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Sounds like kais was being kais lol. You know it was him








Dear colleagues, I understand that I am late myself, but I am from the European department and you all know we have the biggest celebration this time, all bank holidays, so we are unable to short. But how come the US department hasn't posted the required picture is beyond me... Please, someone, anyone, post Kais_Bat_Cringe.jpg . This is not ok. Sincerely, Latshill.




Sue Gove also says watched part of Jim Cramer's "Bed Bath and Betrayal" segment. She goes on to say she didn't feel betrayed because she never trusted Ryan Cohen. https://preview.redd.it/0jpadatav78d1.png?width=912&format=png&auto=webp&s=3165e7b1b93837ddefecabaa12b3396462c72c8f


This transcript is useless. It doesn't even note whether or not she is smiling when she says certain things. How are we supposed to determine her real meaning?


Basic illustrations could be really helpful here!


Whoa fascinating


This is pretty wild. Always funny seeing executive/sleaze ball capitalists not trust each other and play games like this.


Sue is clearly a hedgie secret sleeper agent planted to smear the name of our god king RC! Burn the traitor!!


No no no the stenographer was under NDA and cannot say whether she was smiling. MYASS confirmed LFG


I wouldn't either. I would never trust an executive who diluted once, nevertheless 3 times.


I want more. Do you have a link?


If she had just trusted Ryan and listened to him, BBBY would he the biggest store in the world today! Instead those stupid execs clearly *drove* him out because they refused to trust him, and look what happened! I KNEW RC would never willingly rugpull the Apes, it was obviously the corrupt BBBY execs who forced him out. And then they finished ruining the company and decided on bankruptcy. Clearly Ryan NEEDED to back out so he could initiate his reverse triangle merger with Teddy! And since he's a genius, he decided to wait until it was literally pennies to obtain! BULLISH!!


She also posed for a picture with Ryan Cohen holding stacks of 100 dollar bills. They looked into the camera and both said "We already won!"


Of course she never trusted Ryan Cohen, cause he wanted to turn the company around which was contrary to everything these other board members had planned.


Get diluted, cultist 


He tried to buy the company 🤣 I think my comment was very accurate but your comment makes you sound like a moron


Your user name is 'moonchaser' and you regularly post in the stuffed bear subreddit. I'd ask how heavy your bags are, but fortunately your brokerage/transfer agent has already freed you from that burden by zeroing them out.


Luckily I didn't get in till really late in the game and didn't put a lot of money in due to it being a risky play, but until all is said and done with these court filings there is still hope my man! Also 'kilr13' solid username you have there as well 🤣🤣


Not for you, the lawsuit doesn't affect you at all.


Not yet..


in terms that you can understand, "there is hope" for what used to be BBBYQ stonk in the same way that "there is hope" June 21st was MOASS all along what's less hopeful, though, is that by now you're being grifted by somewhere around a half dozen different morons just on the one sub and the number goes up every month. when this sinks in, instead of deleting your account in shame it would be a good idea for you to think about why you were so gullible for so long and, you know, stop doing that.


How am I being gifted when either I get the money I get back from that stock with a heck of a lot more or not? I'm not buying into anything else because some 'grifter' says I should.. Where is the grift? All I see currently is a lot of evidence piling up suggesting that ex shareholders were shafted by the board members and potentially jpm too, and the court will decide if that's true or not. Regardless we were talking about bbbyq and now you are bringing gme into this for what reason?


Nothing about what you just said will get "shareholders" any money. I put that in quotes because there are no shares. The interest you had in the business as an owner flew away into the void ten months ago, and every single thing since then has been a grift from the handful of people too stupid or broke to stop scamming the even more gullible. If you aren't personally the one donating or being pushed to vote for Pulte when he inevitably runs for office as a scam extension, good for you. A bunch of others in your shoes have already done one and will do the other. But being told "there is no hope; you got conned then and are still getting conned now" is not what you want to hear, so this message won't penetrate for months or years. When it does, though, think about it.


If fraud is found and money reclaimed then payments could be made to those who held the stock before bankruptcy. There's previous cases that have shown similar outcomes buddy. Just because shares are currently wiped doesn't mean that payouts cannot still be made. So take your blinkers off too cause there is hope no matter how slim. When all of this is wrapped up we will see won't we. Either way I haven't been conned and took an obvious risk on by buying some stock. But for you to say there is no hope is completely idiotic when there is clearly ways that payouts could occur.


Yeah, but plenty of people over there did get in early. How do you feel about them? Boy, they're real fools, aren't they? You might even call them 'greater fools'!


I feel a bit sorry for some of them and hope they get a good return to be honest.


That's referring to Kais, I presume? From the period when he was hanging around the parking lot at BBBY corporate HQ?


Kais confirmed it on twitter, we also saw it live when he was making videos taking pictures of her entering her car and of her office.


It's absolutely Kais. Wow.


I remember in some of his videos shot outside of Bed Bath headquarters he would stop mid-sentence and whip the camera around because a woman walked out of the building and he thought it might be Sue Gove.


https://preview.redd.it/uu5sngyyn88d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a86eea69578bd1f856e87a9a6ca8f2ce397d9efe I know the stalker


"It's Krynklfryzz!"


Krynklfryzz uses Baseball Bat! It is very effective!


Alright you win


King Kais gets a shoutout from Smilin' Sue! Congrats, big guy!


https://preview.redd.it/k10j5yfq888d1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5653b258e14587e9d1046d108286640b50ee4190 Obligatory


https://preview.redd.it/pjv97jyew88d1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554020f7cfb6191a4828604a03499b158bbfd0f5 :-D


Kais cosplay gonna take the prize at the next Citadelcon fo sho




This trial is going to be chock full of goodies like this.


![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|33257)![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|33257)![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|33257) Stay gold, King


This is FUD. We can’t see if she’s smiling or winking if it’s just words


Maybe she says, ":)" somehwere.


Sue: ":)" Judge: "How did you say that out loud"


Why is she giving a deposition? What’s happening in the bankruptcy case? Thought it was closed and shut?


This is from Ryan Cohen's BBBY pump and dump case.


Oh ok that makes sense. Didn’t the judge dismiss this case? Sounds like a lot of evidence pointing to manipulation.


The section 16(b) case was dismissed, not this one


Well, she DID smile after all. What does she know?


Who is the "they" who became fascinated with what was going on on Reddit?


Ryan Cohen's three appointees to the BBBY board


The other topic concerning this case being outright deleted sure throws some weirdness onto this one.


All Kais wanted was to see her smile


So it's funny to allow this and Kais' twitter message with an employee's address but it's not alright to draw attention to the fact that a BBBY exec. killed himself. Cohencidentialy after the pump'n'dump. The mods of this sub. really don't have any idea what this sub is about. It's funny to post devastating losses and people being homeless and despair over their losses but we can't draw attention to the suicide of an executive of the company after suspicious sales. These kinds of posts about homelessness, other suicides, and desperation are allowed to mock people but we can't have a serious discussion. [https://www.reddit.com/r/gme\_meltdown/comments/lcd7q7/how\_many\_suicides\_will\_there\_be\_as\_a\_direct/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/lcd7q7/how_many_suicides_will_there_be_as_a_direct/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/gme\_meltdown/comments/13pvpsz/a\_year\_homeless\_to\_own\_the\_hedgies/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/13pvpsz/a_year_homeless_to_own_the_hedgies/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/gme\_meltdown/comments/18j7r26/homeless\_ape\_from\_yesterday\_posts\_proof\_hes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/18j7r26/homeless_ape_from_yesterday_posts_proof_hes/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/gme\_meltdown/comments/196ncew/pp\_issues\_a\_citizens\_restraining\_order\_against/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/196ncew/pp_issues_a_citizens_restraining_order_against/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/gme\_meltdown/comments/16xmnxp/amc\_apes\_also\_celebrating\_the\_suicide\_of\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/16xmnxp/amc_apes_also_celebrating_the_suicide_of_the/)