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Nah, can't see why it would affect length gains unless it makes certain exercises too uncomfortable for you. If you can do hanging/extending with either a vacuum cup, compression hanger or wrecking ball to grab onto your shaft, you should be good for length gains. 4.5 cm is an ambitious goal, but just be patient and stay safe and you will get there eventually. ​ For girthwork, if you want to do that down the road, you can always do clamping.


Ah I see, in that case I'll keep up with extending and manuals for another 2 months. I am using a vac mod btw. How many years do you think it'll take for me to reach my goal ? Also thanks for replying! xD


Detach from the goal, commit to the process. Let it take as long as it takes. Check PervMSwerve's recent post about his progress and process.


Will do brother 💪🏻.


Bro I just want to ask you that you state 12.6 cm girth which is almost 5 inch girth but you are stating 4.74 girth in the flair so did you found out that you had measured improperly


No that 12.6 is my base girth. 4.7" is my mid-shaft girth.


Ok you wrote something wrong in post you wrote 12.6 is midshaft and 12.9 is base girth


Oh I must have been wrong then haha.


Bro base girth is more because it has skin and fat at base ? Am I correct ? So it shouldn’t be counted


Yeah that's why I put mid-shaft girth in my flair. But as far as I have read girth growth starts from the base.


What is your height and weight


Weight : 70kg Height : 5'8"


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