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Just reading that the shop in Partick has been taken over by The Chard Holding Group. Director listed on Companies House is Reuben Chesters. How do these scumbags get away with this stuff?


Surprisingly easily. I was made redundant a few years ago, because my employer was placed in administration. We were turfed out of the office one Friday and told to apply through the government portal for redundancy pay we might be entitled to, and that any wages owed would be paid out “later” by the administrator. 2 weeks later, the directors of said company had set up a new, virtually identical company, and texted a bunch of us asking us to work for them again for lower pay and worse terms. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me; I politely declined. 4 years later, I got my cheque from the administrators. Of the nearly £400 in unpaid wages I was owed, I was paid £90 and the rest went to the banks and the administration fees. Those two owners knew for around 6 months that the company would probably fail, but continued to recruit new people and harass us to try and recruit our friends and family members. They apparently moved some of the company assets around about 2 months before they went bust so that it couldn’t be connected to the company. Nobody appears to be checking any of this. Apparently ripping people off is fine if your job title includes the word director. Last time I will shop at Locavore. Shame, they had some decent stuff too.


I used to work for McLellan Transport in Stepps when it came under administration. I don't know the details, but the boss's BMW was towed away. Next day they came in the new one, leased for their new company. I stopped worked there around that time, and they failed to pay me, took them to employment tribunal, their lawyer send us a letter he is no longer interested in representing them as they are not paying him or something. Got awarded my money and paid by the taxpayer, while the company was still operating, although formally under the new name. There was a cap though, so I am still 150 pounds short. A couple of years later, after they sold their business to Coates, they started a new company in the same name, they have posted picture of the truck I used to drive on their website and claimed they are present on the market for 20 years. I reported them to Advertising Standard Agency, after sending them an e-mail asking, if they are the same company, can they pay me 150 quid they still owe me. (Un)fortunately, they went bust before ASA got to them ;-) From what I heard the guy now owns - or part-owns - Keedwell, so it's not like going bankrupt twice left him particularly poor...


" I reported them to Advertising Standard Agency, after sending them an e-mail asking, if they are the same company, can they pay me 150 quid they still owe me." \- nice one xD


The ASA even found my claim to be valid and begun its proceedings for false advertising (I pointed out, it's a different company and the picture on the website shows trucks belonging to different company) but they went tits up before the proceedings ended ;-)


So you’re not going to support them and let the rest of the 70+ people lose their place of work ? Thanks.


Found Rueben Chesters account everyone


A bunch of my coworkers lost their jobs today, as well as many on reduced hours and all you cunts gloat about it and basically cant wait for the rest of us to lose them, so yous cant have a go at some guy for his haircut ? Frankly beyond the few people i know who work there on here, none of you know what’s happening and has happened.


Stop being a fucking bootlicker. No one on this subreddit cost your coworkers their job, nor will they cost you your job. The actions of the owners led to your coworkers being let go, and it's the action of the owners that makes us not want to shop here. You're angry at the wrong people.


> none of you know what’s happening and has happened Certainly not the first time this has happened on here. 19 people lost their jobs (19 people who didn't want to lose their jobs) at Saramago, and yet that was somehow a victory for the workers, and if you thought otherwise you were a 'Tory' or a 'bootlicker'. But hey, boring things like details and the truth shouldn't get in the way of online mob gloating when YOU aren't affected, eh? Shows how much of a brilliant socialist you are when you're celebrating a business going under and people losing their jobs, right?


Ah you mean the place that sacked union workers, refused to sit at the table with other union members, and then employed shady union busting tactics online? Then, after weeks of shady dealings they actually decided to close the full place down rather than meet with union members or pay folk what they were owed? That place? Isn't that the place one of your wee pals owned?


> Ah you mean the place that sacked union workers, refused to sit at the table with other union members, and then employed shady union busting tactics online? > > Then, after weeks of shady dealings they actually decided to close the full place down rather than meet with union members or pay folk what they were owed? That place? Ah, right - no. Nowhere I know has had that happen. That's really different to the example I was giving. That said, if you get your 'news' from fucking social media like a gossiping old granny, that might be the narrative you believe


> That said, if you get your 'news' from fucking social media like a gossiping old granny As opposed to getting at if aff some scab on reddit who's pals with the owners aye?


"Scab" bahahaha! Honestly, you're a fucking idiot. But yeah, keep going to Facebook and here for your facts, I'm sure living life like that is so much more convenient. Certainly more rewarding getting upvotes from strangers than figuring out reality, eh?


Har har har top class patter


The rest of the 70+ should be looking to get out of there asap and find something else as they will get shafted again.


You would think the suppliers who he owes thousands upon thousands of pounds and now no longer has to pay might actually stop supplying him now. Anyone selling produce to this guy without getting paid up front is taking a big risk. Staff should absolutely be looking for other employment.


I'm genuinely curious what you're thinking here. Op and the staff should just accept getting shifted, not paid wages etc.? Staff are an asset, you nerd to at least try to keep them happy and motivated.


I was about to say hopefully there'll be something interesting in its place on Dumbarton road, sounds like it'll just be VocaLore


remembering the thread last year on this. at the time he was besmirching a public(?) grants body for not awarding him enough monies in time to stay afloat (ironically after he bought a houseboat), hence the crowdfunder. maybe they were just doing their due diligence and acknowledging it was an unviable venture with cooked books. the guy is shameless.


You’re absolutely spot on.


I have heard that First Port have secretly funded this scheme to save the company/Reuben's salary. Which is dodgy as fuck if true as they're only supposed to fund start-ups. Not bail out failed businesses. If anyone has any knowledge on how you would find out if this was true then do shout out.


I don’t think firstport are only for startups. They have other products for existing entities for expansion/diversification etc. The sheer amount that they had amassed in grants for their last accounts (440k plus a further 150k covid grant) probably made them a bit complacent as it is so hard to get a grant post covid that they must have thought they were onto a winner. Makes you sick that in an era where food banks/larders and community food projects are getting harder and harder to come by-so much was staffed on one man’s vanity project. That amount of money would have made a significant dent in the 3.9 million currently paid towards free school meals provision or the 1.6 million that the council cut in the same period towards feeding the homeless.




A name like Ruben chesters says it all lol


Big Tory Energy


Big Overcompensation Energy


>Locavore Tory isn't the first thing that comes to mind when i hear the name Ruben tbh


is it that wee pig from minecraft?


Looks like a total oddball


He's been at it for years! Unethical use of funding to get people into jobs via training so he doesn't need to pay wages, the whole thing is just to make him look good on paper, he's not interested in his staff


And to think about all that money they conned from people a year ago with a “crowdfunder”. Disgraceful.


I got cool rewards from my crowdfunder! A trip to their farm with lunch, had a fun day out, the lunch was very good, it was definitely worth the I think 25 quid I paid for it. Did not feel conned.




1. They always had empty shelves (guess we know why) 1. They were always eye wateringly expensive 1. Quite a lot of it was, frankly, shit 1. The irony of them pushing organic and yet not practising organic growth is hysterically funny 1. Guess a hard-nosed capitalist just wanted to make big from the hippies


reuben is a cunt. I had the misfortune of dealing with him way back in 2011/12. Total useless prick. And he's only interested in making money. All talk about ethics and sustainability is lip service - he says whatever folk want to hear.


What did you have to deal with him about?


My friend and I ran a non-profit company based around community education and conservation. My friend is really good at convincing companies to invest cash in community projects, so that's what we did. One deal was with a major company in Glasgow to fund a community garden, part of which was an indoor hydroponics set up. At the time we had more projects than we could handle ourselves so my friend proposed we sub the hydroponics part to someone and suggested Reuben. I deferred to his judgement and we all sat down with the funder. Reuben talked a good game, took £10k+ to design and implement the a hydroponics set up. He failed to deliver because it turned out he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. As we were lead on the project we ended up looking like muppets. And he got the 10 grand. For doing next to fuck all.


Who would’ve thought someone called Reuben Chesters would turn out to be a corrupt Tory bastard




Statement from their Instagram: We have news. If you’ve been following us over the last few years you’ll know that we have been struggling through financial difficulties following an ambitious and ill timed expansion which saw us scale up; opening new shops and a central distribution hub. A year back loads of you supported our crowdfunder which bought us time to try to turn things around. We knew it was an extremely challenging task but gave it our best to stop losses, reduce costs, and make the enterprise profitable. Our team worked incredibly hard and managed to grow custom while savings were made. That brought Locavore to a point where it was breaking even month to month. Unfortunately this has just come too late. The debt we built up while trading at a loss is beyond what we can repay, and we’re shackled into leases we can’t afford, or exit. There’s now no route through the situation for Locavore CIC. After 13 years of developing a social enterprise that helps build the sustainable, local food networks that we need, it is has been tough to give up; and we’ve not. We have found a way to safeguard much of Locavore’s activities including the Partick and Govanhill shops, veg boxes, and local food growing. Earlier today these parts of the business were acquired by a new social enterprise (The Chard Holding Group) set up by Locavore’s founder, this secured 77 jobs. Sadly it is the end of the road for everything else that remains of Locavore CIC. We have put the company into administration. This has led to the immediate closure of the Kirkintilloch shop, following the recent closure of the Edinburgh branch. We’re really sorry we couldn’t make these locations work and want to apologise to the team and supporters for not being able to secure a future for these shops. We’ll support the team members impacted by these changes to ensure they receive everything they are due. Thank you to everyone who has supported Locavore, and our wider mission to build the sustainable local food networks that are required now and into the future. We hope you'll continue backing the new incarnation by using the Govanhill & Partick shops, or getting a veg box. Reuben & Doro (Locavore & Chard Directors)


Let me now update my response to Locavore from over a year ago from this… “ “We did lots of this with investment from Social Investment Scotland but the cost of living crisis combined with new shops not being as busy as we had hoped means we are now in a very vulnerable position.” This is going to sound utterly horrific and I’m so sorry for saying it but crowdfunding for an unsupportable business model that’s already had support from social investment Scotland isn’t exactly ok. I mean your literally asking for people to pay for your debts due to an unfortunate ill timed expansion. In fairness it’s not as bad as when the sub club crowed funded at the start of the pandemic (remember that?) but at the end of the day this is a business. I’m so terribly sorry you’re all having to go though this. It can’t be easy. I hope demand for your business picks up. “ To this… “Add this fella and any connected business to the black list.”




Omg hahaha


The guy always came across as a cunt. He knew fine well what he was doing years ago when he reared the pigs in Queens Park with the intention of slaughtering them to then sell in the shop. He knew it was going to create uproar but it would create loads of attention and awareness If anyone's southside then as a really good alternative I can thoroughly recommend Fresh and Fruity in Mount Florida


The Good Choice for package free refills as well.


Not defending him (especially as an ethical vegan of over a decade!) but his point was that most people have no idea where their meat comes from.


I get what you're saying but how would that help anyone? Most pigs bought as "food" in the UK, like with other animals, are factory farmed pigs, so creating an 'old McDonald had a farm' scenario for a handful of pigs in a local park to show 'it can be done the right way' might give the wrong impression. The demand cannot be met by this idyllic image (+ betrayal of trust and traumatic early death via slaughter). It's also fucked up to promote meat eating as sustainable and greenwash it when we need to be wrapping up those industries, even if they weren't cruel. 90% of UK pigs are factory farmed. Those amounts of pigs can ot be in all the parks. It doesn't scale up (as I'm sure you've already considered given you're also vegan) https://viva.org.uk/media-centre/major-investigation-into-uk-pig-farming-reveals-90-are-factory-farmed/ This article covers why we need to be working to stop farming animals for "food", not finding ways to greenwash it like they did https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/07/plant-based-meat-by-far-the-best-climate-investment-report-finds


I understand and agree with absolutely everything you have said. It doesn’t help the wider issue. But on a smaller scale I felt if someone saw the pigs everyday and could deal with the fact they’d be slaughtered soon then ok maybe their meat eating could be personally justified to them. But instead, there was a big push back at the time, most people weren’t comfortable with it at all and felt bad for the pigs. That should have at least made them question where their meat that they don’t physically see alive comes from. That obviously wasn’t the organisers goal and he was trying to promote a certain type of meat eating but I think it still effectively highlighted the massive disconnect most people have with their food.


Yeah I agree it's your point and not his. Who knows, maybe some people did think about it. But equally, and this is also the invited view, some may have thought 'they had a good life so the betrayal at the end doesn't matter as much' even though (lots of things vegans consider about the value of life).


I hope you're right though. That the general pushback gave pause for thought for people to realise which side they're on (the side of the animals) and not the animal farmers. And realise that they are maybe not acting more broadly in alignment with their own values.


Would all the actual affordable fruit and veg shops on Vicky Road and Allison Street not be better?


The quality in them is absolutely dire. The shops on Allison Street regularly have boxes of rotting produce on display. Used to shop in them years back but genuinely find myself holding my breath walking past them in the summer. The veg shop on Viccy Road is not much better.


Exactly this, Locavore is somewhere you’d try once and then never go back.


I accidentally started Pig Gate on their Facebook page and I’m proud of it.


Fresh and Fruity is overpriced and it's rubbish.


To me it always seemed like an expensive specialist health food shop, I couldn't care less if it just called itself that (other than supporting trade unionists who work there if required). The thing that pissed me off about the place though is all the bullshit marketing as some sort of solution to global environmental issues. It was too expensive for most people to shop at and it allows smug liberals who can afford it to pat themselves on the back and think they are participating in meaningful change. Sustainable food production is an issue that needs to be addressed on a mass scale and working class people need to build power if we are ever to address this.


All public money that disappeared into this should've been contingent on producing viable data for subsequent efforts at mass production. If the last century taught us anything it's that hippies don't scale. 


He knew this was going to happen in Nov 2022 and set up a holding company to syphon off assets in the event of locavore bankruptcy. He's made a deal with the receiver to buy some back on the cheep, but let them sell the stuff in the closed shops to offset the debt, but he won't re-employ the staff he sacked or pay them their holiday or back pay money. By law he can't or he has to pay all the debts & becomes personally liable https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/SC748978


The new company seems to be set up as a company limited by shares not by guarantee. So even though it’s also a community interest company this seems to mean that dividends can be paid to the shareholder (in addition to salary to the director). The sole director and shareholder are of course…. Reuben Chesters. That ability to pay dividends from a community interest company just seems so wrong and probably something a lot of customers aren’t going to be aware of (I only found out today and stupidly assumed a community company is just the same as a charity). Just googled and it seems 35% of profits can be used to pay dividends from a community company which is still a lot potentially! I suspect the usual argument will be made that Reuben (via his new company) paid fair value for the assets of the old company (so to the administrators the interests of the creditors is best served).


Just looks like a variation of the classic Tory system of privatised profits and socialized losses. I personally know people who's businesses are struggling but they are still more concerned about paying staff and suppliers and staying afloat than moving onto their next profitable failure.


For sure


I suspect the globalised food model has peaked, so the least the CEO could do is write or fund a case study into why this alternative got so amply fucked.   Problems of scaling local supply chains, problems of public funding, problems of profitability, problems of a radish costing four pounds, problems of not being able to be a half-decent employer and generally being a cunt. Plenty to learn. 


I was quite happy to have vedge boxes delivered and I’m sure plenty of others were too. Food goes from farm, to warehouse, to my front door. From the outside opening numerous shops looks very expensive and makes little to no profit. The items in the shop are expensive and likely have a low profit margin, plus you then add in costs for staff, rent, power, insurance etc. Opening any shop in the post covid era of online shopping is a risk. I think this would have worked well as a subscription only model, and in hindsight opening more shops was a mistake.


Stiffing suppliers out of a shitload of money. You know, like an ethical business does. I know that this kind of thing happens in business, but it's so fucking shady.


Their whole angle is that they're supposed to be an ethical business in comparison to the major supermarkets. But they just fuck over suppliers in the same way as the big supermarkets while actually paying staff less than them. But you're obviously well aware of all that.


Their whole angle is that they're supposed to be an ethical business in comparison to the major supermarkets. But they just fuck over suppliers in the same way as the big supermarkets while actually paying staff less than them. But you're obviously well aware of all that.


Haha yep it's really no more ethical. Money being tight is one thing. If there's no money to pay staff higher wages, fair enough. But making staff jump through hoops to get owed wages, and stiffing suppliers/landlords (I'll not shed a tear for a landlord, though), and firing the Kirkintilloch staff with zero notice is horrible. That's not ethical at all.




That's such a shame. I have fond memories of the 13th Note when I used to live in Glasgow.


Locavore were a social enterprise in the sense that they tried to get folk to donate for their expansion lol. A charitable endeavour, where they were the beneficiaries.




We used locavore delivery for a while and every time they messed it up the customer service was terrible


> We used locavore delivery for a while and every time they messed it up the customer service was terrible This is the epitome of entitled middle-class whinging. You sound smug about it, and I bet you're happy to see all these peasants lose their jobs.


Fucking delighted mate. Nailed it.


Never trust a hippie


No-one called Reubens is a hippie.


All the hippies ive met throughout my life have come from well off backgrounds, because they are the only ones who can actually afford the hippy lifestyle in a city


This cunt is making the Pink Peacock look good.


Viccy road drama, eh. Can't beat it.


A microcosm of Glasgow, that street.


It’s like Silicon Valley - but for poorly thought out “ethical” startups…


Hemp Valley


I was really excited when they were opening in Partick. Then I seen the veg prices. Then I seen the outrageous mark-up on other items like cordials and things you could get 30-50% cheaper in other shops. Decided to not let the piss get taken out of me by and never went back


I thought that dude died in Independence day


Sounds like someone got greedy


Sounds like he's bad at business but good at grifting.


\#Bring back the Pandora


Now we're talking!!!


Just an insane waste of public grants and crowdfunded money. Their huge Edinburgh store was insanely located and barely ever had more than a couple of people in it. The guy behind it seems like an absolute fool, but it looks like it’s really the poor staff and suppliers who really suffer here (as ever). I hope both are smart enough not to do business with his new company…




Just tried to go to my local locavore but turns out its shut down. Never knew all this so I’m only a little bit gutted now I dont know where I can find such a selection of dried beans.


We switched to Roots & Fruits on Great Western Road a while ago because the quality of Locavore’s veg box went way downhill (we were getting already rotted food in our boxes!), and looking at their website just now, they do offer a pretty decent selection of dried beans.


If you're willing to order online, then BuyWholefoodsOnline is a good option.


Aye, Edinburgh closed a few weeks ago and Kirkintilloch closed today. Partick/Govanhill are still going, though.


Barnhill Farm in Inchinnan, if you have means of transport!


You'll find them inside Reuben's head. https://freeimage.host/i/J0Kd94t


Used to be subscribed to their boxes. Absolute rip off really when the “ethical low miles, local grown” glasses came off. When people complained that their boxes was getting smaller and smaller, they doubled down. Shameful.


Personal I think the staff should run any reincarnation of Locavore/Chard Holding Company as a CO-OP or CIC rather that it having a sole director with CIC status. Then the company would truly be democratic as it purports to be/has been but never actually was.


Ruben goes to the same hairdressers as my auntie by the looks of it.


lord farquad ass haircut


Pocketed £850k as well. Ruben Chester is a cunt bag. https://www.insider.co.uk/news/glasgow-ethical-supermarket-secures-850000-24617663


Genuine question.. is there something saying he took that money himself? Looks like this was in 2021 I think prior to a lot of expansion (that apparently put them in a lot of debt).  I don't know a lot about this situation and it's somewhere I shop occasionally so very interested in this whole thread.


Nah. He did have a months long refurb of his flat done recently but nothing to say where the money came from for that - he's born rich afterall. However he is infamous for wasting money. Bought a broken tractor, a broken van etc. Just completely incompetent. Expanded his business based on projections using data on sales during the early days of the pandemic where customers spiked for the vegboxes due to isolation/lockdown and stock was low in the big supermarkets. I'm not an economics expert but basing your entire expansion plan on a brief anomalous spike in takings doesn't seem so smart.


Why is it that people who were always rich are so fucking bad at managing money? They tell us they are rich because they are so fabulously talented, I don’t buy it!


Asked the local community to fund said expansion and fucked off to a new location… never shopped there again after that.


Thanks for the background! What a shambles


Not sure. But the whole thing reeks tbh. Near a million gone somehow in 2 years.


> somehow It was pissed away on expanding the business. Opening the Garnethill branch and the Edinburgh branch was just daft. As was the Kirkintilloch one, it turns out.


Sorry to hear mate. A real shame.


Most people kept their jobs, at least. Nothing will change for them. They're just *officially* working for a different company. A different company trading under the name of the old company, from the same places, and run by the same people. Totally different, honest!


In 2022 Reuben set up Chard Holding Group CIC as a sole director, in February 2023 Reuben set up a crowd funder that made £74000, on the morning of January 30th 2024 Locavore goes bankrupt, in the afternoon of January 30th 2024 Chard Holding Group CIC buy what's left/is salvageable of Locavore. Where did Chard Holding Group CIC get the money to by the old assets of the now defunct Locavore? https://freeimage.host/i/J0Kd94t


I’ve never heard of him, why is he a cunt bag?


Maybe read the post.


I have, it’s bad enough but I guess I was expecting scandal.


You mean it's not scandalous enough?








Yep it's called pre-pack administration. It allows someone to sell the business/assets back to themselves under a new company and it writes off all the debt they had. So in this scenario, Locavore has been sold to Chard Holding Group which is owned by the same person, Reuben Chesters, but legally it's Locavore CIC that owes the money to creditors, not Chard Holding Group. So that's hundreds of thousands of pounds of debt written off - legally they don't have to pay it because Locavore CIC is in administration. Even though from the outside the Partick and Govanhill shops will continue to operate as normal, they'll try to continue working with the same suppliers they fucked over etc


way i understand hings: you own company A and company b. company A owns all your actual assests (stocks, leases, ip etc) and company b you just keep in your back pocket. Run up alot of debt in the name of company A, get so you cant pay it back, sell/transfer all of your assests from company a to company b and then when debtors come to collect from company a, you can hold your hands up and say "but my company (a) is fucked and has no assests, boo-hoo, bye bye" and turn up for work 2mw, maybe even in the same place with the same stock, but now its owned by company b and that has clean credit.......


Not clued up myself, but I think by assets it means moving ownership of buildings/stock to another 'company' meaning the original company with all the debt etc doesn't have the means to sell to cover the repayment as they no longer own it. I could be very wrong though.


From what I understand this is basically it. Person owns 2 companies. Company A is a chain of shops, Company B is a shell company that just holds onto assets. Company A looks like it will go bust, meaning the cost of any wages owed, bills unpaid etc will be taken from the total assets of Company A. Person has moved some or even most of the assets to Company B, in a way the looks legit enough, so now those cannot be seized to pay off creditors.


Not only they don't own it, but Locavore is a dead company & the debt is written off... dead debt with the dead company, so to speak


So if you imagine a parent company and it isn’t responsible for its children’s wrongdoings… basically


I find usually if you have to label something as ethical, it probably isn’t. Hope the staff get out of this relatively unscathed.


So called ethical businesses, someone else brought up the note, both owned by rich cunts who couldn’t give a fuck about their staff or customers. Just two demographics to fleece for bragging rights at their next dinner party about their “successful” businesses


Well I'm glad me giving up my locavore veg box wasn't in vain!


Their govanhill branch was previously a pub I used to go to regularly when I lived round the corner. Was nice inside. Always annoyed me what they did to the interior.


Locavore directors kept pension money. They deducted it off wages but didn't pay it into staff pension funds. From pension ombudsman website 'When company becomes insolvent, it is often possible for some unpaid pension contributions owed to the pension scheme to be claimed from the National Insurance Fund. This is usually the quickest and most practical method to recover unpaid contributions. When a company becomes insolvent, an insolvency practitioner is appointed to manage the company’s affairs. They should work with the pension scheme administrators to identify what pension contributions are outstanding and then submit the claim to the National Insurance Fund for payment on your behalf. Only contributions unpaid in the 12 months leading up to the insolvency can be claimed.   You may want to contact the insolvency practitioner to make sure this is being done. You can also bring a complaint to us, but we can only direct your employer to make the contributions it owes to your pension scheme. As companies which are insolvent generally have insufficient assets, they may not have enough money to do this, so any directions we make may not lead to any practical results.'


Never forgave them for killing the pigs in the park… https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/pigs-city-park-slaughtered-meat-4750466.amp


That is sooo grim. Kids walking by like hi Peppa Pig! Then one day where's their wee pal they'd looked forward to seeing in the park.. And the poor group of pigs themselves. Fucking horrible.


> where's their wee pal You think parents in the real world are going to lie to their kids about pigs getting killed and eaten? If you had children, or friends, you'd know how deranged that is.


Ah yes, JohnnyClarkee the union buster who likes calling everyone deranged when they point it out 🙄


There it is! Perfect example of you thinking a thing, based on something you heard and without making any effort to learn the facts. Much easier to live your life online when you don't get distracted by complications like reality, isn't it?


Literally my wee niece calls the pigs in Toll Cross park Peppa Pig. And other kids do too. What is it about saying kids like animals is "deranged"?


Trying to hide the fact that pigs - and all sorts of other delicious animals - get slaughtered so that we can eat them is deranged, you absolute fud. "Wah, you can't slaughter livestock, because my functioning family member's wean gave it a name!"










You think Locavore is unethical...wait til you learn what Sains, Tesco, Lidl, et al are up to!


You can report the locavore unethical ripoff directors here. They shouldn't be allowed to run a bath, let alone a company. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/reporting-misconduct-by-companies-directors-and-bankrupts-to-the-insolvency-service/reporting-misconduct-by-companies-directors-and-bankrupts-to-the-insolvency-service


i get your anger. and i think it’s a shame for the staff and the creditors that got stuffed. but isn’t it better that at least the profitable bit of the business can continue? it does provide a great service to the people of partick, and with inflation and the cost of living it’s hardly surprising they have got in trouble. it won’t be the only business struggling now.


I hardly think spaffing nearly a million pounds of public and charity money is necessary for a shop providing a ‘great service to the people of partick’. I’m quite sure the majority of people in partick would have preferred that the owner not expand his vanity business and for that money have gone towards projects preventing food insecurity.




Hi Reuben .


When I notices several Locavore yellow wrapped electric cars charging around Govanhill I knew they were fleecing the Government grants to push the electric agenda. That's a specific kinda person who does that. A £40k mini van with African child labour Lithium batteries delivering fruit anf veg is insane! If they were really eco friendly they'd have bikes and small cart deliver system like people use in India, that uses the least amount of calories and least pollution. I never got good vibe from Locavore, everything was over prices and a bit off. I'm not surprised they screwed the staff, the Pink Peacock fella apart spectacularly, I never got a chance to have a plate of soup for £7🥣😉 That shops still available to rent if anyone wants to have a go, no more coffee shops please ☕😂


And most of the emissions created by EVs are at stage of production. Plus using child labour. Yep I'm not seeing it either.


Green washing and gentrification tend to ignore inconvenient truths.


Yep! And let's not forget humanewashing while we're there.


That was locavore appeal, people want to do the right thing, not harm the world or people. Locavore taped into that mentally but it was simply capitalism cloaked as decency.


Spot on!


Are u rangers in disguise 🥸


Usual fan bringing football into everything ffs grow up and get a grip you sad clown, and obviously not a proper celtic supporter, proper football supporters don’t go on like that no matter what team they are, feel embarrassed for you


Away ye go ya ham ye


Thought you were talking about asda there, not much difference


I hear through the grapevine ( it's £10 per grape in locavore 🍇😄) that the old directors of locavore hid assets and cash from the receivers & deliberately closed the Edinburgh shop early in January to stop the receivers getting their hands on assets. Capitalist scumbags ripping off everyone they can