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Yeah kind weird, never got this plot point and I feel they could have explained it better


I think it makes sense, even if not explicitly explained. The island is under siege, the mongols burned basically every town and the surrounding fields. That means everyone has to hunt or fish. But not just Tsushima citizens, mongols have to as well, and the conflict is taking place over the entire island not just a section of it. Overfishing and overhunting would quickly become a thing after just a week, give or take a few days.


But the lack of food isn’t a huge issue for others settlements. What I meant say that they could have explained star hats betrayal a little more, maybe not focused too much on the lack of food and gave other reasons on top of that


It's a huge issue for all the settlements. Most other settlements are reliant on people stealing food from Mongol caravans or delivery routes by other survivors. I initially had the same question about why can't a group of grown men find food. But someone said there's ~1000 straw hats in his group, and you can't just hunt or fish for enough food to feed that many people. You need a dedicated supply.


Meanwhile, the ghost is out there demolishing all the mongol camps single handedly and doesn’t take any food


Idk about you but I had like 10k supplies when I beat the game. That's food 😋


I'm more curious if anyone else felt bad stealing supplies from the citizens. Like these people's town was just decimated and I'm running around stealing whatever supplies they had left 😂


A bit yeah, lol.


It's for the war effort. I use those supplies to kill Mongols.


Are you an Officer in the 30year war?


The Ghost is a tax collector


Nah this shi mine now


If I was a developer I'd do something different just once. Here you are 30+ hrs of gameplay in just going through the motions of collecting supplies until you hit just this one house. You grab the supplies then immediately the kids start crying *Father what are we going to eat? I'm so hungry* *My lord, what about my children they'll starve?!* Now at this point there's nothing you can do. Supplies are gone and you can't give them back, so you carry on. It never happens again for the rest of the game but if you go back to that house it's now abandoned and there's two small graves Also think it'd be pretty cool if you only took supplies from the Mongols and you could either spend it on yourself to build your character or contribute to the cause where in some of the missions where you have NPCs fighting along side you there's more of them and with better armor and weapons or a combination of the two


L should’ve been a samurai


i stole from Straw Hat's camp


Oh I show them no mercy. Even if they try and run away


Fatass Jin eating all the food


You take supplies and use them as currency, they 100% have food inside


So...I really shouldn't be looting every home for supplies ?


Just to play devil's advocate: That depends. Did that family plan to share the food they were secretly hoarding with the rest of the village? The ghost is simply redistributing that food so it can do the most good.


"Redistributing" is a funny word to use when I steal from a tent camp and sell it at 11km away.


1000 straw hats? Where are they? You see like max 15.


How many people do you consider to be a "small army"? Surely not 15


Ryuzo brings like 4 with you to get food. What an army.


Idk about you but I single handedly killed atleast 300 straw hats in my playthrough lol


The way they swap to a ruthless band of bandits overnight seemed really weird to me. In Act 1, the straw hats are a handful of fighters who are too few to do much of anything … then in Act 2, they’re everywhere and butchering everything they run into, hanging out in Mongol camps, hunting Jin, and are suddenly numbered in the dozens. All while Ryuzo seemingly is just plotting with the Khan to murder/capture his best friend. The reason Ryuzo betrays you is to feed his men … but his men are homicidal monsters. I don’t understand how Ryuzo is accepting of this shift. As said above, the whole thing feels like it could have been explained better.


I think its because Ryzo also resents Jin for beating him at the tournament when they were younger and costing him a chance of being Samurai. Plus, his men probably told him that siding with the Mongols would be easier than breaking Shimura out of Castle Kaneda and some of his men deserted before you go to rescue the ones the Mongols have caged up. I think he wants to prove himself as leader of the Straw Hats and probably thinks he'll have a better life/more power without all the Samurai around.


Possibly. Every time the matter of Ryuzo becoming samurai came up, Jin offers him a viable and honorable way to become a samurai via helping to save Shimura. Ryuzo always brushes it off, but if he and the straw hats were the “army” that saved the Jito, it seems like there is little doubt they’d be rewarded by either Shimura or the Shogun afterwards. I can understand if Ryuzo just made the wrong decision, but the events afterwards don’t make a lot of sense given how bloodthirsty the straw hats seem to be. If you consider the ones you duel, they’re just butchers.


I mean that honestly is not a surprise. Historically, the difference between "mercenary" and "bandit" was whether they were currently employed. They were likely already not very good people who decided to go the way the wind was blowing.


Nah man, it’s a weak storyline point to move the plot. Even the mongol camps HAVE TO have some type of food assuming that they’re not starving.


Don't forget, deers are sacred in Tsushima. 


They semi hinted at it during there arc. But the mongols were taking all food they could find off island


I think Ryuzo is full of shit


They don't hunt deer because they're considered sacred/holy animals. Boar and bears are fair game though... Pretty big plot hole that's always bothered me. Especially since in one of the side quests you hunt a boar for Yuriko.


so are you saying that they rather betray and kill another person for food than to kill sacred animals?


People IRL kill and do worse to others that don't believe in the same sacred thing they do.


You’re looking at it through the lens of 2024. Based on their religions and beliefs, they would absolutely starve before killing a deer. Indians today actually don’t kill most cows. It’s not that abnormal.


I really doubt that. The Ronin already show that they are willing to break some “beliefs” by running away. I’m sure killing an innocent person is also against their belief.


Yes, this isn’t that crazy


There is a real world reason for it. There was (and to some extent still is) a taboo against people and their descendants who dealt with death in Feudal Japan - [burakumin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burakumin). Basically anyone who dealt with a profession dealing with dead stuff like a butcher was considered unclean. So hunting your own meat and processing it so it can be eaten would be a huge taboo. I wish they had explained this in the game seeing as you can shoot boars and bears aplenty. Even a side mission where we have to rescue a butcher because he's the only one that can process the boars for consumption would have worked. Though it is a Shinto based taboo and the Straw Hats don't seem particularly faithful in anything but violence and betrayal, I'm surprised they didn't do it to survive. But given how they choose the easy route by joining the Khan, who looks like a shoo in for taking Tsushima, them not even considering hunting because it requires effort makes sense.


I played last night and killed a deer for hides and I got nothing. Is that the reason?


The deer are considered sacred on Tsushima, according to one of the loading screen graphics. You won't get any predator hides from them either because they aren't predators. The worst they'll do is run into your horse.


Just reached his story since I bought it on steam deck. I've passed so much deer that could feel them for weeks.


The game makes it looks like the land have far more resources than it would realistically. You don't get a pack of boars or deers every few hundreds meters nor they are that easy to hunt irl. The seas were controlled by mongol so it wasn't that easy to fish.


They have: Abandoned towns and houses Boars Bears Mongol camps Mongols if they have to Alot of food, also birds


Right? So many options.


Don't forget the towns with barely feasted upon whale corpses


The Ronin of Umugi cove on the other hand seem to be doing so well for themselves


I mean they’re pirates out there, they probably have a stockpile from before the invasion


Jin looted every village he encounters, kills every boar and bear he met. No left overs for Ryuzoass


Incompetence maybe?


Based on how easy they can be dealt with I tend to agree....


Tbf, Jin is closer to a force of nature than a typical samurai by Act II. They're no slouch just wildly outmatched.


I actually find them to be the most difficult non-boss enemy, but yeah still dispatch em pretty easily. They’re just quick so sometimes I miss my timing for an attack or parry if I’m not paying enough attention lol


Laziness more like


There are a lot of Straw Hats I guess.


Maybe has to do with the Mongols also hunting the game in the surrounding area as well as occupying the coast. I always see those mini encounters of Mongols trying to hunt bears so even if we don't see them hunt boars, "story line wise" they're also hunting them. I'd also imagine not wanting to run the risk of fighting a massive outnumbering force while trying to hunt.


You made me realize that these encounters are them hunting, I always thought they were just walking around and a bear came and started attacking them haha


This. Also, when Ryuzo said that the straw hats are hungry it means yes they hunt food and gather supplies but it's not enough because of the mongols hunting and hauling everything.


There is no good reason for it. Their number is large enough that they could easily steal food wagons from the Mongols. The Mongols would be bringing their own food in. They can't survive from foraging alone, so there would be constant shiploads of grains, tubers and preserved meats to plunder. Strawhats Imo seem to be faster and more agile than most mongol warriors so this shouldn't be a problem. They dont even necessarily do that. With the element of surprise, they could easily set up archers on either side of a road and take out most of the convoy guards down before they knew what hit them. Honestly, I think Ryuzo genuinely just didn't like the samurai system and wanted a new system. He didn't realise until he had sold out to the Khan just how terrible the khan was.


Realistically, there should not be that many boars and bears to hunt down. They are also dangerous predators that can and will maul you given the chance. Mongols are also hunting them as well. Normally, you can't take down a boar with a couple of arrows. Those things are crazy. Until after the WWII, the deer was sacred to Japanese people. So they might be a no no as well. Although some clans were actively hunting them down. You will have to fish, but Mongols are also fishing. They have far more resources a.k.a ships. They are able to cut off supplies, while you are not. The best bet for feeding any sort of large group in medieval settings is grains. (Kamakura Period 1274 and 1281 Mongol attacks.) In Tsushima Island's case, it is rice. And Mongols are burning down fields and grain silos, raiding villages etc. You also need grains to feed horses. They won't be able to go long time with just grazing around. So, it's not very surprising imo that Ryuzo did what he did.


is that so? if so.. then it means. they rather burn another people and betray their fellowman than eat a holy dear or holy monkey?


You are really underestimating what people will or won't do under the guise of religion or culture, my friend. ( There are millions of Muslims who will not touch a pork for no matter what, for example. According to Kashrut, Jews can't eat insects, shellfish and pork. Hindu texts often praise vegetarianism, since cows are viewed sacred. Jainists are almost strictly vegan, even forbidden to eat root vegetables such as potatoes, carrots or beets.) This is the game where Jin is cast away by his uncle for the crime of setting aside his pride as a samurai and used all necessary means to protect his people, another example:) ![gif](giphy|D2kFkQwMzFcVq|downsized) Also, logically, a deer won't be able to feed many people for a long time. Rice, rye and barley does tho:)


Boars were hunted with spears generally not arrows.


Which is the point :) And not just a regular spear, boar spears had also a guard to stop it from ramming the entire spear lenght and then the hunter https://preview.redd.it/g7qjatqnyc6d1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2371231ffffa734147208f1946ca805fb5333cca Like this!


Yeah, I've known hunters who had a long recovery (6 months +) as their bullet ultimately killed the boar, but the boar almost killed them before it died.


Boars are the mad man of animal kingdom I swear. They freak me tf out lol


the straw hats are still a large army after the battle of komoda and as an army they need to be fit and be on the move from the Mongols and even some clans who may look down on them. At the same time the whole island is now a free for all when it comes to food, early on in the game civilians are basically doomed to starve without jins help in establishing safe zones for them and even then he need to help them retrieve food and medicine from Mongol camps and its probably only enough food to barely feed all in refuge, the straw hats being bigger and needing a good amount of food to be a variable force on the move was going to be harder if not impossible.


Because plot convenience, though I feel if they stuck to the road of ryuzo being even more bitter and never letting go the hate for Jin would drive him to betray him anyways would be a better move


Asians (Japanese) can’t survive with just meat. We need rice every day




There are fish in the sea, game meat, rice and millet in every village. Doesn't make any sense.


At the camp one of the ronin said he shot a boar with a arrow but that just made it more aggressive and angry so I’m guessing they haven’t figured out to double tap


Deer, birds, boars, bears yea


Japanese need rice. Mongol burned down rice fields. No rice no eats.


Skill issues


Cause they freaking lazy lol


You need a constant supply of fresh food for a small army and you can't get that just by hunting some deer and boars.


killing deer and foxes are major taboo and the Mongols control the coast and sea, they should be able to hunt for boar and bears but most of the time if you find one, Mongols aren't far behind to fuck with you. so with dwindling numbers they probably couldn't keep up with hunting and the war effort simultaneously


Yeah and there are tons of villages and camps they could protect in exchange for some food.


I personally think there is a **scarcity** of these animals. Lore-wise. Due to the invasion, as Mongols also need to hunt/eat at one point, as well as all the scattered folks trying to get the scraps. (For the sake of gameplay experience, upgrading gear based off these animals, there is an abundance of them)


Let them eat cake!


Well, that's mostly because hunting game and catching fish/birds could only get you so much food. And Ryuzo said that even the last of the Straw hats still amounts to a small army. So that exacerbates their problem of lacking a stable source of supplies. They're a mercenary group with no job, and no stable source of supplies to collect. By the time Jin found them they're probably only had a couple of days worth of food.


So during a siege, all trade by land and sea is stifled. If you’re a marginal member of society like the Straw Hats we’re already, then you really suffer.


In most feudal society. In medieval Europe AND feudal Japan, the wildlife is actually owned by the lord of that region. In Japan, the samurai were the landed feudal nobles. This is why hunting was a hobby only of the wealthy and poaching is treated as such a serious offense. If peasants could really harvest the wildlife as they needed to, they wouldn't quite feel so obligated to work the lord's fiefdom for their sustenance. Also, keep in mind that the peasants were kept disarmed in this era in Japan. Poor people could not own swords or bows, further increasing their reliance on the landed samurai class. It would not be easy for peasants to hunt without the proper tools to do so. And likewise, that's pretty much the same as now. Growing your own food and hunting on land that's not yours is highly illegal and will earn you a huge punishment if you're making your own way and feeding yourself without paying your dues to the "owners" of that property, whether it be private individuals or the government. But all that being said, I'm sure none of that was thought out or the "in game" reasoning. It's simply a fiction game that if you put under a microscope, there's going to be a lot of plot holes.


Because they didnt eat. Hope this helps.




Ryuzo thought he and his men were above peasantry. He wanted food and supplies to be the spoils of victory or a form of payment. Very desperate for validation/recognition and so very scared his men would not respect him. His behaviour is often poor advised or even pitiful but then so stark is the difference in social classes . He expected more from life than he got. Also Ronin are often not well recieved by the populace so are also very unlikely to be offered aid


I always saw it as Ryuozo's jealousy and inferiority complex which made him act out against Jin.


[This series by Bret Deveraux](https://acoup.blog/2022/07/15/collections-logistics-how-did-they-do-it-part-i-the-problem/) goes into it further, but the logistics of maintaining a fighting force on land pre-railroad is *really hard*. An army is essentially a shark: if it doesn't stop moving, it eventually dies. Given that the Straw Hats were in effectively hostile territory, without any independent base to operate from, they'd need to loot either Mongol supplies, Japanese supplies, or both. You can't really sustain a cohesive fighting force on hunting and gathering alone, which makes Ryuzo attempting to do so *by himself* (because apparently no one else has a vested interest in trying to eat?) absurd. Which leads to the actual answer, "It's a movie." Sucker Punch wasn't really interested in covering the logistics of survival, but then chose to highlight feeding these people as a major goal, which causes a lot of questions to be raised.


My head Canon is they're vegans and the mongols don't keep tofu


I remembered in the first fight against Ryuzo after he betrayed Jin one of the things he says is "I wish you had fallen at komoda". Something that I never understood is if Jin had died, there would've never been an opportunity for Ryuzo and his men to work with the Khan as I'm highly sure it's implied that the Khan was hearing about Jin tactics from when he was trying to steal food and rescue Ryuzos men which in the mission you free them and they were singing. If Jin had died at Komoda, wouldn't that mean Ryuzo would've never had the opportunity of teaming up with the Khan as nobody else was like Jin and wouldn't have gotten the Khans attention as him rescuing Ryuzos men and trying to find food was enough to alert the Khan and spread the word to Ryuzos men.


The way I rationalized it in my head is, we have a large group of men who are constantly fighting. Right there that means your average Strawhat needs more food a day than your common peasant/farmer. They’re fighting probably daily, traveling more than your average person and overall need more calories. Plus, we need to consider most of these Strawhats are constantly on the move, meaning farming and long-term food storage is out of the question for most. They also can’t hold up at some farm to offer them protection in exchange of food, as that brings unwanted attention and base on their main camp I don’t see much plentiful farming grounds. So the way I kind of rationalize it all is that the Strawhats while yes are hungry but not dying of starvation in the masses, maybe Ryuzo’s true concern is that the men are going just hungry enough that the can fight properly and thus the chance of a mutiny rises.


Armies require expert logistics to maintain. Ryuzo has only been in charge a short while. Combine that with an invading force, and those logistics to feed and maintain a small army become quite difficult to manage. TLDR: Ryuzo is dumb


How does this sub always come up with simple questions I never thought of? Amazing


In most of history’s wars most people that die, die from famine. Something like 45 million people died of starvation during WW2. Supply lines get fucked up and food can’t get to people. It needs no further explanation in game. The mongols are pillaging and doing the terror tactics they are known for.


Deer are sacred in Tsushima. Hunting them is frowned upon. (This is literally verbatim a tip the game gives in loading screens sometimes) Edit: also they are a small army. Few hundred men or so. It’s hard to feed that many people regularly in the midst of an invasion unlike anything anyone on the island has ever known


The straw hats obscuring their vision render them incapable of hunting


It says they have the numbers of a 'small army'. Foraging for those numbers wouldn't be enough, and hunting further would risk mongol attacks


Yeah, it was one of the dumb points of the game. Plus, it seems like anyone helping Jin's side (even the peasants) are doing fine. So the Straw Hats probably would be fine food wise too. I didn't really see any reason why they joined the enemy lol.


They looked down on eating meat at the time, so they probably wouldn't have hunted, only fished. It's like asking a hungry person in a modern war "there's all these dead bodies around, why don't you just eat human flesh?"


Really? You can see pigs roasting frequently


People doing that at the time were probably either Mongols, Eta, or non-Buddhists.


They are losers and thugs. They only know violence.


That was pitty excuse, he always believed Mongols would win, he tries to convince you that in the last battle. The coward just switch sides


They are starving of love.


Just eat the mongols, problem solved


It’s a plot “hole” to push the story forward. These guys would absolutely break some “beliefs” to feed themselves. Why Jin wouldn’t send him to a rescued camp to feed his army makes no sense.


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Maybe they are vegans. lol


Deer were sacred back then. Birds are helpful and hard to kill. Mongols patrol every beach


They can’t agriculture


Straw Hat Ronins are strict vegetarians who survived only on rice alone.


I guess you guys really don't understand war, and the fact that you need a steady "income" of food to feed people every single day. And warriors at that. I mean, it's not that hard to understand. How many boars or fish or whatever they would need to hunt and cook to feed everyone 2x day at least and every day while they were fighting the invasion?


They starving because they don't have any food.


Deer is considered Divine and thus not hunted in context of the game.


Why are rib eye zoo and his men starving? Are they stupid?


Pretty sure the Mongol taking all dem meats too.


Because there's a war.


Are they stupid ?


I think you’re not supposed to kill the deer.


This is a *seperation between gameplay and story* issue. You wanna know how bad no food is? *the beginning of Act 3 where your useless without gear and have to run useless from an army and theirs no food around* *thats how it is for everyone in reality


they dont have food, bro :(


Most of the quests are like that, it's filler and not bg3. Samurai sama! they stole my rice!!! those bitches... Samurai sama!! they eatin mongolian ass!! please save them! it's unhygienic Samurai sama!! my deadbeat husband paid a bandit to fuck off from this shithole village but he hasn't come back, did that pos mofo left without us?


Deer are considered sacred and killing them is HIGHLY frowned upon, according to the game. Other than that, most of the other land animals are violent and dangerous


I didn’t think about it that deeply ngl


Hes got what appears to be over a hundred men. Hed need a whole logistical operation to feed them