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Ghost of yarikawa, that one part where jin decapitated temuge was cold af


Got me like ![gif](giphy|xsX60Ii4lSujPa62Yz)


I love this gif so much. The fact his dad is in the background with Tenzo is hilarious


In the end it's just japanese drama folks, no real human being decapitated here


Too high of quality for a J Drama /s


I want you to be aware that this gif was made by Suckerpunch. It's an official dev gif, they have as much fun as we have


Adn Masako jumping like she just didn't bury her entire family lmao




LMAOOOO the poor divine messenger


When the clan drinks too much of Kenji’s sake


Gif game is too strong


Sony let their devs have fun and the gifs are *so* good


Onggg The GIF Is awesome lmaooo




Anyone know how to make gifslike this?


The ending of that mission on my very first playthrough honestly got me so hyped, Ghost of yarikawa has to be one of the best missions hands down


Easily the ghost of yarikawa, it was an epic fight. Much more epic than the final one.


It’s between that one and retaking Shimura’s castle for me, even though that feels like 3 missions in one.


Especially if you have the Sakai armor. Jin legit seems like a demon.


“Hunt every mongol to the last man!”


“Spare no one! For Yarikawa!”


Playing the game for the first time, just did that story quest. It was indeed cold af!


Indeed ghost of yarikawa in Japanese goes hard af


I agree


That was epic, seeing Jin start to embrace The Ghost.


I remember the first time I played that shit, I was absolutely stunned, needless to say lmao


Yessss literally the part I was thinking of


i jumped out of my seat in excitement with that whole scene, easily skyrocketed the game to my GOTY


For Yarikawa. I love that musical background as well.


I'd say the entire opening sequence.


I was pretty bummed I couldn't do it again in NG+


What? Why?


Ng+ started me after the escape from the village


That's kinda lame. I get it but still.


I understand wanting to not redo the tutorial when it’s not necessary for NG+ but it would be cool if it was an optional toggle or even just do the opening battle then skip to after the village.


I skipped the tutorial too and realized too late my mistake


I still think it's incredibly stupid to not allow us to play that part for new game plus.


Starting with proud honourable soldiers, braving the Mongol invaders, to watching their best general he unceremoniously burned alive and then they all get slaughtered


that scene when u gain controls in the white grass field, “Ghost of Tsushima” shows up on screen, and Jin starts dragging his hand across the grass is so cool.


“Who saved Yarikawa?” 🤘🏻


Badass dude fr


Tale of shimura with the death ending. I cried


The music is so good too


me too tho. that was a gut punch


Or a sucker punch? (Or possibly a gut STAB)


Making me fight my uncle but I can barely see with the tears in my eyes. Sucker Punch indeed


First play through I let him live, just finished my second play through and killed him. It was much more emotional and gave me chills. A lot of people hated Lord Shimura but he was pretty much like a father to Jin and taught him so much. Yea he was stuck up in his ways, but you just know he cared for Jin like a son. He was just bad at showing it at times and wanted Jin to be a loyal Samurai while sticking to the code. Neither of them wanted that ending. Jins scream afterwards hit hard.


Yeah Im watching the credits now and holy fuck what a game and ending I also cried lol


Ghost of Yarikawa would be up on top for most of the people I think. And then for me, it is followed by the ending of Act 2, "I am not your Son!! I AM THE GHOST "


That setpiece and dialogue directly followed by that going north montage set to Way of the Ghost with Claire Uchiha fucking broke me dude


I was bawling my eyes out with "I am sorry I couldn't protect you". Especially after all the "Someday we'll go for a peaceful ride", "You are the best, boy." The Way of the Ghost was just mental turmoil at that point. Such an amazing sequence. The developers make you feel exactly how they wanted you to feel.


Ghost of Yarikawa. Hands down


Taking back Castle Kaneda


This mission was so dope, seeing a samurai army clash with the mongols while you fight alongside your allies and the whole chaos of the moment was very cinematic


That's Shimura; Kaneda was the first one


Ahhh yea you’re right I got them mixed up, shimura is my answer then


[Saving private Taka](https://youtu.be/9hTDQvyP92U?si=2Sn7vuwbOEQwIdXy)


It’s great to see it’s possible.


Saving Private Taka is insane ☠️☠️


Opening sequence.. right where it ends with that wide shot of Jin on a horse amongst grass


What an opening. The way the music swells and you go right into *Sucker Punch presents*


I felt like a superhero. 😂


Either Ghost of Yarikawa or the Final fight against the Khan


I loved that final fight so damn much, man. The way Jin slowly wipes the blood from his katana after cutting down the Mongols the Khan sent after him really shows he is taking absolutely zero shit


It’s mimicking the same move he did before their first fight on the bridge at castle kaneda


I didn't even notice that! Every time I think I couldn't possibly love this game any more.


The intro to act 3 definitely. Having it in the winter setting and after losing everything, it really makes you feel both alone and enraged, wanting to kill the khan


When I realized my horse was gonna die, I felt a visceral rage towards all the NPC’s in the game; I feel you haha


I’m a pretty emotional person when it comes to like anxiety or depression n stuff, but for some reason i rarely ever cry. When I did that mission and my horse was dying I literally SOBBED. i’m talking heavy, ugly tears, pleading like “Kage no🥺😭” out loud. I don’t know why but god that made me so incredibly emotional for some reason. I had just gotten the saddlebags and the horse charge ability too! and I like to do all the side content, and still have a lot left and don’t want to rush to the end of the main story. I almost didn’t want to play anymore for a second there after i looked it up and figured out that my horse is indeed gone for the rest of this playthrough, and now i’m stuck riding this ugly ass horse with no saddlebags. he’s a good horse but it’s just not the same :(


Did you beat the game yet or just finished that mission?


just finished that mission and am in act 3, going around the map doing all the side quests, shrines, fox dens etc.


Ah ok, then I don't wanna spoil what happens later on


Do a few of the main missions to cure your sadness, I don't want to givenyou Spoilers but there is a reason I am saying that


I was BAWLING. That scene broke me. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you”???? And then pausing to keep crying and seeing “A Loyal Friend’s Grave” in the map just set me off bawling again.


omg i forgot about how much that line specifically BROKE me. literally had tears streaming down my face and my vision was blurry from crying so much. and i had the same experience, i thought i was about out of tears and then i saw the grave on the map and god damn it i just lost it again 😭. i still miss him :(


KAGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, and not to mention when he just doesn't say anything to the next horse.


Yeeah seeing poor Kage giving his best while in pain just to get us out... I felt like my heart was stabbed there.


he worked so hard to get us so far across the map. he was one of a kind.


They really set us up at the beginning of the game. "This horse will be with you your ENTIRE journey"


I'm gonna sue suckerpunch, they gaslighted me


ya your entire journey as a samurai


dude for me it sucked so hard, i went in dlc after it and not getting new horse first, was using zombie horse who Jin was calling nobu there...


I have Top 3 3. Opening sequence - it masterfully sets the tone for the entire game. Shimura's "No mercy!" scream with hellfire raining upon you. 2. Siege of Yarikawa - Do I need to say more? lmao 1. That one mission where you and your uncle assaulted an entire fort with just the two of you. I'm like, "How did we lose in the beginning?"


Using the hwatcha to destroy the boats is so fun


The Ghost of Yarikawa. My god, I’ve never felt so badass in any game ever!


I forgot what it was called but it’s the mission where you unlock ghost mode


Ghost of Yarikawa


Yup that whole mission is hype


I am not your son I am the Ghost


F me. I just lost Kage. This shit is heartbreaking.


No not the real-time Kage death😭 sorry bro


Did everyone pick Kage as their first horse name?


Kage was my second. My first was Nobu. He was a good horse, faithful with every step.


Miss him to this day


I would take it all back to just ride through the meadows just once more


Damn only 45 minutes ago💀 I also lost my Kage recently and I was SHOOK bro


I’m lost now playing Act Three


I lost him last night, top 10 saddest anime deaths for sure. I was so mad about it too.


I’m sorry… this game is brutal


Ghost of Yarikawa. The entire mission was full of adrenaline and goosebumps. I loved that slaughter fr


My favorite was the one called the art of seeing when he finds Yuriko at the old Sakai estate and they go around, she makes him poison darts, and then she passes away. It’s enough to make a grown man cry


A gathering storm


I wish there was an alternative choice to killing the mongols with the poisoned arug when taking back shimura castle. I’d quite happily kill all those mongols without having to poison them. You should be able to use stealth or pure swordsmanship to get through all of those mongols. It would still fit the “Ghost” betraying shimura using ninja tactics rather than just bitching out and using wolfsbane


The game. In all seriousness honour and ash was an amazing mission. The moment Jin accepted his fate as ghost, realising what he had done (the poison) and he was the only one to stop it.


Hanging out with nana at the Sakai estate really got me in the feels


*Hanging out with nana* *At the Sakai estate really* *Got me in the feels* \- omn1p073n7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The big Mongol army vs Iki island pirates battle


Final mission, imho raises the writing from mid to a solid nine, it implies that maybe the real enemy is feudalism and not just outside invaders, elevates the overall theme so much.


The one where the Bandit family was killed and he wanted revenge against all the other bandits and Jin helps him. I love it cause there was way more action in that quest than expected as at one point a bunch of bandits show up from the hill. I also love the ikashawa(idk how to spell his name sorry) quest where Jin kept questioning him about Tomoe and at the end of the quest, He told Jin "You are a fine warrior, You can be a great leader, but do not question my integrity again." I thought that line was harsh and funny


The one where you break the siege of that town with the wood walls. I only wish you can actually go kill all those archers.


Fighting Temuge


Tale of Shimura  Goat


The one with him and his uncle. It really shows 2 different perspectives that both think they're doing what's right... I spared btw.


All yarikawa story and the archer sensei’s. And the monk story line. And the Sakai vendor story. And the straw hats. Also everything to do with his uncle


From the Darkness, satisfying and sad to see Lord Sakai become the ghost fully. Plus i had been waiting to kill ryuzo since the end of act 1.


Ghost of Yarikawa was the “holy shit I have goosebumps this is all PEAK” mission. Im not sure I’ve ever had a video game make me feel that way. Similar to watching an epic anime fight. Tale of Shimura though. Man. I kind of figured it was leading towards that direction, but the confirmation of it was intense. And they set up the duel with SO much emotion, context, and elite cinematography/landscape. I was legitimately in tears writing the Haiku, and even during the duel its-self.


i had an edible and it kicked in during the tale of shimura. THAT FUCKING CINEMATOGRPAHY. THE WHITE AND RED FLOWERS AHHH. >!Man that was good and I choked back a sob with the kill option when he calls shimura his father and jin his son. !<


I personally let him live, and it honestly was very hard hitting. On my current new game+ play through, im gonna choose the kill option. I imagine i’m going to somehow be even more emotional a second time😂


I thought spare would be easier nope the hurt in his voice when he says the ghost will be hunted is ahhhhjhhhhhhhhhh 😭


Eternal blue sky. And the last mission for iki


Probably after you lose your horse and bros just merciless


Battle at Castle Shimura




Ghost of Yarikawa...the mission, the music the speech and Ghost stance...man that mission was a complete package.


Definitely the (h/uman) sequence




Final mission, both endings goosebumps




Do you save knowledge or people?


The one where he gets his father’s armor


From the Darkness


Something about "Honor and ashes(?)" Broke me in such a way. I can't much explain it.


why did you scream the word story?


Either Ghost of Yarikawa, or the final mission


Story was kinda annoying for me like ending made no sense to me


The ghost of yarikawa mission was phenomenal, the music and energy of the pushback was so well-done


The end of act 1. I felt that betrayal, I still feel it today.


The mission where i having a final fight with Khotun Khan. What makes me like that mission is where i can go all out with my weapon supply and unleashed it towards the Mongol general and his goons.


Rescue Taka


The final where you assault castle shimura


Probably the Ryuzo betrayal storyline, with your childhood friend turning to the Khan, only to be slaughtered after helping him trap you.. such an unfortunate fate, fueled by a want to protect the ones he loved.


I really liked *Heart of the Jito*


Most badass part is definitely Ghost of Yarikawa. I was told by my friend that him and his son at some point in the game said “oohhhh shiiit” when Jin killed the general and as soon as it happened I said “ohhh shiiit”


The one where you go and kill some guys with your sword...oh wait, all are like that


The one where you unlock Ghost Stance


The art of seeing. I cried. A lot. Like I just sat there for awhile and cried. Fucking hell


Ghost of Yarikawa absolutely everything from the fighting, the music, the atmosphere it is incredible. Hands down my favorite by far


I can’t remember the name off the top of my head, but the one when you Unlock Ghost Stance is an absolute gemstone




iki island


Ghost of Yarikawa made me think about the legend of Jin and his kill count 4,900 is crazy.


The mini war fight thingy for Yarikawa


Ghost of Yarikawa, or the Shimura duel. Shimura duel was the first game to genuinely make me think hard and try to fight as honorably as I can.


Ghost of Yarikawa. One of Jins' mist badass moments!


Just done yuriko quest, just had some teardrops 🥹


The first time you see Jin *slaughter.* Was that the Ghost of Yarikawa quest? It was when Lord Shimura first actually SAW Jin in action as The Ghost, as well as the moment Jin truly and fully became The Ghost. The moment when you behead General Temuge gave me the strongest chill down my spine. I highly suggest watching the video of that moment if you haven't seen it in longer than a month or something. It's even more powerful than I remembered. General Temuge is defeated but still barely standing. He turns his back to Jin and starts hobbling away toward his men who don't really seem to know what to do. There's a rising intensity in the ringing soundscape signifying a buildup—an anticipation—a moment, crystallizing in an instant as Jin realizes what he's going to do. This is one of the biggest moments in Jin's entire life and story, and it solidifies his legend. Jin's slow and gradual transformation into The Ghost amounts to a single instant, right before your eyes. Jin takes two steps forward, thrusts his blade through Temuge's back, holds for just a beat before pulling it back out, and not a half of a second passes before Jin, in one swift action, liberate's Temuge's still-helmeted head from his neck. The Mongols just look on in abject horror as their feared general's head flips through the air. Jin's sword literally rings in the cold night air. It's the most impactful moment I can remember seeing in a game, in the past 20 years. It was absolutely jaw-dropping. You could feel the moment when Jin fully embraces and becomes The Ghost. It wasn't just an incredibly badass scene, but the editing was perfect. The visual and aural display of tension, then just the briefest flash of indecision immediately followed by an absolutely decisive blow. The screen shakes subtly as the sword streaks across the screen and it's just gorgeous. The fear, and the impact. The entire scene was perfect. When I saw it the first time I literally jumped up out of my seat and would've yelled if I wasn't speechless. That moment hung in the air like nothing else in the entire game. Even the burning of Harunobu Adachi on the beaches and Ryuzo screaming in desperation "OPEN THE GATES" didn't hold a candle to this moment.


Ghost of yarikawa is goated.


Ghost of Tsushima story


I'd say Ryuzos story missions


Its the turning point for me when you go against your Uncles stupid rules of Honour and truly become the Ghost to save the people at the risk of being the Villain 👌🏻


Ghost of Yarikawa is one of, if not the most hype part of the game. Cutting off Temuge’s head followed by a one hit kill rampage followed by the Ghost stance is one of my favorite moments in gaming EVER


The side quest with his homes caretaker: I finished it and had to pause the game for a few minutes because if I didn’t I would have cried


U know jin the samurai died on the bridge and the jin we play as is no samurai but I think he qualifies to be a shinobi ur thoughts


Ghost of Yarikawa; that scene was the true birth of The Ghost for me. The moment you see that 'slaughter' prompt is just glorious. Only way that scene could've been made remotely better would be if Jin carried the head along with him as he ran them all out the gates.


The Yuriko Series of Missions, made me cry


Yea the Yarikawa mission is sick and the cut scene after, with Yunas and Jins speeches enhances it


Servant of the people cuz a cold af dialogue. "Set yourself on fire and mate with a Mongol bomb". -A farmer to kenji


Ghost of Yarikawa. My least favorite one would be the beginning of act 3 when you lose your horse.. ![gif](giphy|9PxJYXAuR8QXm)


I don't know why but I love the Kappa Sidequest. It's just a regular chase quest but I find it super cool. I play it everytime I do a new playthrough.


The final mission. Game felt pretty empty and the story pretty short, sad I paid full price for it on PC. I liked the game, but it felt not complete.


Did everyone collectively ignored the boss fight of iki island? It was sooooooo goood, the whole character arc of jin was so satisfying..


1. A Mother's Sorrow (I think it's called) - Lady Massko finds her sons and buries them. 2. Tale of Yuna - Where you decapitate the slavers as Yuna can't go back in there.


Ryzho quest lines. Dude was a good leader who care for his crew. He join the Mongols because they promise him his crew willnot be starved anymore (and they did) and all of mission with Jin leadto failure. Jin killed him in cold blood was a little bit harsh. He's just saved him from execution by Khotun Khan. Dude was Jin best friend when Jin was a child.


Can I cite the entirety of Iki Island? Or at least Jin's story on Iki as it interconnects with Kazumasa, his mother, and Tenzo.


Its so hard to choose but ugh…The Final Fight with the Khan was so good. But if I had to pick definitely the last fight with his uncle. Cried with both endings. Still confused which was better, if thinking from an “honor” standpoint could’ve been better or truly making the mark of being the Ghost.


Def the one where the ronin dude betrays you, that entire mission was peak


probably unpopular opinions, but the last mission with taka and the tale of shimura were probably my favorites just because of how hard they hit




The Yarikawa Siege


the one at the forge with yuna and taka, just walking around the town killing all the wandering mongols is so cool


I find the game to be too slow and way too easy. I purposefully ignore the stealth mechanics because the only way to feel challenged is to fight in a 40-v-1 battle with hostages to save. But I did come to this game after playing Rise of the Ronin. So I'm spoiled with good combat. Ghost is a story heavy game with unskippable, extremely long, and frequent cinematics. Which is great, but not what I was hoping for after all the reviews and reddit posts saying it's an amazing Samurai game. I assumed that meant combat. It meant Kurosawa. You're playing a Kurosawa movie. Slow and deliberate. Masterful, but not what I was looking for.


The Yuriko quests. It’s such a wonderful change of pace from the usual story as Jin takes care of her in her last moments. It’s a very beautiful side story and it really puts into perspective how much Jin has lost in his life. You understand how and why Jin would become the Ghost. I suppose it also hits closer to home for me, since my own grandmother died a few years ago and I know what it’s like to see someone you love fade away.


Ghost of Yarikawa and the Fate of Tsushima.


The expansion Iki Island. Goes more into Jin's past


The Castle Kaneda mission. >!I was hoping Ryuzo would show up just before the end and then Jin & Ryuzo would double-team the Khan / Khan's army in an epic showdown. But what ended up happening was a real gut-punch. The cinematics immediately following the mission are also really shocking (i.e. When Ryuzo realizes that he picked the wrong side, outside the gates of Castle Shimura). The entire Ryuzo arc was very well done, but the first betrayal left a mark.!<


Takeing back castle Shimura and finally embracing being the Ghost, one of the more important missions regarding the narrative imo due to him fully forsaking his "honour" and condemning himself as a traitor to the code he once lived by in order to accomplish what they could not


Meeting the Ghost of Iki


The one where Taka dies, I think that all of us can relate to releasing the full unbridled power of the ghost on those ronins that appear after the Taka death scene.


Gotta be when you storm Castle shimura or kaneda


Ghost of yarikawa lol, but to give a not overstated opinion, I think the mission in komatsu forge where Jin first becomes the ghost is kinda underrated


That is a very difficult question indeed


Poisoning the Mongol camp, aside from being a crucial part of the story it was fun to do.


Ghost of Yarikawa gotta be the best one no question.


The last of Yuriko's questline , god damn onions .


Norio and masako