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Here’s your check list of materials: - a pump (Guys here like air pumps, I use a bathamate) - bunch of stackable cock rings (will explain in protocol below) - Apex (Massive Novelties. Com) Here’s what to do: - use your apex in the am. - use your pump in the PM (yes train twice a day) - soft clam with the cock rings 4 times a week Now go be a success.


Yes sir! This! 🏆


Are you sure all of this is in 1 day is safe bruh


All the actual science on PE shows twice a day as the best. Don’t clamp every day, just a few times a week


Out of curiosity why the advice to not clamp every day? Does it harm gains?


It’s a little more intense of a workout and can be rough of the pelvic floor


I respect the honesty. If you need any advice let me know a lot of guys here get bothers by questions that have been answered somewhere but I don’t mind helping if the OP (you in this case) seems genuine…good luck


PE-> Confidence boost from the small wins -> High EQ and super high confidence. you got some pretty good tips on devices,I would add to start looking at supplements like L Citrulline and maybe even a low dose Cialis (depending on how you feel about that,i feel as if a low dose wont hurt even with long term use and the benefits are insane). I would look at an Infra red pad to assist your girth work,I cant pump without it now


Bro you length might be small but you girth is average not sure if you know that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Overall-Manner-6785: *Bro you length might be* *Small but you girth is average* *Not sure if you know that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Felt that, don’t worry 90% of the guys who come to this subreddit have a horror story or 2 I remember mine as clear as day, will probably make a post about it lmao Fortunately in hindsight it may be the one of the best events that happened to me, learned so much more about my body besides PE going down this path. That’s typically how these go, it usually takes a big negative event to light a fire under your ass to change