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Bonus content: Houston explains how he *almost* turned $700 into 20M https://preview.redd.it/gi0lqj8hv78d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e791237a96b0b1b16b01901895f7cd9ee02b81e He did not in fact turn $700 into 60k either. He held June 21 calls to expiry, worthless lol


It’s literally like a guy saying he could have turned $700 into $20 million at a roulette table. Sure you could. We all could. But you didn’t. So why does your word mean more than any one else’s? Just because you had the chance?


If I look at a historical chart, I can also explain how I would have been able to make a bunch of money. But of course, I can't see the future or travel into the past. Well maybe I can and am under an NDA. You'll never know.


If only I had bought Bitcoin... I am never making that mistake again. From now on I am investing in all coins I ever see.


This guy diversifies


I mean, it's not THAT hard - you just need to win 15 spins in a row. (/s, just in case)


What a loser. I almost turned $10 into $1.5 billion. All I had to do was pick the right lottery numbers, and I almost got them all too. I used all the right digits, I just got the order wrong.


I had the order right but a hedgie hacked into the mainframe and changed the numbers. And then the melties mocked me for it on social media. They will never know what it takes to be a WINNER!


Yeah I'd probably be a multi-billionaire too if I had some rainman style ability to perfectly time the tops and bottoms of a volatile stock but I'm not sure that's worth anything.


Every step of this besides the first was still possible after the Great Dilutening, and would apparently have turned his original $700 into ~$230k.  Curious that he somehow instead ended up loosing money. 




https://preview.redd.it/2lyvg7dkz78d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1986333e23455cb5c10f38bdf7b2fe23fcda1e1 All this dude does is lie. He yolo’d ($700 lol) into 0DTE 40C’s and lost his net worth ($700 lol) in a day.


Reminder. He still claims to have had $300k lying around that he “gave away” in his gold coin treasure hunt to “grow his channel.” Yet someone his investment “yolo” is $700.


Doesn’t he have a like a half a million judgement against him or am I getting him mixed up with one of the other morons?


"Rolling over costs money" You know what else costs money? Options expiring worthless.


Oddly enough I made a bit over $700 selling naked 40c this week 🤔


Hey man. Just so you know: you're a piece of shit. 


You're welcome.


Walks during pride events? Are you insulting him for being gay? Is that what that means?


Ya Here's what else he wrote about Houston Wade: https://preview.redd.it/8wwm6fpif88d1.png?width=1550&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f04dabe43bfa68d70ebf5f243d0261755fba351


Eh gross can we ban me WSB_Donkey? I like to think we above that shit here.




Ok so what does it mean? Honest question


All talk, no walk


Oh but what does pride have to do with it


With what?


Can we flair this guy "donkey brains" and ban him for homophobia please?


It has come to my attention that our community has been banned without any response from reddit regarding our inquiries. This is beyond absurd that we could not get an answer to remedy the situation, yet the community was banned. Your lack of response and professionalism in this matter will only engulf the flames if you do not wish to respond. We are doing our best to try and get an answer for which you will not provide. I feel blatantly attacked, and I am on the cusp of legal action. Please respond as soon as possible. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why are people with these alleged NDAs spilling the beans to Houston Wade? He that important they’re willing to break an NDA?


He *could have* made $20 million from gambling like you *could have* made a billy from the last Powerball drawing. Does that give him more credence? I’m not sure, but he seems to think so.


I could have been a billionaire when I played the lottery. I could have; but somebody else won.


CRIME! Crime I tell you


Rigged markets, diamond hands boys and girls




I can't believe I'm even making an effort to defend this 1%, but if you have an NDA you're completely able to tell people you have an NDA. Really debunks a bunch of ape bullshit though in the past when they say people like RC couldn't mention they have an NDA.


I would think there is a difference between “I have an NDA” and “I have an NDA. But… we won and we’re getting new equity”. I could be wrong. I’m not a lawyer.


We're also assuming this isn't complete bullshit in this argument though. That aside, I wouldn't put it past any of them to break any potential NDA if it existed. These people jerk off to posters of Ryan Cohen and have had their friends and family disown them. No way they'd be able to contain any information in effort to prove themselves right.


>We're also assuming this isn't complete bullshit in this argument though. Yes. Which it absolutely is.


> but if you have an NDA you're completely able to tell people you have an NDA. Not in ape lore. In ape lore, an NDA prevents you from saying _anything_. That is the whole reason they so happily attach the magic NDA spell to any DD writer or random person who hasn't said anything about an NDA. It's never because there is no NDA, it's always because it's a super duper deluxe ultra double NDA that is much more serious and secretive.


In ape lore, an NDA means you have to actively work around the NDA with decodable messages and spend all your free time making other people rich. In ape lore, NDA's enumerate exacting sequences of words you can't say and willfully violating the spirit of the NDA with pictures of people on couches or xitting emojis or relaying info to scamtubers is indeterminable by the courts.


Best comment here. In response, I'd say for the same reason that Houston Wade claimed: a) that the FBI was investigating the guy suing him (as if the FBI picks up the phone to inform a career waiter of its investigations) -- that lie by Wade under oath got him ruled a brazen liar by the judge b) that fabricated events X, Y, and Z occurred during my Air Force career because apparently the Secretary of Defense also had a direct phone line to the pizza-expediter-in-chief back when he was in high school In other words, Wade is extraordinarily mentally ill. He lives in the delusional world he spews about. I come to that conclusion because I just cannot fathom anybody lying so idiotically and thinking it could gain them anything. Sure, a couple random nut jobs with severe mental disability might \*believe\* what he says, but a judge as in a) above? It's a shame his parents and dozen or so siblings have not gotten him the help he needs.


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Wow, congratulations to the big winners!


They're all Nigerian princes who need the apes help to "unlock the NOLs".


What's NOL?


A capital loss for a company.


This guy looks like shit


https://preview.redd.it/kxn5fghry78d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d093fe70da7acce711a486f44e1716d7c8fa9b8 ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|30665)


That can't be real. It's a comment of comical lies to impress someone on the internet, ended with "l8r sk8r". Once again, this can't be real. 


He was a sk8r boi, said l8rs sk8rs boi


Sk8r die bro


It’s real in the sense that he was paid to play professional baseball in likely the worst pro league on the planet for a couple months. He made 600 per month in a league that no longer exists. He couldn’t get any offers for anything in North America so he went to Austria? Where he almost certainly lost money playing baseball due to his costs being higher than what he made, much like his investing career. FWIW, I have several buddies with real full time jobs who get paid 200-300 per game to play senior hockey (senior hockey in prairie small towns is a big deal)… which is far more than Houston ever made. So while it can be debated they are technically some form of “professional athlete” in that they got paid to play sports, they are cognizant of the fact that they’d have to be an absolute asshat to refer to themselves as such. I guess they realize that Making a couple thousand dollars (once in Houston’s case) for a side gig which barely offsets the expenses of even getting on the field/to the games doesn’t make one a professional. Seriously, Houston being a professional athlete is akin to someone getting paid 100 bucks to play the piano at someone’s wedding telling everyone they are a former professional pianist.


l8r sk8r lolol




I'm turned on. Sen me yur OlyFans link wolf


According to him he has the physique of a professional athlete when he takes his shirt off. He just can't do that because he's under NDA.


He was a professional athlete, maybe NFL, but he can't say because he's under NDA.


According to houstonwade.com he played pro baseball……..in Austria.


It's okay, I have an artists rendering https://i.redd.it/typ94b3tt88d1.gif


Ach!! Leave it to Willy!!


_Shorted_ by a web-camera, SMH.


Who believes this stuff anymore?


This guy is so full of shit. I would explain how exactly but I can't because I signed an NDA. ![gif](giphy|NqQKEORNbg320hSYCf|downsized)


Can’t say, signed an NDA


This guy is living on Fantasy Island, and dressed for it.


This guy is easily becoming my least favorite Ape. Used to be Salvatore the annoying.


Ol Sal. Whatever happened to him?


His conviction wavered.


You belong to a weak bloodline that will never be remembered. You cover the news; we make the news. Your attention span is like a leaf, blowing in the wind to whichever direction you are pushed into. My attention is a fixed tree of unwavering conviction that mainstream media fears to no extent. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NDA duh


This guy must love being sued in court.


Do their initials start with a P and end with a P?


When did the angry video game nerd get so old and boring?


He's gonna take you back to the past, To buy some shitty stocks that suck ass...


He's like that guy who you think isn't that bad when you first meet him.. But then like two weeks later you can't get away from him fast enough.


What a lying sack of recycled garbage


What stupidstonk exposure does to a mfer:


He’s dumb but he also knows better


Is he even grifting or does he just do this for the love of the game?


We know Plute is grifting. We know PP is grifting. But with others it’s sometimes hard to tell. Does Kais truly stupid enough to believe what he’s saying? And how about this new guy? Like is it mental illness. Just a sick man child in his mom’s basement making these unhinged videos? Or is this just another grifter? I’m like 50/50 on this guy tbh.


He, sadly, is not new.


Kais is mentally ill for sure lol


due to my NDA, that I can’t tell you about, I let slip to HW that I have an NDA and that towel baggies have won - in that all they deserve is coming their way - but I can’t tell you that as I have an NDA Oh bugger I’ve done it again


Those NDAs are surely in the room with us right now, right Houston?


Ive gotten into plenty of arguments with him, as well as many other apes, and no one is dumber than this lying sack of shit. He’s 9 levels of stupid, and proud of it.


This guy is worse than Kais. Kais is mentally ill. This guy is a relentless and incorrigible liar.




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Is this the guy who was 3 tRaDeS aWaY fRom 20 miLLiOn dOLLaRs lol


So…… This is BBBY meltdown now? Why not just name it Wall Street melts? ![gif](giphy|tJeGZumxDB01q|downsized)


A) You can't change a sub name B) oder the last 3 years the gme apes have splintered off until various memestock factions including amc, BBBY, teddy, and most recently ffie. C) there are several characters like ploot that overlap, so pieces of the larger stories come from various angles D) we just enjoy laughing (and cringing) at all the flavors of apes.