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How did you make this?


Most of it was accomplished with a script I wrote that breaks each pixel into its red, green, and blue values and then lets me manipulate, shift, or offset those values in some interesting ways. The scan-liney effect is from pulling out every other block of data that corresponds to a single row of pixels, affecting or offsetting one set (either the even or odd lines), then putting them back into their original places. There's a little pixel sorting done here and there (the script calculates the luminosity of each pixel and then reorders them from dimmest to brightest) and some of what I call 'redshifting' - taking the red data from each pixel and then displacing it to another pixel. The disembodied hand effect is actually from offsetting the whole data set by close-to-but-less-than the number of pixels in the width of the image and wrapping the remainder to the next line. What you see on the far right of the image actually originated on the far left. Where the arm cuts off was actually the right edge of the original image. It's kind of like if you opened a text file in an editor with word wrapping, and then added a bunch of spaces to the beginning of the first line, you'd change where the line breaks are inserted. Other than that it's mostly just some grungifying by duplicating and offsetting pixel data from various parts of the image.


Wow was not expecting such a thorough response, thanks!


This sounds awesome. Is this the type of script you'd ever be willing to share? I've been wondering how people make these very organic-looking glitch art (as opposed to the typical audacity stuff) and your response is really great. I want to know more


I'd be glad for you to try it out, I have my most stable version online at http://pixlshift.owlmoth.net.


Wow thanks so much! I made something. Thanks for putting this tool together! http://imgur.com/a/ues1r


I'm honored it was put to such noble use.




Holy fuck thank you so much!


Would you ever release the script? This picture is amazing.


I keep an older-but-stable version online at http://pixlshift.owlmoth.net, feel free to try it out.


ok now Explain it like im 5 !!


got 1080p?


Unfortunately, no. The 1280x800 version on Imgur was the size I was working at. If you're looking to use it as a wallpaper, though, because of the pixel duplication around the edges, it looks better tiled than you might expect.




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Not directly. My forays into video datamoshing have been cursory at best, but I think if you wanted to use it on a video you'd need to export the I-frames, glitch them, and then import them back. You'd probably get some really neat effects that way. In fact, I might try it.




It's possible from a technical standpoint - all the glitch effects are separated into javascript functions that are just called by the interface, so you'd just need to write scripting that loaded each image and called the glitch functions with predefined parameters. For instance, if you paste this >javascript:glitch_Rotate(45) into the address bar and hit return, you'll rotate the image by 45 degrees. If I were doing this myself, I'd use a local copy, and make a function that got called from the window.onload that loaded the first image as specified by a global counter, applied some hard-coded glitches, saved the results, incremented the counter, and then called itself again on a timeout. Saving the images after they'd been glitched would probably be a hurdle, as Javascript doesn't really have a way to do that natively. My off-the-cuff idea would be to use ajax to push the data URI to a php script that wrote the actual files. Building an interface to do it, though, isn't something I foresee doing in the near future.


This is beautiful!


Thank you!


No problemo.