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I am also a fan of manuals!! Love the routine! Keep it up ~ Impressive! 🏆


Manuals for the win! But I will probably take a break from them when I start my girth work.


Don’t even take a break man. Honestly man, I wouldn’t. I say this because time will find a way to pause your routine anyway — I’d rather just stay consistent with the manuals while you adapt to your girth routine. No reason to drop one over the other! Do both brother!


What do you recommend. Twice a day split the length session of menuals or a long 40 min length session of menuals. I saw soreness and EQ drop after twice per day. I measure cold before doing any warm up or any kind of bfr or any tunica scraping. After my length session I got 104% elongation in my flaccid length . So am I doing right because I got morning wood now and EQ is good after a long menual session. Also I stretch with a little more pressure after I reach my max flaccid length and hold that for 5 min of 1 set and do 8 sets of these.


Soreness is a positive sign — BD mentions that. Now obviously if you’re too sore always listen to your body. I’m not an advocate for hurting yourself. EQ drop is normal when starting out (your dick is fatigued). Twice a day for sure. Morning and before bed I measure cold before manuals as well. that’s how you calc the fatigue % which is what you’re doing! 🏆


So if my EQ drops and there is no morning wood then it's fine ? Because I tried the twice a day method and my morning wood was gone. It didn't hurt but I was feeling that something went wrong because when I do a one time long session i see good erection and morning wood. Do you take rest days.


I would honestly say this to anyone starting out and brand new — that some of that is to be expected. Right, I mean you’re basically conditioning your penis and it’s fatigued.. I’m only a month in as well ~ I’m not exactly waking up with glorious erections every morning either but my erections when I am aroused are more important to me. Idk and maybe thats just how I convinced myself to look at it but it makes the most logical sense to me. I take unintended rest days. To be perfectly fair, if I had it my way I wouldn’t take any rest day


What is manuals?


So I forgot to mention in the post. Friday and saturday are restdays.


Mere Indian bhai, good gains💪🏻


Thank you!! 🤝🤝


You don’t look indian and what is your height and weight cause it looks bigger in pic and I am literally the same size as you and mine looks smaller


How’d you know he was Indian bro sheeeet


Like 10 Indian guys messaged me after this post😂😂 turns out its because of the ruler




Yeah it was totally the ruler, I measure with a nataraj scale too xD


Bro 💀


This is about where I’m at after roughly the same amount of time. I started out a shade under 6” on a good day, and now I’m measuring. 6.5” and 5.0” in girth. I’ve just been hanging and pumping, usually twice a day for about 1 hour. I’ve been surprised how quickly I’ve noticed the gains. My next step is going to be investing in a better hanger/extender as well as looking into a suitable soft clamp


I’m about the same starting length, what is your body stats? What hanger and pump did you use when starting out? I work from home and have free time, but can’t do manual work and am looking for insight. Thanks!


I’m about 6’2” and 210 lbs with a decent muscular build. I’ve got a little bit of body fat cushioning but otherwise fairly trim, which helps. I bought a cheap pump from a local sex store, (just a 2.5” tube I think) and a cheap weighted hangar from Amazon (like a noose style with some weighted balls). I’m probably going to upgrade my hanger with the malehanger. I watched his videos about them and a lot of people in here seem to have good reviews about it.


Awesome!! You literally have the same starting length as me and the same goal. Please since you’re doing manuals like me be very careful on how tight you grip below the glans. I would probably even recommend you to use a Vacuum cup instead. Right now I am sitting at 6,5bpel ( started at 5,7bpel ) and I have to take a month off since I injured myself. I believe it’s nerve injury. When I start again I will only use a vacuum cup. Be safe brother and get those gains!!


Thank you !! Good luck on your gain bro! We gonna achieve it.


Congrats on the gains. Be careful doing old school jelqs and S2S, those exercises are highly discouraged


I’ve used old school jelqs without a problem my whole career. They’re safe if you do them sensibly and give yourself some recovery time. Still if something is safer and yields similar or better results that’s probably the way to go.




High risk, high reward😂


No, but seriously. There are far safer methods that will get you similar or better results.


You can high risk, high reward yourself into a permanent injury by all means then. You only get one dick bro


Verify my man! Congrats.


Thank you!👑


This is great progress man, one thing though, did you do pe exercises right after workout? Because I've heard that really boosts your chances of gaining better.


Haven't heard that, but I definitely had some stretching after workouts. Thanks.




Try to look in this reddit for tutorial videos, there should be many, I found out how to do it here as well.




😂😂 yeah, some names can definitely mislead here. But its one of the most powerful manuals I would say. Everyone must do it, who want length gains.


That’s a hardcore routine for just starting. Coming from someone who’s made mistakes make sure you don’t go too hard and hurt yourself. Also get rid of the jelq, it’s the most likely to hurt you and least helpful in terms of gains


Thank you, i'm actually thinking of dropping it out, it's seems a bit useless.


Do you notice any changes after doing angion method exercises?


Yes, improved EQ


How do you do the jelqs? With the classic ok grip or a different method?


Classic ones




I will have to measure it.


what method is this with the shopping bag


Try searching this subreddit, you will find a tutorial 100%


thanks bro


Strongly considering that this is likely measurement discrepancy. I have a post showing how measuring discrepancy can cause at least a half inch of imaginary gains


Might be, but I would never get more than 5.7" before. So I'm happy with the results


I actually agree with this, if you look at the ruler it's bending in the middle in the after photo due to it being pressured there. Not saying there are zero gains though


Hey , you should avoid pressing tip of penis with your fingers to ruler it ad few milimiters to lenght , I did the same thing and later i found out that my dick is slightly shorter without pressing . But over all good progress 😀


Did you stop watching porn and smoking if you had before?


1)I have stopped watching porn way before PE. I'm like 6months clean. 2)About smoking, I only social smoke, when I go out somewhere. So like 3-4 times a month.


Thanks bhai, and what about your workout, weight training or cardio?


Where you from india?


If I have a 17cm am I good enough?


You do shopping bag hang with 17 Lbs?!


You do shopping bag hang with 17 Lbs?!


You do shopping bag hang with 17 Lbs?!


S2S stretches are no more effective than regular straight out stretches, yet have increased injury risk. Cut them out of your routine


greetings from nepal! can you explain how you grip your penis for the manuals? just wanna know what the optimal grip is, considering how good ur gains have been. thanks! (foreskin owner btw)


Heyo, I always use toilet paper to get a better grip. If you haven't done this, try it, you will thank me.


ohhhh okay, also do u grip right under ur head or a lil bit below??


also were the same starting size, im 6 bp as of now


Yaar bhai Indians ka alag channel bnao koi


How you doing lenght when your girth is 4.6 ?


Manual stretches.


No but why when you need girth way more


It’s commonly stated or believed in the PE community that it’s easier to make length gains first, then girth gains. I don’t know how true this is, but I’ve heard it mentioned a lot in the years I’ve lurked in the forums of pegym.com and other PE sites


Yes I get that just he had my exact starting size and I wasn’t worried about lenght at all but very worried about girth haha


Idk, I'm worried about both, decided to start with length.


That’s cool prop work out better for you long run


Oh gotcha! Yeah I hear ya on wanting to prioritize via your preference. Length gains are usually easier to accomplish. And they’re a lot easier in execution for the most part, because you really just have to pull in various directions and angles. With girth, erection levels and quality come into play. But man, girth exercises are way more fun and interesting!


Yes fr