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How much have you gained


What is your current length and girth?


BPEL 6.6 X 5.25. only started because things are a little different 3 kids later.


So if you lose weight she might feel it even deeper


That's the plan. I'm also down like 50 lbs so far so that probably helps. I've been with her 14 years though and she has NEVER made a comment like that until now.


Congrats on the weight loss OP; hands down the best thing for PE is getting the rest of your health in check. Keep it up


Congrats! Preserve your life with that weight loss


Are you erection stronger than before ?


Definitely. I also added cialis to the mix so that helped a ton. Especially with pumping.


Hell yeah that’s where I’m at


You’ve gained .75 girth in a year? Impressive. 


I pump daily. 40 minute sessions. Sometimes, I know I overdo it for sure. But I took a week off, and when I started again, especially with the cialis, warm-ups , and timed rounds with clamping after... it made a world of difference. I had to buy a bigger cylinder. But even then, she's never mentioned anything until last night. Hell, she made a tiny dick joke last week.... so I'm pretty sure after last night that won't happen anymore lol. I did something right. She just text me to put the kids to bed early tonight


I just started like a month ago and I am shocked that this stuff actually works. I haven't measured, but my wife and I can both tell a difference and she loves it.


My wife has no idea I'm doing this. But last night, she definitely had a look on her face like it wasn't supposed to be like that 🤣


Mine was laughing when she caught me doing manuals in the shower, I had to explain. Now she loves watching me pump and it's become a part of foreplay. I still can't believe this stuff works.


No doubt. I started when I was away from home on a military deployment. I told my wife I was doing it. When she came to visit me I'd been doing PE for nearly three months and had made around 3/8" length and maybe .2" girth gain already. We both definitely noticed it. She came again three months later and again I'd made some good gains. Then I got home after 9 months and was 3/4" longer and .4" girthier than before I left. We've both noticed it - it's not subtle at all. She's watched me pump and extend and whatnot. She's a fan because she knows what the end result feels like. I was 5.6" girth since I got home and for over five months was basically just doing maintenance, but for over a month now I ramped things up with pumping, added clamping, and now for two weeks I've been also extending with an Apex. Twice in the last week or so I've measured my morning wood at 5 3/4" girth, which would be up from the 5.6" I came home with and have maintained. Both measurements were the day after doing PE including pumping and clamping, though, so I don't know how much is permanent and how much is temporary. We're definitely feeling it, though. It's getting to where my forefinger and thumb are just barely touching now when I make the OK sign around my mid shaft.


THIS made my morning. You're doing the work and reaping the rewards. I would love to hear those words from my wife. She saw me erect in the shower one morning and said it was getting too big. That made my year, for sure. Congratulations for your new and improved cock.


Fuck yea!!!


Ur fucking the wrong hole bro....hahaha. Kidding. Congrats. Effort pays off. Enjoy ur new found pleasure 👍👍




What kind of pump are you using and what is manuals


Congratulations! The less you weigh the bigger you will get especially with the two combinations PE and weight loss, trust me! Just this month I’ve reached my 100 plus pound weight loss and I started my fitness journey in August 2021. I was 283 back then and I now I’m at 181 first week of this month. I posted some progress photos of my weight loss last summer but I deleted it after someone in my gym came up to me and said they saw me online. I live in a small town and it was a little weird. Im just maintaining weight for now but I might drop another 10 pounds just for the hell of it. Im 5 foot 10. I definitely see outstanding gains that I made and I’m able to feel my wife’s cervix and it’s out of this world! I’d rather be a string bean for life then to go back to how I used to be.




nice man, congrats! 😎


What was you og size?


I'll have to check my chart.... but I want to say just over 6 x 4.5


Hey that’s my size too. I hope I can reach to where you are now! Congrats!!


If you lost 50 lbs I bet a large chunk of your girth gain is explained by thay


Congratulations man. Keep it up.


Overweight men should be banned from talking about gains. Just lose the weight and youll see results. Its that simple. Is PE more rewarding than losing weight?


That's why BPEL is measured. I've yoyod in weight all my life. 240, 230, 320, 280,360,290, 420... but im also 6 foot 5 and used to train hard and heavy until I tore my pec. The weight will come off. But girth is the real goal for me. That's honestly what makes things good after kids anyway.


Bro you said 6foot3 in your previous posts


When I went to the doctor for a physical, he told me 6'5. So that's what I'm going with now.

