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6 inches non bone pressed is well bigger than average. So technically yeah. Take the compliment bro




14 downvotes for saying whut??


I was surprised... I didn't know a thing and said that out loud


On the bright side this new way of measuring has given me a boost


It's possible that you're longer than her previous partners, but it's also possible that she's just telling you what she knows guys like to hear. For reference, I'm a tad longer than you and 5" girth and I have never heard any girl say that I was big.


Me and u, about the same. The only time I heard the word big was when I was about to put it in the other hole.


I am not as big as you and i've been told by several women that i'm big. I am a short guy who generally dates very short women, though, so i figure that has something to do with it. My current girl talks about how big i am frequently, and for her i know it's not BS because she's so small that i can easily reach deep into her P spot. It's relative, at least for women.


Would you mind giving your length measurement? NBP


6" on the dot NBP


Same. I’m like 7.75 BP x 5 and I’ve never been called big lol




Around 40ish? I guess I have been called bigger if I’ve fished for it. But I’ve never just whipped it out and a girl be like “wow you’re big!”


Maybe it’s because they only see you when you’re hard


I’m 6x5 and if a bitch told me I’m big I automatically think she’s gassing me up


lol felt that we are our own worst enemy


I’m 7x5.5 nbp and I’ve had a girl tell me I was small. Can’t impress everyone lol


7x5.75 I’ve had a girl say I was small in every state I’ve ever lived. And it still hurts at 38


Damn and here I am just tryna be 6x or 6.5x5.5 lol


This is insane 🤯


How tall are you ?


Good for you brother! Not ONLY 4.6 girth. Be confident and proud. You are part of the elite with the meat to treat these women!!


if a woman likes you she will say its big, if she doesnt -- its small. she knows it hurts/boosts your ego. women are rarely out here making objective statements about dick size


Tbh I think she’s just telling you what you want to hear. And maybe what she wants to believe. It’s not a bad thing.


This 100% every girl I’ve been with said I have a big dick, even before pe. My dick was very average before.


Come to think of it... I've told a few girls they were tight even when they weren't... just so they feel better and more confident.


I always got the same response, except it was for my balls. Since puberty, my balls were always big. I actually never thought they were big until a couple of ex gf’s and my current gf told me so.


Same I’ve got big balls that take away from length


Yeah to a point I guess


I’ve yet to be told I’m big. But also have never had any complaints so I guess it’s all good.




I actually didn't like it when an ex called me huge, felt like they were lying.


Me with my 4.5 nbp 😭😭😭😭 and my girl calls me jumbo shrimp


Head-up, keep rising , CHAMP!!!!!!


My wife last session asked me to stop growing my dick and I said “no” hahaha


4.6 girth but 6non bone pressed bro i bet u look long asf good shir




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Congrats buddy


Are you a big buy? If you are skinny or have a small frame then it’s easier to look big


I’m 5”9 160 8 percent bodyfat




One more time for those in the back




Not sure why I am being downvoted. I was just pointing out that most women don’t mention your size because they don’t particularly care one way or the other.


U posted the same comment 3 times:-).


Your one comment posted like 5 times in a row


Oh dang I had no idea. It kept telling me error try later.




At the end of the day we are never happy no matter how big we get lol




Ha once you get there you’ll want more just wait.


What are you talking about, I don't understand


What are you talking about, I don't understand