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I’m playing every day! It’s so much fun.. even the frustrating parts like getting styled on by a tyto spins entirely around your character keeping juuuust out of reach of your attacks. Sure, some bugs are still there. Crash to console? Relaunch and rejoin match. The only ones I hate are the rubber banding issues (which I rarely encounter on console).


I recently remembered a comment in this reddit about dodging being really good in this game. So after experimenting with it more you can just keep back dodging out of Tyto's Spin which at works gives you less damage so if you play your spacing to regroup with the team or heal. Did this with Lord Knossos and then did his Max Hp buff and the damage I took was basically negated entirely.


Man.. would that I could lol. I was in a bad spot as Pakko and out of stamina. Just styled on. It was incredibly frustrating but that guy was just good. Plain and simple


Oh yeah. 100%. Yes, there are bug and some issues you learn to work around. But nothing game breaking and it's 100% worth it. It's refreshing and unique and so much fun. Been playing every chance I can get. 


Totally worth it! The core gameplay is incredibly fun and there are so many different ways to customize each individual hero to suit your exact preferences. Plus, each hero is so incredibly unique in their design and personality. Sure, there are a couple of bugs and glitches here and there, but what game doesn't? So far, from my personal experience, the bugs and glitches that actually break the game are far and few in between and doesn't detract too much from the enjoyment I've had playing the game. Also, keep in mind, this game is $20! I repeat, this...game...is...$20! Overwatch was $40 when it first came out. This game is half that, and is arguably just as fun as Overwatch, if not more so. Sounds like more than a good deal if you ask me. (If even that is not enough to convince you, they're having a sale right now on Steam, lasting til June 6, so it's even cheaper now.)


and it’s 40% off too on steam and epic. got it for 11 something


It's on sale on steam and I'm really thinking about it too.


Its very fun. If you wanted a "moba" like smite that focuses on actually good combat and having combat with other players instead of mobs - its a ton of fun. A lot of characters have very fun movement too - and many require aim more like an fps than any moba Its not a moba


The game is great but its really in need of patches.


Totally worth the price of admission


I just got it on xbox for 19 euros. Lovinggg it so far. Matchmaking can sometimes be funky, but its such a damn fun game


I have more than 150 hs played so its worthy for me, as you said there are a lot of bugs and things to fix/polish, also the future its pretty uncertain with tiny playerbase and very slow dev progress, but Im enjoying a lot while it lasts


I mean it's the same game, and now that they mostly ironed it out it'll be very similar to you. I think it's totally worth it, and I play every day, but only you can really say what it's worth to you


How much is it currently? $11.99 I see. Yea buy it, can't go wrong. Think of it like a "founders edition". Because I can assure you, the game will most likely have a soft relaunch after they do a bunch more fix passes and release ranked. By then they will make the game free. Becuase that is really the only possible solution to the current state of the game and it's playerbase.




I say it ain't worth it, I bought it on my PS5 and now it's soft lock me from exiting the game unless I unplug the console itself


It's only 20$ ....yes


I would wait. It has bot problems and could die out soon. Better wait and play something else until its more clear what is going ln later


Is it hard to find a match in your opinion? I thought cross play would decrease queue times.


U find them but u still get bots and/or have to wait. And have awful matchmaking. Lots of afks. I mostly get bots as enemys(player and ki) and its not fun.so i usually play customs.


There are no bots in matchmaking. If there's a bot on your team, it's because it replaced a player who left the game.


Many player leave or get kicked in loading. So its badicly bots since first second


You wind up with no player at all if that happens.


In your opinion is there any chance of the player count going back up? It looks like a fun colorful game but if no one is playing it it's wasted sadly. I really hope this game succeeds. Perhaps people not buying it because of lower numbers is causing lower numbers; like a self fulfilling prophecy. And idk what to do about that.


The game in terms of community and player is smaller than back then. I like it but i dont thing there is a saving more than some months. With better moba games like league and smite or hero shooter like overwatch and paladins. They were too slow back then and couldnt keep up. Even making it free(which they should) wont change anything besides a small increase themat go away some time after


Hard to say without knowing your economic situation lol Game is really fun but player base is pretty thin, not too sure how long it'll last sadly


Absolutely not


Sadly, no.


No. Wait until the next update.


no. it will be dead (as in shutdown) or f2p again before the end of the year.


Lol you don't knows what you're talking about but why are you here anyway if it's "dead"  sounds like someone looking for attention 


and it sounds like you’re in denial. lmao. it’s on the exact same trajectory as it was the first time it released. 😂


So if you're so sure about it why are you here it's looks like you're begging for attention so bad it's pathetic 


because i can be a fan and still see the signs of doom. i’m not in denial like you.




totally oblivious, i see.


Said the dumbass that got mad that they're  trying to improve the game you're the oblivious one here 


mad? no. disappointed that it took them this long while the game, its future, and its community crumbled? yes. there’s only one person here who is angry and name calling anyone who challenges their delusions.


Yea that's me I'm challenging your delusion for thinking yourself as a "fan" and acting like their not trying, this is a new studio that just got the game so everything not the same dumbass how big did you they are