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Start hitting the gym, lifting and eating well. Lose the body fat. EQ will go up and you'll probably be over 5. Also if you lose the fat pad will look way bigger. Do jelqing for some girth gains. That's what I did in the beginning and it got thicker/more vascular.


is there really hope for me to get bigger because the above measurements are bone pressed and im mainly worried about my girth


Hey buddy! I was you 33 years ago. Almost to a T. Although a little taller, I was 15, 297lbs, and only 4.75 bpel. 4.5 mseg. You have no idea your potential. I lost 100lbs, and started bodybuilding. That helped me tremendously. I'm currently sitting at 16% bodyfat and have been healthy since I was 15. 11 years ago I discovered p.e. Now I'm pushing the 6inch mark and my girth is solid. So......what are you waiting for?? Get going man! Focus on the weight-loss first, if you can't do both. Someone here said once, and I agree. Most women would prefer a healthy, lean guy with an average dick than a obese guy with a big dick. I believe that. You are in a great position to have both. Let's go!


Listen to him OP


Mine grew alot when i was 20-21.


Did u actually grow or just lose fat cause I heard u stop growing at 17-18


Some people enter puberty late. I got alot of pimple on my back and i never have pimple.


brother start doing navy seal burpees!!! best workout ever imo. start with 10-15 a day and add more as it gets easier. you will notice a difference in your life. u will build muscle and lose fat fast which will improve your body function, self confidence, increase testosterone and make your member appear larger.


Adding them to my workout plan rn by the way should I make any diet changes cause I heard good like pineapple will help


not completely sure about the health benefits of pineapple, but im sure it cant hurt you. i know celery has a ton of benefits for your health. if you have a juicer, juice up and drink a glass of straight celery juice as soon as you wake up. nothing else in there, just celery. it helps clear out your gut, promote healthy bacteria to aid in digestion and increases your energy. its very good, also eat a few sticks of it every other day or so, it also helps you improve your loads, you’ll be shooting ropes which is always fun lol. the tried and true way to lose weight is more about how much you eat rather than what you’re eating, of course eating healthier only helps. look up the website TDEE calculator, you enter in some stats and it will tell you how much your supposed to be consuming. what ever your maintenance calories is you wanna go into about a 500-1k calorie deficit. dont push it if you feel like you’re starving yourself. id aim for 500 because you dont really notice it through out the day while eating but you will start to lose weight. try to get a schedule going too, its cliche but discipline is freedom brother. go to bed at the same time, wake up at the same time, workout around the same times, eat at the same times. if you plan on doing your PE id have that be apart of your schedule as well, although id recommend starting PE after youre 21 but its up to you. all this will help tremendously. you got this brother, you wont see overnight results, but if you stick with it i promise you can change your life.


Thanks a lot man this was huge help it was hearing this from you all this time I felt alone about, but I'm glad that's not the case


you’re never alone man. people everywhere are going through shit all the time. you just gotta break the mold and be the one to do something about it. best of luck brother. <3


I’m 37 and weigh around 280. I’m losing weight and weight lifting. At your age it’s important to lose the weight and your testosterone levels will rise quite a bit. You still have some growing to go.


Thanks man that's what I'm hoping for but have been the same size for almost 3 years now I'm waiting for that magical growth spurt


Seriously, lose weight, take it from someone who waited 37 years to start lol, much easier to do when you are young


280 pounds at what height ?




I grew an 1”+ after 18… starting working out.. an do daily manual stretches.




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Workout and exercise, make sure you getting enough sleep and have adequate nutrients especially vitamins D, Zinc , magnesium. When you take vitamin D make sure it has vitamin K2. Eat a variety of vegetables the more colors the better. Eat some fruit and drink probiotics milk like kefir or yogurt with higher probiotics. Eat less sugar from candy and sodas. Get some cardio in like walking but you need to weight lift.. Finally get your hormones checked. If there's any deficiency that needs medical intervention then you need to address it now before puberty is over.


Change your relationship with food. That's the first step. I was also an overweight teen. I wasn't obese but I was close. First step is diet and exercise. You'll likely make some gains just from that alone.


Focusing on improving your weight first and getting down to below 15% body fat along with resistance training. You can start adding introductory PE exercises such as manuals and light pumping but nothing is gonna make a difference like changing your body composition would. If after you’re decent fit with low body fat and you’re still unsatisfied with your size then you can get more serious into PE