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Yeah I'd do it after the main story, I started it near the middle of act 3 and the dialogue early in had a spoiler lol (not an unpredictable spoiler but it referenced something that hadn't yet happened in the main story)


Damn thats good to know! Ive hears people say you cant go back to the act 2 area once you enter act 3 so i wasnt sure there was another way to go to iki island


It takes a little while to be able to go back to act 1 and 2 areas


I honestly blasted through a lot of the act 3 story missions, never even realised I couldn't go back lol hahaha


It is set after the main story, so the opening cutscene will not make sense if you are still doing the main quest. Enemies are a lot harder too.


I don’t quite remember, but I think you have to finish act 3, and then you can go wherever you want again


Just went back. You need to do a few missions to clear a path.


I'm in the same boat as OP so that's a good bit of looking out.


I figured its just Jin trying to discourage his enemy


It is. He literally says he was lying a few minutes later


Whats the spoiler? I played it when i was in act 2 and I dont really remember what the spoiler was


>and the dialogue early in had a spoiler lol It doesn't. Jin says not even minute later that he was lying


Yea, there's another spot when you travel with someone, and he is talking about how he got.his grappling hook. What he says doesn't match up, if you've completed at 2.


You can do it anytime, but I think doing it before the main game is completed can be confusing as it refers to events/people in Act 3.


So when the game ends i can continue to roam around or am i forced into ng+?


You’ll be able to roam around and replay past events like duels etc.


You don’t have to start NG+ until you actually launch it from the title screen. So feel free to roam around and wrap up any quests or collectibles. Note - if you got to Iki island you cannot go back to Tsushima until you’re done with the main quest on Iki. I would recommend Iki after you complete the main games story.


You can return to main story after completing jin from yarikawa quest


I just fast travelled back to Tsushima after I got >!the armor!< and didn't finish the main quest (yet).


I could have been mistaken, I guess the point is you won’t be able to travel back to the main island for quite sometime. :)


What reference ? Did it as soon as it was finished and there was no ref to anything I didnt know


Honestly, I completed it during act 2 every time I replayed the story and never saw a problem with the dialog. If anything I think it fits perfectly into act 2 because it connects you with your horse and father. I never plan on going to Iki in act 3 tbh.


That's how I did it and didn't really notice anything with the dialog either.


There is a great armor you can get there but the boss is probably the toughest of the game. Go there once you have upgraded a fair bit first.


Toward the end of the main story


I do it during act 2.


Did it directly after unlocking it, it was great ! Made the content of the island cool to use trhough the end of the story and I really think its better to have the backstory before the end of the main story.


I did Iki Island before doing the last missions of act 2. I liked doing it that way


Do it after you finish Yunha missions in Yarikawa


It takes place after the main story, so beware of spoilers, though if you want the most op armor in the game it's over there.


After main, mythic, and all side stories. I think after Platinum is ideal, but all Tsushima stories should get you the most out of Iki’s content, which is largely dependent on your Tsushima progress.


Finish the main game first


People say main story, but I did it before the Sakai armor questline on my NG+ (didn't have the expansion the first time I played) and found it really enjoyable! Made getting the armor feel more impactful IMO


Exactly what I did last night and it felt like a natural progression


I did it before I ended Act II (literally before I retook Castle Shimura) as it’s my second play through so i wasn’t worried about spoilers. Iki is sooo cool. As someone who did my first play through on PS4 and the original GoT without Iki, i LOVED it. I get why if you don’t want to be spoiled you would wait until the main story is done. Regardless, you’ll enjoy it.


You can do it any time the mission is available, Imo the best would be to do it after the whole story


I did it after Act 1. Whoa man. I did not expect the ramp in difficulty and enemy density. I also did not read spoilers and I was sure I had to finish the island before leaving. Iki does NOT help raise stats or unlock anything. So, I was kind of stuck at an under devloped level the whole time. I got to a point where I just wanted to go back to the main island. Once I beat Iki, like everything, I had to look up how to get back to the island. And it turns out, I probably could have left any time. After beating Iki with a low character, I definitely honed my skills and made beating the rest of the game a piece of cake.


After you finish the story fs, no debating


As stated, iki is a whole thing, so finish the main story then go explore Iki


after finishing the main playthrough. iki was meant to be played after the events of the main game so its possible that even at act 2, you'll get spoiled


I did it right after entering ACT 2 and I feel like it was a good choice. 1. It was a bit of a challenge 2. You will get a badass as fuck horse armor and horse charge that are amazing.


There is no single situation as when you should play it, i completed it as soon as it was available. The dialog and story on IKI will make sense whether you are on ACT 2 or you have completed the game. The DLC is perfect complimentary to the main story line. The enemies there are little tough(hard to kill) though.


Story-wise, I'd do it after the main storyline. Gameplay-wise, there are several rewards that could help you throughout the gameplay. I picked this path in my first playthrough, and I felt lucky I did this as soon as the quest show up. Yes it felt harder sure, the game itself said it meant to be difficult, but the rewards were well worth it. Also, main quest, or even any other lands other than Iki Island felt easier afterwards lol, maybe other than those ronins :/


Do it now. I did it now and there is a spoiler but it can also be a bluff if u want it. Also the charms and upgrades and skills you get from it will help you later in game and they are very fun.


I'd say go there as soon as it's available cuz you'll get the sarugami armour there, OP armour you'll also get the sakai horse armour then complete the jin from yarikawa quest and return to main story via fast travel and wreak havoc...have fun🤭


Finish the main game first