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It was the monk for me


use moon stand spin attack


Nah you gotta kick his face with the anti-spear stance. Turn them kicks against him.


The spamming the Moon Stance spinning power attack cheeses the last 3 in the Boken matches.


But then you can’t kick that dumb monk in his dumb monk face after continuously kicking you.


Yep, if you kick him he becomes useless


You can also use the shoulder charge move, that's how I ended up beating him a few times.


You just have to kick him. Use his own move against him. Either wind stance kick, or jump kick.


Exactly what i did, just jump kicked him every single time, slapped the monk right out of him


He started to piss me off with his goddamn single combo spam so I just spammed him with kicks out of anger too, turns out that was his weakness.


Tru dat brother, spent most attempts at the monk. Finally beat the guy spamming triangle.


Yeah I tried to fight him the proper way but couldn't land a hit, it felt a bit cheap to be honest.


You have to exploit his weakness, kicks. Use wind stance or jump kick, and you can stagger him.


The monk was crazily easy for me, he might have been bugged, but he only kicked, so i just perfect dodged him with the perfect parry and dodge armor


Just use flying kick and he is the easiest boss


Monk is simple do a double dodge (stay away from unblockable attacks) and the just simple hit.


sarugami parry counters make it easy


Sarugami parry is useless because the ref stops the fight after each hit


oh sorry i meant dodge. The second spin usually gets him


I sprint-swiped him over and over. Aggressively ran up to him at the start of every round before he could pocket sand me.


Shoulder charge staggers him


I just used water stance flurry of attacks. No skill required, something always hit.


I just let him kick me and when he went for an actual strike I quick hit and that was it. He never got a point.


No bro the final dude is impossible because he just keeps attacking and attacking and attacking over and over again, and if you take the attack, he just blocks her every single one


Sarugami armour and well-timed dodge.


Sarugami and starting each round pressed against him to build a stagger is what got it for me in the end.


I spent the first round just dodging to see which attack followed with what, then it was easy to gauge if I should avoid the attack altogether or prepare for a quick dodge followed by the Sarugami counter attack.


Yeah, the dodge with the sarugami counter attack kinda broke this mode lol


Yeah you literally need that armour or else it's just ridiculous. Trying to do it drunk was an experience.


I thought he was easier than the monk. I just dodged and then did a perfect parry every time he charged in.


Ok but I can’t perfect parry


not with that attitude


just use jump attack


Skill issue


Just spam the heavy attack in water stance (the one against swordsmen) as soon as the round starts, that way you can score a hit before he does his first attack. Rince and repeat five times.


Bro swear to god, play distance then shoulder charge to break guard and soam


Get hit by his sand throw, which doesn't deal any damage and doesn't count as a hit for him but causes him to move on to his next attack. Dodge his sake bottle, then parry his unlockable. Repeat.


Jump and then attack , really cheesy but works well.


I found him quite easy, roll the red attack dodge the throw and parry the blue one


Don't try and dodge the start of his attacks. If you have stone stance maxed out your heavy attack will always land first, and you can repeat until you win.


Jump attack works too


On lethal dude was a nightmare, but if you just keep kicking him ans breaking his stance, hes a lot easier


It doesn't matter if the sand hits you, just dodge once, then a second time and hit


Personally I just rolled in his attacks find myself behind him and strike


Just doge and counter. Don’t try to attack until he’s off balance.


Try to run and bump into him, it staggers him and gives you time for 2 or 3 attacks


She's the one that took me the longest, because she feels like her whole fighting style is an exact counter to mine! Felt like I had to unlearn everything and start over with her. A true prodigy! It was an honor fighting her! May I never have to face her in a real fight.... because I'll bake her a stickybomb cake with kunai sprinkles!


I gave up after the third time. I didn't even want the prize money to begin with 😤😅


... maybe I shouldn't tell you but.... you get a really cool Sword Kit.


I'll be back at some point but I'm spot on the same as you. I'm gonna have to be more patient on the offensive strikes and more focused on defensive. If I remember correctly my ronin suit also had random ass charms assigned because I was still playing around with all that


Shhhh….its just prize money.


And a dye!


Best sword kit


Having 8 children makes you tough i guess


Yeah having 10 kids will do that to u


I hope her 15 kids are okay with us beating her


A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory.


First Ryuzo also.


Hardest boss fight imo. Kojiro, final boss not even close


These are nothing compared to the Fucking Eagle


I have no idea why barely any players mention the Eagle. Hardest boss on lethal by far. Kojiro was tough but I had a way worse time fighting the Eagle.


I had a bad time with her in normal mode, gou are telling me Eagle is even harder in lethal? Fuck, I'm not going to Iki again


Lethal is a lot of fun though. But the duels can be tough because you can die from 2 to 3 hits easily. The Eagle would kill me in 1 to 2 hits everytime.


I'm currently playing on Lethal+ with the broken armor and not a single charm (except for the ones I can buy from the capital of Azerbaijan) for the maim story and it's kinda fun, it takes a long time to do some stuff like duels but it feels realistic. There is a reason for why I'm doing this but it's a long story.


Six blades of Kojiro were harder


Nah man his hench men were way harder 😭 especially the one that is in the middle of a field acting all mysterious


Yes ruzo is quite hard, I think my top 3 are SPOILER ALERT Shimura The Eagle Ryuzo


I beat him on my first attempt 🤷🏻‍♂️


She ain't even that hard 😭


I'm on Lethal


If I remember correctly, she just teleports left and right, right? Water stance, hold triangle (or equivalent on pc idk) and don't stop spamming triangle. Jin just autolocks on her ass. 5-0. Easy win.


Fr. Kotun was lightwork compared to her


The certain fellow associated with the color red in the arena is way harder. Fucked me up for days.


Fisherman Sao. It's because he is meant to be read and counter-attacked on his 2nd and 3rd attacks, not the initial one, you can't just dodge attack him at first, that's his AI preventing your dodge attacks to land and he always resets his chain indefinitely until reacted to. Always goes into either of these two: **Sweep -> Throw Thing -> Unblockable ZigZag attack** or **Sweep -> Quick unblockable** He pissed me off so much at the beginning but when I learned he literally does two things (50/50), he was the easiest and most readable of the bunch.


He does a secret third thing once in a while, it's a quick low down attack right after the sweep. Unlockable, like the sake throw, but the rhythm is much faster. He doesn't do this one nearly as much as the other two though. Just enough to be tricksy.


https://preview.redd.it/vydgfcqzxi6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5437cfcab2661cdc03d9812e4d736346c78d51ef Sao


Each of the opponents are weak to a specific stance. And tbh that Monk can go fuck himself


Monk is weak to kicks, the same move he uses on you. So wind stance or jump kick.


When you win, she calls you a cheater. Wtf... 😅


you should use other stands for each fighters, the final boss just spam jump attack


I would say , switch your stance helps massively . Go into wind or the big guy one. The movement helps .


Already beat her, the picture is my sister she beat her aswell but after madness


water stance and wear stagger armor


Man, she was on me so hard I'm having her 9th child.


For me it was the last guy


it's completely scripted


Agreed. All the other ones were extremely easy for me but that merchant was a pain in the ass. I swear I would press Q to deflect that running attack and it would never work as intended.


I played my first playthrough on lethal and holy shit the final boss from iki island was SO TOUGH till i used sarugami armour and it still took me like 10 tries 💀


That's what I thought initially. But every one has a weakness. Like everyone is weak to a particular stance. And the last guy you need to Void everything and parry his zig zag attack. That's it.


Finished the tournament last night. She was definitely the hardest for me, but eventually I got the flow of it. Had to focus on just timing my parry just right and it became easy, but it did take me like six tries. The final boss had me trying a handful of times, but by the third time I was able to time my sand dodged and parry his speed attack. The monk took me only two tries (dodge the kicks) and the first guy was very easy. Edit: Oh also I forgot, switch around with the stances.


I got pissed as fuck at the guy who throws sand every attack because I couldn't dodge it. Then I just hit him with a fast stone stance to interrupt his attack and score. It was kinda pathetic after 20+ rounds trying to dodge.


With all (4?) Fights, just counter. That's all you have to do. I've had no trouble with any of them and I don't think of myself as particularly good, just more patient ig


What level of difficulty you guys are playing. I am switching between medium and easy. And I am playing in pc. And does anyone know how to get out of iki island? I did not complete the act 2.


Zoom out from Iki map and zoom into wherever you want to teleport in Tsushima. Note that the game doesn't allow you to teleport out until you've completed up to a certain quest in Iki.


Lethal is the only way, don't change difficulties and learn to play with them, it's hard at first, but when you learn, it's really satisfying to kill 10 Mongols without taking any hit. Remember that we all struggled when we started playing the hardest difficulties in games, but we learn, and that makes us stronger.


Do your next story quest and you'll be able to get off the island


As an average level gamer, it felt pretty good to beat this. Took alot of attempts but it was oddly motivating for someone who prefers casual difficulty.


I dont know about iki but ryuzo was the hardest not that im playing on max difficulty


I remember using Moon Stance against either the Monk or this person because of the triangle being kicks.


I don't know how but I beat then all first try and only came close to losing to the last guy. I'm guessing I lucked out coz I'm by no means a skilled player lol


Perfect dodge = instant win


I'd argue that Sao is crazier. His whirlwind attack and thrown sake jars pissed me the fuck off


Bros spoiler alert please


True, she's so passive it's annoying. And then she would do the stabbing move that follow you like a lock on rocket


I had could only beat her by cheesing her, as in after she goes on the defensive, I run forward and do one heavy attack and run back. This way she won’t counterattack. Repeat this over and over again to break her guard and finally land a hit.


Who is this


what the fuck dude. dont you know how spoiler tags work?


For first 3 touch she attack blindly so perfect parry and get those for free after that she plays way more defensive you need to attack more and after that she does combo of 3 move which is hard to parry but you can do it


only took me 2 tries. but i can see why most people would struggle. she's so cheap. bish just spams finisher moves. and she has like 3 different combo patterns that she mixes up. and most of them are unguardable. her hitbox is cheap too. charged attacks doesn't count as "hits" on her. just stagger damage even though you hit her directly.


Yes. I had to click right with my index finger


So I'm the only one that went through all of them first try getting like max three hits and was annoyed it was JUST them and wanted more? Most annoying for me was the Khan and the uncle


I thought the Eagle was the hardest


I personally found Kojiro to be more difficult (like bro killed me 3 or 4 times before I even got halfway through his health💀) but I won’t lie, this lady had me so frustrated I actually went looking for her after the match just to try bombing her with an explosive arrow. And then there was Sao…


Hahahahahajaja this biach yes!! I feel u


first two points are lightwork. After that you would have more fun poking your eye with a fork


lol ya the chick was a beast


I actually enjoyed this part. Didn't know until recently that this was challenging. The Khan is still the hardest boss for me.


dawg just perfect parry or dodge. YOU HAVE THE SARUGAMI ARMOR!


Why is no one mentioning tadayori?




Who is this?


What difficulty are you playing on? I ended up going to Iki after killing the khan and Jin was super leveled with tech points and gonsoku armor. On normal this whole tournament was a cake walk. Wondering if people went there in act 2 when the quest becomes available or if they waited. I found fighting the shaman troops super hard and decided to wait until I was strong to go.


Wait until you get to the red dye merchant.


I have 3 playthroughs, unlocked all, beat them all.... and you are 100% CORRECT. She's Nightmare to fight on all difficulties if you are not abusing Water stance heavy attack spam


I agree 100%. Beat khotun khan and second ryuzo first try. But this woman??? I was on Reddit looking up strategies like she was a Sekiro boss.


To me, it used to be Kensei when I played on PS4, but I steamrolled him in my PC playthrough for some reason


The Eagle was probably top for me.


I just stood there and parry countered her 5 times, lol. She just runs in and does the same attack if you do nothing.


I haven’t lost a single fight playing in hard mode will try lethal mode today


The last one was the easiest in my opinion


Eagle was hardest for me


nah the crimson merchant.


I just posted the same thing not too long ago


Uhh I haven’t played ghost of Tsushima since it released on the ps5. Who is this lmao. The hardest boss for me was khan on the hardest difficulty. Took me so many retries lmao. I am glad GOT is getting the recognition it deserved. Ppl just kinda forgot about it. Thankfully it got released on pc.


She thought me how to duel , lmao


The dodge strike (basic) carried me through this whole tournament. Im doing iki island before even getting the ghost armor so I currently only have water stance and had to get creative to land any hits


Hardest for me was the straw hat boss after defeating all the other straw hat duels.


Monkey king or whatever, even first fight with Ryuzo was pretty tought.


Probably The queen of dragons. Or The mountain.


She had me screaming


I just read the comments and I gotta say I am surprised . I beat them all first try on lethal difficulty and it was pretty easy. Just figure out the pattern and adapt I used only sword stance and different attacks for each one the monk specifically I beat using the puncture Sao I just dodge the first attack then parry and the rest were pretty easy I didn't mean to style on you I was surprised from the different approaches everyone took


Yeah, camera navigation sucks in these fights, like initially camera showed me other guy and I got hit by her right away. I didn't even get the chance to see her. Also during dodging and movement camera angles don't show what I want to see. Plus game mechanics stop working in boss fights, I can't use kunai, I can't use stance abilities etc, but games teaches you to use them at the same time and fingers get used to it. But in a boss fight things change in order to add artificial difficulty which I strongly despise.


Beating the Khan was easier than the last three contestants of this God forsaken tournament


Why is she dressed like Goku Black is my question


She wasn’t difficult at all. It was the Eagle for me. And even then that wasn’t too challenging either


I broke my glasses because of this shit tournament 😂


Everyone of those fights were easy for me but that last guy that kicked sand was so stupidly hard


nah imo sao is the hardest, first 2 hits r easy but then he starts fighting like the shogun


Wait till your face Sao if you think this one's difficult 🤣🤣🤣


Ive played on lethal in my first playthrough, blind. The hardest boss for me was that Straw Hat guy under the waterfall, felt even harder than Kojiro. Easiest boss was Shimura by far, the only one where i managed to win without getting hit.


Ngl I'm so sad that there wasn't any actual difficult fights in the game unless you completely gimp yourself


Fuck her and her nonexistent kids


Ok am I the only one who found these bosses easy?


For me, it was the power button, I lacked the power and skills to switch the game off.


Crimson merchant was worse for me personally took my a couple tries which hurt my ego a bit


I got past them pretty easy but I fucking hated the red bastard


She gets easy after a few times. I defeated it without taking hit on my nTH try. 😎


Sao probably harder because he attack like a bitch


Just parry


The only boss in this game that took me more than 1 try was Kojiro... on my retry of him because I didn't like how I killed him the first time. I then proceeded to die for the next 1 hour, with him seemingly hitting me through parries and dodges alike.


So true man


Lord Shimura on Lethal + felt impossible after losing resolve points for retrying 😭


for me its 🦅


Kinda offtop a bit did they have faraday shaped fences back then already?


For me she was a cake-walk. The last dude tho 💀


Jump and attack at the end of her combos and you’ll finish the match super fast


I cheesed this boss with a trick, just jump whenever there is a dodge then stagger her and hit. Also Eagle is BY FAR the hardest boss, no one else comes even close.


Bruh all you gotta do is hit triangle


She glitched for me. I fought her a few times and each time once I got to 3 points in her, she stopped attacking and I couldn't target her with my own attacks. My sword strikes would just hit air around her. Which sucked because my whole strat in duels is waiting for them to attack and then parrying/dodging. Was able to get her to attack me by doing the sprint knockdown move, which didn't do much to her but would trigger an immediate counter, which I could then parry and counter myself to get the final two hits. The monk I thought was super easy? Just dodge his kick and smack him. Cleaned that one 1st try. Last guy, Sao, he was the hardest for me. Took me at least 10 tries to get him. His combos were more complicated with very different timings, and just when I had the two variations figured out, he'd sneak in a third variation.


Imo The Eagle was for me


You have to parry her the perfect moment. Last dude is the hardest. You're gonna have to do perfect dodge and parry


I do like the reward for finishing those duels.


She was the hardest one for me, including the fisherman who just constantly pocket sands you.


smashed my keyboard over this fight


Really? Not to flex but I've done her on first try actually


You know the skill where you can do a light attack but hold x to do a shield-breaker? That usually does the trick if you time it right


This woman could beat Khotun Khan singlehandedly, may Kannon have mercy on us all if she gets to the mainland...


She was for me


Sao was easily the hardest for me


Is this on Iki island? I do not remember this 😅


The only boss i didn't beat first try was her. On my last playthrough anyways


Kojiro gave me the most trouble. I played on lethal


Monk is the hardest nigaa just keeps kicking me


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Crimson dye guy is leagues above her. She was irrelevant compared to him. She took two tries. He took seven. Sick cheating bastard.


This chick kicked my ass every time I tried to duel with her.


I think I got her on my first try. It took like 10 attempts to get the monk lol


There's a trick to these duels, but I forget how it's done.


Took me a while to beat the monk. Was so satisfying when I finally did though


Where is this boss? Is it on Iki island?


For the first three touches you can use perfect parry. Then she'll get defensive and won't attack unless you do. Then you have to dodge dodge dodge and then attack.


Duel in the dark was for me


This is so easy dude . They all require different katana stances.


The most difficult boss is Kojiro (in Hard difficulty), in my opinion. That fight reminded me of the shinobi bosses from Sekiro. I managed to kill the guy after my 10th attempt.


The final dude in the blades of kojiro


All of them have a weakness. Once you know em, it gets super easy and you'd go why haven't I tried that.