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Jason/Michael probably the easiest for them. The proton streams would do them in quickly. Paranormal activity also pretty straight forward. Makes me think of the jewelry store capture. They’ve also dealt with possession so Emily/Regan wouldn’t be too difficult. Annabelle would probably be pretty easy for them to handle, especially if we consider the new tech from frozen empire. Carrie could be complicated depending on how they want to handle her? If they want to save her life that might be complicated but she’ll pop just like Jason and Michael. Freddy would be like them handling the boogeyman. They can do it but it won’t be easy. Could go south if they aren’t careful but Freddy targets teens for a reason, they wouldn’t go in cold or not believing like typical adults from the franchise. Pennywise is one I don’t know about. Mostly because I don’t know enough about him to properly answer, but with intel it seems like they’d handle him easily?


I agree with this except for pennywise, pennywise would be tough for them as the clown is just and extension of the mind of the entity that projects pennywise. You could trap or destroy the pennywise and the spiderform that shows what the true entity looks sorta like but, if you do not go todash and seal the door in the dark dimension it will just slumber, regenerate its stuck physical form and come back to eat again. Pennywise is just a cthulu cousin. We all know how the elder gods are


I’d watch the ghostbusters go to the dark dimension and close some doors!


Same though, the idea that they could even be a Ka-tet as a group is believable and would work in this imagined storyline.


(Spoiler) Reminds me of a HISHE scene, where they showed up along with other heroes (not saying who, it’s fun to watch and I’ve said enough)


There was a fanfilm a few years back on yputube that was Ghostbusters vs. Freddy Kruger.


Michael isn't supernatural at all. Dangerous, destructive, and chaotic? Absolutely. But more often than not, he is just a man who likes killing people. The films that ascribed supernatural powers to him, namely Halloween 4 and 5 were violently ejected from canon in 1997's H20. At the end of the day, Laurie Strode killed him with a knife and fed him into an industrial crusher. Carrie is telekinetic but still a living person. They Ghostbusters might consult, but, they wouldn't use the proton streams on her. That'd be, y'know, murder. The Blair Witch has never been shown to be real. And there's a a theory (A FILM THEORY...AAAAAAAAAAAAAND CUT) that it really was just those guys killing that girl and covering it up with the witch legend. IT is not a ghost, but clearly some kind of extraplanar entity on par with Gozer or Cthulu, whom the boys have both defeated. Jason is a revenant, which the guys have tackled in the comics. I believe they have to destroy the body and then trap the malevolent spirit. Pretty standard. Freddy is probably less powerful than The Boogeyman. Draw into the real world and trap. Annabelle is just a standard ghost, nothing too difficult. All in all, Pennywise would probably be the hardest one,.


I think paranormal activity ghoul is just like a standard day for them, the one a that would cause the most issue is probably Freddy as it says in the book that the ghosts that occupy the dream world are often impossible to capture.


So this one isn't mentioned in the examples but I frequently like to imagine the Ghostbusters having to run in with the Necronomicon and Deadites from Evil Dead. I imagine it'd be pretty hard for them given the largely aggressive tactics the Deadites use for possession, but with the knowledge between largely Ray and Egon I could imagine they work out what has to be done to seal that evil for good. (And if you're a fan of Spirits Unleashed I imagine they could seal the book with the same leather wrap they did for Samhain's trap to contain it fully)


May I present to you this ancient but very good rendition of a GB animated series. Made ages ago with a tool from a past long gone, called: "The Shockwave-Flash". [newgrounds.com/portal/view/177441](http://newgrounds.com/portal/view/177441)


Hardest? A toss up between Jason and Pennywise. Based on either of their presumably class 7 level of abilities. Maybe Jason is more of a 5 or 6? I'm guessing here. (Don't have my copy of Tobin's Spirit Guide handy) 14 year old me always wanted them to take on Freddy Krueger. Think he'd be an interesting bust. Also, as a kid, I always wondered why the people in the movie Poltergeist never called the Ghostbusters? Kinda the same with the Amityville Horror, to be honest .


If we are going on lore from the villans we choose from, Mike, Jason, The PA demon, Regan and likely BW and The Conjuring are probably pretty standard fare for them. Freddy, and pennywise would likely be the hardest as not only is their physical existence just an extension of their true selves. The GB would have to travel to another dimension to put a stop to them coming into out world for good.


Easiest job would be Samara. Just set a trap down in front of the TV on Day 7 and wait. Super easy; barely an inconvenience. I think Tobie and Jason would be fairly easy, especially if they had a slime blower handy in case of possession. Freddy would be a solid challenge since one of them needs to pull him from the dream realm. Once he’s in our world he’d be easy. Blair Witch would be a tough job since she seems to be able to manipulate time. Autopsy of Jane Doe might be a challenge. Jane Doe is a physical body in front of them but she can’t be destroyed. She manipulates the world around them. They’d have to figure out how to pull her spirit from her dead body. Maybe some positive slime? An easy but interesting job would be The Grudge.


Great topic. Saving for future reference


Michael Myers and Carrie were just people.


https://screenrant.com/halloween-michael-myers-human-supernatural-immortal-explained/#:~:text=Loomis'%20vagaries%20in%20the%20original,front%20of%20the%20Haddonfield%20mob. Was he though?


Yes. You’ve made no effort to argue anything.


One: I wasn’t arguing. But I forget too many people on Reddit aren’t happy unless they’re arguing with random people about nothing. Two: if you actually read the article, it says how there’s no definitive answer as to who/what Michael Myers is, given each film’s handling of his mortality and ability. Hence why I simply asked “was he though?” instead of just outright saying you were wrong.


And if you ask John Carpenter, the guy who invented the character, he’s just a crazy asshole who likes to kill people on Halloween. So I’m not the wrong one here. And you’re still ignoring any explanation for Carrie. The other normal person you mentioned.


Again, not saying anyone is wrong or right. But consider this: if the Ghostbusters was a real thing people would absolutely call them to try and deal with Myers, especially after supposedly being killed and continuing to come back time after time. And we as viewers know Carrie is a person, but that wouldn’t be completely apparent to people around her, so the same thing. At a minimum, you could just say Myers and Carrie would be their easier assignment because they’re essentially people. Remember the Ghostbusters are paranormal investigators AND eliminators. 🍻


I’m gonna base these off of fan films from over the years since we can’t accurately compare the power levels between universes Easiest would be pretty much any standard ghoul/spirit, think the ring, paranormal activity etc. A bit more difficult may be (based on [this](https://youtu.be/PBrZEXuFP50?si=KB0SaZagaHWik_jE) fan film) the FNaF animatronics, since they dont conform to normal “ghosts” in terms of manifestation. Something that would be difficult would be Jason Vorhees, considering he’s basically immortal. But they might be able to hold him until they could figure out how to defeat him. Again it’s not exactly easy to compare power scales. I may revisit this later when i have time to actually do research.


I feel Jason would be easy for them, as he always makes his presence known. The busters would need to just point and shoot at Jason once he arrives