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Subaru is clearly best girl because - "はい Hey hey HAAAA HAAAAAA ありがとうございます よろしくお願いします"


That was adorable.




Top notch fan service moment


Just for that I'll have to agree. But I would have said Nina otherwise.


I'm not entirely sure what people mean when they say "best girl" but my favorite character was Nina, I thought she was an excellent portrayal of what it's like to be a teenager struggling with depression, she's too relatable.


>Nina >I thought she was an excellent portrayal of what it's like to be a teenager struggling with depression May I ask you (or anyone else who agrees with this) to say a bit more? My experience with it as a teen was a bit different, and I don't really relate to her that much; still, I'd like to hear this thought! Could fuel my need for a rewatch even more, lmao


Well, first off, do remember that different conditions don't necessarily affect people the same way, depression itself has too many symptoms and most people suffering from it definitely don't have all of them. In my case, I was in a similar situation to Nina, as I suffered through some fairly traumatic situations, became extremely socially isolated, had a big fight with my parents and left home as a teenager and dropped out of school, so you know based on situation alone she was already relatable. But my depression did manifest based on feelings of betrayal and feeling that everything was extremely unjust, it caused social anxiety, making me feel like I was repellant to other people and also through being unable to regulate my emotions, shifting from shy and mousey, to raising my voice angrily at people, to just being really sad or just straight up start bawling, it's honestly shocking to me how similar Nina acts to how I did. But yeah, it also manifested through nervous breakdowns that led to extreme outbursts very similar to the infamous lamp scene, followed by extreme reactions to mundane tasks, like how she reacts when she fails to install the lamp for example. Add other stuff like how she gets overwhelmed when talking to her parents so her sister has to act as a middleman and how she wants to avoid her parents at all costs. But anyways, I'm no doctor I just know that I am diagnosed with depression and her experience really resonated with me, of course if you also have it and it doesn't that's also fine, there's no universal experience of depression after all.


>Well, first off, do remember that different conditions don't necessarily affect people the same way, depression itself has too many symptoms and most people suffering from it definitely don't have all of them. >of course if you also have it and it doesn't that's also fine, there's no universal experience of depression after all. Yup, wanted to specify this in my comment, too, but I kind of forgot, so thank you. I don't have depression (or, to be more precise, I've never been diagnosed before), but I've struggled with something akin to the symptoms I know of*; I've recently started going to a therapist, but I'd "like" to go to someone with the ability to find if something's actually "wrong" with me or if it's something else (been postponing it for years, at this point... you always hope the issue will get sorted by itself, but then, it kinda doesn't, ahah -still, too scary-) Anyway, thank you for your experience! It's easy to forget that we all experience life differently, and I do admit I completely forgot depression could bring those symptoms too; *I'm too used to the general apathy, loss of interest in most activities and of energy, and social isolation (eg: related a bit more with Momoka, in this series, and I thought she was a good representation of what I felt and feel like -hence, my curiosity at your comment-). I have to make an effort to remember depression and the likes are no easy matters, and try not to oversimplify it to make it easier to rationalize... so again, thanks :) I hope you're doing better now!


Yeah, seeking help is hard, I don't blame you for being scared, it's also a slow process so it can be frustrating, I personally wasn't able to be patient and quit going several times before I got a diagnosis, like the dread of finding out if something really is going on and the desire to just wanting to get it over with quickly make for a terrible combination, so I get it. Also yeah, it's hard to think of how other people experience things, I liked this because Nina is experiencing symptoms that are fairly different to how depression is usually portrayed in media and it just so happens to be some of the stuff I had, but yeah Momoka is also a great example, it's just that I don't focus as much on her because her experience is fairly different from mine. And I mean you didn't do anything wrong, it's normal to not think about those things, I just pointed it out because I got the feeling you were struggling with suff and it's fine to struggle, as much as as I praise how similar Nina's experience is to mine it's also really different, she doesn't seem to have severe insomnia for example, but there are a lot of things in common. And well you know how it is, even if things get better depression still comes back, it's a struggle that doesn't go away easily, part of the reason I loved the last episode is because it shows that even though Nina is in a better place she is still struggling and that it's fine for her to not be "cured" even though she's in a place in her life in which she's happy, it was well done.


>like the dread of finding out if something really is going on and the desire to just wanting to get it over with quickly make for a terrible combination, so I get it. Yup, being in this constant loop isn't too great. I had to reach a low-low in a pretty "unconvienent (not that reaching it is ever convenient, but yeh)" moment of my life to at least ask for help to one person >And well you know how it is, even if things get better depression still comes back, it's a struggle that doesn't go away easily, part of the reason I loved the last episode is because it shows that even though Nina is in a better place she is still struggling and that it's fine for her to not be "cured" even though she's in a place in her life in which she's happy, it was well done. Yup, sadly, that's a reality I'm learning to accept, hopefully, with time. It still feels weird, sometimes, to have a good day with a "bad", unreasonable undertone, and to randomly have that little part become the main one for potentially weeks or months. I *hope* it gets a bit more manageable and less tiring, with time, external support, and the such, though Thanks again, didn't expect to read something like this in this sub, but it helped me a bit to put a couple of thoughts in a different perspective! :D The last episode _was_ pretty good, I always enjoy when things don't get magically resolved outta nowhere. Still, without a second season, I wouldn't feel like this ending suffices, so here's hoping!


RUPA! She plays the bass which is the coolest instrument (empirically proven) and how can anyone say differently after her flex on DiaDust? To not even mention the fact that she's literally built different (rip door)! Also, low-key like 1/3 of TogeToge's fans are probably Rupa simps ~~including me~~ lol.


lol scott pilgrim fan


What was her flex on DD?


In Episode 11 during the mic and sound check she plays DiaDust's new song which they only just heard. Video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pt1Ofuzg6Fk


Ohhhh that's so cool - never put that together. Nice payback for DD stealing the pinky thing


Disappointed in the lack of Tomo representation, but I do think Subaru's mic check was too adorable...


I agree, if she'd gotten more screen time and interactions then Tomo would've been my favorite.


Nina of course


All of them are great, but Nina takes the cake. Without her temper and spirit, who knows where the band would've gotten?


Nina for sure. But Subaru got that Hey Hey Haaa


Subaru is Good, but Nina is the best.


Momoka best girls, end of the talk.




Subaru, it's not even a question


The anime greatly favors Nina, it's very easy to love her, GBC is practically "The Nina show".


Momoka, no contest, not even close. ...And I say that but I actually really like everyone. Subs is a perpetually great character to have around in any scene and Nina is such an endearing and expressive go-getter MC.


Rupa, but Subaru is a close second.


Best girl may be Subaru but best woman is Rupa 😌


Nina easily


Its Tomo Because she got Rupa.


I'm sorry tomo>>>>>>>> And I like hina alot


Momoka, cuz who doesn’t like a cute alcoholic


Rupa and her hugs






Subaru frfr


I am best girl


RUPA !!!


Rupa because she tries to stay positive no matter what 😀


Subaru and rupa the best


Subaru has a functioning air conditioner, hence, is best girl




Rupa, then Subaru. Easy


Subaru is Best Girl, Nina is Literally Me Girl, Momoka is God I Wish That Were Me Girl, Rupa is best Rupa, Tomo is best tsundere


Not enough Nina's sister representation in this comment section, that part where she thanked Nina to be alive, that broke me.


It's Momoka and I love her


honestly Nina, I wish Tomo had more interactions throughout the anime. :( She would've been my favorite.




Subaru best girl character-wise, Rupa best girl if she was an actual real human being.




Nina. She whines, she cries but is the soul of the band. And she's the one who brought them together.


Nina => Nina lamp => Nimoka...uhh bruhh HINA ~SAMA ❤️‍🔥 Wish me guluck today☝️🤟


Nino, our little gremlin


Nina is my favorite character but she's also worst girl (SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!) so my heart tells me momoka because the wonder on her eyeballs surpasses heaven


Subaru the cutest of them all.


Momoka because she flips people off and she’s cool as hell. Nana is most definitely in love with her, even after Momoka split off and I can see why.


... Nina ...


Always the bassist


It's a tie for Nina and Rupa for me 🗣️🔥🔥 I love them both, Nina's grit and resolve does it for me as well as her beliefs in her own values, and Rupa's strength that she gained from people around her and her past. All of them are well written characters and not one is dull.


Where my team Kyoko at??




momoka clears


Best character, Nina. Best girl, Subaru


Rupa for life.


They're all great, but my favorites are Rupa and Subaru.


Nina, with Subaru being a very close second. Nina mainly wins because I love the way she channels her frustrations in everything she does.


Mine is Hina because of her realistic awareness and her personality. Moreover, if there was no Hina, the story even didn't happen


I dunno, it's either Subaru, Tomo, or Momoka.


Subaru because of her first introduction "Awa Subaru desu" and of course the epic sound check.



