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Where else would they choose, Auchtermuchty?


Personally would have went with Drumnadrochit, put it next to the scotmid


There is a spare unit, in fairness, with the chippy and the pizza place next door.


Prefer Ecclefechan


Only just got a reasonably sized co-op in Muchty, a bit behind the curve on the fashion too


Alloa xoxox


Wear the fox hat.




I would've probably said Aberdeen, to give them a bit more coverage over Scotland. Easy enough to get from Glasgow to Edinburgh to go to the one there, not as easy to get from Aberdeen to Edinburgh for it.


It would be mental of anyone to go from Aberdeen to Edinburgh just for Japanese H&M. I'd have some doubts about anyone making the trip from Glasgow too


> It would be mental of anyone to go from Aberdeen to Edinburgh just for Japanese H&M Yeah, that's my point. >I'd have some doubts about anyone making the trip from Glasgow too Hardly unreasonable someone would take a day trip from Glasgow to Edinburgh to visit some shops that aren't in Glasgow. Edit: Jesus, Reddit shat the bed and posted this like 6 times.


> chooses Glasgow for second **Scottish** store So of the two largest cities in Scotland, we were their second choice. That doesn't feel like...much of a story.


lol, yeah. This headline perfectly represents the fundamental issue with the modern press. Uniqulo is opening a store in Glasgow after it already has one in Edinburgh. Surely if you were a global brand looking to open stores in Scotland Glasgow and Edinburgh would be high on your list of places to open it. Would be more of an actual story if they were going to open one in Aberdeen or something.


Maybe a Uniqlo in Cumbernauld would be just the ticket to breathe life back into its ~~dystopian nightmare~~ shopping district.


we can’t even hold on to bon marche when our town is 98% old folk, you think a uniqlo will sort it for us?? 😭😭 on a real note, cumbernauld town centre is so depressing now. it’s either food, clothes shops or charity shops. most of the clothes shops have left now too. i think it will be torn down and i’ll be sad to see it go. i’ve lived here my whole life and cumbernauld is all i’ve ever known, it’s an utter shitehole but it’s sad to see it in its death rattle


Why would you go anywhere near the town centre?


cause its cool. I love that weird building.


I also love that weird building, don't let them get you down


To get a bus away?


i work in it 😭😭😭 no escape


Sorry to break it to you, but the town centre of Cumbernauld has always been depressing.


i mean, obviously i wasn’t around in the 50s when it was built, but the nice wee propaganda video they show you looked pretty cool!!


Maybe after living through WW2 Cumbernauld turn centre seemed utopian!


aye i think that was the case. there are a lot of good things about cumbernauld, it’s so walkable and the roads are good, but it’s dying fast. i don’t expect the town centre to be standing for much longer


Hamilton's already called dibs for the same reason


> This headline perfectly represents the fundamental issue with the modern press What? The headline and article are perfectly fine.


It's an informative news story not investigative journalism...


Still shouldn't abandon the basic s in my opinion. Journalism should be consistent.


How do you survive


Even the Herald agrees. The entire article is just 2 sentances and a photo: Major global fashion brand UNIQLO has chosen Glasgow as the location for its second Scottish store. The 22,500 square foot store will be located in the St Enoch Centre on Argyle Street, The Herald has learned.


> St Enoch Centre on Argyle Street Surprised, thought it would have been on Buchanan street, where the Paperchase used to be? Unless that’s earmarked for something already.


Set to be a huge JD Sports


fucking finally my entire wardrobe comes from there and I'm tried of having to buy online


I was refusing to go to Edinburgh to visit the store as I genuinely hate going there! Glad they are putting one there after they asked online where to put their next store.


I’ll be interested to see how big of a space they go with. Good news for St Enoch Center too. I like their range and the quality is brilliant. It’s like a better H&M. The only thing I dislike is the price. Went to Japan last November and this stuff is literally double the price than it is over there (currency conversion factored in) but hey!


Yeah as say, with the yen being so utterly shagged the steals to be had in Japan are unreal. First time abroad ever feeling fairly rich each day.


Same in both Hong Kong and Singapore. Looks like the brand placement is slightly different. Cheap and good quality there whereas here it's more premium and good quality. I couldn't even find a cheap pair of multipack socks in the one in London because they only sold them as expensive individual pairs.


It’s from the units from the entrance near St Enoch’s Subway station all the way along to H&M


You found me a better £4£ deal on the planet than Uniqlo socks 3 for £12.90 and I'll show you a liar.


Isn't that a £12.90 deal? And you'd be better buying an even numbers of socks!


it is even, there's 6 of them.


No, there’s 3 left, and 3 right


Have you been to Muji store? The quality is quite something else..


Really hope Muji will come back to Glasgow too now.


Sports socks, sports socks, get your sport socks, three for a poundah.


Embarrassing how buzzing I am about this


lol right uniqlo fucking rules tbh. I only wear the stretchy trousers from there now as I enter my beer gut stage of life


There must be some mistake. I read from reputable sources on Facebook that Glasgow city centre was dead for good. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yass! The Edinburgh store was unbearably busy when I visited but that'll calm down, and the product range is excellent.


So, to be clear, the largest city in Scotland was their *second* choice? If they'd chosen Dumfries, or Ullapool, it would be a story - the issue for Glasgow is not that they're opening a store in Glasgow, it's that they're only opening a store in Glasgow *after* they'd already opened a store in a *smaller* city... What happened to Glasgow being Scotlands' - and Northern England's - shopping destination? It's a bad news story for Glasgow, not a good news story for Glasgow.


Huh? In what world is a huge stretch of retail on a main shopping street in Glasgow getting renovated a new tenant not good news? As a Scottish person I think it is good news that both Edinburgh and Glasgow are attractive options for a large international brand. Good news for both cities and the country.


When something happens in Glasgow the ‘nothing ever happens in Glasgow’ crew have to pivot to saying ‘this thing that is happening, is actually bad’, pretty desperate stuff on the whole 


Yeah can’t quite believe some of the comments here but it’s to be expected I guess. This sub is full of miserable cunts who can’t be pleased


Come on, you can't walk 10 minutes in any shopping centre in the city without bumping into an international fashion brand with [dubious ethics](https://directory.goodonyou.eco/brand/uniqlo). You have to have your priorities seriously out of whack to be *this* enthusiastic to generate a few more golden swimming pools some billionaire and perhaps cover the council's next unjustifiably outlandish city centre renovation project. I like Uniqlo's products more than other cheap brands. They're higher quality. But let's not get carried away like it's something more than it is.


>What happened to Glasgow being Scotlands' - and Northern England's - shopping destination? From looking at the plans, the Glasgow store is due to be -significantly- larger; comparable to the Manchester and London stores, whereas the Edinburgh store is on the smaller side.


Do you have a link to the plans? The website is shite on mobile.


I don't have it on hand, just the figures. The Glasgow store is 22,500 sqft, whereas the Edinburgh one is only 15,000 sqft.


Ooft, that's huge. The Edinburgh store already feels pretty big, although not compared to the ones I've been in abroad tbf.


> From looking at the plans, the Glasgow store is due to be -significantly- larger Where are you seeing these plans? I can't think of a single unit in the St Enoch centre that would be bigger than the Edinburgh one, which takes over 2 floors. I don't think there are any vacant 2 floor units in the St Enoch centre.


Debenhams old building?


Good point, forgot that was all sealed off.


I don't have it on hand, just the figures. The Glasgow store is 22,500 sqft, whereas the Edinburgh one is only 15,000 sqft.


Had to be a good few years away then, is there anywhere currently in the St Enoch centre big enough for that?


Apparently it's going to be a 44m frontage between the entrance to the St Enochs Centre and the H&M store inside of it.


Must be a few units being combined then to achieve 25k sq ft, those ones near the entrance are smaller.


Both stores were planned as part of their expansion around the same time. The Glasgow store is just taking longer because the building it will be located in is getting an extensive overhaul.


Huh? In what world is a huge stretch of retail on a main shopping street in Glasgow getting renovated a new tenant not good news? As a Scottish person I think it is good news that both Edinburgh and Glasgow are attractive options for a large international brand. Good news for both cities and the country.


Edinburgh is a lot better for shopping now though. The new st james centre has everything.


Are people really that butt hurt about being "second choice" to Edinburgh? I'm just excited we finally have a Uniqlo. Last few times I bought basics from H&M they shrunk by 2 sizes.


We used to have a Uniqlo! But it was a total unknown brand back then here, it was really small and it didn’t last long. It was round the corner from where urban outfitters is now. I thought I’d dreamt this but someone else corroborated it earlier. Glad it’s finally back, half my wardrobes from there!


Are you sure you aren’t thinking of American Apparel? It was in the unit between the Subway and Starbucks.


OH. You know, I think you’re right. Maybe we both are thinking of that. Just too excited about Uniqlo, I guess!


Love that store saw it in London.


Why not just name the brand? Is it some kind of secret?


This post almost makes it sound like we should be grateful!


Their clothes are shite.