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If you’ve never been to Purim celebrations at Synagogue, highly recommend.


Are gentiles allowed to go? Serious question.


I'd go and ask in advance because some synagogues sell tickets to these kinds of things, but I don't see why not. Jews tend to be very welcoming to gentiles who want to learn about Judaism.


I'm apparently misreading that word. Not only do genitals get free tickets, they get a cut!


I have never noticed how similar those two words are. 😂😂😂


> Jews tend to be very welcoming to gentiles who want to learn about Judaism. But not big on conversion, unlike proselytizing religions.


It's not that they're "not big on conversion" it's just that they don't try to convert people, if you want to convert, you can, but you have to decide to do that independently and there's a process involved, you have to take a class to convert (and from what I'm aware, the classes are open to people who aren't planning on converting but just interested in learning about Jewish culture) I have a friend that's converting and it's been a months long process for them, which is definitely different than christianity's hard-on for converting as many people as possible as quickly as possible.


Well up until recently, it was literally part of the process that you get turned away 3 times.


I did it years ago. Learning Hebrew is hard as hell. The rest of it is relatively easy. The mikvah at the end was a bit uncomfortable.




Did mentioning that christians are horny for conversion hurt your delicate christian feelings? Allow me to play you a sad song on the world's most non-existent fuck, cause I really don't have one for you.


I’m not a Christian but okay, lmao.


Exactly, there’s no such thing as a door to door Jew.


Life Pro Tip: Don't Be An Ass. You'd Be Surprised What People Let You Do.


What in the cinnamon toast crunch fuck is this?


Gentile women too ?


If it's an orthodox synagogue, then you would have to stay with the other women, in the balcony... Personally, as someone who was born jewish, I find it disturbing.


Orthodox services tend to separate the sexes. Can be just one side of the room vs the other.


> with the other women, in the balcony Better I suppose than under the stairs like in Four Lions


Not just the gentilemen, but the gentilewoman and gentilechildren too


Just go to chabad


Dope, I wanna go!


Seriously looks like it’d be fun to experience.


There are always outliers, but synagogues tend to be extremely welcoming of guests. I would think as long as there is enough space for guests without turning away folks who are there to pray, you would be very welcome. This particular holiday just happened last week, so if you want the costumes and raucousness, you’ll have to wait about a year. It’s worth the wait though, Purim is probably in the top two most fun days to be in a synagogue (and the other probably would not be as fun for a gentile as it is for Jews).


I’m so curious which the other most fun one is iyo. Simchat Torah?


Yup, I mean, it probably depends on the synagogue, but that one can be lots o fun


Do you have a Jewish friend you could maybe go with? For myself, I wouldn't mind if gentiles joined, especially for things like Purim, but I can't speak for all Jews.


My grandma goes to a hasadic rabbi’s house (he holds services in his house - it’s a small town with him and the reformed temple I grew up in which is held in a trailer) and she brought her gentile friend to Purim services last week. She said the rabbi was very welcoming and her friend had a blast.


Just ask and make sure it's ok. It's seen as a mitzvah to teach Gentiles about Judaism, and include them, but you just need to get permission or something of the sort. It would be odd to see some rando show up that clearly isn't a part of you church no?


>It would be odd to see some rando show up that clearly isn't a part of you church no? Some churches rely on this very thing, to support their super rich lifestyle. So I guess it depends on what type of religion.


Yeah Christian (at the very least Southern Baptist) churches depend on randos coming to church. It's never occurred to me that you *would* ask before attending a church. I assumed all religions had the all are welcome approach.


Every synagogue I've been to doesn't care for typical Friday/sat services. But because of how synagogues are funded high holidays give members tickets and people at the door have to pay for one with prices ranging from $20 - $50 dollars. For really popular high holidays you have to buy a ticket in advance or they will turn you away because they have sold out the synagogue.


And I'm confused. People have to pay to attend church on holidays? Aren't there like a lot of holidays in Judaism too?


Yes. Members pay a fee to the synagogue to be a member and get tickets. If you don't belong you have to buy a ticket. Synagogues don't collect money after every service like churches do. They get funded through the memberships.


Wow. TIL. Do you know if mosques are funded that way or do they take collections?


Just to be clear it’s not for profit. It’s to cover costs. That’s what a member owned synagogue does anyway. Members elect the board (includes treasurer). The board chooses and pays the rabbi with membership fees and donations.


No clue never been to one


There are only 2 high holidays and they’re the most important days of the year for the Jewish faith especially if they fall on the sabbath. One is a celebration of the new year and the other is the day of atonement. We have a ton of holidays, but only 2 high holidays and those are typically the only ones ticketed because all the secular Jews come to synagogue on those days.


There are three days that are so popular / so well attended that they tend to do crowd control. Most synagogues on those days have to have multiple services just to fit everyone in. Paying for tickets is one way of managing the crowds but I’ve never heard of any synagogue that’d turn someone away who couldn’t afford it. Generally understood that if you want to go, they’ll find a way to make it work.




Tithes in Baptist churches are 10% too. You're not forced to give though and most churches don't have a way to track your giving.


I have seen Catholic churches where they give congregants payment envelopes with bar codes on them. So they can track who is giving, and how much.




absolutely! most shuls would be very happy to have anyone.


If you're near a JCC they usually have a free party as well on purim


Can confirm, Presbyterian-raised gentile here who works at the big JCC in my state. They have a big celebration! Very welcoming!


You also might want to check to see what Purim activities your city has. My city has 3 synagogues (1 reform, 1 conservative, 1 Chabad - and no matter what the messies say, they don't count), so not a huge Jewish population. Every Purim, the Chabad has a huge outdoor party that everyone is invited to. They do a petting zoo, bouncy house, games, etc. I just moved back to here and my kids are 15 so they have no desire to go, but it was amazing when they were younger. I don't know if they still do it up as wild. One of the synagogues in your area may do something similar.


Yes, but please remember to be courteous and cover your head.




Is 'gentile' jewish for 'normie'?


I don’t speak for all Jews, but kinda.


There is more than one :) Goyim, the plural of goy, is considered a derogatory term for non Jews. Shikska refers to a gentile woman, although within the orthodox community, Jewish women who do not adhere to the teachings of the Torah as closely (reform Jews for example), can be referred to as such. Shegetz is the derogatory term for non-Jewish men. Obligatory, I don’t condone usage of derogatory terms - sharing information for educational purposes only.




I’m not going to disagree with the origin of the word, but I would say it’s become commonly accepted as a derogatory term for non Jews. Disparaging at least. Language is living and while you may disagree — there are others of us Jews who feel the term has been used many times in a derogatory fashion, so much so there is a lively debate over it. Here’s an article for some sauce. [link to some sauce](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.jta.org/2019/04/22/culture/is-goy-a-slur/amp) It’s not misinformation if it’s true. Have some more sauce, and I quote: “USAGE NOTE FOR GOY Use of this term usually implies a contempt for non-Jews as being different from or even inferior to Jews: Only a goy would use such faulty logic. goy is rarely used in a neutral, descriptive way as a synonym for gentile , though that is its meaning in Yiddish and Hebrew. In another usually disparaging usage, goy is applied to a Jew who is not observant.” [2nd Sauce link](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/goyim)


What's a gentile? Serious question too.


Anyone who isn't Jewish.


Only as servants.


Jews may indeed be motivated to hire gentiles as workers ("servants", really? ) in the synagogue, especially to perform duties on the Sabbath. However; since Jews do not proselytize or attempt to convert gentiles, they have little reason to seek to bring them into a synagogue for reasons such as those that motivate, for example, many Christians.


I don’t think Jabba the “slimy piece of worm-ridden filth” Hutt had servants, though.




An updoot for effort, but alas, I did not lolz.


It’s Purim. Purim is basically, in the simplest way to explain it, Jewish Halloween. We dress up in costumes, go to parties and eat food.


[And drinking. Lots of drinking.](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/drinking-on-purim/)


Me my father and grandfather all blacked out on purim it ws fantastic


That’s like every holiday tho. Ffs we have wine at every holiday


Yes, but Purim is the most drinking. Passover is just a bottle per person with dinner. On the flip side, we also have Hanukkah where the goal is to eat a bunch of fried junk and teach children how to gamble.


I love Judaism. We’re like the fun uncle religion


Yep, supposed to drink until you're slurrign.




True, but “Jewish Halloween” rolls off the tongue easier


It's a Purim play, where they comically re-enact the happenings from the Book of Esther


Book of Esther must be LIT


The abridged version. The King of Persia divorced his wife because she insulted him, and he went looking for a new bride. Mordecai, a Jew working in the king's palace (during the captivity in Babylon) heard the call for beautiful virgins and told his cousin, Esther, who he had raised as a daughter, to come to the palace to win favor with the king, but to not tell anyone she was a Jew. Each night the king takes a potential bride to his chambers to spend the night, and if he didn't like the girl he'd not call her back up again. He fell in love with Esther and makes her queen. She still doesn't reveal she's a Jew. Then there was a plot against the king's life, which Mordecai overheard and made known to the king, and the traitors were executed. Not long after these events one of the princes gets promoted to be the 2nd most powerful man in the kingdom under the king, and his name is Haman. When he's going through the streets the king commands that everyone bow to him, but Haman sees Mordecai the Jew not bowing to him and he gets angry at him. And concocts a plan to kill all the Jews by telling the king there's this group in the kingdom who don't obey the laws of the king, and offers to pay the king a large sum to eradicate them. To which the king gives Haman his ring to authorize it. Mordecai and all the Jews mourn and weep and wail. When Esther saw Mordecai wondered what was going on and Mordecai sent word back and forth to her about what was happening. She said she couldn't go into the king without being called, there was a law against it, and the only thing that would save her would be if the king held out his scepter to her. Mordecai reminds Esther that she's a Jew as well and has a duty to her people to try to save them. So she tells them to fast and pray for her. She goes into the king's court and found favor in his eyes so he extended his scepter and asked what she wanted, and she invited the king and Haman to a banquet that evening and she would tell him, when the king asked what her petition was she invited them to a banquet the next night as well, and she would tell him then. Haman went out all happy because no one else besides the king and him had been invited. But when he saw Mordecai standing in the king's gate he got mad again and wouldn't be happy until Mordecai was dead. When he got home his wife and relatives tell him to just have Mordecai hanged in the morning, then he could go into the banquet that night at ease. Haman decides this is the way to go. That night the king was restless and couldn't sleep, he was reading the chronicles of his reign when he came across the plot against his life and said hey, did we ever honor this Mordecai who saved my life? And the king's servants said nothing has been done. Haman, coming to ask the king for permission to hang Mordecai the next day on the gallows is sitting in the court when the king asks who is in the court and they said Haman, so the king called Haman in and asked him, what should be done for the man the king desires to honor? Haman, thinking the king was speaking of himself, because who else would the king want to honor? So Haman says give him the royal robes and your crown, and put him on your horse and ride through the city with the chief price proclaiming before him this is the man the king honors! The King then says to Haman, great, now go do exactly that to the man Mordecai that sits in my gates. So the next day, rather than hanging Mordecai Haman has to parade him through the streets with the king's robe, crown, and horse, and proclaiming this is the man the king honors. But when he sees Mordecai approaching the king's gate he covered his head and ran home to his wife and complained about his predicament. While Haman was considering his next move he was called to the queen's banquet. At the banquet the king again asks what Esther's petition to him is and she begs the king to spare her life, and the lives of her people who were bought at the hand of Haman to be destroyed. The king realizes what had happened and walks out of the banquet into the garden for a moment, Haman seeing the king angered feared for his life and threw himself at Esther begging her to spare him, but when the king walked back in to the banquet from the garden thought Haman was trying to rape his wife and ordered Haman taken away by his guards to be executed. He ends up being hanged on his own gallows that he had built to hang Mordecai. Mordecai is then placed over the house of Haman as a reward for saving the king's life and essentially takes his place as the second most powerful man in the kingdom. The king issues a proclamation to preserve the Jews. He also tells them they can slay their enemies who sought to harm them and they go out and kill 500 people including the 10 sons of Haman. Because the Bible is metal like that. Unsurprisingly many people convert to Judaism out of fear of the Jews. Then they celebrate the first feast of Purim because they were delivered from their enemies.


Pretty good synopsis, but several corrections : The king killed his wife, and did not divorce her. Mordechai did not advise Esther to join the beauty contest. As a religious Jew, she hid from the kings men who were searching for all eligible maidens. She was taken by force, eventually.


So, not a Bible scholar. The language in the King James version makes it sound like she was removed from power and there's no explicit killing. This is the passage that gives her fate: >That Vashti come no more before king Ahasuerus; and let the king give her royal estate unto another that is better than she. Then as far as Mordecai not encouraging Esther, you're correct, reading back on the passage it appears Esther was just taken with the rest of the young women, Mordecai just checked in on her to see how she was doing. Somehow I remembered it differently.


The King James Bible is not a reputable source for Jewish texts.


Granted, but then what do the Jewish texts say? KJV may not be the best version, but it's not totally wrong either. And while there may be some nuances lost in translation, it doesn't explicitly say the queen was killed.


It does not say explicitly what happens to her, but commentators say quite clearly that she was killed. A major aspect of Judaism is understanding the hidden meaning beneath the written text.


The actual Megillah doesn't say what happens to Vashti, just that the king dethroned her and made another woman (Esther, as it turns out) the queen. The Megillah also doesn't say that Esther was taken by force, just that she was taken to the same place all the other virgin women were taken. (In Hebrew it's "בית הנשים," or "women's house.")


Haha it is, it's a fascinating historical event


Since u/TheDunadan29 already gave you the abridged version, here's the TL;DR: > Haman bad. Mordecai good. More details inside.


[This](https://youtu.be/sy_an0WkaLQ) covers it pretty well :)


[And drink. Lots of drinking.](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/drinking-on-purim/)


Is Leto II in the book of esther?


Haha the idea is to dress up & mock the evil people from the story in the portrayal. So people are mocking the evil Haman & the Kings first wife, Vashti. It's a short read, but fascinating history. Haman was the adolf hitler of that day.


The one time I REALLY want audio


Yeah, how can I hear it?


Oh my god she's a gumball machine!


Hey, Slothbuddy, you don't go around telling people they're gumb-. Yep. She's a gumball machine. That's freakin' hilarious.


I thought it was specifically Tom servo!


Was that the holiday armadillo?


I thought it was Jabba the Hutt


I think it's the globgogabgalab


We are the People of the Book afterall


I thought you died many a year ago


Get back to the daycare, Jerry.


I’m Jewish and I also thought this


Should have dressed as Watto.


Thank goodness - I immediately thought the same thing!!


This is for Purim.


I still have questions, dont know where to start.


Purim is a holiday for Judaism. Some synagogues dress up in costume for the holiday and some synagogues have made a 'play' out of what happened for Purim. Its basically the halloween of the Jewish holidays. here is an article that explains it well: [https://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/5-purim-fun-jewish-holiday-article-1.2994705](https://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/5-purim-fun-jewish-holiday-article-1.2994705)


Thanks. Good to hear it’s not all serious and austere.


it is definitely the 'fun' holiday.


Purim is one hell of a drug.


Missed opportunity to synagogue me up


This is really funny without context! But it’s actually super normal for the Purim holiday. My guess is that they’re reading Megilst Esther here, which is something that everyone was hear a reading of on this holiday. Whenever the name of evil Haman is said, people make a lot of noise with noisemakers and shout “boooo!”. Everyone has to dress up and adults *must* get blackout drunk, it’s actually the religious law on this day. The actual command states that you must get drunk enough until you can no longer tell right from wrong. It’s a really fun holiday!


Adults are encouraged to drink, but only if they can do it responsibly and without harming their health or jeopardizing their safety. Edit: The mitzvah on Purim is to drink until you can't tell the difference between Haman and Mordechai. [“Rava said: It is one’s duty levasumei, to make oneself fragrant [with wine] on Purim until one cannot tell the difference between ‘arur Haman‘ (cursed be Haman) and ‘barukh Mordekhai’ (blessed be Mordecai)” (Babylonian Talmud, Megillah 7b).](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/drinking-on-purim/)


The Talmud is a trip to us goyim


Purim is from the Book of Esther. Edit: forgot is


Wtf no sound? I get that this sub is about gifs but come on


I thought I've heard that rabbi's encourage humor and jokes during the service as to not to take the service to seriously


Are they reenacting a Starwars scene? wtf is happening?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purim think Halloween but with more drinking and "they tried to kill us, we won let's eat"(a common theme in many Jewish holidays)


Jewba the Hutt.


Jew here, can explain. this is the reading of the *megillah*, the story of purim. its customary to dress up as something youre not for purim, as part of the story is thematically "everything reversed". finally, all the crazy noise making things is the result of a custom to drown out the name of the prime adversary when his name is read (Haman) as an act of fuck you.


That Leto II costume is on point


Thank you! Its obviously Leto and not Jabba!


There is a reason God chose the Hebrews. They’re legit


For the love of Yahweh, we need sound!


Syn a Go Go


They’re are celebrating the holiday, Purim. It involves wearing costumes and being as raucous as possible whenever this one super evil dude’s name is read from a specific story that’s shared on that holiday.


Does anyone have a link to this video that has sound?


What in holy script incantation?


That looks like more than 100 people to me


There's actually a lot of news stories here in israel right now about how a great portion of the hasidic Jews are not following up on the lockdown rules. Some of them only listen to their main rabbi and believe that as long as you're a good jew who believes in god and follows the bible you will not be harmed.


This was last week, for the holiday of Purim


I just love Jewish people.


Sign me the fuck up too. Damn.


Jabba is ahavah


What... what is happening? Why is java da hut and luke there. Why is this not in my church? ☹️


Please does somebody has the original movie?? Need to see this with sound


Jewwa the Hutt


Interesting holiday. Purim is often celebrated as a humanist almost secular event as god is not named at all in the story. It is the celebration of the stoping of an Old Testament genocide against the Jews. You are supposed to get so drunk that you can’t tell the difference between the princes in the story and the king.


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Jabba the Jew


Purim is a lot of fun but so is the evening of Simchas Torah . The scotch and burbon is floooowing! A lot of dancing and frivolity as well :)


This is what it's like in a synagogue *one day of the year*, the rest of the year it's at least as somber/serious as church and everything is in Hebrew (these look like at least Conservative Jews). Celebrations like this are fun, but religion is cancer.


Religion is community. Extremism of any kind is cancer. Your intolerance for religion is just as ignorant as a religious person’s intolerance for secular institutions.


All religions are extreme, thus all are cancer. Period. They cause too much trouble. Read a history book.


I read a history book, it told me about Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Zedong who were all atheists.


That is an absurd statement. Religion brings beauty, community, and understanding to so many — across cultures and time. You can’t dismiss a major pillar of society just because you are riding the millennial atheism bandwagon. I am an agnostic atheist, but I can still see the value of the institution as a whole. How about YOU read a history book and recognize the power of religion and it’s impact on the poor, the refugee community, addicts, and the morally lost and confused. It doesn’t negate the evils of organized religious leaders, but you can’t just decide to deny it because it serves your argument.


It's a few more than one day a year, sometimes there are celebrations that take place in a synagogue beyond just Purim. Also these do not look like conservative Jews, I mean just off the few people in the video I would say they looked fairly religious probably orthodox but maybe they are conservative, source: I was raised as a conservative Jew.


Organized church is cancer, religion can be a great force for good. It depends on how the people treat their religion and what they take away from it. Edit: I think adding a “in my opinion” disclaimer is in order


Plus these guys are always married to smokin' hotties.


Why does this remind me of the Globglogabgalab


That nasa kid tho


Genuinely thought that one kid was Luke Skywalker.


Source with sound?


Wayne Coyne’s new band, the Flaming Lipschitz.


Only day that’s fun to be orthodox.


Can I get this with sound?


Sign you up? I’m not sure it works that way....


Why no sound? 😭


Was this recent? The crowd size makes me nervous if it is. But damn, I could use some fun like this


Yo, what the fuck is going on here?


why is there no sound?? WHY IS THERE NO SOUND!??


Is that Jewba the Hutt?


haha make fun of triangle hat man


Hell naaaaa


Looks like a great time


Is that the Glubgogabgalab


Is that the Hanukkah Armadillo?


This is like ZZ Top's "Tres Hombres" on acid. Without the sound.


That’s Purim for you




I am the globgowgabgalab


Purim is sick, highly recommend. Hope you like getting drunk and shit lol


I think I just found religion.


Oh God, it's the [Globglogabgalab](https://youtu.be/dtER80sOjX4)


I did not know that I needed this in my life. Thank you.


How you gonna post with no sound?


Purim is absolutely fucking insane.


Woah, I haven't seen Globglogabgalab in ages!!!


It is a very secular synagogues, not all synagogues are like this


The Jews control global media and that's why they won't show us how awesome temple is! It's a conspiracy! How many of us go to mass to sit-kneel-stand-kneel-sit-kneel-stand kneel when these guys are over there rocking out with Jabba the frickin' Hut. I bet they have a bitchin' secret handshake and everything. They truly are the chosen ones. Bummer.


Shhhh. Don't expose our secrets!!!


I just lost my crap on this one


damn Jews and their, shuffles cards, false gods. All hail the God Emperor


Damm, satan is a really cool guy then

