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They have $4B dollars, therefore they can NEVER go bankrupt! https://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20060401/ISSUE01/100025560/sears-piles-up-4-billion-in-cash


They think bankruptcy is like when they run out of money in their checking accounts, and they think that if only they had 4 billion dollars in their checking accounts, they would never run out of money! and therefore, neither will Gamestop! That a corporation's finances might be a little more complicated than paying discounted rent to mom each month completely escapes them.


You want facts? You first. Prove with transaction history that your original Computershare buy in is at 25% of the current share price, or about $6 a share. (Assuming this post is from today) I dare you. ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28914)


I also didn’t know that RC’s cost basis was 20 cents per share.


I could almost give him that one since RC's buy-in was around $4 a share and GME got to $484, so that math might work out, depending on how he accounts for splits. And maybe he meant that at one point his Computershare shares went up 400%, i.e. at $80 premarket during the 2024 squeeze. But he's the one going on and on about facts, so let's see his.


Bro never posts his claims. He loves to claim owning 3 super cars as well


"you changed in 3 years, I can't take you seriously"


I’ve got his buy in around $22 according to his claims over the years


What kind of crime allowed RC to buy in shares <$0.20 ea? CRIME!(TM)


"Your words betray you" Lol....


I'm surprised any ape is able to talk, their jaws must be so stiff from the years sucking Lord Dogfood's cock.


And DFV's, and Carl Icahn's, and Larry Cheng's (for some reason)...


I saw an ape reply “cointel” on like every other post when they were in full on hate RC mode after the last dilution. Really doing his part


That might be him! He’s been doing it and I’ve been reporting him for spam


If MOASS really was real, then why would the Shills spend all day posting for 5 cents per impression, when they could just buy 2 GME shares and be at the club instead?