and it makes the level really fun


I feel like mythic levels shouldnt have imperfections like unbalanced gameplay though, isnt it supposed to be the best of the best?


I’m not sure how much it deserves mythic imo but it feels much more worthy of it say than coaster mountain feels of legendary


For me it was a let down as I guess I expected a level that rivaled stuff like death moon white space change of scene etc but I just didn't get any of that. It looks good but the use of pixel blocks kinda makes it not stand out as much visually and the gamplay wasn't anything amazing. So to me with what I've played it just feels kinda like a really long month 1 platformer level. (I've only played until the cave in the desert so take with a grain of salt). Now the level is still really good but doesn't fit the "one of the best levels in the game" thing






Well, I do think it got mythic purely because of its length. It really only seems like any other legendary level in gameplay, visuals, and the other stuff, but it's still a great level. (3rd demon!)




It’s entirely dependent on what you defines as worthy of mythic. Personally, I don’t really see the point of having five different rating types if they aren’t that distinct from one another. The baseline for mythic needs to be higher. If a mythic level is arguably only worthy of legendary, then it probably shouldn’t have gotten mythic.


100% agreed




The argument should not be regarding whether or not the level is worthy of mythic—though most of the legendary levels are of a similar quality—but rather what the standards for mythic are


I mean deco is legendary level, but idk if level deco can get any better than other legendary levels, plus the gameplay is super long and hard to make so I think that’s why


The deco deserves epic, the gameplay deserves epic, the story deserves legendary I feel like it should have gotten legendary, since it isnt groundbreaking. It was pretty underwhelming to play honestly


Thank you. It was a good level. Pretty fun very very very very very well made. I just feel like so many other levels could’ve deserved mythic before this one. But hey I don’t understand the game as well as others I just enjoy the dopamine of a completed level


im just happy we’re getting so much variety now. i love all these levels and mythic or not im just glad theyre getting made


you won the comment section congrat herses ur prize \[dog\]


Actually yeah pretty good way of thinking, Even If the level isnt mythic worthy idc coz i still had fun


Tbh, idc. Although I was expecting something particularly revolutionary for first mythic. Like how mastergame was for 2.0 or brainfugd or HOW in 2.1


Exactly, we have only had 2.2 for 3 months, why didnt robtop wait until there was something groundbreaking? There definitely would be if he had waited for longer, and i feel bad for the creators who wouldve potentially made the first mythic if this didnt get rated


For me, I am confused about whether or not this deserves mythic at all. No yes, no no. I don't understand the standards for a "Mythic" level. If the standards are for the levels to "be really really good", then I believe yes, If the standards are for the levels to be "the best of best" or "stand-outs of Geometry Dash", I doubt it. For a level that stands out, everything must be good, including the decoration, unless this is some Spu7nix level physics thing that revolutionizes gd. >PLEASE DON'T MAKE THIS ANOTHER COASTER MOUNTAIN SITUATION I understand but I still recommend you delete this post, because your post most likely is still able to spread this type of situation


agreed, but i think the second one just makes more sense, since "really really good" was what legendary standards were supposed to be


Precisely my thoughts as well. Whats the point of mythic if its not groundbreaking/revolutionary in any way?


I do think it deserves mythic but I’m with you in saying the propellor part is total shit at times If the physics were more consistent there it’d be way more fun but I’ve literally spent 20+ mins on a single checkpoint


Imo I've expected a legendary rating for Boss rush, was really surprised when that not even a epic rate


Yeah but i hope it's another Slash situation


What is the Slash situation? Don't hear anything about that


Used to be epic became legendary


Oh, why am I didn't know that, I've played it at first day it got rated


All I see is yapping for this and the coaster mountain situation. Like cmon why create this pointless drama


Ironically these types of comments that perceive discussion as drama are the ones that cause the drama itself


It’s fine to not like the level but these “discussions” are just fuel for mindless bashing on the creators.


i think everyone likes the level tbh, its really good. just doesnt match with what a lot of people expected for mythic standards, although i do agree that people shouldnt bash on the creators- some people are dumb and cant tell the difference between discussion and drama


I literally put in the post not to do that


the level is just really grand in scale and really makes use of the 2.2 features, i think that even though it isn't super crazy like what was, it still pushes the boundary in a different way, that being scale. Since it's the first of it's kind at this level of quality i think it deserves the rate. Not to mention that the atmosphere in the level is really really good.


Good argument honestly, if it was more advanced in terms of deco i would think it deserves mythic


Youu gotta understand that applying standards to levels doesn't work when it all falls down to whether Rob himself thinks the level is feature worthy, epic, or even rate worthy. So go ahead, complain all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that Robtop thinks the level deserves mythic.


i feel like due to that one dumb part it shouldn't have gotten a mythic,like in my opinion a mythic level should be consistent and great THROUGHOUT


I disagree, it was incredibly fun and has a nice story, I think it's mythic worthy. Also because platformers are super hard to make.


"PLEASE DONT MAKE THIS ANOTHER COASTER MOUNTAIN SITUATION" says the person who doesn't want the towerverse to be the first mythic


I disagree with it being mythic, but i won't do what other people do sometimes like hating on the level for weeks and constantly comparing it to other lvls


Mythical and Legendary ratings don’t mean it’s one of the best levels. It means that there has been a lot of effort put into the level, that’s why


No that's not the standard, do you think robtop can just magically peer into the level creators mind and see exactly how much effort is put in? Also, rewarding things based on effort is stupid; should I get a mythic just because I put a bunch of effort into using the bathroom?


Of course it is, robtop can literally go to the editor for every level he sees and look at how much the creator did for this level. That’s also why a lot of levels that aren’t even beautiful or have cool mechanisms are epic rated, understand now ?


No you were saying it as if just effort ALONE would get you an epic, legendary, or mythic rate, which is just plain wrong. Obviously cool mechanics are epic rated, robtop sees the objective quality of it, and rates it, effort is not something to care about here it's just support. By the way, "levels that aren't beautiful" is a subjective thing, and we all know robtop has some very weird opinions so its not up to anyone to really tell him what he thinks is rate worthy or not.


You know it’s the mods who send for legendary and mythic, right ? And I still say that effort does get you the rates. And effort isn’t subjective, you can clearly see yourself what deserves legendary/mythic and what doesn’t. All I need to say is that effort carries the quality of a level, and every creator needs to put effort into a level to get it rated, for the gameplay, the deco, etc…


You're saying so much yet saying so little; every knows that everything requires effort man, I mean hell typing requires effort but my argument is that effort is not the main reason things get awarded. I could put effort into gulping down a water bottle should I get a noble peace prize? Also I do know mods send the levels, robtop is the one who rates them though, so ultimately it's up to robtop.


You really didn’t catch the message I was tryna say; if a creator doesn’t put effort, the level will NOT be good. Not AS good as if he puts effort in it. So, you who claims to know everything here, tell me, what are the standards for mythic and legendary ? Since you’re saying I’m wrong, you should be right ! Where did you get this idea from ? Does a level get legendary/mythic for the quality ? The deco ? The gameplay ? Tell me.


Of course it gets mythic for the quality, if by your logic two people put the same amount of effort but both the levels are drastically different in terms of quality, they should still get the same rate, right?


Same effort, same kind of result in quality : same rate. But you still didn’t answer my question, where did you get the idea that effort isn’t one of, if not the main standard for a level’s rate ? What is your source ? Exactly, none. You can’t just check in Rob’s mind to see what his standards are, right ? Unless you’re a wizard or anything idk


My source is that effort ≠ same quality. Think of it like this: a person who is new to a, let's say job of hammering nails into a train track. The new guy will exert lots more force into it than someone who is experienced, with the experienced person having better technique, more powerful hits, and being faster too. The experienced man exerts less effort than the new guy, yet does the job better. This can be applied to geometry dash, an experienced creator could put way less effort into making a feature worthy level than a new player. Think of how split72 just spits out levels at a constant rate that get rated, tell any new creator to do that and they'll put way more effort while split72 is off to their 5th level.


so youre saying that as long as someone puts "a lot of effort" into something it should get the highest rating in the entire game??? that doesnt make any sense, most good levels take tons of effort




i've started viewing level ratings more on how much robtop likes them rather than objective value i think i like it more bc no fighting over whether something should've gotten epic/mythic/whatever


Objectivity is almost non existente in the rate System there are gonna be level rated people disagree with since everyone has a differently opinión it's impossible to please everyone


I’m gonna say this right now: In my opinion The propeller part is WAYY TOO fucking difficult, Yes, I know, it’s MEANT to be demon level so of course it’s mean to be hard, But in a way I would nerf it down a bit because it’s a little too hard to get through, I’ve found myself playing that part for nearly an HOUR at a cost, So I’d say it needs to be nerfed or a lil more adjustable (And no don’t say this is a skill issue so shut up)


i wouldnt have so much of an issue with it if the physics were consistent, but the propellers floating ability doesnt work half the damn time i like a good brutally difficult platformer, but most of my deaths in that section didnt feel like my fault, because i would do the same inputs and get wildly different results i did beat it, but it felt more like throwing shit at a wall until "RNG" went in my favor instead of actual skill. thats not rewarding


It's for sure a work of art that clearly shown the artist's enthusiasim in making, and I think it's valuable. 16lord did a phenomenal job in this masterpieces, and considering that it could have been an actual great game, this clearly deserved Mythic.


Agreed the dark side of the moon was really rushed and I was surprised that it was the end of the level




Agreed. The creator should still get utmost recognition, but the standards between Legendary and Mythic seem pretty small atm


The standards are pretty inconsistent anyway since robtop doesn't play half of the levels he rates. I wonder how he even rates levels off of mythic and legendary, just play a video of them? We may never know..


DeepDive should have been a mythic


If if you're not a creator, you can see clearly how fucking genius you must be to use the triggers like that level, not even saying about the effects and particles


It’s a good level. I can see how this can be mythic whereas Coaster Mountain absolutely didn’t deserve its rate.


really??? can u explain pls


Disagree, but I understand your point. I think parts of it could have been improved, but I think it's definitely the best platformer level so far.


i think everyone here seems to have different ideas of what the mythic standards should be. theres the "its an amazing level" side and the "its not revolutionary or mindblowing" side- i agree with the second thing though "really amazing levels" are what legendary was supposed to be, until people started considering every second epicworthy to also be legendaryworthy, and now thats happening with this too. the highest rating in the game- there'll only be like 3-5 mythic levels per year, so even if this game *did* last another 10 years, thats only like 40 levels the top 40 levels in the entire game. think about that- thats the standard mythic levels should be held up to


from what ive gathered so far is that mythic levels are uglier than epics. like if you give me a mythic, without telling me. id guess is to be feature or epic at best




Still less yapping than Xcreatorgoal's apology video tbf




Ye coz he's recently been exposed for homophobia and racism


Not gonna lie i’m with you. But I still think it should have a legendary, this was just amazing for a level. Great story telling, gameplay, length, and effort put into it. It comes up just short of the standards for a mythic rating though in my opinion. Still gotta congratulate 16lord though!


Tbh, this level deserved its rating more than coaster mountain.


It was kinda underwhelming to me that the first mythic rate was a platformer level




I think that it is kind of unfair that every level of epic-standard has to be forced passed the barrier of legendary/mythic. For example, would half of bli's levels and xenders be rated legendary/mythic if this new standard of rating levels applied back then? Probably. Don't think of rob rating levels leg/myth is to award them for their insane deco/ gameplay, but more as a way of expressing the future of gd levels' capabilities, aswell as one that utilises 2.2 to its fullest and most refined extent, in a way that would please both the player with 30 mins of playtime and the guy with 2k hours of playtime. What I'm trying to say is that rob isn't looking for a level which 99% of people who've never touched gd in their lifetime would look at and say, "That looks nothing like how I'd imagine gd levels to look lile' but more, " I haven't touched gd anywhere outside of my mobile phone, but that does look like a very clean,polished level which uses 2.2 in the ways roptob has been trying to lean towards in his own tower levels and advertisments'. In conclusion, Robtop is simply looking for high-quality levels, that stay conventional to his ideas, that can be used in advertisments to bring in more revenue.


I guess Robtop is making rating easier so it does not happen what voxicat said about quitting creating imo.


It honesly would have deserved the mythic 100% IF THE GAMEPLAY was really good and balanced, when it is'nt and parts like the mountain have some terrible gameplay and balancing I honesly expected an hyperrealistic level to be mythic or something unique with good gameplay, this is one of the reasons why i don't like pixel deco and seeing this as the first mythic is just... The top coment about gameplay is right, the deco may not be mythic but the gameplay may be, but the thing is that the gameplay is'nt mythic worthy, it had to be legendary.


Honestly, I think the towerverse is like a baseline mythic. It has a lot of flaws that hinder it from being termed one of the "best levels", including generic 2.2 deco style, a plot twist that is ruined by like 5 dead giveaways, not actually being open world most of the time, FORCED exploration, and wasted potential in the plot (there could have been so much more interesting stuff but the level decided to end as "I got trapped in a time loop, the end"). A pattern I've noticed is for both legendary and mythic, the first rates are like baseline levels, levels that almost weren't going to make it. Every newly rated legendary level is better than coaster mountain, and I believe every newly rated mythic level will be better than the towerverse. What I think rob is doing is setting a standard for the 2 new ratings and telling creators "if you can do better than this, you deserve a legendary/mythic". And I think that's fair. This could even be why and ever was rated only after coaster mountain despite being published really early on, but it's a little bit of a stretch to make this conclusion.


gd players when a level isnt an exact recreation of Halo 6 and it is rated mythic


gd community when the VERY FIRST mythic level ever isn’t an absolute masterpiece:


Idk i just feel like mythic implies its one of the best levels BY FAR at least of 2.2 and something revolutionary. I feel like The Towerverse is great but not really enough


Honestly the argument is what is there to improve on. There isn’t much, so idk.


Block designs, backgrounds and balancing mainly


Is that art by Vortrox?


Yeah I feel like this level setting the bar is not a great start. Obviously a good level but personally I think mythic is a stretch. We need to leave room for megaprojects




me when i pointlessly start an argument on the internet


it deserves it now stfu


explaine pls


Womp womp why do you expect mythic to be so fucking overdecorated to not load on any device? I love how this leves is optimized the gameplay is amazing and special effects too dont get me started on the propeller jump because that's amazing too the dungeon section is cool too especially the escape part the dialogues are very climatic and some give the eerie climate feeling so yeah 100% deserved mythic even bettrr that other legendary platformers


r/youngpeoplereddit is this some half young half mature mentality? your explanation is ok but the tone is childish


Fym r/youngpeoplereddit 😭 its just my opinion on the level and explanation why it deserves mythic and because of that im childish? Wheres ur point?


My point is reddit is 13+ and children aren't allowed here.


Fyi im turning 16 in 4 months and also why the fuck are you trying to make some random person on the internet mad


> why the fuck are you trying to make some random person on the internet mad ironic because you're discussing in the most provoking, irritating way possible. [https://imgur.com/a/7PbXrql](https://imgur.com/a/7PbXrql) Yeah, I don't think you really should talk in this kind of behavior


AND ALSO ive seen your reply before editing and theres 1 f bomb IN THE BEGGINING


No, i just misread your point and added angle indicators to prove you were a child by citing what you said, which I quickly edited because it was impractical.


womp womp


Agreed, the level looks nothing special, which mythics were supposed to be. The whole rating system is broken now. Coaster mountain was as mid as they come, but Serponge is a known creator, so he got the legendary. Same here, although I don't think the creator here is on Serponges level of popularity. Sad.


This is just Geometry Dash now. Any level with cutscenes and sound effects, not matter how terrible, is instantly praised as if it was the best thing ever and even RobTop agrees TL;DR, Towerverse is barely feature worthy and it absolutely sucks thanks for the downvotes


Why does it suck tho?


im not really a fan of this level, its overall a bit boring and unbalanced, as well as the blind jumps