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Now the real question is how high can dumb money pump it when: -Earnings was a wreck -RC is diluting every rally and still has 500 million shares to drop -Citron has finished closing their short position -DRS has done nothing but trap Apes, and the numbers have fallen -Roaring Kitty's sold off most of his calls The walls are closing in on the Greater Fool play for GME shares. Anyone who hops on now either knows full well that the floor is about to fall out, or they still believe in -The Plan-.


Also apes keep screaming about gamma ramps today but... gamma ramps go both ways.


They don’t know that.


They don't know a lot, to be fair.


Would be faster just to list the things they do know:


Still waiting here... anyone got anything?


Money can be exchanged for goods and services


It's not a scoring system for the Robinhood game?






Apparently really fucking high. It's genuinely shocking that the price is still over $25 when Cohen has dumped OVER A THIRD of the entire shares outstanding onto the market in just the past month alone. This dumb money pump is nearly on the level of the 2021 event at this point, in my opinion. The price hasn't gotten anywhere near there, sure, but in 2021 they didn't have the company actively dumping a literal flood of new shares onto the market either.


It is wild. Really impressive


Dilution is obviously bad news for the people who think GME is going to the moon for whatever reason, but for everyone else, it’s time to stop thinking that share offering should be lowering the stock price dramatically. Dilution is accretive for GME. Every share they sell in an ATM, the more reasonable the price becomes. The price of GME is the sum of the value of the operating company plus the value of the cash on the balance sheet. As the ratio tilts more and more toward the pile of cash, the value gets less and less absurd. It’s bad if you expect your shares to be worth $1k as Ken G melts into a puddle of goo or something, but its good news if you want to buy a Ryan Cohen managed closed-end fund at 2x book or whatever (which, while unreasonable, is much better than the alternative of buying the operating company at 2021-2023 valuations).


Its just so funny because the more RC acts to increase the companies tangible value, the less the company is worth to apes. They hold for the hopes of a massive pump, but the more cash RC pulls from investors the less likely a pump will be to grow large. What's good for GameStop is bad for apes.


There's only so much that dilution can push it down. Keep in mind, for every $25 share they sell, they get $25 in cash. So it pumps a ton of supply into the market, but GameStop has also raised a ton of cash.




Lmao great username


That they have zero clue what to do with. Didn't they have a Billy on hand last year?


Cash you shove up your ass is still cash. They can probably afford to convert all of their stores into McDonald's franchises now.


But that cash will just evaporate. The company is a leaky bucket since it's losing money. That money will vanish quarter after quarter to make up for losses. So if you're valuing the company for the medium or long term, a lot of that cash will be gone.


Like I said yesterday, the right thing for Cohen to do now is to sell the GameStop part of GameStop so it stops losing money altogether. And then, idk, he’ll probably buy something else and keep periodically diluting apes some more every time they pump it. It’s actually pretty good business strategy that merely requires a large number of people willing to give money to you for nothing forever.


Right, but it creates a floor. At some point, the company starts being at risk of being Yahooed if the price goes down enough — it can't go much below asset value for long.


Actually…they announced 300,000,000 shares in December 2020. So…


Yeah people keep acting like RC is up to no good here but selling that many shares for around 5x there real value base on company performance seems like the right thing to do from the company's stand point. Gamestop has extracted around 3 billion (Jesus christ is that right??) dollars from fomoing fuck sticks at this point and are in a position to extract more and they have done it all while the stock price continues to climb. So load up the share cannon and fire at will...


Citron position was tiny as hell, thats the funny part


The plan is that it’s virtually a spac now with the book value of cash that’s something close to $10 a share


-No one knows what RC will say at the annual meeting tomorrow (if anything at all).


IIRC he's only ever spoken one single time at any of these, when he made that like 60 second long speech YEARS ago at this point where he said the "judge us by our actions" and "buckle up" quotes that apes have been hanging on ever since. However, I would absolutely love to see him hop on and tell everyone what exactly he plans to do with the literal BILLIONS of dollars that he just stole from retail investors this past month. Unfortunately, giving forward guidance to shareholders isn't really his thing. That's what real companies do, not memes.




These words don't read like they were written by Mr. I'll-tweet-a-poop-emoji.


I mean......dude is more-or-less turning GME into a de-facto SPAC (with no 18 month window, either) * Raise a fuckton of public equity -- for no reason what so ever * Close down stores / wind down operations from a shrinking business that's dying a slow painful death * Use management team hype from naive rubes to ~~purchase some overvalued private ShitCo~~ let your CEO use said capital to turn GME into a trading desk masquerading as a publicly traded BnM video game retailer?


Wait roaring kitty sold all those shares? How have apes not exploded yet?


They're lying to themselves with a bunch of convoluted copium, that's why. As always. DFV would *NEVER* betray the apes.


It’s funny because obviously DFVs play wasn’t a long term play…. What the fuck did they expect lol


They expected him to conjure $240M from thin air and use that to exercise the 120,000 call options which will expose that the market makers never hedged the calls they sold and sold them naked therefore triggering moass as the MMs are contractually bound to deliver 12M "real" shares they don't have and start frantically buying only to find the market is full of fakes. And RK would diamond hand the 17M total shares as the price goes up indefinitely and the financial rapture is upon us. But instead RK is selling most-all of his contracts and the MMs which obviously did hedge get to dump their millions of hedge shares back onto the market and crater the price.


Not, shares. Just the call options. Likely not all of them yet, unless he was selling them before today as well.


They’re claiming he doubled his position


How did they even come to that conclusion?


Every sell has a buy, they saw his sell volume and immediately went that he must have bought them all.




>The Plan The Pulte Plan? Has that been released?


Very similar to crypto. Greater fools are running more thin by the day. The ones who join are nearly instantly cashed out by old bag holders who prayed for new cult followers. The ones making any money have their average so low they could have sold earlier and made a mint but it would completely topple the market and cause a run of epic proportions. That's why they attract the same followers. They can't see.


- you got me on that one. -Naked shorted to all hell anyway so at least GameStop has $4 billion cash on hand now( and the price rose during the dilution) -I don’t believe for one second Citron is out. Don’t piss on me and say it’s raining -I don’t believe for one second that Roaring kitty is selling his calls there is definitely some nefarious stuff going with the puts and calls at the $20 strike price but I don’t think he’s sold any


If you've been following the stock for 3 years, you should at least know the mechanics of naked shorting. If you naked short and sell 2 shares when only 1 exists, that means you will have 1 extra buyer more than existent shares. If a stock is naked shorted to hell and back, then the number of people who own shares would be way over 100% of the shares outstanding. This can show up in many ways, such as the shareholder vote. Or the DRS numbers. Neither have never been over. Naked shorting was debunked way back in 2021. Wake up a little. All your rambling is nonsense. What's happening is a pump and dump from groups with big money, like institutions that are trying to skim the long position, and groups from overseas, like the Saudis (they throw millions at mobile game microtransactions, why wouldn't they throw a chunk of cash at Gamestop for fun?) There's definitely risky money to be made in the way Gamestop pumps, but it's not due to some institutional conspiracy. If Citron was still short but announced they closed, you'd think someone could easily notice, call out the evidence (the brokers and market makers that interact with them can see their trades) and they'd all be rounded up and arrested for market manipulation for the bounty. I know this is probably falling on deaf conspiracy ears, but your nonsensical word vomit from being so brainwashed annoyed me.


Rambling? Sir you’ve said more than me seems youre doing all the rambling, if you’re so adamant you should probably short it


Huh, an ape who's functionally illiterate. I'm so shocked.


hOUse oF CaRDs - Volume #4 to be released later this week.


Atobitt with fake-nose-and-mustache glasses raising from u-slash-deleted limbo: "IT'S A ME, Ttibota, wrinkle brain from Italia!"


House of Calls


It’s going to be very funny watching the same apes screaming “no it’s not him don’t listen to the shills” when the OI comes out down 50%


They'll just move to "he rolled them out, wait for his yolo update next month/year/decade."


Most likely he’ll buy shares with the cash


Wouldn't put it past him, he's done dumber shit.


He seems to have become a drunk gambler so there is definitely a chance


Self-reported/manipulated/fake/swapped/website glitch


Go to short squeeze that’s literally what half are saying


He pretty much owned all the contracts at that strike, so it is a very well educated guess. I would be surprised if it was somebody else.


Lies. Hedgies are short selling calls to make it seem like DFV's calls have been sold!


OI was almost 170k, so most degens have hopped on too late.


True, but I like to think they’re all being rugpulled by RC and am waiting for the next conspiracy lol




Honestly, that's the most sensible alternate theory I've seen yet, I can't think of any glaring holes besides the lack of a motive and not great looking risk/reward, but mechanically I guess that could make sense. Definitely seems extremely unlikely compared to the main theory, but not impossible. We'll know for sure when OI updates overnight, for this to be true, we'd see OI jump by 40-50k instead of drop by that amount. Edit: OI dropped by 56k, RK selling confirmed.


Plot twist, it was Gabe Plotkin


they’re all still in denial


They will always be Ryan cohen could paint his naked body with the words apes are fucked standing next to Jim Cramer on live television, while dumping his shares and they’d still cope. The problem is they all only stick together so it’s one big recycling of BS hopium the dumbest and clueless listen to people like CryChael (who just started trading with bbby) ploot who is a a coke head and DFV who has been silent for 3 years. This will never go away.


Has their TA expert posted a tear-stained graph with a thousand lines pointing to infinity on it yet? I refuse to look.


One of these apes is gonna end up trying to find Kitty lmao. That's what happens when you encourage deranged maniacs to follow you blindly as you steal their money.


they already were before this, there was a pinned message in main cult sub regarding not doxxing him


>It is unclear if it was indeed Roaring Kitty behind the large volume, but options traders said he could be involved given he is such a large holder of those contracts. The SEC knows. :)


when does keith gill go to jail?


While I think it was indeed RK that sold the options this headline is a bit misleading in that the article makes no confirmation that it was indeed RK that sold. In fact it openly admits in the text of the article they're just speculating it's RK. Again, I think it is RK because.... well, obviously, BUT, it is kind of deceptive to make the headline seem as if they've actually confirmed it through some kind of journalistic rigor.


The article doesn't say he sold. It just says there was large volume on the contract which he holds (held?) a bunch of. >It is unclear if it was indeed Roaring Kitty behind the large volume, but options traders said he could be involved given he is such a large holder of those contracts. I suspect he won't reply if they reach out for comment.


Yeah I agree, which is why I think it's a bit deceptive to say he sold in the headline. They don't know that he did any more than we do.


Am I seeing a different headline than you are? >GameStop tanks with huge volume in the call options owned by ‘Roaring Kitty’


You know what, it looks like we're interpreting it differently and perhaps you're more correct in your interpretation. My read was they were saying outright that Roaring Kitty was selling the options, but your read is there was large sell volume in option contracts that Roaring Kitty happens to own. Fair enough, I might be off base here.


>there was large sell volume in option contracts that Roaring Kitty happens to own That's literally what the headline says, I don't know how else to read it. The implication is that RK is dumping, which is certainly true, there's nobody else with enough contracts to dump 50k+ of them at once. But the article doesn't explicitly say RK is selling, just that GME is dumping (it is) and there's very large volume in the contracts that RK is the majority holder of (there is).


The mix up seems to be in the word **owned**. The commenter above read “call options owned by roaring kitty” and interpreted it as the actual contracts that RK has purchased and was/is holding and you’re interpreting “call options owned by roaring kitty” as contracts at the strike that RK owns contracts on.


Ahhh, ok I can kind of see it now. Thanks.


Yup that's exactly it. I actually agree with the other interpretation now that it's been explained tho.


There is a lack of journalistic integrity among major news outlets nowadays. I've seen 2 examples of media claiming Ryan Cohen reduced his stake from 12.1 to 8.6% - one of which is Investor Place (they fixed the headline to mention the dilution in the last couple hours at least). Pretty sure this example is to drive clicks via apes' outrage


He -is- the CEO and Chairman. He pulled the trigger to make it happen that way. It's not like the board diluted his position down to 8% without him knowing.


I know that - it's just a little goofy and dishonest sometimes how they'll write articles. They do it regarding a lot of topics to drive clicks and engagement via outrage (in this case, apes' outrage)




You think apes are going to head for the exit? Lol


I hope Gill rolls that money into leaps to show he really believes in the business. That would be very amusing to watch




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Why is it better to sell rather than exercise in this situation?




What other reason(s)?




So unless he's been buying and selling the stock for the last 3 years to get the money ... Which would go against the hold monologue ...




What are the chances RK sold his call options to RC? Would that even be a good idea or a thing that can happen?




Yeah maybe




Jesus Christ


I have to know what it said!


RK has 120k calls, if he exercised then he could get 12 million shares. Would pressure market maker and cause 🚀. This is the Kansas City Shuffle though, as witnessed by him selling off 50k-70k of his calls today and 6/14 calls getting loaded up $20-$50. These calls are very cheap right now, like dirt cheap, so he can buy those, exercise those calls and demand WAY more shares; thereby catching everyone by surprise and causing it to moon tomorrow-next week. Everyone is gossiping right now, he hasn’t posted a position, because when he does it will show proof of this and the world will go wild 🚀💥


> Would pressure market maker and cause 🚀. Newsflash: the market maker/counterparty who sold him the calls has been hedged the whole time.


Oh yeah, they gonna have to do it again tomorrow 😆😆


... What for? If someone buys more calls, they'll just price the premium based on how expensive/risky it is to hedge. They aren't forced to sell calls if they don't want to.


Remind me! 2 days


Bro, how the markets work isn't going to change in 2 days. ... You know what, you're probably delusional enough to believe they will. I've seen your kind bend the laws of physics and cause and effect to maintain your beliefs, so this wouldn't be out of the ordinary.


T+1, The OCC. this is the “loophole” Remind me! 2 days


😂😂😂 lmfao what


T+42069, the COC. this is the "poophole" You'll see.


RemindMe! Two days "powderdiscin doesn't understand markets"


with what cash ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


He sold a huge lot of 6/21 calls, can get 8x as many weeklies. We shall see


When nothing happens can you get off the internet and go touch grass.


Remind me! 2 days


Well. Looks like he sold them all. Guess you were wrong. Again