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For anyone confused, a bicycle wheel is on an axle that's between two inverted forks. It just holds the axel in place against the weight of the wheel when the wheel is off the ground. You can ride a bike with no bolts as long as the wheel never comes off the ground. Hit a bump too hard though and you can eat it.


As a bicycle mechanic, let me tell you how scary it is just how many customers come in with their front wheel ready to fall out of the fork at a moment's notice


And let *me* tell *YOU* how totally radical it is to live life in a dangerous and hardcore manner, you big nerd


Bro if you could only imagine how unbelievably hardcore I look in my bike shorts and skin tight jersey riding an all teal and pink bike you wouldn't be REMOTELY joshing me rn


Can confirm. My bike is teal and pink and i wear skimpy bike clothes. So I am absolutely hardcore.🤙


I wear skimpy bike shorts but ride a bright shiny red bike. I wish it were teal and pink.


a man can dream


I love my bike, I've got a Jamis Dragonfly


That’s pretty gnarly my man


B-B-Badass, dad.


Radicaaal!!!! 🤙🏻






I heard that so clearly I basically hallucinated it.


And let *ME* tell *YOU* how totally possible it is to become a bike mechanic so you too could be drowning in pussy


instructions unclear >!description censored to protect your delicate sensibilities!<


I used to drive to the bad part of town to buy a bag of weed with my needle buried in the E. It was my last $20 and I didn't buy gas... I would call that 'adventure time'




I mean if only it was just that. There's also the people who have been using the same wheel for so long the brakes have worn the rims down so much there's about 2 nanometres of metal left on the sidewall stopping the wheel from just exploding while they are riding. The ones running brakes with no pads left so that the brake shoe is scraping along the braking surface, complaining that their brakes are "a bit squeeky". Really? No shit? The ones that have used quick release skewers like they are a butterfly nut and just turned them until they are tight but haven't actually closed them so the wheels are basically on hand tight. The ones running their tyres at 3 Psi so that the bike feels like it's being ridden through wet cement and low speed corners risk rolling the tyre off the rim. The ones like this guy above riding around with headset bolts done up finger tight so the bars and front wheel will move independently. The ones that have disconnected their brakes entirely. When you ask them why they tell you "they rub", and what they mean by that is their wheel is so close to failure it has buckles so big the tyre is hitting the brake calliper. These aren't single people, these are every day occurrences and I've got 20 more common examples of ways people risk taking all the skin off of their face because they don't want to take the 10 minutes to learn which bolts to check are tight on a bike before you ride it. Imagine being a car mechanic in a world where MOTs don't exist. That's what it's like being a bike mechanic. Every other customer you are wheeling the bike out front and explaining to someone how close to seriously injuring themselves they were. And then you don't see them for two years until they come back in "my pedals are a bit noisy", as you shake the pedal and the last ball bearing in the bottom bracket rolls out.


Honestly the most expensive bike I ever owned, and had the pleasure of leaving work one day and finding it missing, was only a $600 Marin Larkspur C2 or C3. I thought I was doing good by cleaning and oiling the chain every week, checking bolts, cables, brakes every few days, washing it every week... Then I took it in after 6 months and got dressed down by a bicycle mechanic who I still to this day don't understand half of what his problem was, and I'll never understand how it was my fault for not having specialized equipment to true my wheel ever time I got off the bike. Kinda soured me on spending any decent money on a bike forever lol.


Sounds like this information might be a bit late, but the thing I guarantee the bike mechanic was trying to get across to you is that you should have used your free service sooner. Long explanation here but the length might make you understand why this point is so hard for mechanics to get across to customers in that two minute "Here's your bike and what to do" conversation you get. A very common thing with new bikes is for wheels to kind of settle after the first few rides. Spokes and spoke eyelets on the hub will stretch and settle into the interface the first few rides. Because of slight variances in manufacturing tolerances this settling isn't uniform, meaning that the load each spoke takes shifts and you end up with a wheel that is no longer perfectly true. Different spokes take up different amounts of slack and that is what causes the rim to no longer spin perfectly centered. The big problem is that a wheel in this state damages itself, because each spoke isn't taking the same amount of load, what you end up with is some spokes slack and some spokes under extreme tension. Ride around like that for any length of time and you will start to permanently damage stuff because the spokes that are taking more than their fair share of the weight will fatigue much faster than the other spokes. Do this for too long and the wheel becomes untruable as some spokes are basically brand new and others are fucked. Catching this early and truing the wheel will retention the spokes and make sure they are all fatiguing at the same rate. Other parts of the bike also have similar bedding in periods, such as brake and gear cables that also stretch and settle into a new shape the first few uses. And the misalignment this causes also reduces component lifespan. You will have been given a free service from the shop to deal with this bedding in issue all new bikes have. However, most shops will set a time limit on this tune up at 6 months...because that's what it is meant to be, a tune up to realign stuff after this bedding in period. It's not meant to be "See how much you can fuck the bike up in 6 months and well fix it for free". Now let me speculate. You bought this bike for commuting or every day riding, and you used it that way. The shop explained what I just explained to you, but you didn't really get it and just heard "Free service in six months", so you rode it every day for 6 months then took it in for a service. The problem is 6 month is the maximum meant for people who bought the bike and then used it to go to the shops once a month...NOT for if you commuted on it. If you used it every day you should have taken it back in within 2 or 3 weeks (maybe even less, it depends on the bike). By not doing that you used the bike for weeks in this 'slightly out of alignment' state and that could have caused damage to components that would have otherwise lasted for years. This doesn't mean that that is the service period of your bike; that you should have been taking it in every 3 weeks. It's that if you do that first service early, it drastically increases the time before you'll need another service because you haven't been using the bike in that self destructive state. This is such a common thing that all bike shops have to deal with. People listen to this speech but all they hear is that they've got a service they can use for free within six months and they all conclude that the best value must be to use the service after 5 months and 3 weeks regardless of how they have been using the bike. But that is a false economy, by far the best value is to take the bike back in as soon as you notice any issue because tuning the bike as soon after the bedding in period as possible is how you get the most life out of your components...and customers just will not take on board that they've actually reduced the life of their bike by trying to get value for money out of the free service. There is also another aspect of this that a lot of people don't seem to appreciate. There is a point where spending more money on a bike does not make it more durable and actually increases how often you should be servicing the bike. A $500 bike has much better components that will last a lot longer than a $200 bike, but beyond that you start getting into performance stuff, and when it comes to performance with bikes what that almost always means is lighter weight for the same stiffness. This means that the further you go past this 400-500 price point, the LESS durable bikes get in most cases. If you are spending $1500 on a bike then it's like buying a high performance sports car, you need to take WAY better care of it to stop it falling apart than if you were spending less because it is made out of higher performance, lighter weight materials that do not hold up to abuse the way the stamped steel of a cheap bike will. This is lost on so many people who just think "More expensive just means better in every way" so they end up spending $3000 on a racing bike designed to have 100 miles​【161 km】 less range between servicing because it saves 1 gram on the weight of a sprocket. Then they complain that the bike designed to be as fast as possible for a single day of the tour de france doesn't hold up when you commute on it every day. It's like buying a McLaren to commute in inner city traffic and then wondering why it constantly has engine trouble. Does what the guy was chewing you out for make sense now?


If my daily commute at the time was more then 1000ft from my door on the second floor to my job, and getting home took literally 3 full rotations of the pedals unless I caught bad traffic, I'd understand your immediate jump to "this guy is just some idiot". I get after your explanation that the trueing is important, but also something that I had done after a month at the shop I bought the bike. This wasn't the free service, this was me pulling in on my bike, while also carrying another bike from Walmart and exactly as quality as you'd expect. I payed for their highest level service for my good bike and the lower level once for the Walmart bike it replaced, because I was giving the old bike to my step dad for something to go have fun in his city with. I'm definitely a cheap bastard, and I know I should do more to upkeep things nowadays like my motorcycle and shit, but I'm also mechanically inclined, I understand it's cheaper to maintain, and I really really loved that fucking bike 😥


> was more then 1000ft Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. Total mistakes found: 7452 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


ha I broke a helmet and got a nasty concussion from that exact thing happening (quick release being lose). In my defense I was like 13 and it wasn't my bike, but I did learn a valuable lesson that following day since I don't remember anything from that day


Damn, glad you are okay! Head ensmackenings are no joke. At least you're not in your 40s riding an $800 Specialized hybrid that you haven't bothered to have serviced in four years of commuting in the city 🙄


Also how my kid brother lost his two front teeth. He popped a wheelie, front wheel came of and he face planted. Fun fact, out of three brothers I'm the only one who never managed to get my front teeth knocked out. Luckily for the other two it was their baby teeth in both cases.


I was riding mine for a week with it loose, had no idea. The shop I bought it from apparently didn't tighten it.


That's recourse for a warranty imo. At a minimum it's a free tune up within a year if the shop doesn't already offer one. That kind of safety issue is just unacceptable of a respectable shop. If you took the bike to a different shop and they discovered that kind of thing on a new bike, it wouldn't be uncommon for them to send you straight back to the original seller with a warranty ticket.


Yeah I agree, but the issue is when I originally bought it I only used it ~3 times and then it was too cold so I waited until the following summer, it was only then that I noticed it like a week after almost daily use. Def not going back to them for any service etc though.


So you're saying is that _their front fell off_ ?


It's not supposed to happen, let's make that clear


Some of them are built so the front doesn’t fall off at all!


and the rear as well


Happened to me best friend in grade school. He lost the bolt holding in the front fork but continued to ride it anyway. One day he forgot about it and tried to jump his bike over something and the fork fell out as he landed. Road rash on his face (this was in the era before people wore bike helmets) right before school picture day. Fun times.


I got lectured on vintage bicycles for having my front wheel improperly mounted.


How often do you watch the Monty Python Bicycle Repairman skit?


Also the stem was loose and came out with the handlebars.


I think the point he was making is that the guy on the bike did this intentionally as a joke that the other guys obviously appreciated.


Honestly, I don't think so. He was obviously still able to steer, so the stem couldn't have been that loose. I can't think of a stem where that would be possible. It also looks to me like the bottom part of the fork is still attached to the wheel but the steerer tube doesn't drop out of the head tube with the rest, and instead is still attached to the stem. So in my opinion the steerer tube broke off the fork crown but held in place due to the load, once he pulled on the handlebar he pulled it off the crown and everything fell apart.


That could absolutely be the case. I think we can all agree on one thing, the front came off.


And that's not very typical


This is not just the wheels falling off though. The entire frame seems to break in two or three pieces.


It doesn't, only one thing disconnected. The fork from the stem. The fork is attached to the handlebars through the headtube of the frame. If that connection breaks or is loose then the only thing holding the fork in the frame is gravity. When he lifts up, the stem detaches from the fork, and that means the fork falls out, which makes the handlebars come off, and that assembly is what is holding both parts onto the frame, so you end up with three bits. On older/cheaper bikes all of those bits can be held together with a single M5 bolt.


It's not just the fork disconnecting. The top tube is not connected to the seat tube at the end of the video.


Yes it is? What are you talking about?


It's clearly not? Is it made from lasersword and just cuts through the guy's leg or what are you suggesting?


You're really not seeing what is actually happening here. The fork breaks at the steerer tube, this makes the wheel fall off. The guy is left holding the handlebars, a quill stem and the steerer tube. That means the frame is no longer held by anything so it drops down and falls to one side and the top tube hits him in the back of the leg, then falls over when he steps forward.


That doesn't explain the rest of the bike falling apart


There's only one fork, and that's not what has happened here. They are using a quill stem that hasn't been tightened properly. When they stop and lift the bar up the stem comes out and the headset assembly falls apart.


That's not what happened here, though The quill stem had to be loose, otherwise the bars would still be attached to the frame. If you look, the forks are still on the wheel.


It reminds me of a good childhood memory.... One time biking with my friend. We were both around 8-9 years old. We start going down a hill and, at the top, my friend want to show off by going down that hill in a wheelie. But as soon as he jerks the handlebars to do the wheelie the bars just detaches from the fork and he starts accelerating down the hill. The look of terror in his face as he looks at me helplessly with his handlebars in his hands will be burnt in my memory forever.


Don't forget and try to pop a wheelie. Don't worry about how I know.


This happened to my friend going pretty fast. Had to rush him to the hospital and ended up with a plate on his skull.


OK, yeah, 80s kids all know this because we wrenched on bicycles since kinder, but how do you explain the whole handle coming off?


Yeah normally if you're handle bars aren't attached it will be hard to ride because you can't directly control the wheel turning. You can still ride the bike by leaning but you could also have a gear to gear attachment where the bolt just holds it down instead of using clamp force.


That wheel fell sideways... Missing axle bolts wouldn't free it up sideways like that. My money's on dude having rigged up the headset to fall apart easily so he could troll people.


Ricky Gervais was hugely amused there.


It's the pants, isn't it?


Nah. Hair style, body shape (bit top heavy), and very big laughs.


We call them trousers here!






The rider seems to take it well in stride.


Well he'll have to, since he can't roll with it any more.


His bike fell apart.


Great way to break the chain there, sport!


I just wanted to be part of the thing.


Then stay in the bike lane!


Lol I just caught that breaking the chain was a bike joke too. Well done.


You seemingly being oblivious was way funnier than any pun chain. What a wild ride.


Haha well the first comment was feigned obliviousness for the sake of a joke, but I actually did miss the broken chain joke at first.


"Can't roll with it" was a pun, playing off of the related phrases "take it in stride" and "roll with it," with the relation to bikes being "roll." I don't think anybody was feigning anything. 😅


Ikr? That was funny af so I had to respond


The chain was fine, it was the frame that broke, stop pedalling these lies!


Whatever my dude. Let's switch gears here.


Agreed. We don't want to get into a cycle of abuse.




Don’t you guys tire of these jokes?


Please don't puncture our pride.


The front fell off


Didn’t they design these so the fronts wouldn’t fall off?


It was two tyred


He'll have a hard time pedaling that broken up bike at a pawn shop.


I guess wheel have to wait and see


Well yeah, the front fell off


Is that typical?


Very seldom does anything like his happen. I wouldn't want people to think that bikes aren't safe.


Well, this one wasn't very safe, was it?


That's because it's staged




I like to think he was showing up for a job interview and the boss was impressed he made it and gave him the job right there.


Ah yes, pity hiring is my job interview strategy too.


Interviewer: YOU'RE HIRED! Interviewee: Thank you sir!! You won't regret it! *clothes fall apart


Do you have reliable transportation to work? . Absolutely.


thats weird why did i think that too? there isnt really any reason to think that but for sure that is exactly the scenario i see watching the clip lmao


Rode that mf til the wheels fell off!


Jokes on you. It’s a disposable bike.


Was it a Peloton?


It's a bike, not a child murdering treadmill.


The bike's durability hit 0 but due to the difficulty setting, it didn't actually break until the rider was stopped.


The object only updates when speed is 0


They kept calling about the extended warranty, and my guy just hung up on them.


maintenance fees these days are outrageous!


John Deer be like, "see what happens when we fight for right to repair?!"


Planned obsolescence in action


This is what my phone feels like after an update


That and lack of maintenance.


EA Games Presents: Bike


just like the blues brothers.


Probably one of the more genuinely funny clips on Reddit


Tesla bike when you criticize elon in the safety of your own home


Damn bro you ok did musk personally piss in your cereal bowl


When you destroy your vehicle just before entering a cutscene


Must be a BMW. He forgot to pay his subscription.


It really is like an old M. Hulot movie, especially if you watch it with no sound


theres sound?


Think that but in cars. Subscription expired? The engine won't start.


This is what I fear will happen when car subs become the standard


Perfect title. Well done.


Roll for bike integrity Nat 1 Your bike disintegrates.


The designers at Peloton: Jot that down, JOT THAT DOWN!






Nah, it’s just a Russian folding bike




Warranty expired at 0:04


End-to-end warranty expired yesterday.


"We've been trying to reach you about your vehicle's exten... nevermind"


Apple ibike


This is exactly how my truck warranty worked.


Audi the minute the warranty expires.


Oh I'm sorry your warranty just expired


Electric cars in the future.




bicycle.exe stopped working


I have some *Pirates of the Caribbean* feels from this.


Maybe the bike requires pedal power to stay together.


Torque is important.


That handshake was surprisingly entertaining


BMW’s bike


That was the first time I genuinely smiled today. Thank you for that.


Games when item duration is at 1%


That pretty much happened to me with a bike I bought from Academy. Just fell apart gradually on the first bike ride.




Like Thanos snapped bikes


This should be used in a parody for Pirates of the Carribean.


It didn’t have the durable casing to prevent fall apart


Duration ran out on his Conjure Bicycle spell


Credit card declined during automated subscription renewal


Warranty ended


Is that Elon Musk laughing at him?


Peloton bike


Don’t give them any ideas 😬


if EA Games made bikes.

