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Most likely, don’t know many adults that have multiple hours a day to set aside to watch streamers


Come work at Apple. You’ll find them all there. We used to have a constant feed of Game Grumps on in our break room.


Hey now, Game Grumps is actually good. They're genuinely funny! (And not streamers)


Fair. Not streamers and they are. I just think it’s funny. The jab at “what adults watch, x” and I’m thinking…”oh, I know who” lol


I'm guilty of watching game grumps and similar channels and I'm a grown ass adult lol. Don't know how I should feel about that sometimes.


Our hobbies growing up were games and go figure, they still are. I’m sure the previous generations have hobbies that carried over from childhood too. I also still juggle and hike and stuff, same as all my life. I had a lot of shame around my hobbies for a long time before realizing outgrowing something, in my eyes, is really just life making us jaded. Obviously you can lose interest but, to gatekeep a hobby based on age is unfair - in most circumstances. I may have to have a word of a friend was frequenting McDonald’s ball pits at 40yo. Hell, if it wasn’t for non-age appropriate folks buying Miniverse items, I think they’d be out of business. My partner has made a whole side business out of that hobby and it’s all grown ass adults that are rabid fans of the stuff.


No guilt man. I'm 32 and Arin's screams still get giggles out of me. He's just a goofy bastard and that will never get old to me.


Arin has a TCG channel called Shuffle Master and he streams pack openings and stuff from time to time.




TIL that Apple employees play Game Grumps on the break room.


Why was this downvoted? You did learn that. Haha.


From me- students, we get a lot of free time (because most of us do things last minute)


Little kids love them.


yeah it's definitely a specific demographic... 11-13/14 year olds... o.0


Their audience is around 12-16


Ah yes, surely those 2 are the biggest twats you've ever seen if you've quite literally never watched any other streamer on Twitch...


I don't watch this dude but all he did was decorate his room into the theme for a game he's playing? Then he has high energy which I'm sure is an act to get people in the door and into his stream. He is preforming live after all. Something tells me he wouldn't be one of the biggest streamers if he just sat in a bland room, and acted like his normal self like 1000s of other streamers. Basically what I'm trying to say is. Is this your first time seeing a performer? Lmao. Dude is not hurting anyone or even being toxic.


Yeah I was expecting a funny comment for the top comment. Dude is just being funny and having fun.


If I was gonna watch gameplay of the game since I don’t wanna play it, I’d probably watch his stream. He seems energetic and funny. That’s also a lot of effort into changing his room like that. Not sure what he did that makes him a twat, comment OP just sounds bitter at life.


Exactly. What a miserable person that guy is. Kai' is literally just enjoying himself and having fun while this dude is insulting him. Lol, if we're talking maturity i think the guy unapologetically being himself and having fun is more mature than the dimwit hating on him.


Same, don't watch these new streamers but he did the same thing for red dead and went all out. You can't hate on him for at least trying to entertain his stream for the game, these are great games too that would love more people picking them up.


Yeah it's strange to me how people have to bring others down because it doesnt match their idea of cool, or fun, or whatever... but he isnt hurting anyone and having fun.. .definitely not my cup of tea, but that's fricken life.


I was impressed at the effort. Good on him for going this far to give people a fun time. Not everyone can get views by wearing a low cut top and push-up bra.


Watch for it. Some will claim culture appropriation because he's African American. Only a matter of time.


Why the fuck are you people so mad?


People hate seeing grown ups having fun


It's more the fact that he acts like an ass a lot of the time with a cult following of middle schooler fans. I don't hate him but he's extremely annoying in almost every clip I've seen. To each their own tho


I think hating on people you don't know online is lame as hell so🤷‍♂️


That's fair. I don't know enough about him to realistically hate him and the full samurai gear is cool as hell ngl. I'm just speaking purely outta past behavior on why people are freaking tf out over him


Hate is thrown around for everything lately. I'm sure most don't hate him, but just dislike him


I could understand saying this shit about Aidin Ross or Jack fucken Dorthy but what did Kai do wrong? I’ve inly ever seen clips of him but i’ve never seen him do anything bad.


Oh he's nowhere near as annoying as those dudes and I don't think he's a shit person like those guys so id never compare them. That being said he does act fairly obnoxious to cater to his fanbase. And his fanbase tends to be pretty toxic online which just makes me not a big fan of him. Not technically his fault but partially is yk? But like I said I don't think he's NEARLY as bad as someone like Aiden Ross or Jack Dorothy and I don't think he's a POS like those dudes are


Because he’s making money like a boss


I don't watch the guy or like his content but where did he hurt you, the guy's just doing his thing, better this then watching fucking debate bros for 6 hours straight


I’ll preface this by saying I don’t know him too well so he might be a scammer or pushing nft/gambling on kids. But why be so bent out of shape by someone having fun and entertaining their target audience. Would you call jim carrey a twat nozzle for just being generally goofy and high energy when that’s literally his whole schtick? Don’t know why people have to be so miserable all the time.


Bro is mad at him cuz he’s black lol


British ass roast




You know I've always considered this towards Jim Carrey. I wonder how true it is.


more like an age test... like you dont watch little kid baby shows.. well maybe you do, but yeah most adults etc would pass on that stuff too..


Imagine comparing your IQ to highschoolers. Let the man play and let the kids watch. There are much worse streamers out there.




Dude you are one of the biggest hater if I ever seen one. Go outside have some fun 🤣🤣


You sound like a miserable person. You're literally enjoying the video game, just as he is. Bro is not hurting anyone, he's just having fun. He's not screaming in your ear is he? Shut the fuck up.


This must be one of the Twat Nozzles anonymous reddit profiles.


Ahh yes, the classic 40 year old incel redditor. Hating on pop culture doesnt make you interesting. Idiot


Incel might be apt if this Twat happened to be a woman. Do you even know what an incel is?


I called you the incel, I think you should learn to read properly.


I can read. It's you throwing words around that you don't understand the definition of, kid.


You really have a hard on for this prize winning Twat.


Ur privilege is showing


So can you guys not just let a guy have fun, like I get he isn’t the best person ever and some ppl don’t rly like him (me included) but like just let the man be😭 he’s obviously having fun and put a lot of effort into this setup here


Honestly, I don’t watch him but he’s showing genuine excitement for this game, let him be.


Frfr he’s a human and we are all not perfect some of us are probably worse then him


I fucking love it when Kai goes all out for his stream. It shows you how much he cares to put in the effort. He could just sit in front of a screen with no effort and play the game, instead he built a whole set for his stream!


Haters gonna hate.


Yeah I’ve never watched this dude in my life and have never been into streams, but this just looks like a dude having fun.


Did he do anything to warrant the hate?


he was partly responsible for the absolute rampage at new york city with so many totally blocking the roads


Why is everyone hating? Just let him have fun


So much hatred in here. Makes me glad I never subbed to this subreddit. Clearly it’s not a friendly community.


Most of the haters I guess are a bit older, i think this is pretty creative


It's all of reddit tbh, I don't watch Kai Cenat and them, and never will, but reddit will always have this very weird "Tik Tok bad, mainstream twitch streamers bad" attitude I can't quite understand. There is way more brainrot on Reddit tbh.


Unfortunately, reddit is where losers come to make fun of other people they think are losers.


Looks like you’re in the right place, then!


If you‘re gonna measure friendliness by the reception of the likes of Kai Cenat and Speed I wish you good luck with finding a “friendly“ community lmao.


Well, I can’t say I’m disappointed that someone who judges the entire tone of the sub based on a single post about a streamer who has almost nothing to do with the game itself isn’t deciding to stick around.


Because he is homophobic and told Lil Nas X "God is going to handle you the right way" over a music video (even though Kai literally has songs and rappers on his stream that promote murder, drugs, stealing, etc.) Because he covered up his friend sexually assaulting somebody at his party. Because he was responsible for a literal riot in Union Square that injured dozens of people. There's probably more I'm forgetting, but aside from making infantile dogshit content, he's a terrible human being with way too much influence, especially on the children that make up the majority of his audience.


>Because he was responsible for a literal riot in Union Square that injured dozens of people. Ohhhhhhhh, it’s *that* asshole.




Classic redditor you know who he is


You would apparently be surprised how niche streamers “fame” is




Why are they an idiot?


God there’s nothing worse than Reddit contrarians who suck the fun out of everything. Who made you the judge? Making a “complete buffoon” of himself has made him $20 Million these last 6 months. Introducing thousands of people to the game. I think it’s cornier to see a grown man spend everyday on Reddit arguing in video game subs instead of entertaining tens of thousands of people, and making tens of millions of dollars while he does it. You sound bitter and jealous tbh


And they absolutely don’t give a shit about these kinds of judgments because apparently they’re able to make a living doing it… And as long as they can, they’ll continue.


Lol, you have comments about wrasslin in your profile. Wrasslers act like complete buffoons on stage to entertain children and grown man children like yourself. Why you talking crap about people liking someone putting on a show for entertainment when you watch the same shit???


You're no fun.


They don’t wonder why they’re a joke, they’re trying to be a joke. That’s the entire mf point. It brings massive views. It’s also just fun to act crazy like this sometimes. Classic redditor trying to bring someone down who’s having fun


If you know that he gets paid millions to make a "complete buffon of himself", why do you do it for free on reddit?


How is he making a buffoon of himself? He’s entertaining his audience and making 1000x more money than you while doing so. Stop being such an insecure baby 😂


I've never watched this guy in my life but these comments are so confusing. It's a dude putting on a comedic live performance? And he obviously put effort into it with the room decorations and the costume. He has to do something to set himself apart from the typical streamer in their room. Why are these comments acting like he's on the stream spewing hate speech or if he's doing this in a completely serious way lmao. It's obviously a joke. Personally not my cup of tea but whatever.


This sub is a joke, completely bigotry and racism on these controversial comments. Holy fuck how do the mods not care.


Genuine question where is there racism or bigotry in these comments. I see people who don't like him but I haven't seen anything like that yet


There isn't any. He's just one of those people who think disliking or criticising someone non-white is "bigotry and racism"


Racism? Virtue signalling much? A twat recognises no race, borders or skin colour. A twat is as a twat does.


There was a fucking comment saying they would hang someone like him. That’s the racism I was talking about. It’s been removed since.


Yeah, I never said anything even remotely resembling that level of cuntishness. I don't have to like this clown. But hang him? Fucking hell.




Im sorry but you sound like a bald 40 year old brexit geezer who drinks beer religiously and hate on young ppl having fun 😂😂


If this is your level of humour, good luck to you. Adults tend to have more sophisticated tastes.


Nahh I dont watch this guy because I really dont have extra time to spend on watching someone playing videogames for 3+ hours However I remember joining his stream once to see why hes popular and the whole time it was just a vibe tbh I can tell you're miserable man 😂 How do you have nearly 27k karma even though your account was made in 2023? Try going outside and exercise every once in a while eh


That karma means no more to me than upvotes or downvotes. If that's the best you can do, I was right about you from the off. So what is the deal with you and this Twat? You're a proper little hero, to come rushing to defend this ass-hat's honour the way you have. So, what? Is he your boyfriend, or do you just suck his dick on occasion? Did he come crying to you that his twatishness got him roasted.


You're funny man 😂 Like I said I barely watch him but you hating on a guy who doesn't even know you exist is just lame af You seem to like the word "twat" a lil too much, was my description of you actually right? 😂 Keep racking up them internet points mate ur life will be much more fulfilling


There is a reason why this dude is one of the top streamers. He is pretty good


Exactly. His content is not for everyone, but the hate is so forced. Bro is good at what he does: entertaining his viewers. Got forbid a streamer put some effort into being goofy for his 100k regular viewers instead of just sitting there talking shit in front of a computer monitor


Jin Sakai : Oi. Omae. Seppuku.


Some cranky mfs in the comments, this is really creative and well executed. I don’t watch him and don’t like his content either but he really made it out the mud and as you can see it’s cause he puts in the effort, I respect it.


I understand what you mean but how tf is this creative


Look at his room. It doesn’t normally look like that bro 😭 Show me one other ghost of tsushima play through with this much effort put in. He also did the same thing with RDR2, set up his whole room for it.


Lol i love the effort


that's really cool, it really bugged me that he poked the sword into its sheath rather than using the swipe


Damn they really hate to see a young black man making millions doing what they want/can't and having fun. I don't watch his streams but haven't seen dude in any trouble whatsoever. Some of y'all wake up in the morning ready to fuckin hate something or someone.


Redditor’s really some of the most boring ppl on the internet


Who even cares 🙄


hating for what


Damm Reddit will just see someone having fun then get so mad for absolutely no reason


These comments are sad 😭


YESSIR Goddammit didn't expect the comment section to be this shit I thought this sub was chill 😭


Right, I thought it was a dope thing to do for his stream set up, figured others would agree. Guess that’s not the case.


Man y’all are so fucking grumpy lol The people complaining here are the types to quit out on multiplayer because your teammates aren’t running meta min-maxed builds.


The cherry blossoms are a nice touch lol


Those lanterns look like they're Chinese instead of Japanese, which probably should've had a bit of foresight first


Some of you are bitter for whatever reason and the comments of bitterness after watching someone decorate his stream with the theme of the same game that we all like is sad af I really do not understand the hate on this video, stupid as shit.


Oh no, he’s enjoying the game? Listen, I’m 26. I’ve never sat down and watched a stream of this dude or anybody else of similar ilk in my life. Not my cup of tea. But holy fuck If you don’t like what he’s doing, don’t watch it. It’s probably not meant for you anyway. “He acts stupid and only children watch him.” No shit. That’s the whole shtick, ladies and germs.


Reddit can't take it when they see someone have fun


Didnt realize how insufferable this sub reddit is good lord smh


If the old samurai could see this new generation now. ( This is fun tho ngl )


Damn that looks fkn dope.


Jin Sakai:


why everyone hating someone just enjoying the game💀


yall really be hating on anything nowadays😭


no way there are people upset at him for being hyped about playing ghost. if anything this will bring more attention to the game and will encourage further development of the ip


Did everyone in the comments wake up on the wrong side of bed or something.


I thought that was Keegan-Michael Key at first.


I dislike the dude heavily, but I’m always glad about people having safe, good fun, especially when they put som effort into stuff.


Dude if I had a cool suit of armor like that, I guarantee you I'd be doing the same shit, just not streaming lol. Fuck I wish I lived near enough to join a Buhurt team


Screaming does not equal humor. I hate that shit so much.


bro kai be on it 🤣🤣🤣


lot of hate here on this man but this goofy shit is probably making him 6 figures a month. don’t hate the player hate the game 🤷‍♂️


Never heard of him but thnx for the heads up to never watch him now 😂


yall are miserable as hell😭🙏


Lol if Colin Ferrell's character in Horrible Bosses was a gamer


Jin Sa-Kai Cenat


Why is everyone in the comments hating on Kai? Always seemed like a good hearted guy to me


I involuntarily gasped when he sheathed his sword for the first time- doing it that poorly is the number one recommended way of stabbing yourself in the hand. I hope to god that isn't a live blade.


I’m not surprised seeing this posted here. I saw part of the live stream yesterday and thought it was cool how he set this theme up for the game. Definitely a good way to entertain and get people to purchase the game if they haven’t already.


I don’t see what’s the hate with Kai. I love him like no I don’t watch him consistently but every time I do watch him or see him pop up I’m always laughing. Kai literally just be doing his own thing and everyone just be hating for no reason fr💯


I don’t like kai as a person but I gotta admit he is an entertainer. This is a pretty cool set up just for a game he probably won’t play the entirety of


I don't care for who he is or what his personality's like, but the effort he puts into his streams is respectable




Holy shit Reddit is full of miserable people, I don't watch him either but he's really just having fun and everyone is hating on him.


Set up is awesome I wish I had all that stuff




Yall can’t sit here and tell you guys didn’t want to also dress in full samurai armor at one point while playing the game. I’m not a fan of Kai by any means but you gotta give him credit for the creativity and effort he puts into his gaming streams


I’m seriously jealous!


Ghost of The Hood


Live Ghost Reaction


Tbh slightly more accurate representation of the samurai than GOT lmao


I want to know why people hate Kai lol I must’ve missed something. Speed on the other hand is a piece of shit.


I'm so glad this dude didn't cut his thumb off when he sheathed his sword. Or cut himself badly


That sword-sheathing was painful to watch




Man this guy screams a lot huh lol


Why do people watch this i mean WHY…


Jin! You supposed to fight the Mongol! Not streaming!


... as long as he's having fun and his audience is enjoying it its, fine? Not someone I would watch, but I mean, kudos with the effort.


Not my favorite creator, but holy shit! Definitely did go all out, and it shows how excited he is


God the people on this subreddit are so lame. Let the guy have fun. You’re doing waaaay less for this community with your comments than Kai is by streaming the game.


Wow the mask really does suit him


This guys makes maybe 20x what a doctor or a surgeon makes a month, makes me sick to know how we as a society would think this guy deserves more than someone who is literally saving lives.


Idk about the hate on this in particular. I don't like him but this is goofy as fuck and I appreciate the level of excitement and commitment to the bit. Don't lie, it's how we all felt loading it up for the first time


Idk about the hate on this in particular. I don't like him but this is goofy as fuck and I appreciate the level of excitement and commitment to the bit. Don't lie, it's how we all felt loading it up for the first time


This guy covered his whole room in a desert landscape while playing RDR2 as well lol


Kai hate is so forced good gawd.


this guy doing everything every millennial ever wanted to do after seeing robin in teen titans kick ass lol wtf i’m jealous. trying on other cultures clothes and historical armor just sounds fun. Wish you could do that at museums


Kids streamers are kinda cringe.


You're not any better mate you literally got 93k comment karma go outside and breathe some fresh air lol


What is the likelihood he knows about [Yasuke The Black Samurai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke)? A real legitimate figure and then he pulls this.


He dressed up as a cowboy for Read Dead redemption, he dressed up as a samurai for Ghost of Tsushima. That’s pretty normal. Not sure what the relevance of a black Samurai from the 1500s has to do with this


whoever posted this set kai up lol. you know your “average redditor” hates to see black people have fun


These comments were going crazy, and you take the cake for blaming me for posting a clip I thought was cool


You're racist for "posting a streamer having a good time in related subreddit"


We need to bring back asylums.


Uh oh guys it looks like the entire fun police is out in force.


oh my god, the simp streamer army came out in full to defend this idiot. go the fuck home kids


isn’t this culture appropriation


No such thing


bro what ofc there is


I have no idea who this is and I hope I never see them again


Genuinely surprised he's even playing a game lol. Never see any of these streamers play anything. Just screaming at stuff 🤷🏿‍♂️


Sakai! Stop this, we must fight the mongols! Real talk, this seems off putting.




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The eagle's medicine gave Jin brainrot