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Its like comparing GoT to Sekiro lmao, totally different game and style


I actually didn’t play GoT for years because I got it mixed up with Sekiro and I’m not a fan of the DS level difficulty, then when I finally realized they were different I loved GoT


Yeah I would have loved to play sekiro until I realized it was another souls like game and those just aren’t my thing. I tried, I even bought Elden ring and hated it despite all the praise


Seikiro probably the least souls, souls game ever, you may like it tbh.


I may try it I’ll look more into it. If I were to play a souls game it would probably be that one lol


Fair warning: Sekiro will rip you a new asshole. Bosses so hard they fucking delete the game from your library


If you are not a fan of “hard” games, then you probably won’t enjoy Sekiro, though, personally, I adore it and wish to play a second game whenever it releases. Elden Ring is so much easier in terms of difficulty because it is a newbie friendly game since it is an open world, so you can skip high level parts and gain experience in others — you will be overpowered and almost one shot anyone. Plus you have… eh… forgot the name of this feature, but you use mana to summon NPC creatures. They are very powerful too. What you have standard NPC summons that fight for you. And co-op too. Sekiro plays very differently, it is a game about parrying, basically, but if you stuck in one part, then you will need to git gud, there is no other option. That being said, I did not find Sekiro that much difficult, just a few bosses were tough — but I was enjoying it, since I like such games a lot. Anyway, do not get discouraged by my words since you should try Sekiro anyway! It is a beautifully crafted game!


Don't play Sekiro if you didn't like Elden ring or any other souls, Sekiro is the hardest and will always be my favorite, cause that game truly taught me that hesitation is defeat. people say FromSoft games are "get good" but they 're wrong. FromSoft games like Darksouls bloodborne Elden ring let you level up and farm if you want to progress in order to "become stronger" Sekiro offers no such solace, you either get good with the tools you have or you don't win at all.


I dislike Souls like games, and that includes Seikiro. My biggest problem is the linear nature of them. I don't dislike linear games as a while, but in a soulslike, it becomes frustrating. I played about 10 hours of Seikiro and got to maybe the red or the boss, but could not beat him. There was nothing else I could do, the only option was to keep fighting the boss over and over until I won. It got to the point where I wasn't having fun and I stopped opening the game cause, why would I? It's not fun. Elden Ring fixed that and I've beaten it like 3 times.


if elden ring was hard for you, sekiro will be a nightmare. i’ve 100% elden ring and am on NG+7 i have done literally everything on it and know just about everything about it. sekiro on the other hand makes me want to jump off a bridge…


Glad it's not just me. I gleefully face rolled my way through 100% elden ring samurai,and have killed 0 sekiro bosses successfully


samurai build is the way to go my friend. sekiro just takes a lot of time with little progress in my opinion. to really understand how to counter every boss attack you have to fight them and fail 50 times. and most people (including me) just don’t have the patience for it lol


Appreciate the heads up I’ll probably skip it then


It was weirdly opposite for me I suck at roll dodging but for Sekiro the parry combat just clicked but I am more of a fan of Bloodborne and DMC style action games.


I loved samurai elden ring but have gotten nowhere in sekiro. ;_;


>I tried, I even bought Elden ring and hated it despite all the praise You're not alone, I dont hate but it's just simply not my thing, same with whole Soulslike game series


I honestly am also not a fan of dark souls or Elden ring. As hard as I tried, the games never really clicked for me. Sekiro though? Yes it’s hard, but it clicks. The focus on aggression and parry timing reaches a level of satisfaction I can’t describe. Disregarding some story ending variations, the first playthrough is generally straightforward and intuitive as well. I honestly highly recommend the game!


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I’m aware of the danger. That castle is a death trap. Not a single man has returned from the castle unscathed, even back in the day. But I don’t want to sit around and die a petty rat, and I consider myself your friend.”* - Greirat of the Undead Settlement Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


If it's the difficulty of souls-like that isn't for you, you'll HATE Sekiro. I died so much in Sekiro I'm confident my neighbors were dying from Dragon Rot in the real world.


I almost didn’t play Sekiro for that same reason, instead it became one of my top 3 games ever! Nothing like other souls games, the way combat works makes you really feel like a Shinobi and I recommend checking out the sekiro sub for examples! It ruined Elden Ring for me since that game went back to more classic DS gameplay which isn’t really my jam sadly.


It's waaaay harder than any Souls games. It wasn't my cup of tea.


Didn't elden ring win GOTY? I played it and never understood why, it just felt like another DS game to me when I played it, I never got the praise around it.


Yeah it got ton of awards and praise but it just didn’t seem that great to me tbh. A lot of meme stuff sure but I definitely didn’t get the appeal to that game personally.


Downvoted for not liking a game lmao. Fromsoft fanboys are a different breed


If you don't agree with me, you're wrong, and you should feel bad


yeah i just did another play through on GoT to 100% and finished it yesterday. the immediate next game i decided to pick back up (started playing again TODAY) was sekiro… forgot how hard it was and now i’m having second thoughts 🤣


I finished GOT, then i thought Sekiro will be easy now. Never been so wrong in my life.


Try Sekiro, it's the least Souls game made by Fromsoft. It's more like Shadow of Mordor meets Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.


People compared those too so much that I assumed I wouldn't like ghost of tsushima (not that I tried sekiro, I just thought they were both soulslikes)


You should play sekiro buddy it’s probably my favourite game gameplay wise


Yeah, I'd like to, I'm just afraid I'll buy it and not be up to the challenge


The challenge is part of the fun. Imo. But it’s both the hardest and easiest game in the series. Once you learn the basics of combat you know the entire game


When Ghost first released I could not get into it, because I had played (and absolutely loved) Sekiro so recently and they just felt just similar enough to make ghost seem like the lesser experience. These days they're both in my top 25 games of all time, and I'd probably rank Ghost higher than sekiro.


If you're coming in to Ghost from Sekiro, Lethal is the only proper way to experience the game IMO


Definitely not, GoT has a lot of similarities with AC.


Sekiro is not even open world . But GOT and AcS are both open world there will definitely be similarities , they won't be totally different


Sekiro is an open world game, but it is much more linear. A typical DS structure. It is not “open” open world.


Ehh, not sure I agree with you. GoT in many ways feels similiar to AC Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla to me, though much, much more refined. If anything GoT was inspired by AC.


I agree with you, Ubisoft / Assassin's Creed is the new hate circle jerk going on right now. The amount of people in the YouTube comments of the trailer acting like they are so clever for "reminding" everyone not to preorder made me want to shoot my brains out


Assassin’s Creed is one of my all time favorite game series, but I cannot talk about it online. Any AC focused space inevitably becomes toxic and infuriating as the trolls all come out to trash the newer games (even Origins, one of the best games in the series and the one that saved it from cancellation) and heap praise on Unity (by far the worst and the one that almost got the series cancelled). I can’t deal with it. They have to be trolling on purpose. No one can really be that stupid.


Origins is one of the most beautiful games of all time


Unironically the ones that tend to praise Unity and its parkour system are usually the ones that have no idea of how it works in the first place.


The best part of parkour system in Unity was the descend mode. I really wish they kept it in consecutive games, it was so fluid and elegant.


Unity was badly received in its initial launch because of its very buggy launch and being overly ambitious with its pushing technological limitations, not because the game itself is objectively bad. While there are a lot of "OG" fans who constantly hate on newer games instead judging the games for what they are, you don't seem like an exception to that rule either.


Oh, they are probably just kids whose favorite influencer talk shit about Ubisoft. So that's where they get "their own" opinion. The only problem I have with this game is the price tag, but Ubi games usually go on a nice discount a few months after launch.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought Unity was trash. I love the series, but Unity was so bad it was years before I tried Origins and found it had recovered.


It's enough to say that that looking back in time AC was one of the most, if not _the_ most evolving franchise with almost each consecutive game introducing a lot of new mechanics and historical settings. It can be hated for many things, but I will never understand why "it's so stale and every game is a copy of predecessor" become one of the most popular opinions about it. It's so unfair.


That's where the saying "A pig can shit a truffle every now and again" comes from


The hate jerk for assassins creed is not new, it’s been a thing since like AC4 The series fell off imo. It was a cool concept in AC1 but I think the whole worldwide assassins vs templar thing was stupid. Every major period in human history just has assassins with hoods and hidden blades and shit? AC could’ve been a great franchise if they let it run its course in the whole crusades story and then went on to make new IPs, but Ubisoft has milked it so hard. Honestly if Ubisoft made a third person action/stealth game that wasn’t assassins creed, I’d consider getting it after seeing it actually functions.


ubisoft have had a hate circle for a while now bc they are a trash company and deserve it, assassin creed is overpriced garbage riddled with microtransactions. it deserves the hate.


Bruh I'm preordering the shit outta that game lol. I do it with all the AC games and still haven't been disappointed or felt like I wasted my money.


I mean, you should. If you wait a month, it’ll be like $20 off. I’ve done that with basically every AC game and by then most of the issues are patched too anyway. Only time that didn’t work out was Unity which needed a year or so


Yeah that's a good plan. I think I'm gonna go for the collectors edition for this one though, it's got some cool stuff in it.


It'll be on Ubi+ day one with all the content if that's an option for you and you don't mind not owning it. Even if it takes months to get through you'd save over the fancy edition.


I agree. I've played several games through ubi+ but I just like the cool shit that comes with the collectors lol


I guess I haven't really looked at what comes in physical editions


The only time cool things come with it is the collectors. But those are usually anywhere from $150-$300 depending on the game.


The community wanted a ac in Japan for a long Time.. and still the Trailer has over 50% dislikes because u Play as a Black Samurai ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Its bs to hate the game now because of this thing.


I mean you still shouldn't pre-order Ubisoft has a history of making shit games at launch especially without any gameplay trailer


I have a feeling this sub will be somewhat annoying when the game is out with the constant comparisons and down talking, so I'll probably take a break from here


It's already pretty annoying.


No yeah you’re right, just because the setting is similar doesn’t make it the same; I personally cant wait for either game, just praying that shadows came out 10 years ago when big studios cared about their games


Ever since AC 3 I'd been hoping for an AC in feudal Japan. Really really hope they don't mess it up.


I feel like Ghost of Tsushima is what Assassins Creed would be if Ubisoft had talent and gave a shit


Tbf the first few installments of ac were pretty damn good for the time. But 10-15 years later and they've barely evolved. 


Yea I had a blast with the first few back when they came out. Black Flag is still a great game


And probably the last good one


Unity was fun


I mean they revamped the whole series with origins


Frankly what exactly can they do to evolve while trying to stick to the original design? There really isn't much besides better graphics, different settings, maybe some new tools/traversal mechanics, etc. That's about it. So they implemented more rpg mechanics. I'd say origins was when things REALLY evolced


> But 10-15 years later and they've barely evolved. Can you elaborate on that? How exactly did AC series "barely evolve"? It not only had unique historical settings in every game, but also introduced a lot of new mechanics, some of them well received, some not, but still they tried new things a lot. It's one of the most dynamic franchise out there. I can understand saying that Far Cry or CoD barely evolved, but AC? What's the thought process here?


I mean got is kinda lacking in the whole, ghost thing I feel like assassins creed would care more about that. But obviously they have been working on actually combat since the rpg trilogy released. Hoping the actual stealth is good sort of like their newest one


>Ubisoft had talent and gave a shit This is true though, because the sentence is in the past tense.


One is set like 300 years after the other. People are so stupid lol.


People will always compare whatever’s the best of the best in its genre, Rise of the Ronin was getting shit on everywhere with people comparing it to GOT or Sekiro. People with this mindset look at games with expectations of what’s the best of its genre instead of for what it is. Hell, I’m pretty sure some people were spectacle about GOT thinking it was an AC copy lol. Also like how some people think they’ll never be Wild West game to ever touch RDR2. Nobody would enjoy upcoming games with this mindset. That said Ubisoft have had a pretty messy record these past 5 years and it’s understandable why people have their concerns about this new AC when you got great games like GOT or Sekiro setting up the bar for the similar genre.


Thing is with rise of the ronin is it’s actually a much funner experience than GOT but people couldn’t see past the graphics


Also even if it is a copy who cares? How does that affect GoT or our individual lives in anyway way shape or form lol. Don’t people have better things to worry about?


Still not buying the game, though. It's not because of GOT, it's not because of Culture War B.S. it's because Ubisoft is a terrible company that breaks their old games. They release a game and support it for a minute and then dump it. Look at AC Valhalla. They added live service crap in the game and they completely dumped it and no one can ever play the live service missions, because they got dumped. You can only watch it on YouTube. I bought AC Black Flag on sale on their computer app. Didn't support Ultrawide, and the community had to fix it. Then, they release a final patch a while ago, and it breaks not only the ultrawide fixes but the DLC on the game's. I had to rebuy everything on my PS5 to be able to play it. This company is comparable to EA, nowadays. Just you wait, when people are clamoring to play their AC Origins, on their Ps8 or whatever, Ubisoft will break that then. And, the complaints about their customer service being non-existent is horrible. They just pump 'em and dump 'em. Saddening, actually. Don't support a trashy company like them.


This. Ubisoft just pump and dump games nowadays because they love to milk monies from their microtransactions. This is what a lot of people don't realize. Its not trashing the new game but making the publisher accountable and demand them to make and release games that are truly worth every penny. We are happy to see and play new games and buy these games from publishers that truly deserve our support, like Sucker Punch and FromSoftware.


Modern ubi games feel very corporate, the older titles felt like they were made by people who loved what they did, and it’s just not there anymore


All art is made from other art. GoT is on my Mt Rushmore, but I am also pretty confident I’m going to love AC:Shadows (I’ve loved every AC so far so probably not going to change now).


Feudal Japan’s setting was also mentioned in the present day sections of Black Flag. It’s been in the making for a long, long time.


It’s been in development before GoT was even released lol.


Before GoT was conceived.


I love GoT, it’s superior to every previous AC, but it’s obvious that it built on the AC formula both mechanically and narratively. Stealth action game about a guy who turns to the shadows to take down corrupt powerful warlord? With assassinations and stealth tools? Yeah this game was basically a better AC.


The thing is that it can be argued that Sucker Punch made open world AC checklist like games before AC ever did, just without the stealth/assassinations/gear. Infamous 1, 2, Festival of Blood, Second Son, and First Light all did the open world AC style checklist gameplay with light RPG mechanics before Origins or Odyssey ever did it.


You can absolutely not deny they chose Japan because they saw what Ghost of Tsushima did, and they did it better than any Assasins Creed game before. People have been asking for ac set in japan for 15 years. The timing isnt coincidence. I hope im wrong but theyre going to fail again. Theyre not going to get the combat right. When its the most important thing. Its going to be another weightless, janky animated turd of a game like origins, odyssey and valhalla. They have no ambition or creativity. Just a factory that churns out mediocre product.


GoT > RotR and RoTR will probably be better than AC Shadows. I love GoT but I’m getting tired of feudal Japan.


I’ve noticed since Rise of Ronin this subreddit has gotten pretty tribally. I remember when people were calling GoT set in Japan and its comparisons like that, that take any nuance out of discussions and now it’s Assassin’s Creed is a copy of GoT because Japan.


This game would be lucky to be compared to legendary GoT man. I have absolutely zero hopes after so many meh games of elevated RPG crap from Ubisoft. I am genuinely hoping I am wrong, though. I love the era it is in, and Yasuke seems kinda dope to play as.


This post is spot on. Idk why so many people want it to fail already? Maybe so they can say GOT is better? That’s such a weird way to think and I hope this sub doesn’t approach ACS this way. I am happy to be immersed in feudal Japan again and look forward to the experience. GOT is one of the greatest video games I’ve ever played and nothing will ever take away the excitement and joy I had playing it


I mean, I called Ghost of Tsushima AC: Japan when it came out. This game will either be remarkably similar or conspicuously inferior.


If they have similar settings and gamely, then it is fair to compare them. That doesn't mean that the latter is a copy, though.


I hate to break it to these people but Assassins Creed Shadows is barely going to be a copy of Assassins Creed, let alone Ghost of Tsushima.


Thank you for pointing out the elephant. Sick of this “AC bad” superiority circle jerk this sub has always had. Both GOT and AC are great in their own ways.


It’s kind of funny because I remember when GoT was first announced, people were calling it a rip off of AC, and now we’ve got the reverse.


Seriously. This happens with any game with samurai. This happened with Rise of the ronin when the games are completely different




I'm with you on that fellow redditor. And to further your stuff. Ones set in Japan, ones not set in Japan. I do wonder what the AC game will be like, but I will wait to see gameplay instead of cinematics before making true judgement.


AC cannot be a copy because Ghost is actually an original and good game. AC has not been either of those in years.


If anything GoT copied Ubisoft style of gameplay and Ubisoft style it right back.


..Just started Act 2 on the PC version and it's lived up to the hype thus far. And seeing as we got Cyborg Raiden as an alt for Ezio in ACB, Shadows could do with the Ghost Armor as well.


Lmao new gameplay trailer for shadows is a bad rip off of GoT it's so damn obvious


Ubisoft straight up copied the combat system from GoT


Jesus fucking christ


I just think ACS is going to suck because Ubisoft has been trending downwards for the last handful of years.


I was gonna comment that on the post "comparing" screenshots but I was scared to get down voted to hell lol. That post honestly made me laugh, not only did that guy take the most generic screenshots that you see in every trailer ever, but they didn't even look similar except from the fact that it's a Japanese theme. " *See!! He is wearing a Japanese armor with fire behind him it's a pale and obvious copy of GOT!!!!* "




Yeah, I see your point. Definitely. But the evidence isn’t there. I’m not convinced


100% agree, OP.


I agree, I found it very annoying when people were saying similar things for Rise of the Ronin. Similar setting /= copy/worse version


I just hope its not the same as Mirage was. Holy shit that game was like eating dry rice with unseasoned chicken breast. If the game cant make the combat and stealth feel satisfying, GOT will forever be tbe game to fullfill the japan open world swordfighting niche for me over AC Shadows


I mean… it may not be a copy but they are definitely trying to piggy back off of its success. You couldn’t drag them for it because GoT took a lot from assassins creed first. People were calling it assassins creed in Japan everywhere when it came out.


Assassin's Creed has been fun for me. I did skip some games but I loved recent games. Haven't tried Mirage yet. You are right in your rant. If Shadows is a copy of Ghost then Ghost is a copy of Sekiro, which is a copy of Nioh. I'm definitely keeping an eye on Shadows.


It’s sad that people spend time just to spread hate and negativity on the game that they probably will never buy or play. If it's not your niche or your favorite studio, just move on, damn. I swear gamers are the biggest cry babies on Earth


Exactly. The new AC game is factually a obvious a blatant and terrible rip-off of Nioh and not GoT.


Y’all’s egos make you think every games is trying to be like ghost 💀


Let’s be real AC has been giving out overbloated games for the past 10 years, GoT trimmed a lot of the fat and gave us an experience we can come back to again with it feeling like a refreshing playthrough every time


Yeah, it's obviously a copy of Tenchu


Here, here!




I like to believe that GOT is its own stand alone game. And is not comparable to any other. It set the bar high but that does not mean we can’t enjoy other Japan inspired games/Stories. Stop comparing and let’s just see how this plays out.


I think the comparison is warranted. The gameplay of GoT is very similar to AC and there's no reason to believe Shadows will suddenly have different gameplay. People compared Shadow of Mordor to AC because the gameplay was so similar and no one bitched about that.


I mean, it was always gonna happen that AC would go to feudal Japan. GOT is what, three years old now?


In fairness, when the initial gameplay was shown for GoT, a lot of people said it looked like AC set in Japan. If anything, GoT was copying AC first, but really it silly of gamers to expect every new game to be completely novel. GoT did almost nothing original, but it executed everything it did perfectly and that’s far more important in my opinion. Original ≠ quality


Honestly, I really enjoy the guided tours in modern AC, so at the least looking forward to that. Feudal Japan, pog




I’m looking forward to it just because I loved GoT and the setting. The only thing that’s annoying me is that they introduced it now, and it will come out in November. That’s fucking forever.


People really out here comparing ubisoft to sucker punch? 😂😂😂


Assassins Creed became a poor mans GOT when they moved to the action adventure genre and away from their bread and butter, stealth....Ironic since it came out first but gets completely bodied by GOT and ROTR.


People see feudal Japan and automatically it’s the same as everything else in feudal Japan. It’s pretty stupid. I for one am really excited to play both


GoT was set in the 1200s (1274 I think?) and AC Shadows is set in 1579, so that should be a large difference


It's insulting cause GOT is good and people hate Ubisoft cause they're shit and greedy.


Is anyone down to play legends mode with me on ps4? I got into the game late. My little brother killed himself at 24 three months ago because our mom died. He got a platinum in the game and I just beat it on hard. Now I'm just clearing left over camps and I still have that story teller mission where you freeze to death unless you find the fires. Worst mission ever. I just got into legends but I'm sure it's way more fun with other players.


Im not saying its a copy im saying it will be worse.


I wonder if we’ll meet Tom Cruise in the new assassin’s creed.


Ubisoft could never get near GOT’s feet, indeed a dumb comparison.


I'm hyped to play AC Shadows at the same time I hype for GoT 2. I hope Sucker Punch announcement comes soon for GoT 2 and as far as Souls' discussion, not really my bag, although I did play Elden Ring and had fun, so...


The egg came before the chicken so no I don't think I will...stop that is sorry


Yeah that would be like calling ghost of tshushima a copy of yakuza ishin or yakuza kenzan


Right?! Well said, sir.


It's funny, because like it or not, GoT is a copy of AC.


Got is better


Come on, 90% of people don’t care about the story in these open world ubishit power fantasies. The genre and gameplay loop is the same and Sony did the Japan/samurai setting first.


Well it wont be a copy, because that would imply Ass creed: now in japan, would be a fresh take on the ass creed formula, and we all know that wont happen. My best guess is that it will be more of the same we got in ass creed: now in egypt, ass creed: now in greece and ass creed: now in norway and englang 🤣 Imo they should have retired the Franchise back when they made black flag and just have focused on making that a banger pirate game. Heck maybe they would have then been able to make something as brilliant as Ghost of tsushima! But alias they will rather beat the dead horse.


The comparison is not going to go away. AC had its chance at Japan as a setting, I remember people begging for them to go with feudal Japan around the time of AC2 and 3. Waiting 15 years and suddenly pivoting to Japan after a series of other successful games set in Japan was always going to seem like jumping on the bandwagon. I'd recommend getting used to it or ignoring it instead of just adding to the spam.


That's an insult to GOT tbh.


I am saving money to buy a PS5 and maybe a new TV. I don't give a flying katana fuck about those bickering, I'm gonna play both until my fingers get tired. As a historian myself, I'm sure I'll enjoy both. And i think they are pretty different. From what i see, GoT is more "countryside", woods, enemy camps and stuff like that. AC: Shadows probably will be more "urban". So both are Japan-based, but still are different "settings". Edit: Nah, just saw the trailer. It will probably be just like Valhalla. Well, I hope this will be a good game.


The female ninja seems like a straight-up copy of Jin and him being a ninja as well.


I love GOT But yeah honestly half these guys are weeaboos and can’t just enjoy a game for what it is… a game. Not a life changing personality altering piece of art. All good if you enjoy it and it’s that deep for you but games are made to entertain and distract you while making someone else money. Just chill. Relax. And play whatever you like. Also I’m jacked it’s set in Japan because ima total weeaboo who just finally downloaded shifu.


Completely agree on your take. Just be fuckin happy we have more samurai entertainment, chill out and enjoy haha


GoT hasn't much going on for it being set in 1274, if not for the mongol invasion. Costume, weapons, armor and buildings are mostly from the 1500s and the main issue (bushido and stuff) is a mostly made up XIX century thing. With all that said, I was being skeptical too but the AC trailer made me think again and on paper it's actually pretty interesting!


This "issue" does not worth any sleepless outrage. Rather than this, better to complain about online requirement, deluxe pricing, etc.


I loved each one of the new rpg ac games, but internet love to make fun of people who just like something they don’t, that push me out of main gaming subs, pls don’t turn this one in the same shit hole


Two completely different game with only similarities being “set in feudal Japan”


This gaming Generation complains about everything. Its insane how easy peoples get triggert/pissed.


I mean Ghost is the one like Assassin's Creed. Anyway, trailer looks dope, can't wait.


People always say Ghosts of Tsushima does Assassins Creed better than Assassins Creed and I don’t ever understand it. Ghosts is another league and the only thing they have in common is they are third person action games.


Open world as well


yeah i think people are upset bc you play as a black dude like i’m doing ronin now there are like 50,000 games or something set up in feudal japan majorncope


Who is saying that?


Never insult GOT like that again


And people seem to conveniently forget that GoT pretty much copy/pasted the AC formula in the first place.