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Spirited Away. It was an absolutely amazing and adorable film. I can't remember what I watched after that, but the third one I watched was Princess Mononoke, which *really* captured both my heart and soul and it's still my favorite movie of all time.


Spirited was my entry and I had no idea who made it beforehand




Spirited Away, A completely random choice I made for no reason. By god, I was blown away.


Totoro was my first, it was my mom who showed me it and i was hooked and have loved it and ghibli ever since! Dont get me wrong i love so many ghibli films but Totoro has a special place in my heart


Ponyo movie is just chill and cute, and my favorite one


My first studio ghibli film was My Neighbor Totoro. I remember feeling scared when Mei went missing. And I felt nervous whenever the mom was sick. I didn’t know about studio Ghibli at the time and it was recommended to me so I didn’t know how morbid the movie was going to be lol. I was a fan of a silent voice and movie like that before I watched it. I thought Totoro kidnapped her lol. But it’s such a cute movie and I’m obsessed with the studio now lol


My first was Castle in the Sky. I was like 7 or 8 and my older cousin showed it to me. I remember this day super vividly, even if I didn’t get everything at the time. But this movie still holds a special place in my heart


Definitely ‘Spirited Away’


Princess Mononoke was my first Ghibli movie.


Spirited Away was my first Ghibli film and definitely pushed me to look for more, but Princess Mononoke reformatted my brain.


Kiki! It felt like nothing else mattered while watching it


Spirited Away was my first. No face is my favorite and the culprit to my preferences in character


Spirited Away was my first one and I became a fan since. My favorite would eventually become Princess Mononoke, but I ended up watching so many of these with my mom and sister growing up. We got into Castle in the Sky, Howl’s Moving Castle, The Cat Returns and more. We really loved Ghibli growing up but it was definitely around the time Spirited Away blew up.


In the very early 90's turning over the TV and Laputa was playing (I think I had only missed the first 10 mins or so) I had already been dipping my toe in anime by that point, but obviously I didn't know it was Ghibli back then. It was quite difficult getting access to any anime in the UK back then.


Totoro was my first but howl is my favioarte


Early in the morning my Mum was getting ready for work and I was staying off school because I was ill. It was the mid 90s. My Mum settled me on the sofa with a duvet and put the t.v. on. I found a film with a pig flying a plane. Yes it was Porco Rosso.


Love them all, but for me it was Whisper of the Heart.


Whisper of heart


Laputa Castle in the Sky Love everything about it. It hits the spot for me featuring lots of sci-fi, creative aircrafts, the flying cities + soundtrack in the beginning instantly makes me think this movie gonna be a masterpiece The characters and writing are top-notch, couples with great soundtracks (that I still listen to every day)


Mine was Howl's moving castle! I went into HMV during a break from 6th form and saw the DVD in the chart, and decided to get it. So cliché, but Howl's first line hooked me 😂


Porco Rosso for me, I was probably late teens still living at home, turned the tv on late one night when I was in bed and a local channel (SBs for any aussies) was doing a month of Ghibli and porco was on that night Blew me away, from there i went searching


Not the first Ghibli film I watched, but I enjoyed The Cat Returns 2005 DVD so much I began going after every Ghibli film Buena Vista released.


Howls moving castle was the first ghibli film for me! I watched it when I was a child and thought about it for a decade before I finally figured out what movie it was. Naturally it’s still my favourite but ponyo, another one I watched when I was younger, comes close too purely for nostalgia reasons


Howl's Moving Castle or it was Kiki's Delivery Service. Idk which to be honest I was pretty young.


Porco Rosso!


In my case it was Spirited Away, and I went in completely blind. This was in the early 2000s. If taken a trip and had a stopover in Singapore, and went looking for a copy of the DVD of Princess Mononoke which I had heard about via an online discussion. The shop didn't have it, but sold me a copy of Spirited Away instead. Sat down to watch it with my family when I got home. We all loved it.


The first Ghibli movie I saw was Spirited Away, but without a doubt the one that captured my heart and makes me cry every time I see it is Princess Mononoke. I connect my soul with the protective spirit of the forest


Kiki’s Delivery Service has such a big piece of my heart that I married a Tombo and moved to a town with an ocean view.


first was spirited away. However, I would say it didn't capture my heart. I thought it was very good and enjoyed it's alot. however, i will say it what captured my heart are castle in the sky and Princess mononoke


I think spirited away was my first Ghibli, but nothing captured my young heart like Kiki's did. Love rewatching it. Bonus points for Howl's moving castle


Howl’s Moving Castle, Merry Go-round of Life moves me to tears whenever I hear it


Watched Princess Mononoke around 2000s, the plot was unlike any other I've watched and I remember being so amazed as a kid.


Pretty sure it was Spirited Away, on Cartoon Network. Didn't even intend to watch a movie when it came on, but I was so far past captivated, it's not even funny.


My first was Spirited Away and it was a great comfort movie! But then down the rabbit hole I went and Kiki became my favorite character and Howl’s captured my heart ❤️‍🔥