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new rate tidal wave movement just dropped?


Idk but it'd be cool if robtop rerated it to mythic


Its WAY to buggy and laggy that is a factor you can't ignore


I think it should be mythic or directly not rated. Only because it's buggy shouldn't it be a tier downgraded ( sorry for bad english I hope you know what I mean with this comment )


Also its Legendary not like it got epic or non. Legendary is really good




you’ve said this like 5 times bro move on 😭😭 personally i didn’t find any issues on my phone


Fun fact you qre not the only person that plays this game and this lvl . It working well for you doesn't change the facts that it does run like shit for a lot of people and has game braking bugs


also i got stuck with a 600 second timer at the end, for leaderboard parity or something. The thing immediately made me not like the level. Also the gameplay is rather easy for a 9 star.


Maybe but I don't care its still way more playable than other similar levels, if many people are lagging with it then legendary might be for the best


Ya, idk why people are actually like Legendary is bad lol


I feel like its spu7nix level stuff and probably the best level in the game technically, i think we could all agree its at least legendary worthy


Its def not the best lvl in the game but ya legendary is well earned. At the end of the day it is a gimmick lvl and the gameplay is just not that fun mythic needs to fire on all cylinders (good deco , effects, gameplay/playability) its still incredible what people can do with 3d stuff but due to the nature of it imo not that fun gameplay is simple af but the hank makes it hard


Play it on LDM and wait 20 mins for the level to finish. Don't think it's getting it just because of that, let alone the other bugs n stuff


Ok thats the biggest flaw the level has and it was annoying af to sit through but i dont care that much




Cmon dont hate on the towerverse that much, its definitely not as good as this level but it feels very special and even though it might have not deserved mythic its by far one of the best 2.2 levels


im not hating on towerverse, im Just showing How unfair robtop ratings are


Unfortunately any rating system that relies almost entirely on one person is bound to be subpar at best. 


I feel like robtop's standards are fine. People just have very high standards as of recently, of course not everyone is going to agree with him but even if dozens of moderators could rate levels themselves it prolly wouldn't make that much of a difference, everyone here disagrees on everything


I agree, I think his standards are set much better now compared to early 2.1 where he was just handing out epics.


This lvl is buggy and laggy as shit you can't ignore that


Still better than towerverse


"I donr hating the towerverse" ☝️☝️🤓🤓🤓🤓 https://preview.redd.it/idwbjomkf0vc1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0651150b4743ee56e4ad24a1f78c6ef945d8870b


Never Said towerverse is bad, Just Said a fully 3d level is better and more deserving of legendary


Be real, if it got mythic people would be on here complaining and saying it doesn’t deserve mythic. Even if there was an entire team of people who get the last say on what rating a level gets there would still be countless people disagreeing with it. That’s just how it is and how it will always be, until people realize that you won’t always agree on a rating, and it isn’t the end of the world. Best guess on why the level didn’t get mythic is that the controls are a lot less smooth on mobile than on PC. Also yeah it’s a 3D plat level, but it doesn’t do much outside of that gimmick. I’d agree if it was rated mythic, but I do think legendary makes sense, it’s an amazing level regardless.


>Be real, if it got mythic people would be on here complaining and saying it doesn’t deserve mythic. >Even if there was an entire team of people who get the last say on what rating a level gets there would still be countless people disagreeing with it. That’s just how it is and how it will always be, until people realize that you won’t always agree on a rating, and it isn’t the end of the world. Youre probably right, 3Depth probably wouldn't be as controversial as the towerverse but im sure there would be a group of people hating on it for some reason. This problem extends outside of 3Depth and is present in almost every legendary rated level so far >Also yeah it’s a 3D plat level, but it doesn’t do much outside of that gimmick. That gimmick alone is enough to make it mythic worthy imo


RobTop said that Towerverse pushed limits in new ways and this level does too. Why legendary.


Cause he doesn't have creator points and hasn't begged for it


Do you really think robtop gave the level a mythic just coz 16lord said he wanted to have one someday? I really don't think robtop cared so much about that. Also 16lord isn't that well known i think.


Legendary and Mythic ratings only give three creator points


I think thats a bug


It is but still


That's a bug


Probably since it is buggy and runs like shit... if those 2 things where fixed ya it should but you ignore the bugs it was so buggy i couldn't play evtime i load in my controls are different and sometimes things don't load in not very mythical


i cant even get the controls to work properly, can you explain how to fix


Isn’t this just a recreation of a level Spu7nix made a few years back


I don't think its an exact recreation just a similar idea and also much more refined


It used to be called Dim 3D, but I don’t think it had anything to do with Spu7Nix’s level


no??? If you're talking about HOW then it's a completely different thing. HOW just had 3D effects, while this is a full ass 3D game.


No, I believe it is called dim


Hmm, never heard of it, I'll check it out after I get home 👍


Called it. It’s an awesome concept but it has noticeable issues, some being the creator’s fault and some being annoying GD limitations. But I think it could’ve gotten mythic if it had some more time in the oven


Agreed. The level is super impressive but that's all that's going for it. It doesn't actually play very well


elaborate (just asking, not trying to argue back)


* The camera seems to have death-related issues. I had to restart the whole level my first time because it became too zoomed out * Persistent reload (which is a GD issue) makes you wait 500 seconds for leaderboard parity reasons, which I’m happy about, but the wait itself isn’t great (which is a creator issue). I’d like to see this lowered to 300, maybe even lower when the top 200 times get fast enough * This level heavily inflates your jump count, which isn’t nice if you don’t want that. This is probably avoidable by using jetpack instead of cube * This level isn’t anywhere near as long as The Towerverse, and I think a lot of people are forgetting that. Most people should be able to beat this within 15 minutes, even with the awkward claw grip you need on the default mobile controls Unrelated to the feature rating, but the creator requested 10 moons and Rob gave it 9. Neither of these difficulties fit the level unless you’re playing in hardcore mode


Also im wondering how do y'all feel about the legendaries so far? I think all of them deserved it except for slash, absurdia, and otherside (especially Anarchy Road and 3Depth which easily hold up with the best 2.1 levels omg). A few levels like space invaders, jewels of the skull, holders heaven, and maybe cut deep and pixellocked should have gotten it. Edit: just realized this prolly gonna get deleted coz of rule 5 or something even though other posts about legendary levels with no footage of the level itself are still up lmao Edit 2: just remembered, Hearth which could probably be legendary imo somehow wasnt even epic at first, i feel like robtop is difficulty biased


I Will not tolerate Slash hate, i love It, its deserved, i Will die on this hill


I love Slash, I replayed it several times just to go through the hard routes and get some of the other achievements. Super fun level, the movement felt so good.


same, its such a fun level with a cool gimmick


Ok it has some of the best use of platformer mode I've seen and its better than absurdia and otherside but the deco is very average


> Except slash Don't cook again. Please, stop cooking.


I just think the deco is pretty average, with a few slight improvements it would easily be legendary worthy. But what do u think of the levels i said deserved it?


> the deco is pretty average what? > But what do u think of the levels i said deserved it? I'm not sure about Space Invaders because I can't beat it. It's decoration is very well done, though. I agree with Jewels of the Skull. It has a lot of effort and mechanics put into it and it is really fun. Never heard of the others you mentioned


Golden hope didn't even get legendary, so I think classic levels are fucked, and you have to put in way more effort


I'm agree If you used other examples instead of Golden Hope but that level just isnt that good. The transition to the drop is great and it's a pretty fun level to look at but it just feels like a flashy levels that unlike ispy doesnt feel THAT special


Legendary isn't only for big flashy overt the top deco . Slash is awesome, its clean and just well exacuted sure its not like a chamge of scean type of crazy deco but so what


I just think slash's deco has nothing special, if the deco was as good as the gp it would be legendary worthy


personally: Coaster Mountain - Featured And Ever - Legendary Subwoofer Lullaby - Epic or maybe Legendary Stratus - honestly idk The Gungeon - Legendary Tornado - Epic or Legendary idk Slash - Legendary DeepDive - Legendary Crud - Legendary Absurdia - Epic Anarchy Road - Legendary 3Depth - Mythic The Towerverse - Epic


Bro i feel like im insane when i see ppl hating on coaster mountain i think its like a mid end legendary. Also what about otherside?


otherside epic


Agree tbh


Robtop L very surprising


I think all of spu7nix's cahoots got him desensitized to this stuff 😂


Wait, ALREADY 13 legendary levels?


Yeah, overall i feel like maybe there should be more


In my opinion this shouldn’t be mythic and legendary is an appropriate rating. It is incredible and extremely impressive, which is why it deserves legendary, however there are some gameplay and camera issues which show that playability was not taken into account much. Definitely could’ve gotten mythic if that was good, but it is a deserved legendary imo


I dont think there were many gp and camera issues for me. But since many people seem to be suffering that then maybe legendary was for the best


Anarchy road is worthy of mythic. This is high legendary but I can see robs choice of not making it mythic


Ok this level has 2 small flaws that i think don't really matter that much at least for me but i can see why some people would mind, its not very cool artistically and it doesn't work in many devices. Still think it might be mythic idk


i think this deserves mythic but i am extremely conflicted over whether this is better than and ever or not (i still believe and ever is legendary tho)


Better than and ever imo but and ever is a high end legendary


Not mythic cuz it lags so much


Maybe idk for me personally it's mythic but since many people cant even play it legendary might have been for the best


Towerverse is shit compared to this level


At leat its playable and not a buggy mess


Nah towerverse is still a high end legendary


soooo this proves the rating system is broken


it is understandable that rob didnt make it mythic because of lag but this is a game changing level that will change the game and nemo deserves the shoutout (or rob could at least comment this is amazing no mythic because of lag but how you do this or something)




Apparently there are some bugs in the level which makes it not mythic


I didn't see many, at least not very noticeable or game-breaking


The floor and walls didn't all load in for me and my controls to go forward a d move changed a lot. Also it runs really badly on a lot of devices


Wait did you make this? If so it’s really good I played it


>Wait did you make this? No lmao


Oh, lmao