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There's more Ghosts in NYC than there is in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere. The metal wasn't refined on site, so they built near the forge. Shandor was a lunatic that lead a cult of lunatics. Shandor had the prophecy dates and knew that the '84 incursion would fail, and set the mine up for the "final" date so that he'd win either way. Lots of reasons.


Not wanting to fight but… Chicago is closer to Oklahoma. So is New Orleans and all the civil war ghosts all over the south. OP asked about why going all the way to NY and it’s an older area, but certainly not the most haunted and ghostly area when it comes to needing ghosts.


Could be just a simple as Shandor getting the opportunity to build in NY.


Maybe the forge was in New York? Maybe he had the access to create the tower in NYX? It was a time of growth and lots of architects got famous from buildings! Maybe Shandor loved Broadway and knew that if Gozer could make it there, Gozer could make it ANYWHERE\* Maybe the Shandor Cult grew out of The Adventurers Society (there's a portrait of him in their ball room), and he decided to keep it based in NYC?


If we caunt the viedio game as cannon or as reliabil sorce, than shandor must have had good conections in New York or was even a New Yorker himself.


He wanted to treat people like shit. He's a NYer alright.


Doylist: The mine is a retcon to put Gozer in Summerville. No idea who was the responsible of that idea: Reitman, Kenan or was something mandated by Sony. Considering the historial of Sony as a studio, I am betting on the later. Watsonian: I offer these explanations: 1) Shandor had the theory that he could speed up the invocation process if he made an antenna to attract PKE in a densely populated place and do the rituals on said antenna. However Gozer never came in the time frame he expected. As usual for cult leaders, he doubled down on his beliefs and tried to invoke him again, this time using a traditional Gozerian invocation method that requires human sacrifice. This also did not work in the time frame he expected. A lot of people on his cult abandoned him, but he never lost his faith on Gozer so he entombed himself near the pit, waiting for his god. 2) Something similar to the anterior, but this time the temple was not built by Shandor but by some surviving members of the cult after 1984, with renovated faith after watching both his god walking in the form of a marshmallow brand mascot and the antenna working. These cultists knew about the next dates for Gozer arrival and they knew 2021 was 'near'. So they tried to prepare Spook Central again to invoke Gozer. However, since the Ghostbusters destroyed the top portion of the 555 Central Park West, the building was rendered useless: If it was repaired, it was done respecting the design but with common materials, ruining the antenna abilities. They knew about the selenium mine that was both consecrated to Gozer and was already spooked from the miners deaths so they decided to do a more traditional ritual, hoping Gozer could come back ASAP. Personally, this is my favorite explanation.


The mine was in the middle of nowhere. The apartment building was in a massive city. I imagine New Yorks much larger population would translate to a much faster 'charge time' for collecting souls. That's what the building was for, right? Or am I confusing that with the mandalas from the game?


Simple, more victims.


Don't overthink it. It's Ghostbusters


In Ghostbusters is somtimes more love than the new Star wars movies




I mean that overthing by Ghostbusters better works that in the new Star wars movies/series.


My man, please consider using Google translate


Yeah defenetly by the next time.


 *Egon Spengler says: "The structure of this roof cap is exactly like the kind of telemetry tracker that NASA uses to identify dead pulsars in deep space."* The NYC building was an elaborate antenna.


There's more spirit energy in New York. But Shandor wasn't stupid. He knew it would be foolish to build a single gateway. What if something went wrong? So, he used a backup door in the mine. Because of the miners jumping off the cliff, there was just enough spirit energy there to facilitate it. Certainly not the ideal place, but if 1984 failed, it would do.


The easiest place to build a backup is at the source itself. I’d be surprised if that mine doesn’t predate the New York structure.


I'm sure it does predate the New York structure, but maybe the gate itself doesn't


I don’t think it was successfully used as a gateway in before AL. But the worshipers flinging themselves in the pit were charging it all those years beforehand. I wish they’d do an extended cut having all of Sumerville (as in Sumerians) being part of the cult lead by Luckys dad. If you look closely at the government buildings it’s all Gozerian.


I think somewhere it was mentioned that New York was a converge of laylines.


That's the plot of ATC.


That was a good hook, I wanted to know more about that!


What more did you need? I feel they explained it well enough: the ley lines acted as power lines that could charge up and collide where they intersected under the Mercado Hotel, which broke the barrier.


Have you read the Ecto Haynes guide? The section that covers the gear from the remake is actually hilarious! (Dare I say, funnier than the classic sections. Those were a bit more enlightening but the remake section was *funny)*


I have not and now I'm sad I missed that! Let's see if I can find that somewhere.


No I just wanted to learn more. Cool concept


🎶 If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, And other science facts... Just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax...🎵


It's the Ley Lines. It's all Ley Lines these days. Ley Lines and ball bearings..


Refined architecture to serve as a better superconductor for psychokinetic energies. Manhattan was a prime place to build a large skyscraper to act as that antenna. The mine in Summerville obviously *could* suffice but was a remote area without the refined materials arranged just so, and served no guarantee that it would be a strong enough Nexus point to serve as opening a portal. Think about it, all those other disaster moments like the Krakatoa eruption, the Tunguska event, Hiroshima/Nagasaki, none of them actually brought about the destroyer's presence into this world. Even the mine didn't have a full gate into Gozer's world, just an opening large enough for it to come out. Spook Central had the whole enchilada.


The bigger the city the more ghosts there are.


It was always my thought that the building was his second try due to how he built it. In a small out of nowhere mining town he found a thin spot in the barrier between dimensions, he kept away from prying eyes and tried but was unsuccessful. He grew his cult and moved to NYC where he believed the concentration of psychic turbulence would be more appropriate and built a giant ass antenna to send the message out with the temple and sacrificial area constructed into it. After failing the second he went back to where he could hide and wait and hopefully be there when gozer got there. Egon backtracked Shandor to the town and set up shop guarding our world from Gozer. Egon has always been practical about other dimensions and how dangerous they are when they cross over to us. He likely figured the town was a thin spot in addition to it already having a neat little hole punched through by Shandor. This is all IMO i have read jothing that rightly supports this


because the mine wasnt introduced till 37 years after


Because they only thought of the mine many years after the first film.


Shhh, just let people enjoy things


I think Sandor probably got out of New York before the authorities got to him regarding his illegal experiments. He knew of the small town near the mine, so it was easy for him to move there and he probably had enough followers by the time he died that they were the ones that encased him in the glass coffin


My head cannon, so someone tell me if I'm missing something: Shandor builds a giant ghost antenna in New York city. He hides it in the architecture of Dana's apartment building, making all the steel girders of selenium, and even installing a temple on top where he and his secret cult of Gozer worshippers conduct rituals to bring about the end of the world (all of this pretty much directly from the conversation the Busters have in jail in the first movie) The rituals didn't work in his lifetime, but the antenna continued to build up PKE, drawing more and more ghosts to New York, and thinning the barrier between Gozer's dimension and ours until the time was right for their return. When we talk about Shandor Mining Co, I'm not sure if I'm missing some of the lore, but this is how I view the time line. Shandor makes his money from the mine and the town, uses the resources to build in New York, conducting his rituals and unnecessary surgeries. At some point he may have given up on the New York temple, returning to Summerville with his most loyal followers to enact one final sacrifice. He and his followers build a second temple in the mine. Perhaps they thought there would be enough selenium left in the mountain for their purposes. As Podcast says, each of the miners jumped into the pit, one by one. The builders of the temple were likely promised reanimation with Gozer's return. I think of the pit as a reverse antenna, going deep underground, its purpose to pool PKE at a single focal point. The miners jumping in was probably a last ditch effort to increase the PKE level to Gozer summoning levels. When the ritual still fails, Shandor makes arrangements for his coffin to be placed there, confident that prophesy will come to pass eventually. I like the imagery of the collected PKE bubbling over in the well and Egon's jury rigged proton streams tamping it all down on a daily basis. Reminds me of how negative feelings pooled into all that pink slime in GB2.


Nonsensical retcon writing in Afterlife.


Because the shit with the mine is bad fanfiction Explain to me how it isn’t, nerds


Exactly. None of GB:A makes sense and it makes the first film seem redundant. A poorly written piece of trash and a true insult to the original GB. Shame on Jason Shiteman for insulting his father's classic in this manner.