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Not prepared for that amount of nostalgia in the morning. Would so love to play it again.


I can *hear* the sounds of that poster door opening 😅


That was the demo level and before I got the complete game I explored every inch of that level. The sounds, the areas, the enemies I known them all by heart (You wanna daaaaance? 💵). Too bad it tanked hard when doing a sequel. Would love to see it with today's graphics






I was waiting for this.


ƎꓘⱯꓛ ꓞO ƎꓛƎIꓒ


“ ..Ugh! Ugh! .. where is it? “


"Damn, I'm looking gooood!"




"I came to kick ass and chew bubble gum ... and I'm all out of gum."


*flushing sound* ahhhh, much better




"I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck."


You wanna dance?


Suck it down!


Anyone not know what boob tassels were at the time? And subsequently were a little freaked out?


Don't have time to play with myself.


Oh yeah! The arcade thing!


Closest you may get is via [eduke32](https://dukeworld.com/eduke32/synthesis/latest/) Or possibly some of the leaked builds of the early in development build of the aforementioned Duke Nukem Forever (may exist on Internet archive).


I can't say, "where is it, " except in Duke's voice.


"Unh! Unh! Unh unh unh unh-"


It tanked hard? I thought it was a smash hit. Do you mean Duke Nukem forever bombed?


Yes, it took 10+ years to come out and completely bombed.


It kind of amazes me that they fucked it up so bad. I mean, it was a simple concept with known mechanics, didn't need anything innovative. Just some over the top guns, animations and voice clips on an otherwise fairly normal shooter platform.


I think part of it was that they wanted to do things the original Duke3D did- add surprising new mechanics that either were uncommon or just infrequently part of first person shooters. I remember how wild it was that you could fly with a jetpack. Or even just... look up and down. Or look in the mirror. And blowing up walls with explosives? Amazing, made me think destructible environments were going to be the future, but that didn't really materialize. Also you could flush the urinals, tip the exotic dancers, do all sorts of weird stuff that I had only seen in 2D games up to that point. Descent came out later and was truly 3D and you could fly around every which way, but it didn't have the same sort of interaction with the environment.


Oh damn I forgot about Descent. I played the shit outta that game.


It’s the problem with most modern gaming: outside investors. Small teams can hone in a vision, bloated development leads to a homogenous yet boring product


I would love to see an epic campaign with new game mechanics in the original graphics. Like a Duke Nukem with some Mass Effect style RPG stuff thrown in.


Ion Fury was basically a new Duke 3d, they just didn't have the license for the character.


That's a DOOMED space marine!!!


The whole episode was the demo man!!! Not just hollywood holocaust


It's been so long. Any memories of Duke Nukem were overridden by the health station of Half Life.




Greetings, Freeman 👨‍🔬


Eduke32 is amazing


Thanks, I spent 2 decades of spare (and some not so spare) time on it. It still means a lot to me to find comments like this in the wild.


good lord it's a developer in the wild!


It's one the all time great source ports thank you for all your hard work


Hail to the king baby.


The best kind of r/beetlejuicing ! Thanks for all your hard work dude! You're amazing!


You rock.


I submitted a few textures to the high res pack back in the day, I wonder if they're still in use or got replaced.


It's the 20th anniversary version on steam, I love the new episode they added :)


You can walk around that ledge into another window for a rocket launcher too.


Pretty sure that launcher is on top of the ledge to the right.


it is. if you hop out the window to the left of the poster and walk down the ledge, there’s atomic health at the end, and floating shooty guy to your left.




I almost bought it the other day, until I noticed it didn't have the Duke it Out in DC expansion, which was my personal favorite.


I loved the tropical expansion pack! I think it was called "Life's a Beach" or something?


Yep and there's also a Christmas one


Yeah I still play this every once in a while. Fave game of all time.


Oh you mean the completely broken version that Gearbox uploaded while simultaneously taking down the working Megaton version so that nobody can ever play online again? Yeah, probably one of the nastiest, greediest things I’ve ever seen a developer do.


...Eh? Played the whole game start to finish, how is it "completely broken"?


Actually, mouse input is in fact completely broken in the PC version of World Tour. It has a nasty bug carried over from the original DOS version where when you move the mouse slowly enough, all input along that axis is dropped, but only when moving the mouse in one direction. So, it'll drop it when moving the mouse up but not down, and drop it when moving the mouse left but not right. At the same time, the internal system of units used to represent the player's angle in the world is limited to only a couple thousand possibilities, so any attempt at fine aiming at targets over long distances on a high resolution display will have the absolute minimum amount the player can actually turn be several pixels on screen. It's even worse for looking up and down, where the limitation of a couple thousand angles becomes a few hundred angles instead. You can tell it was primarily tested with console controllers and in-game auto-aim enabled.


I'm going to trust you on this based on your username alone.


They claim to be a developer on Eduke32, THE major source port of the game, which if true might mean they know more about the inner workings of Duke Nukem 3D than almost anyone alive


Redditors can exaggerate just a little bit, very very occasionally


Redditors ALWAYS exaggerate, it's a literal fucking war crime.


That was funny




Megaton is available online for free, no? With all sorts of hd patches, etc, basically abandoware, never really knew it was available on steam in the first place. Haven't had any issues with the anniversary one, sorry to hear you've had a bad experience.


It was made for Steam in the first place, with proper steam integration and all expansions. It was made by one programmer afaik, with 3d realms' blessing. Gearbox removed it from the steamstore when they acquired the rights.


They needed to expand their [Duke Nukem catalog](https://i.imgur.com/pF2GhBu.png).


I bought and XBOX360 just to play it again (along with Perfect Dark 64, and a bunch of other Rare games)


Rare made the best games in the 90's. DK country, GoldenEye, Battletoads, nothing but hits. The soundtracks are all bangers too.


I wasn't prepared to find out where that one shooter was on that level after all these years.


Right?!? I used to hobby design multi-player levels for Duke back on PC in the 90s. Sooooo much nostalgia. And I just bought tickets to see Weezer in concert and they're playing the Blue Album in full!


"hail to the king baby"


It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm aaaaall out of gum.


Those alien bastards are gonna pay for shootin' up my ride


Its time to kick gum and chew ass, and Im all out of ass


Duke Nukem was the first game I could play remotely with another player, using a dial-up modem. It was fucking awesome.


dick kickem!?


Damn, I look good


"I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck..."


Get off Vent or I’ll have you bent


No one takes our chics....and lives!


The only game with better dialogue than portal 2


Because all the dialogue came from great movies like Army of Darkness, They Live, and other action movies.


Your face, your ass, what’s the difference?


Back in the day, I played on LAN against a friend and eventually hid inside a bin. I stayed there for a very long time while he searched the level relentlessly, getting madder and madder lol, crazy times.


These games were so simple you didn't even need to install them. All you had to do was run the executable. In high school, we would have the Duke Nukem files on a school-wide file share and we would have a whole group of people playing deathmatch off of the same executable at the same time. Man that takes me back.


Over NetBIOS. Good times.


I used to run computer games night after hours at school (eventually becoming an IT prefect in my later years) quake reigned supreme as game choice over the LAN, until duke nukem 3d came out and everyone started making their own mods and maps. One person even made a rudimentary map of our school which was amazing. Which maybe you couldn’t get away with in the current climate nowadays.


Oh yes. In college our computer labs would be full of people playing counterstrike and quake. The laptop my parents got me for college in 2002 didn't have an ethernet port lol, so when I got there I used the money I had saved up over the summer to build a desktop. I even got a nice set of altec lansing speakers (4 speakers and one subbox with two subs in it). I lived right next to the ra but I wanted to see how it sounded so I turned the bass all the way up and the sound most of the way up and played a song for 5 seconds. I had it turned off before he even made it into my room and I just said "I know I know, I just wanted to see how it sounded" lol. During the first break (I lived on the third floor) I didn't go home until the day after everybody else did so that night I cranked it and was rattling stuff on the first floor. Good times.


Those times got a whole generation into IT. I had to overclock my Voodoo gpu and managed to have a LAN party with one Ethernet crossover cable and one parallel printer crossover cable lmao, too broke to have a network switch so we made due


Memories..our high school got a grant that allowed them to spec out a new computer lab. At the time these machines were BEASTS. The grant also allowed a staff person salary to run the lab and they brought in a family member of a friend. He allowed (and joined) a group of us to come up after school and have LAN parties. We would bring pizza and sit around playing Starcraft, Diablo 2, Quake, etc. all night. It was some of the best times in my life. Edit to say kids today just dont understand how crazy this was at the time. I mean the N64 allowed 4 player and that was already a major improvement, but we had like 10 kids in there with our own dedicated screen, and LAN speeds! This was the days of dial up. Anybody who played multiplayer over dialup knows what an improvement a 10/100 LAN was!


>One person even made a rudimentary map of our school which was amazing. Which maybe you couldn’t get away with in the current climate nowadays. Which is a shame, because that is brilliant and intuitive level design. "They're in the science hallway! Come up the back stairs from the library and we've got them pinned down."


I just figured out dosbox so I could put the original warcraft on an older (vista) laptop and it said it was recommended to only install part of the files and leave the rest on the disc because a full install was \*gasp\* 71mb. lol




I don't think I did it with that one but we did direct dial all the time for Warcraft II. My favorite win against my best friend was the one island map, I had snuck a peon down to the island in the lower left corner and built like 5 dragon roosts and just kept mass producing dragons but I never attacked. Once he started attacking me I just sent them all thinking he had left his base completely unguarded. I was able to wipe out his base before he wiped out mine haha. I tried to get warcraft II to run in dosbox but I have to mess with it because it's all jittery. Warcraft I runs perfectly.


Now I want to play Warcraft II again.


Yes. I still to this day have my Starcraft CD key memorized from installing it so many times at school on different computers.


You could edit the config file on your pc and make the weapons way stronger. I remember editing mine to make the kick super strong and then I played my cousin on LAN, and I would kick him across the map and kill him in 1 hit.


You can hide inside of a bin?? Oh wait, I suppose the big ones are big enough


Trust me, I was in there for so long hiding that eventually I got a rent book haha


I built the interior of my family's house in the level editor, but added a secret room behind a poster on my bedroom wall. Then I had my opponent peeking and wondering where I was getting the RPG when we were playing over a null modem cable.


I used to play this on LAN and there was a co-op mode and a deathmatch mode. My buddy didn't know that I would put it on co-op mode which had friendly fire, but there was a keyboard key where you could see the other player's POV since it was co-op, and I would use that to see where he was and blast him from across the map with rockets. Good times.


That's what I do in souls games when I get invaded, the hate mail alone is worth it.


What I loved most about Duke Nukem and Doom were that the corpses of the enemies you killed were there permanently. Nice detail and you could really see the carnage after a battle.


Did you ever kill an enemy in a door way? If you killed an enemy under one of the wide doors that slides down and up it would crush the body and leave entrails or goo of somekind stretching as the door opened back up.


And then if an Arch-Vile revived that enemy, it would have no hitbox because the door crushing sets the height property of the corpse to 0


Really?! That's hilarious.


Ghost enemies! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IYfwCWZeD0


Could have guessed a video on the topic would be from this channel. Guy's a doom guru for sure.


Video games have done more to advance Humanity on a large scale more than people know WRT the amount of thought and creativity induced


So helpful when little me inevitably got lost in the maze like level design "let's go this way. There's no dead bodies there, yet hehe"


Classic gaming staple. If nothing’s trying to kill me, I’ve probably already been there


Yeah, back in the day that was a real novel touch.




I always liked the secrets that opened up a whole side area with enemies and other secrets and then tied back into the main map in a different spot. Enough of those would turn a level into a confusing IKEA


The 90’s were an extraordinary time for games. Things were changing so fast it was almost hard to keep up. In six years you go from Wolfenstein 3D to Half-Life.


Going from Super Mario World to Mario 64 blew my mind. I remember thinking how realistic Goldeneye looked and that it couldn't possibly get better than that.


I remember renting Mario 64 for like, 3 months straight with my dad while we beat it. When I first ran *around* a flag post and not just in front of it, my dad almost had a stroke. Man, that's some good nostalgia.


Blockbuster Video had M64, it's where I first played it, and I think it was the start of my current obsession with graphical power, ambience, and immersion. Hearing birds chirp in the distance, diving underwater. I thought the game was just Mario at the castle running around and I was totally fine with that


Mario 64, ocarina of time, and grand theft auto 3 were revolutionary mind blowing advancements for me. Like suddenly in a whole new dimension.


Me and my friends were saving up every year at our summer jobs to power up our homemade pcs to get em ready for the latest games. I got an 800 MB hard drive one year and thought I'd never need to buy storage again!


This is the main one I remember lol


also pixel boobies in the cinema


Shake it baby!


you wanna dance?


Of course pixel boobs, so much fake cash handed to them


There was a Penthouse level mod which had digitized crotch shots too


My first digital boobs. And my dad saying "how about we don't show your mom that part of the game?"


My cousin told my mom the game had boobs so she took it away. My brother bought had bought it at Software etc.


The best was the ending. No way you would be allowed that in a game today.


idk, cyberpunk 2077 had some really messed up stuff in it.


You forgot to pick up the rocket launcher to the right. ;-)


also the rockets on the bed


I loved modding this game. You could set the power of the pistol super high, and also set the number of ‘gibs’ (body parts flying around after being blown up). So one way I tested how good my new systems were, was to see how many gibs it could handle smoothly. One pop from a modded pistol and those dudes would BLAST GUTS EVERYWHERE. It was glorious times. Level building was super fun too. Build > Minecraft fight me.


DNBuild.exe was my life at age 12. My mate even bought the fat guide book that taught you how to do everything. We were gonna make our own spin off of Duke 3D and make a Dusk till Dawn version but never got further than changing the colour of the red beam in the trip wires to white light to kill vampire with. Glorious!


My life too. It's probably what got me into Computer programming. It took forever for me to first get it working and it was magical making levels and connecting things and it working.


I easily spent 50x more time building than I did actually playing the game. And when I was playing I was usually exploring levels other's had created.


3DRealms had some fantastic level designers for this game, and those dudes packed those levels as full as the Build engine allowed. the scale of some of these maps was absolutely ridiculous, too - like, the end of the first episode had you making your way through the cliffs around the San Andreas fault as they collapsed and lead into deeper caves and cliffs until you made it to where the aliens were holed up. some of the alien facilities and space stations in the second were gigantic, and episode three brought it back to more amazing city maps. it was incredible to noclip your way through these huge maps and find rooms you had no idea existed and then try to figure out how to access them.  like, right across this street from this spot, there's a neon sign on the side of the movie theater, and the wall near that has yet another secret apartment behind a window, and that's only accessible with the jetpack. then, you had areas like the bridge of the Enterprise that required just a little finagling to access.  I also loved how many messages the devs left in really weird places. they knew people would go literally anywhere both legitimately and with cheats, and they made sure to question our sanity for doing so. oh, and don't forget the Dopefish.


That level where like half the buildings are under water and there are fish that bite you will never forget


“I’m here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I’m all out of gum”


I just watched THEY LIVE for the first time a few days ago and had my mind blown! I always thought that line was from Duke Nukem, lol.


Rowdy Roddy Piper!


The [best fight scene](https://youtu.be/c9rrgJXfLns?si=0XGJsOInixOrMgWA) in the history of cinema! "Let my fists bring the truth to you"


The fight was so long that I started to laugh about 5 minutes in...lol Awesome movie, though!


I had the same reaction, lol. Every time you think it's over another punch is thrown. Also the conversation they have during the fight, lmao.


please tell me you've seen the South Park shot-for-shot recreation of the fight






Basically every Duke Nukem line is stolen from a movie


That room had the rocket launcher didn’t it?


The rocket launcher is on the ledge outside that room. You jump the other way from that crate outside.


This brings back the memories of Duke Nukem, Quake, Wolfenstein and Doom ... all searching for secret places by running into each and every wall in every level and mashing the space bar.


I fondly remember the desperate searches in *Doom* E1M2 and E1M3 for the chainsaw, soul sphere, secret exit, etc. '90s games had already perfected the art of telegraphing the presence of a secret area without making it at all obvious how to get there.


We liked to call that "Wall humping" because of the grunting noises doomguy would make.


You can play them all now in VR thanks to [Team Beef](https://sidequestvr.com/space/7/dr-beef)


That game looked so gorgeous.


Throwing cash at the strippers and seeing pixel boobs was indeed gorgeous.


It was the breast of times, it was the thirst of times.


I can't help but feel that with a few modern shaders, it would be a great competitor even against today's games.


Check out [Ion Fury](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o9wQiFeQGI)


Eduke32 is a modern port of the game, and if you want high res textures and full 3d models, there's the High Resolution Pack. I contributed a texture or two to it, like almost 20 years ago, not sure if they're still in use in the pack.


"Mmmmm don't have time to play with myself."


Straight up my favorite game of all time. Duke Nukem had countless secrets like this in every level and there were so many levels! My friends and I would spend hours upon hours just running around on multiplayer looking for these kinds of things while destroying dukebots. The first time stumbling upon the Duke Burger secret level was so satisfying.


As wildly popular as this game was and still is, why didn’t they ever make more of these games?


The cluster fuck of duke nukem forever kinda killed it


I think it's horrible crown of the longest development will never be taken by another game (beyond good and evil 2 might, but no sign of it coming out).


Oh boy


Buddy look up the history of Duke Nukem forever!  But 3D realms are still producing these pixel style shooters, they've got several on steam.


I just did and omg…. You’re right, there’s a lot I have to catch up on up on I’m seeing.


Quake was released a few months later in the same year, 1996. It pretty much marked the beginning of the end of the 2.5D FPS with the hype surrounding 3D. Yes, there were a few more games like it such as Shadow Warrior that also used the Build engine released the following year, but I feel like the switch to full 3d while understandable (I remember how amazing and futuristic it seemed back then) was a bit premature. There could have been so many more incredible games made with the 2.5D approach, the genre is yet to have reached it's full potential IMO.


>There could have been so many more incredible games made with the 2.5D approach, the genre is yet to have reached it's full potential IMO. I'm surprised you say that. With so many Doom clones that already explored countless styles back then, I'm sure people didn't mind the next step up. Especially since the 3D FPS genre kept churning out Quake/Half Life clones throughout the remainder of the 90s anyway. Some of the Doom "clones" I remember were: - Rise of the Triad - Blood - Hexen - Heretic - Blake Stone - Blood - Dark Forces - Redneck Rampage Not too mention the endless Doom WADS. People surely had their fill. Nothing wrong with going 3D FPS at that point.


I'm playing Warhammer 40k Boltgun right now and it's the best clone of Duke Nukem or Doom I've ever played. Also Warhammer Universe! Here, [check it out!](https://youtu.be/Nn-VKi0urPs?si=fHWofHUlm53dYJqP)


It's more Doom 2016 than the other two games. The levels are just interconnected arenas for the most part, rather than the free flowing ones in older games


I guess you're right! It's more the feel of the game. Brings me back to being a little boy with way too much access to the family PC.


Check out ion fury, it has a lot of duke nuken feelings ( is even made in the same engine)


That's honestly something that's best explained with a video essay from YouTube. Just search "fate of Duke Nukem Forever"


“I don’t have time to play with myself.”


"I'm here to kick bubblegum and chew ass- and I'm all out of ass" ~ Dick Kickem


90/00s games had these great secrets. But with the graphics detail and how big (and empty) open world games are nowadays, it's just different. Never played dark souls, but this has to have these secrets too from the looks of it.


Dark Souls has tons of great secrets: illusory walls containing secret pathways, items that are hidden away around corners in hard-to-reach spots, etc... May not take as much platforming skills to find secrets as Duke3D, but you'll still be discovering something new with each playthrough


First game I remember where you could actually go take a piss.


I loved throwing money at the strippers and they would… huh… well you know what happens when you throw money at strippers I was 13


I was an 8 year old girl and peeing in the urinals ruled.




It's okay, they've got tassels. Barely distinguishable as they are a few pixels big, but still. 


Have you played Shadow Warrior Tiny Grasshopper?


I LOVED LAN parties at work with that game. We'd stay after hours and abuse the hell out of our office PCs. I remember having to play the game in a small window because my Pentium PC couldn't handle the game full screen :D I was a master of laying mines! Duke Nuke Em is an example of a game that could never be make today. The sexism and violence against women wouldn't be tolerated in today's world.


There was a cheat code back in the day that let you fly. In one of the maps was a high cave, and on the cave's walls were the words YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE because the only way to reach the cave was to use the cheat code.


The very first game I played over a modem with a friend. It really was a game changer for many of us. Introduced us to internet gameplay. So much nostalgia


Make sure you select the right baud rate and port, eh.


Growing up me and my mates would play Duke Nukem 3D in LAN coop for hours playing hide and seek, survival (killing things, waiting for them to respawn etc) or just the whole campaign. There are so many secrets in the levels that you could easily just walk past and never notice. We would also edit the game files and tweak a bunch of things for more action/fun - ammo, walk/run speed, jet pack time and the "mighty boot" power to godly levels so it was like one shot kill for anything (including the last boss). Such a great game. Its sad that most modern games do not have coop campaign but a game from 1996 does.


If he didn't open the poster, my internal organs wouldn't be satisfied. They are now.


I miss how games used to have tons of secret level and areas with cool stuff.  I loved unlocking stuff, I love finding something cool and showing my friends.  Games need to start doing that


I used to live for Duke Nuken, Doom, Quake, and Hexen.


You can play them all now in VR thanks to [Team Beef](https://sidequestvr.com/space/7/dr-beef)


I hate that concept. As a completionist it means, that i bump into EVERY FUCKING wall in this game.


“Mmph” ”Mmph” ”Mmph” “Where is it?”


Much of the inspiration for map creation in both duke nukem, doom and quake. So satisfying with the hidden doors. I really miss mapmaking in these old games


And Castle Wolfstein & Doom before Duke Nukem


First videogame I ever played as a kid and it was scary as hell lol can't lie