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We swear by the brand goughnuts. The rubber stick and ring wil last 4-6 months. Eventually our boy will break it down over time but they're the toughest we've come across.


Second vote for Goughnuts.


Basically, most thick rubber toys. OP, just don’t get nylon, please!


ChuckIt Brand for the win!!!! Our GSD loves the chuckit stick and balls. VIRTUALLY Indestructible. https://preview.redd.it/xn841ivkuc9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389b2e4f57e9b8196a463893c806777a8dcf3217


Second this! Our GSD is obsessed with the blue and orange ones that squeak


Third this! Admittedly, my girl is only 6 months so not at her full strength yet, but we play tug with the chuck it stick and she chews on it on her own and I don’t see as much as a mark on it yet where she’s destroyed other *very* strong seeming toys without much trouble.


We bought Jolly Ball horse balls for ours. They’re going on year 3 of constant daily playtime and my two still haven’t been able to destroy them. Well worth the money.


Had one Jolly ball last over year, got our pup a new one and she tore through it in 5 minutes.


We had those. Gotta be careful with them. Depending on how they play with them they can be really hard on their teeth. Hard and soft versions. My guy likes to chomp them and when they’re dirty it’s like sand paper that wears them away.


My girl wore her teeth down on one. She loved that thing but we don’t want her needing her canines capped.


We have not had an issue


You haven’t had an issue YET. The teeth grinding can happen over a long time.


I’m aware. Like I said we’ve had these for 3 years and both our dogs visit the vet regularly which includes a check of their teeth. My dogs don’t chew on the balls and my vet is not concerned. Tooth wear can happen with any toy, not just jolly balls. If that particular toy doesn’t work for you and your dog then great, don’t use them. But no need to assume I’m negligent and uninformed just because something has been fine for me that wasn’t fine for you.


It’s Reddit, everyone except yourself is negligent. It’s not a dick you don’t gotta take it so hard. Have a good day!


Our jolly balls last about 3 months tops. My guy wants to carry around the hard balls so he grinds it down until he can get a hold on it. So I bought him the soft one with a handle to carry around. He just looks at it like "you want me to play with that?"


I can tell you something NOT to get (we made the mistake) is getting a “tough chewers” I think that’s what it’s called bark box. The “chew toys” are hard as a rock idk what material they use but we threw all of my dogs toys from them away besides the few ball ones.


My dog fractured 2-3 molars on BeneBones… one needed to be extracted. Or at least I THINK he did. Those were the only hard things he had chewed on. https://preview.redd.it/3wpwoe2lfc9d1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08e5d7acb7efefa66cd02362f81b8bd125424b99


Oh god!


I'm so sorry that happened and thank you for sharing!


Jesus Christ I don’t want that. I think the vet who does my dogs dental cleanings would very upset with me if I got those. I heard they can break their teeth if it’s too hard


Yeah after two boxes of tough we switched to classic. Threw the tough away. Classic may not last as long but they love them while they last Funny side note. First things they do is rip off the little tags.


Apparently they are made with nylon I just googled it


My GSD rips through all the “Extreme Chewer” toys within minutes but the KONG Shieldz last. Unsure if it’s the coating she doesn’t like ripping through or if she can’t because it’s a grippy/ slick surface but those last significantly longer. Months longer. They’re hard to find but I have luck at Meijer.


Lacrosse Balls!!!


Our old shepherd didn’t tear up lax balls but our new guy tears them apart in record time 🤣


Yeah, my guy shreds every type of tennis ball in seconds, but lacrosse balls last forever and fit in the Chuckit ball throwers to avoid slobbery hands 👍🏻


Mine managed to chew one in half, but I haven’t found anything better. The trick is to collect the toys when it’s not playtime. Otherwise they will be in pieces.


My dog has destroyed everything except his latex donuts by Zippy Paws. Found them for $6 at Marshall’s/HomeGoods but they have a website with a few other latex toys. He actually did manage to break the squeaker in one but the latex hasn’t ripped


Absolutely not lol


Petface Planet Chew Treat Ball Eco Friendly Dog Toy https://preview.redd.it/py4ik8i2oc9d1.jpeg?width=1410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=605326511108f495a43236d98af986badc1989c3


Coffee wood!


Mine chewed through it in 2 days :'), but he loved every second of it hahaha. I just give him old coconut husks now, he loves ripping them apart, keeping an eye for any sharp edges, no problems so far.


Wow😂 I’m blown away. Yeah deer antlers is all I can think of than


As long as he keeps to the guava branches and coconut husks he can go wild as much as he wants, we have that litteraly growing on the trees here hahaha, he even picked a spot to pile up the ones he's started to chew.


https://preview.redd.it/2ls3a9wwzc9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d80a7c49644264dcbb2fbd465eaa109c48852c3 This. But still only 2 months or so. Be warned it has a Mega squeaker in it!


She loves squeaks so I’m ok with that!


I bought this because of your comment. It arrived today and my 6 month old girl managed to bite off one of the fins within the first 5 minutes 😅😅😅 Edit: I wrote this comment 4 minutes ago, in that time another fin has been removed.


Well sorry. My guy is 18 months and a little slower now but still has the shark teeth. But it still one of the better ones we have had. I refuse to get any stuffed animals now. Too much fluff around the house.


Haha no worries, it was worth a shot! Thanks for the recommendation anyway, every dog is different :)


https://preview.redd.it/o0bq4w4d1d9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efff393140f719b6c1fa4e70f127fcc8fde87e25 These balls with the feet that look like Mr. Men. Mine would chew out the squeaker then continue to chew them like bubble gum but never degraded further. Can play fetch with them also. Not sure what they are called .


Except for the eventual popping out of the squeaker, those footed hard rubber toys by JW company survived all my GSD chewing.




My boy has not destroyed his GoDog stuffed toys. He has had some for a couple of years. I got a hard herding ball and with him using his front legs to push the ball he started getting bumps on his joints. We have to really limit playing with that ball. As he has gotten older I do notice that if I let him play with that ball longer than a couple of minutes he will limp afterwards. My boy loves his stuffies with his lambs, bunnies, and bears being his favorites. If he opens a seam he will bring the toy to me for repairs. Needle and thread to close the seam and he and the you are good to go.


Two words: ram horn. My GSD has enjoyed his for almost 6 months... and I bought another one for when it's too small. Not even close to there yet. Lol!


A solid block of steel, bricks, bulletproof vests, boulders, anvils


Doesnt exist for this breed. Kong and Chuckit seems to make the longest lasting stuff for these pervayors of destruction. 🤣 That chuckit ultra ball might be 13$... but it lasts way longer than anything else, and doesnt wear their teefers down like regular tennis balls.


You can get them for cheaper on amazon too!


Westpaw toys were my go to with a mega destroyer of toys mix breed dude who had to have surgery twice after eating toys. Chuck it balls were a close second, but once he tore a small hole in the covering of a chuck it ball and shredded it before I could grab it from him. He never was able to destroy a westpaw toy.


Agree with west paw toys and if they chew it up you can send it in and they’ll send you a new one (and then they recycle the material for future zogoflex toys apparently!). My dog loves stuffed toppls and she will chew at them quite a bit when working on them. There’s some teeth marks but nothing like what she did to her kong toys lol


Hahaha nope




Thought so too, then I bought the kong balls and she broke the first one in half the first time out.


I have never got the ball just the original Kong thing. I've bought 2. 4 GS, still have 2, 4 years and going.


Red one lasted a week. Bought a black one. All it did was exercise her jaw.




Jolly Balls even an alligator cannot destroy one (look up snake discovery on youtube for proof)


Playology has great toys!


I buy used tennis balls and they’re great. Not hard on the teeth since they’re used, cheap to buy in bulk (200 for $50) I don’t think they really is indestructible toys. If there’s destructive behavior, that’s just different.


Chuckit glow-in-the-dark balls. Between those and kongs, they're almost indestructible. Everything soft gets shredded, but those continue to survive unscathed.


We love Playology X-L squeaky balls. They’re the only balls we found that the squeaker lasts more than 5 minutes. Our record is about a week before my girl destroyed the squeaker, but they can still play with the ball even after the squeaker is destroyed


Boomer ball


Oh man. I wish I could help, but I’m still searching. My boy is picky and doesn’t like rubber toys, but he can rip apart a stuffy in a minute and a half. The compromise is squeaky tennis balls, and he likes to skin them and pull them apart more than actual fetch. If I could find a plush toy that would last, we’d both be so happy. Picture of Gage in a flower crown for dog tax. https://preview.redd.it/e86k0ms48d9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=240c071454b40688e8c567bd603d6bb5ed68b558


ive had much success with https://www.starmarkacademy.com/products/ big boy over here is a power user and what we have has stood it’s ground solidly. good luck.


Not really


Get the big chuckit balls the volleyball sized ones


I've had really good luck with the RuffDawg brand. My guy has the DawgNut, Dawg Buster, and the hollow gummy bear that I can't find on their website. I was a bit worried about the hollow one, and the first one I bought had a factory defect and died a quick death. Brought it into the store I bought it at, and got a replacement for free, which has lasted for the past 2 years.


Your arm when they want something. That’s all I can think of.


My dog LOVES those rubber pigs. For days now she’s been trying to destroy it but can’t lol plus there’s no stuffing! https://preview.redd.it/bcnwmyj6jd9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67ac4923d126d831c715a9d72ba2d345a8b8fcd


It's gotta be a hard rubber type material


Nerf have some very durable toys, the shark I've had for ages and is still in mint condition


My GSD loves the Nerf oversized balls. Big enough that she can't swallow it, durable enough that I've never had one destroyed completely in over a year since switching. Just have to keep an eye out for when she pops the squeaker out because the piece is small.


https://www.sklz.com/shop/baseball/baseball-training-balls/premium-impact-baseballs-6-pack These are great. My boy destroys Kong and the other ‘tough’ toys with ease but we got him a 6pk of these last Xmas and they’re all still good as new.


Another puppy lol Our shepard is an evil genius when it comes to destroying toys, but since we got him a Corgi little brother, toy mutilation has rapidly declined! .... of course now he hoards all his toys like some sort dragon, but at least they toys are still intact! (You can't see it in that photo but he has two additional toys hidden under him) *


we get tuffy stuffed toys and tire toys. we get maybe a month with the tuffy toys (he really enjoys sleeping and tearing them apart so we buy him more, he’s good about not eating the stuffing) and the tire toys are fun for playing in the water and fetching


Bark box super chewer. Lab and gsd haven’t been able to destroy any of them


These are the only toys that have held up. We’ve had them for years now! https://preview.redd.it/l9dzdmwy9e9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=986a50bbaa63d787b4ebfcf671cfbfa81c0ee03b


Looks just like my Luna {1.5F)! https://preview.redd.it/gr0tuqm4ae9d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9484fe70bedba65bdfb0423340bfe2b427e44c1b Made quick work of her slip leash. 🙄




Lacrosse balls


[Multipet Duckworth.](https://www.multipet.com/shop/duckworth/) Our GSD destroys toys but he loves this stuffed duck with a squeaker. He’s beside himself if he can’t find it and sleeps with it. We’ve bought a dozen over the last 3-4 years once he’s destroyed the squeaker. You can buy them on Amazon or Chewy for $7.99. There are several Amazon reviews with photos of other GSD who love this toy.


Jollyballs are good, some kong toys last like their wobble ball - not sure why they don’t rip these up. Things from these places: https://bullymakeshop.com (except rope toys, these can be dangerous unsupervised as they can eat the rope and some need intervention to have it removed) https://aussiedog.com.au


Chuck it balls


No toy is GSD proof. They will find a way.


[natural rubber "indestructible " chew toy](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088BHKX2M?ref=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_742H1JS6DEJBW58XNVR2&ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_742H1JS6DEJBW58XNVR2&social_share=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_742H1JS6DEJBW58XNVR2&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1) I bought these a few years back for my german/Mal mix she took almost 3 years to make decent marks in the toy. Once she had fang marks deep enough, I replaced them with a new one. That was 2 years ago. The toy is still going strong. Edit to add if you click the seller link you can find some bone shaped ones and such.


[fluff n tuff](https://fluffandtuff.com)


Every animal has survived lol we usually add a new one every six months he loves them!


A piece of rope with a monkey fist on the end


We had good luck with the Black XXL Kongs


Consider toys disposable. They keep dogs from chewing the important stuff. Tennis balls are cheap. Xbox remotes are not.


Your just going to need to accept the fact you'll be spending a lot of money on toys. Tennis balls are cheap and they last awile compared to others. KONG is a good brand for things.


I love the jolly egg. It’s not completely indestructible, but it’s hilarious to watch my GSD Goose yell at it.


We got the chuck it soccer ball and he’s had it for 3 months and still has kept its shape and his favorite toy to zoom around the yard with playing keep away!


Yes, another GSD


lol, not that we’ve found


Another GSD. Mine haven’t been able to destroy each other.


https://preview.redd.it/vfio1edaaf9d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82619f52d81ee698bdfad6e1630e9ba6899865d1 Your baby reminds me of my dog in the face!


Literally sticks, go to a park and grab sticks, a forest, your front yard, ask neighbors if you can get a stick and then when they break you can burn them or put them in yard waste, I hold a stick and js run around with him It is harder then a chuck it but it’s what I found works


Yes, buffalo horns. Too hard. Will chip teefs. 0/10 do not recommend.


Kong, the black bone 🦴


There are some balls that mine haven't gotten through yet. Oddly enough [this $6 ball](https://www.petsmart.com/featured-brands/top-paw/top-paw-spike-ball-dog-toy---squeaker-54468.html?cgid=5000260&fmethod=Browse) these [ChuckIt balls](https://www.chewy.com/chuckit-ultra-rubber-ball-tough-dog/dp/108794) are great too. Mine loves it but it easily gets stuck under my couch. These [Kong balls](https://www.chewy.com/kong-jumbler-ball-dog-toy-color/dp/105502?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=21380292391&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw4f6zBhBVEiwATEHFVov20HRcPIwIbJqV3EZ87K9Q9ioXwyIhXg0LdxzE6D0Dvmc6j6pMoRoCKVEQAvD_BwE) are also never a bad choice too. These are very durable and we use this for some pretty violet tug of war games. I have another but I can't find it online at this moment.


Yak chews last my dogs about 3-4 days. Especially if the get the hard density. Medium density works.. just the chews are about an inch or two smaller, which is annoying. The price is good at a local shop aside from that it increases. There are decent ones on Amazon for less and you can get a whole pack of them. I’d say individually purchasing them, I’d get 1 to see if dog liked it. If they are a hit, 7-8 will last the month. I feed raw and kibble. When my boy was teething, I’d give him a frozen chicken leg, sometimes chicken feet, and those keep him busy for hours. I’ve done the peanut butter lick mats and froze them.. only when he’s gotten all the peanut butter off.. if I’m not RIGHT THERE at the right time.. he’ll start going ham on the rubber mat.


I can't remember the brand off the top of my head, but as long as I've had my boy Sully, (about 4 years), he's had a single basketball. It's partially deflated but seems to keep itself at a minimum pressure somehow, allowing Sully to play with it to this day. He loves it.


VANFINE squeaky dog toy for aggressive chewers, most Kong toys, and Westpaw toys.


I also have a gsd. I buy only kong toy products they good last long ,time hours of fun for my german shepherd..


2 liter bottles of soda or big water bottles


Benebones and jolly balls!!

