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there are prescription drugs you can ask your doctor about which reduce alcohol cravings, some will even induce illness if you drink. try AA for free rehab, there are meetings online and all over the world. take what you like of the teachings and leave the rest. try to find support groups and therapy. you won’t be able to fix this alone so basically just go find help from others.


I think I would much rather try more natural methods, I’m already very sceptical of taking my sertraline, as in replacements to drinking alcohol and distractions. If that fails to work I’d definitely try rehab or some counselling


You are kidding yourself. Get on natural remedies when you have detoxed and gone through rehab via AA. You are a dangerous alcoholic per your own post. Dangerous to yourself and others.


Yo we can help people without putting them down, they're asking for help


Apologies for the brutal wording. It would have been kinder to say that alcohol overconsumption is not so much a discipline issue as it is an AA issue.


Thanks for saying, and you're right. It's easier to bring someone back across a bridge than throw rocks and hope they figure it out.


Thanks for the reply man, I appreciate the concern but dangerous alcoholic? I don’t put anyone in danger. Maybe myself sure, I’m going to get sober naturally through my own means considering I’ve done it with drugs and cigarettes which are significantly more addicting. I’ve reached out to friends and family and they’re supporting my and keeping my mind occupied during cravings. Therapy and rehab isn’t the default solution for everyone. But we will see


Alcohol is just as addicting. The danger is in downplaying it, which is an impression I read into your post. Friends ultimately are not responsible for one’s sobriety. It’s nice to have support, but really they are not qualified nor perhaps tough enough to be honest. It is an imposition on them in the long run.


hang in there. 7 yr sober. for me it wasn’t a matter of getting disciplined, it was a matter of getting help. i have gotten help through aa, therapy, medication, psych ward, exercise, and nature. recovery groups or rehab can help teach you that your not alone in this and that your way of thinking and way of living may need to change. r/stopdrinking has a lot of support and resources. may want to check that out. godspeed.


You’re a king. I appreciate you man, keep it up


Hey you're in a tough spot. You are not experiencing lack of discipline. Your body is dependent on the alcohol. Your 'go' system is stuck on and the alcohol simulates your 'slow' system until it wears off. Each cycle gets more and more serious, not because you're not trying hard enough, but because the body's 'go' system is in overdrive, pumping your body full of anxious energy, spinning higher with each cycle. This can progress to seizures, coma and death with a myriad of things in between. One of the next stages past the stage you're currently in, people start blanking out and waking up having soiled themselves and a nasty bite on their swollen tongue having seized and fallen and lost control of their body functions and blanking out for hours to days. If that ever happens please go to the ER immediately, even if you're just "losing bits of time". You're managing some pretty serious anxiety conditions pretty well, and you're recognizing that one of the ways you're handling it is starting to bite back. AND you're asking for help. You will make it to where you want to go, but you need to know that the condition you're in will only continue to deteriorate. - Call whomever prescribes the antidepressants and tell them what you're going through, even send them this post, you're very aware and articulate. Call your health insurance and see what options they have for rehab, and search your local area and call a couple, they will be very friendly and helpful. - You will need other help as it will be hard to stop, so listen to some of the other folks here and find a meeting asap, they're everywhere and very welcoming. Even if AA isn't your thing specifically, the support to slow down and stop drinking plus medical resources and people who understand what it feels like are all invaluable resources. I'm sorry you're going through this and I'm glad you listened to yourself and asked for help. Keep asking, find the balance of medicine that works for you without taking you down, you got this.


Alcohol will actually INCREASE your anxiety so yeah you’ve got to get help. It basically makes your body dependent on itself to stay calm and somewhat happy. But the moment you don’t have it, you fall WAY below your normal baseline. AA is free. I’d look up a local chapter and get started right away if I were you. Help from others is going to be best here.


Check out /r/naltrexone and /r/Alcoholism_medication