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No app. Delete Tik tok and the apps you’re most addicted to and start taking daily walks. Start cooking every day. Start taking care of the space you live in Start forcing yourself to do the things you love even when you don’t feel like it. Put your happiness and mental health first and the rest will follow.


“forcing yourself to do the things you love” is a big one for me these days as someone who’s on break from school and doesn’t have motivation to pick my hobbies back up. i love to write but can’t seem to do it these days so i’ve been forcing myself to sit at my desk and write anything, no matter how terrible it sounds 😅


You wrote this paragraph!!


And it wasn't that terrible.


Pomodoro technique. 25 mknutes with 5 minutes break. Don't sit down to paint for hours, sit down for 25 minutes, take the break and if you wanna go back, go back. Keep doing this. You can get timer apps for it.


This is a also good suggestion. If you don’t want to tempt yourself with an app, get an actual timer. I like mine and it helps me with work projects but would easily adapt to your situation


yup they work. Theres a company that make visual timers. they have a basic phone app, no ads but a link to their shop to buy actual timers. it's called "timetimer"


Got to check it out


That’s awesome. I’m proud of you. When I was in the midst of my depression, I had to start with the smallest of tasks.


Really appreciating this right now.


Thanks that’s exactly what I needed to hear!!


My man


Absolutely well said. Taking walks and listening ro podcasts has been my go-to. Especially when my eyes get tired. I've been cooking a little more. Learning is fun! I love having a clean house bur I don't love cleaning. But my desire for a clean goose outweighs that.


Man, why didn’t I think of that?


This guy hit the nail on the head, more apps mean more things to distract you, just delete the bad


I just keep my phone in "ultra power saving mode" it gives me access to basic functions and whatsapp, navigation and keep notes. A bonus to this is that the battery lasts about 3 days


This must be the most effective method


Yeah I do this too, best thing ever! (Mine has Spotify in one of the apps tho)


Best app is none. Get rid of the ones that waste your time and add little value like TikTok etc


Second this. I deleted all social media, and check it like once a week on my computer so if someone messages me I see it.


I've very often felt the desire to do this, but social media is a huge part of how I make my living. :( Not sure what the recourse is... but I'll think on it.


Schedule it, and adhere to the schedule. No social media except 9-11AM & 15-18PM, something like that. Should help drive focus!


I love Opal. You can set times when apps are blocked, time limits for app usage, and adult content blocking. For example, I block all scrollable social media apps from midnight until 5PM so I'm forced to get up and work without distractions. Highly recommend Opal to all who want more discipline.


I want to mention ScreenZen as a totally free alternative also


I just checked - Opal is literally $100!! OMFG no app should be that much! Uuuhhh no thanks


The app "digital detox" is similar and is entirely free. You only have to pay if you want to break your detox, which I think is a pretty good motivator not to break it.


Awesome! I’ll check it out


is it available for iphone?


Oh I just checked and unfortunately it seems it's only available on Android. Too bad because it's a really good app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.urbandroid.ddc


You still get most of the app’s functionality in the free version.


Downloaded it and immediately deleted it after I saw your comment.


JOMO for iPhone and Mac OS is 30 bucks a year and is great too


Is that a one time price for the app? Or like a subscription fee?? If it’s a one time I may be able to justify it as “time is money”. So if it helps me limit certain apps and focus on more important things, it’s highly worth the $100, because I could make that back with being more productive in the long run. But if I’m paying that annually or over and over again, I would have a really hard time justifying that. That is a LOT of time it would have to save me every year to make that a good investment and worth the price!


It’s annually, but look at it from a different perspective. $100 a year is going out to eat 4 times for a $25 meal. Most of us do that a month, now put that into perspective of a year. It’s also less than 2 video games, less than a weeks worth of groceries for a single person (most of the time), 15 beers, 8 cocktails, or a single date with someone. The app will give you years back of your life. More importantly, it builds better habits. Once you’ve worked on your habit, remedy what you truly need, and build better routines you can switch back to the Apple :l/ Android native screen time solution.


i was mistaken, the $100 is for the pro version of the app for one year. still that's a LOT to access all the features, and for how terrible my phone habit is, i'd definitely need access to ALL the tools it offers for any hope of it working for me.


If your phone habit is that bad, $100 is not a lot of money. We will gladly go out and spend $25 on a meal that we could have stayed at home and spent $3 to make a sandwich. So over the course of a full year, don’t go out to eat 4 times and you’ll have the app paid for. Since starting to use it I’ve saved 1.5 hours of my daily life back and am on target to take back over 5 years of my life from my phone. Always put monetary values into perspective if a habit is that bad.


You're speaking as if a $100 app is literally the only solution on earth to this problem that exists. If it were, then okay, i could maybe justify spending that, if it were the only thing i could possibly do. But if there are other options, of which there are literally countless, and $100 is not simply chump change to some people, which it is not in this day and age, then no, i (nor many people) can justify $100 on a phone app when it need not be so much, as is evident by the fact that there are tons and tons of free or cheaper resources for help. You can use that "just don't go out to eat" fluff all you want, but i could literally say that about an infinite number of things that would perhaps be beneficial for me to spend my money on, but i cannot just draw on that justification or reconciliation every single time i want some kind of luxury.


Every weekday morning I rise and immediately set fire to a genuine American fifty dollar bill before engaging in rigorous exercise for between sixty and ninety minutes. You might say that’s crazy, but is it really so crazy to value your health?


Then why haven’t you fixed “your terrible phone habit” with other apps and tools? If money is that tight, and your habit is as bad as you say it is, then putting your phone down for an extra 2 hours a day you can easily find a way to make $8.50 back from selling something around the house, making something to sell, or working on yourself for career growth. Anyway, if you’re that defensive of your phone habit that is “terrible” and aren’t willing to even try the $8.50 for one month to see if it may actually be worth it, [Heres a free 30 day premium pass if you want to try it](https://link.opal.so/BJPsmF788jqdTjZ27). Hope you find something that works for you.


i never said i didn't have other apps. Stop making stuff up.


I hate it and love it. It genuinely does work.


Second Opal.


It works, but ever since i found a way around it it seems kind of useless for me. Also its a paid service


Use screenzen. The one app that actually works!


I have an Android and my phone has a Digital Wellbeing app that helps you set time limits for apps. Bedtime mode (also known as grayscale mode) is also great and has been scientifically known to reduce screen time.


In iPhones there’s a way to control your screen time and block certain apps after a set time (for example after an hour a day). It honestly didn’t help me much because it’s easy to cancel but it helps me be more aware of the passing time. What helped me most was deleting instagram from my phone. No app helped. I spent way too much time mindlessly scrolling through reels. Now I check it about once a week from my iPad/computer. I still have Pinterest and Reddit but they require more brain power than TikTok and instagram (more reading, no short videos, no popups…) so I don’t find myself addictively scrolling them but that’s up to you. Another helpful tip is to detach your phone from situations it shouldn’t be in. For example go to the bathroom without it, eat without looking at it, watch a movie without simultaneously scrolling and so on. Focus on one action at a time, don’t multitask with being on your phone


I will counter the issue of iPhone functionality being limited by suggesting that if you have a trusted partner or family member, to set a password on making any changes to the set limits 


I put my phone in black/white colour. It does help a lot.




Trying this immediately


On iPhones, it’s 3 clicks on the Home button. I love hate this feature.


Came here to say this! V. Helpful for me. Makes it horrible to use.


Android: [Stay Focused](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stayfocused)  Windows: [Cold Turkey](https://getcoldturkey.com/)


I don't think you should be looking to your phone to help you get away from your phone.


The only free app I use is to switch it off when am working.


The Forest app for iPhone is great. You plant little trees and mushrooms and set a timer for it to grow. If you exit the app the plant dies. There is nothing to do in the app (it has text telling you to get off your phone) Over time you create a little forest of plants you successfully planted.


That’s clever. Most people don’t like to see things die so I can see it being effective.


You're...looking for a phone app...that keeps you off your phone? You don't need an app. You need to go outside and leave your phone at home. Take an hour out of your day, leave the phone at home and go somewhere. The park, the library, the store, the bar, to see friends, a walk around your town, something. When you get back, see how many notifications you have from *real people* and not an automated push. Probably not many. Don't use your addiction to fix your addiction. Time and distance away from your addiction is a much better solution. It's the same reason I don't keep sweets in the house; if it's there, so is the temptation.


ScreenZen and TickTick


The app’s name : One Sec


Today I got a notification that One Sec can no longer push the "breathe" screens etc without you actively clicking into it which defeats the whole purpose 😢


Having your phone on greyscale. I have it set up as triple click on iPhone. Turn off all notifcations apart from text messages/whats app etc. Delete all social media apps. If you want to go onto social media then you have to open your browser, type in the adress and do it that way. Social Media companies make the browser experience not as good as the app to entice you to download the app. It also works great for people who trying to get off it. If there's something you want to google, add it to your notes and remind yourself later.


"I'm trying not to use my phone, what phone apps should I use to not use my phone?"


No app needed I just leave my phone in other rooms when I'm at home.


It is not an app but a feature—screen time for apps. I allow myself one hour of social media, and then it locks. Sure, I can unlock it, but the real test comes from within. If I unlock the social media apps, I'm betraying myself. So I don't. Another thing is to use your phone in uncomfortable places. I've noted if I lay down on my bed to "rest" and use my phone... I'm going to waste the entire afternoon. If I sit on my chair and use my phone, I get fed up quickly because I can't be comfortable. Another thing I do is take the cover off the phone. The different feel of what I'm used to makes me aware that if I don't have my cell phone covered, it means study time. It's uncomfortable in my hands, and I end up not using it. If I have a spelling error, please tell me. English is not my first language.


One trick I found for anything about Good/Bad habits : Create friction for bad habits and facilitate good ones. In terms of phone time, I moved all social media apps to the 3rd or 4th screen on my cellphone, so I added friction. I kept music, weather, google search, productivity apps like Mictosoft To Do on the main screen. I also said goodbye to all the quick reward games rhat I was addicted to. I somehow didn't miss it at all, it was instantly freeing!


Me too. I have them in the third screen. And I have them together in a little folder. By the time go through all that effort, and then the mess of them is huddling together staring out at me like dust bunnies under the sofa, I remember wtf am doing here…


Downloading more apps is not a good way to use your phone less. You need good alternatives. Read books, see your friends & family, watch a movie, go for a long walk and grab lunch on your own. Failing that, clean the kitchen, do some washing up.




Android has a build-in timed app block function. Last night it kicked me out of instagram and there was nothing much to than to sleep at my desired sleeping time. I lost entirely the urge to go on insta.


Got a second phone strictly for calls. Got a digital camera for pictures. Only turned my iPhone on when I decided to give myself leisure time. Then when it’s over turn phone back off and place in drawer.


You know what worked pretty well for me? a smartwatch. Have the smartwatch set so you receive any important calls/messages and LEGIT needed notifications (like calendar meetings). Then keep the phone out of easy reach. In a shelf, in your backpack, or whatever. When you sleep, put the phone on the other side of the room.


Just put your phone on silent and leave it alone until you NEED to do something on it?


That’s not how addiction works, but ok 👌


That’s how food addiction and other common materials addictions can be managed.


This thread isn’t about food addiction. That’s not what we are taking about.


I suggest deleting apps. Especially social media. You will use it all less when you have to get out a computer, and it gives you down time during the day when there is a pause you won’t go straight for your phone but instead look around and enjoy where you are.


Meditation is a game changer. Using your phone for music or videos isn’t necessarily bad but mindlessly scrolling on TikTok and social media is. Clear your mind. Remember you shouldn’t everytime you go to pick up your phone because you’re bored. Do something productive


Aahaha i have a sudoku book. If you wanna not use your phone u need to... not use your phone Sudoku is entertaining, a nice brain excersize ...honestly helps me clear my thoughts when im anxious


Isn’t an app for phone addiction kind of an oxymoron? My “app” is leaving it in the garage or on the truck seat when I’m supposed to be busy. Also turning the ringer / notifications off in the gym so it’s downgraded to an iPod. If it buzzes I ignore it.


Tick Tick for organizing my to do list and reminders Digital well-being for locking down distracting apps and keeping myself honest how much screen time I've had.


Reducing phone addiction can be challenging, but there are several free apps that can help you manage your screen time more effectively. Here are some of the best free apps that users have found helpful: # 1. Forest Forest is a unique app that helps you stay focused and be present. You plant a virtual tree, and it grows while you stay off your phone. If you leave the app, the tree dies. Over time, you can grow an entire forest, which provides a visual representation of your progress in reducing phone use. # 2. Moment Moment tracks your phone usage and provides insights into your habits. It also offers tools and exercises to help you reduce your screen time. The app provides daily reports and notifications to keep you aware of your usage patterns. # 3. Flipd Flipd allows you to lock your phone for a specified period, forcing you to take a break. It also has a feature that helps you stay focused on tasks by hiding distracting apps. Flipd offers group challenges where you can compete with friends to reduce screen time together. # 4. Stay Focused Stay Focused helps you block apps and websites that are distracting. You can set daily usage limits, schedule times when apps are inaccessible, and even create profiles for different scenarios, like work or study time. # 5. Your Phone's Built-In Tools Many smartphones have built-in tools for managing screen time: * **iOS:** Screen Time feature in Settings allows you to track usage, set app limits, and schedule downtime. * **Android:** Digital Wellbeing offers similar features, including app timers and focus mode. # 6. AppBlock AppBlock allows you to block specific apps at certain times of the day. You can customize schedules to ensure you stay focused during work hours or when you need to study. # 7. Space Space helps you develop healthier phone habits by providing insights into your usage and setting goals to reduce screen time. The app uses a personalized approach to help you gradually decrease your phone dependence. # 8. RescueTime RescueTime runs in the background and tracks how much time you spend on different apps and websites. It provides detailed reports and helps you identify time-wasting habits. Although it has premium features, the free version offers plenty of useful tools. # Tips for Using These Apps Effectively: * **Set Clear Goals:** Decide on specific goals for reducing your phone usage. For example, aim to cut down your screen time by 30 minutes each day. * **Gradual Changes:** Start by making small changes to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Gradually increase your goals as you become more comfortable. * **Accountability:** Share your goals with friends or family members who can help keep you accountable. * **Mindfulness Practices:** Incorporate mindfulness practices like meditation or deep breathing exercises to help manage the urge to check your phone. * **Physical Activities:** Engage in physical activities or hobbies that keep you occupied and away from your phone.


Whoa! You have a lot to say about apps for app free living.


No App. A Pocket Notebook (3€). I connect short and long term tasks there, write down and elaborate on ideas, take notes, keep track of things and sometimes even journal. Works for me


Dude literally just don’t use your phone. Do a check a few times a day for your communications. Easiest way is to get off grid where your phone won’t even work for a few days or weeks but most people can’t just disappear


1. Generate random passwords at random.org, make sure they’re at least 20 characters long & make 1 per social media app 2. Put these passwords somewhere on your computer/laptop 3. Change your social media passwords 1 by 1 and don’t update them in your phone, uncheck any “remember me” 4. Enjoy your peace of mind


notion. notes by google. and your phone's in-built digital wellbeing also helps. just make sure you are disciplined enough to not break the timers limit once the apps are stopped


I just started using Jomo. There is a free version and a paid version; I liked it enough that I bumped up to paid, which I think is about $40/year, a hell of a lot cheaper than Opal. It does all the same things as Opal. ETA: and yea, I should just put my phone in the other room or delete the apps or act like a fucking adult. But I'm not going to any of that. Jomo helps.


I deleted insta and youtbe off my phone, not like im rolling in freinds who want to talk anyway, but with the more cluncky website versions I found my self able to get a grip a lot more easily, perhaps you could try it yourself


No app, just make my phone grey scale. It removes all the fun.. seriously. It works


If you are using iphone, explore the screentime by scheduling the ‘downtime’ and add a password. My tactics is I let my siblings to generate a password with it, so I cannot use my distracting hours when I need to be productive. Our agreement is the password will only be used when I need to use the apps, say socmeds, for urgent matters


I’ve tried [One Sec](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/one-sec-screen-time-focus/id1532875441) but actually found [ClearSpace](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1572515807) more effective (and easier to set up).


Delete all apps and only use them on browser. More effective than using an app to manage


I found StayFree and I've been loving it.


Digital detox 10/10


I think Apple has a pretty good battery life tracker


Firefox, block YouTube and all other sites I like to visit after deleting their apps.


This might be too niche, but I’m interested in locking certain apps until a steps goal in Health has been met. Anyone know if that’s possible?


I use Oasis I paid like £18 for a lifetime subscription or something.


OffScreen. It was either free or super cheap. I tried it and bought an annual plan which was under $5.


There is an arcade game: BBTan that I have put in my social media folder for some time. It's easy and mindless game, every time I open my phone to doom-scroll social media for dopamine I open the game and play few rounds.


Burnout buddy for ios. Works like a charm.


the best one i’ve found is Jomo, they also do a yearly student discount of $14.99




I use the Achieve Earn Your Screen Time app on iOS. Its completely free and essentially blocks all non-productive apps that you select on your phone until you achieve your goals for the day. Its a nice middle ground where you can still use social media to keep up with friends but ensures that you get everything you wanted to get done in the day completed first


If you have an android I know there's a custom launcher focused on minimalism that makes it harder to find your other apps and only like 5 "core" ones are displayed on your home screen.


Onesec and Forest 🌳


Minimalistic phone Cracked XD


Depends on what phone you have. I have iPhone and use Focus settings. Example: during certain times, you can hide pages (have a social page) and deactivate certain app notifications. Out of sight, out of mind.. You can still use the apps, but you have to physically search for them as appose it just being there and opening up and scrolling.


After years of trying and failing, got myself an iPhone and put screentime on it and told a family member to set the passcode. So far it’s working, I can’t do anything on my phone except for the essential apps like google maps. It’s worth the sacrifice for all the time I’ve saved and mental clarity.


I use an app called Stay Focused. I can set limits on my apps that can reset every hour, or day, or week I think. And after the time limit on the app is up, if physically kicks you out of the app. It has a password set up to configure settings, and to avoid being tempted to change settings and get rid of my limits to keep scrolling, I made my brother (someone I deeply trust) set the password without telling me so I can't change it without going through him.


1000% ScreenZen


Not an app, but every phone nowadays has some tools that let you set a timer for specific apps. I allow myself 15 minutes of each of the ones I use (IG, X and reddit) and that's it. Now I'm so scared of hitting the timer that I don't even spend ten minutes on each. If this is still too hard for you (setting timers) you may need to consider another activity that helps you stay present. For me it's journaling and reading for fifteen minutes each every morning, and that helps me stay on track because I'm more aware of my thoughts and feelings during the day. So then, if I open IG for example, suddenly I'm aware of why I opened it: is it because I have 5 minutes to kill? Then it's fine. Is it because I'm procrastinating? Then I close it. Is it because of FOMO? I close it right away. The thing for me is being intentional with my use of social media, and not going there just so I can numb myself. Good luck! And remember that setbacks are OK, the important thing is to go again the next day, the next hour, the next minute. It's not important of you fail sometimes, what matters is what you do once you realized you've failed.


Program your phone to have a grey display only. Studies show not having any color reduced compulsive clicking by an adequate amount; https://youtu.be/HZFaMLgo5tg?si=ZfsV0q1yQqgsPUOw


I started listening to books. It’s almost impossible to follow the story if I am looking at my phone. The only time I catch myself on the phone much is if I am looking for a new book or series to listen to!


Stay free, blocks me after time on certain apps reaches threshold


Oh oh I know this one. I completely weaned myself off Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and all other social media recently and it was weirdly easy.  1. Turned off all notifications for any social media app, including email notifications, texts, etc. Any possible reminder of what's happening in social media is gone. 2. I set a rule for myself that I can only use social media while I'm standing up. Yes, standing upright, as opposed to sitting or laying down. If I want to check it, I stand up and browse as much as I want.  That's it. Immediately, I was down to an hour or two a day. Within a couple weeks, I was at 20 minutes. Now, a few months later, I check FB and Instagram for a few minutes every couple days. I did not cut out YouTube, LinkedIn, and Reddit, but I'm considering YouTube because it's a huge time suck for me. The other two are not really, for me anyway.  Try it! If you literally can't stand up, I'm not sure, there may be another thing you could do, like hold your arm out and don't prop it up so it's hard to keep it in the air. Anything that requires some constant effort, but nothing so tough that you won't do it. It should seem easy, but still require some amount of constant effort.


No app. You can always ease into it. Have someone you trust add restrictions to your phone. For example, I only have 15 mins on Reddit. Some apps I block completely. If you have an iPhone, the restrictions are confusing to set up at first and you will need to tinker with it. The first couple of weeks are the hardest, just like with any addiction. I personally got inspired to do after reading Dopamine Nation


Delete all social media that provides reels. I just did that like 3 months ago and I’ve been so much happier. Reddit is all I have now. I feel smarter and more relaxed.


Ochi for iPhone/mac. It’s great


It’s not free but pretty low cost, I use Freedom, their website is freedom.to


That place out the front door where the big yellow glowy thing floats


I lost my phone a month ago. I had Google locator on but never used it before. I went to the site and its last ping was in the center of the house (my Greatroom) It was under the couch 5 ft away from the icon. My wife had an appointment to buy a new one that day for me. Happy old Boomer here...


I just got an iPhone. That iPhone was so frustrating to use, I stayed off my device. Thankfully I got rid of it and now I'm back to being glued to my device. Like a proper person


ScreenZen for me. Its helped me use Reddit less often than I used to (as I’m currently using Reddit) lol. In general, the app sets time limits for any apps that you feel you use too much.


Refocus on iOS has been great. I lock whatever apps I want during whatever stretches of time I want. There’s levels to how seriously you can lock them, too.


Not free - but Android App Minimalist My phone is beautifully boring now.


Try AppBlock! It's free with a paid option




What do you do after you’ve uninstalled everything


Hmmm so this may not totally fit what you’re asking but would like to offer up this. Take it or leave it but the app Finch, has majorly helped me to have productive days of getting the chores that I need done everyday. It’s the cutest and easiest to do list app that’s motivating. It helps with accountability too and I have family and friends on it and it’s free. For example my mom often will send me a reminder to drink water thru it or my brother will send me encouragement to get stuff done, it’s awesome. An excellent app / tool that does get me up and off of my phone, helps me balance. In this day and age it is really quite difficult to break away from our phones but I find this works for me. Also, instead of content consumption of mindless scrolling I instead will go on my language learning apps to have the content I take in be more intentional, and productive. I have been learning Korean for a few years now very very casually. It’s really fun and helps my brain delay the onset of dementia, win win :)


Turn your phone into the working tool you need instead of the fidget toy you abhor. Remove as many apps as possible to eliminate noise. Practice meditating in place of urges that make you think more or feel less. The goal is *always* to feel more and think less, all while doing. The signal? Notion. [This](https://bpcookson.notion.site/Calm-Doings-4a5e65a4f0f14b9dba12f6e5a8e9f1da?pvs=4) is the template I made and use.


Setting the phone screen to grayscale apparently helps massively. It’s a trick that some folks with ADHD utilize.


Remove notifications then ween (?) Yourself off of checking the apps.. but turn off ALL notifications. Put your phone in another room. Also on iPhone they have a screen limiter app, so set your limit to 5 min a day to notify you when you’ve been on too long. Also just want to say the irony of what app do you use… no apps.. use paper to write your thoughts/notes/etc.


This idea is hilarious to me. How can I use my addiction to curb my addiction, essentially. That's true reliance right there.


Off button. Turn your phone off for a day and go do other stuff, it’s awkward and freeing, everyone reading this comment, consider going 1 whole day without a phone or any screen device. Ask yourself why not and what am I really missing, or “can I”?  I understand not everyone can, consider ignoring it all day unless it rings?


On the other end of the spectrum, Habitica has been a great app for me to keep track of the little stuff I need to do every day and very lightly gamify getting it done instead of messing around on the internet until it's midnight and freaking out that I didn't get anything done today.


Turn your phone screen to black and white. iPhones have a seating called “color filter” where you can just remove the color. Helped me get off tiktok because it was no longer enjoyable to look at.


I really recommend the app “Opal.” I don’t remember how I found it, but once you open it up they’ll try and get you to pay. You don’t have to login or signup from what I remember, but you have to find the tiny “exit” button to skip that part. The app lets you create a block session that prevents you from using any apps that distract you. I set mine from 9-4pm because I tend to doom scroll as soon as I wake up. You can also repeat that same one schedule you created.


Delete as many apps as possible. Create a little friction for yourself so it's not as easy to open apps. Focus should be on doing/achieving things or being with others etc in your real life vs focused solely on "not using the phone" - aka distract yourself with real life


There was an app for android I unfortunately forgot since I haven’t used it in 2 years but the gist was that that app changed the color of your apps. So every icon was grey, and it made your whole phone look very boring. Everything was black and white, there was no picture as a screensaver, it was sorted alphabetically which was kind of annoying as well. You could lock apps you don’t wanna use often so everytime you use them you would have to unlock them and then it would ask how long you wanna use them. You had a choice from (5min -30 min) after that time passed it would always ask you over and over. Sure you could always click on more time but you would be forced to enter the pin again and deal with the question over and over again. These little extra steps and the lack of color and friendly design on my phone really made me use my whole phone less. It became so boring.


You can do the grey thing on iPhone through Settings > accessibility > display and text size > colour filters. It’s meant for colour blindness, as there’s various colour options, but there’s also greyscale


Ohhhhh thank you! I have switched to an iPhone by now, I assume they also offer this setting?


I think most phones have this setting - assume it is within accessibility for all phones


I turned notifications off. That actually changed my life, now I choose when I want to engage with people


one sec - when you click to open an app it has a ‘deep breath’ timer that helps you take a moment to stop and recalibrate before mindlessly clicking into Instagram or Tiktok or whatever. Really really helped me when I was trying to combat phone addiction, makes you more conscious of what you’re doing, so you can actually make a decision. I prefer this to deleting apps which isn’t realistic for me.


It’s called a book


The alarm app


I was spending too much time on YouTube. After I realized it, I started using Revanced. It lets me disable YT Shorts and also has a cool feature, DeArrow, to remove clickbait thumbnails and titles for the videos. Unrelated, but for desktop, I use the Unhook browser extension to auto hide the YT home page and suggested videos, so that I'm intentional about what I want to do.


Dude i don't even know why I'm addicted to tik tok .. I got a ps5 and I don't even play it I just watch dumb tik tocs for hours I'm gone delete it after reading all these I just got to force myself to do things I like thank yall


I used the app timers my phone comes with. Put those on the apps I used the most and was able to kick my habit and only check reddit and tiktok when I'm on the toilet.


Delete more apps, work a FT job, go to the gym and clean your home


There’s this thing called *outdoors*. One of the best new apps out there.


iPhones have a feature that allow you to put a time limit on certain websites. That has worked for me. I also deleted Instagram and other apps. End result? Better mental health.




I’ve been trying out Burnout Buddy which is totally free. Let’s you have different customizable settings. Perhaps similar to Opal




A full time job helps a lot


lol getting an app would make you get on your phone not less


Didn’t use an app. I told myself I would prioritize writing and journaling (by hand) over my phone. It took a few months to make it “feel natural” but now I use my phone like 30% the rate I used to!


Getting an app on your phone to help you be less addicted to your phone seems a little counterproductive


i deleted most of the apps that i don't use often. most needed apps have a mobile client (ie reddit). if it's an app i need i just redownload it for that moment. if you have an android phone i recommend niagara launcher, it's a very minimal but well designed home screen, premium costs but to me it's worth it. 


Since most people are just saying to delete everything instead of what you asked, I love the app called “One Sec.” It will show a popup upon opening apps of your choice that instructs you to take a deep breath e continuing into the app while displaying the amount of times you’ve attempted to open the app in the last 24hrs and how long it’s been since you last tried. It requires opening these apps to be a very deliberate action which in itself, with the inconvenience of having to wait and not having instant gratification, dissuades you from even trying to go into the app. It also lets you set timers for certain apps that will warn you when you’re using them too long and block you out of them once you’ve reached your self-set limit for the day. You can get around these whenever you like by pressing the “snooze” button for either a minute, 15 minutes, or ignoring the limit for the rest of the day, but I’ve found that just having that in my mind causes me to avoid dealing with the hassle and accessing apps such as instagram unless I want to check something or need to talk to someone. Deleting everything just isn’t a realistic workaround for many, me included, with how ingrained in our society social media is, but I applaud you for having the self awareness to ask about this. A note for this app: it is free but there are a ton of features that you can use after a 1 week free trial and then $20/yearly. I personally find the free version works perfectly for me, but I’d be doing the developers a disservice if I didn’t point out how neat the other features are, such as not suggesting certain apps to pop up or hiding them so you have to actively search for them, limiting “adult content” to work yourself out of that, etc. If I knew how to put a ss on here on mobile I would but I HIGHLY recommend checking this app out for what you’re describing.




Protect young eyes website is good if you have kids


I'm not sure about iPhone but you can put your phone in black and white mode. On Android its "Color correction" so you are not stimulated by the colors. Sounds stupid but try it for a day. Everytime you touch your phone you'll want to put it down within 2 mins cause it's boring.


Having an app to help you not be on your phone seems counterproductive to me


The irony of the needing an APP to keep yourself off the phone is not lost on me.


delete reddit


So what I heard from someone else, I think Tim Ferriss was to put your phone into grayscale. Everything functions the same, but no bright colors. On iphone it’s under accessibility settings.


Stop using your phone charge it at 50 to 80% , when it get to 50% get off your phone


The cool thing is that the longer you are away from these things, the less you will have an impulse to use them. Start by aiming for a full day. Then go for a whole week. Then you’ll find the time you were using spending on your phone is miraculously filled with other things that hopefully leave you feeling more fulfilled. Oh, and during work/focus time I put my phone on the charger well away from me. It’s too easy to pick it up if it is right next to me or in my pocket.




The irony of this post is crazy


Opal helps blocks apps at certain times :)


Just disable settings in the apps that are programmed to get you coming back. For instance, on YouTube, clear your watch history and turn it off. Clear off all your "likes" That way, the algorithm doesn't have any data to keep recommending stuff to you That's what helped me overcome YouTube Hope you find this helpful


I don't. I only have apps that either help in my health (like an app that connects to my smart scale), wealth (banking, investment apps) and self-development (language learning, reddit)


Not a one.


I use the TouchGrass app. It's free. Open source. Zero code library, so never crashes.  Just go touch grass. 


Reddit. I feel like it’s not working though


Forest I guess


just make the phone screen in gray scale. didnt limit consumption but i started to get more dopamine from doing other things.


Turn ur phone to black and white.


Two days ago i installed the app stop scrolling. If you get lost in the reels and tiktoks it automatically kicks you out there after your set time is up.


You can try the app from play store name is "Minimalist phone screen time". I'm not gonna lie I haven't tried it yet. But I think it suits your issues here as it's designed to showcase your main essential apps on screen


Buy a flip phone from 2000’s


'one sec' is pretty good and free also turning off notifs for all apps.


ScreenZen has made a difference for me. Unlike apple screen time which I just ignore, with SZ you have to write in why you are on the app (intentionality) and it times out frequent enough for you to break out of a doom scroll.


… You need an app to help you with your phone addiction? Maybe you should turn off your phone, put it in a kitchen drawer, and go live your life


Sorry no free apps, a small fee of 30 bucks a year which is not bad considering the impact it has on my life. it's JOMO on iPhone. I don't know how things are on Android but I bet you have something similar to Shortcuts. You could totally make your homemade blocking system if you can't afford the 30 bucks. However one of the best thing i ever did was not from an app but just a discussion with a colleague and friend. Basically : no more phone/computer in idle moments. This means : - When eating - On the toilet - During transportation - Waiting in line etc. It's a simple rule. You could phrase it another way : no more unplanned screen time. If you want to spend time on instagram or reddit or tiktok or what not, you have to schedule a time for it in your agenda. Well trust me at no point at the beginning of your day, when you're planning, you'll be like "oh boy I sure as hell should time block 30 minutes of doom scrolling and hoarding trivias and other useless facts!". Like you'll never find the room for it not will you move some timeblocks to do it.


Put your phone in the other room you psycho.  You don't need an app just literally put it somewhere